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A quantitative epidemiological prevalence study of problem drug abuse in Sweden is the basis for a study of differences between drug abuse among men and women. A significant difference between genders was that, of those who come to the attention of the authorities, fewer women than men abuse drugs. The women were younger than the men. A greater percent of women abused amphetamines and injected heroin, as well as abusing tranquilizers/soporifics. A larger proportion of women than men were unemployed. The men had a significantly longer history of drug abuse than the women, a greater percent of them were born outside Sweden, and more of them had smoked heroin and used cannabis. A greater percent of the men had used illegal means to finance their abuse. There was a group of women (17%, median age 32) at the margins of the society, i.e. who had no work or place of residence, socialized solely with other addicts and financed their habit by illegal activities. Abuse of amphetamines and heroin was the most common. The majority of the women were polydrug abusers. Sweden has historically had, and continues to have, a large number of amphetamine abusers, but has now also developed a distinct population of heroin addicts.  相似文献   

Criminality among female (n=351) drug abusers is compared to that of men (n=798) as part of a longitudinal study of persons in treatment in Sweden (the SWEDATE project). The extent of criminality was much less among females than among males, and fewer women than men were criminal. The pattern of criminality varied between the sexes. Women's crime debuts occurred later, and they committed less violent crimes and more drug-related crimes. The majority of women supported themselves in other ways than with criminality. Also, women tended to have a more severe pattern of abuse, a more rapid drug career, and more complex psychological problems than men. A subgroup of prostitutes whose drug of choice was heroin often began drug use early with cannabis and went on to amphetamine for their first injection, which often took place in a junkie pad. There was also a criminal group (as there was among men) with a very early and intensive juvenile delinquency pattern, early drug debuts and a rapid transition to regular abuse and extensive adult criminality. Forty-two percent of the women had no criminal records; they had more extensive multiple drug abuse than the other women (this was also true for the noncriminal male addicts). The study shows that drug abuse and criminality are interrelated for certain individuals, but not for others.  相似文献   

The goal of the article is to provide information about polydrug abuse and drug misuse patterns in Sweden among women and men. The data has been taken from a 1998 national survey of "Heavy"/severe drug misuse in Sweden, project "MAX-98" (Olsson, Adamsson-Wahren, & Byqvist, 2001). The drug misusers were reported by various government agencies, including health services, social services, police, and correctional treatment facilities on a special form. One of the significant gender differences that emerged was that a greater percent of the women in the survey used and injected amphetamines, injected opiates, and used tranquilizers/sedatives, while a greater percent of the men smoked cannabis, smoked heroin, and misused alcohol. Furthermore, the most common combinations for both genders was amphetamines + cannabis, followed by amphetamines + heroin + cannabis. Alcohol played a large role for the narcotics users. Heroin as a primary drug has grown in the age groups under 35. The trends document that the use of ecstasy as well as chemical CNS-stimulating/hallucinogenic drugs has grown, that polydrug use has increased compared with earlier surveys, and that the methods of ingestion have changed. It is therefore more precise today to speak of different types of polydrug users than about users of exclusively one drug.  相似文献   


Criminality among female (n=351) drug abusers is compared to that of men (n=798) as part of a longitudinal study of persons in treatment in Sweden (the SWEDATE project). The extent of criminality was much less among females than among males, and fewer women than men were criminal. The pattern of criminality varied between the sexes. Women's crime debuts occurred later, and they committed less violent crimes and more drug-related crimes. The majority of women supported themselves in other way s than with criminality. Also, women tended to have a more severe pattern of abuse, a more rapid drug career, and more complex psychological problems than men. A subgroup of prostitutes whose drug of choice was heroin often began drug use early with cannabis and went on to amphetamine for their first injection, which often took place in a junkie pad. There was also a criminal group (as there was among men) with a very early and intensive juvenile delinquency pattern, early drug debuts and a rapid transition to regular abuse and extensive adult criminality. Forty-two percent of the women had no criminal records; they had more extensive multiple drug abuse than the other women (this was also true for the noncriminal male addicts). The study shows that drug abuse and criminality are interrelated for certain individuals, but not for others.  相似文献   

331例海洛因依赖者呼吸系统疾病调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的··:了解海洛因依赖者呼吸系统并发疾病的发生率及其与海洛因滥用的相关性。方法··:连续抽取1999年3月 -1999年10月在我院强制戒毒的331例海洛因依赖者病历进行回顾性调查。结果··:331例海洛因依赖者中有呼吸系统并发疾病的178例 ,占53.78 %;吸毒时间在1a以上的有呼吸系统并发疾病的比例明显高于吸毒时间低于1a者 (χ2=24.66,P<0.01);注射方式吸毒的呼吸系统并发疾病的比例明显高于单纯烫吸的 (χ2=6.35,P<0.05)。结论··:呼吸系统并发疾病是海洛因依赖人群中最常见的并发疾患。海洛因滥用方式、滥用时间与呼吸系统并发疾病有相关性。  相似文献   

1000例海洛因依赖者中HCV感染情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究海洛因依赖者HCV流行情况及感染因素,为防止海洛因依赖人群中HCV感染提供理论依据和有效途径。方法:对2000年1-12月收入院的1000例海洛因依赖者进行抗-HCV实验室检测,对抗-HCV阳性的逐一登记,按吸毒方式分为烫吸组和静脉注射组,对两组HCVAb阳性率进行统计学分析。结果:静脉注射组HCVAb阳性率明显高于烫吸组(P<0.01),女性吸毒人员HCVAb阳性率高于男性(P<0.01),吸毒时间在1a(含1a)以上HCVAb阳性率明显高于1a以下者。结论:静脉注射毒品是HCV感染的重要因素。对吸毒者进行HCV感染的相关知识的宣传教育及危险行为的干预十分重要。  相似文献   

The goal of the article is to provide information about polydrug abuse and drug misuse patterns in Sweden among women and men. The data has been taken from a 1998 national survey of “Heavy”/severe drug misuse in Sweden, project “MAX-98” (). The drug misusers were reported by various government agencies, including health services, social services, police, and correctional treatment facilities on a special form. One of the significant gender differences that emerged was that a greater percent of the women in the survey used and injected amphetamines, injected opiates, and used tranquilizers/sedatives, while a greater percent of the men smoked cannabis, smoked heroin, and misused alcohol. Furthermore, the most common combinations for both genders was amphetamines + cannabis, followed by amphetamines + heroin + cannabis. Alcohol played a large role for the narcotics users. Heroin as a primary drug has grown in the age groups under 35. The trends document that the use of ecstasy as well as chemical CNS-stimulating/hallucinogenic drugs has grown, that polydrug use has increased compared with earlier surveys, and that the methods of ingestion have changed. It is therefore more precise today to speak of different types of polydrug users than about users of exclusively one drug.  相似文献   

武汉地区海洛因滥用的流行学特征对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的··:探讨武汉地区海洛因滥用流行趋势,为有关部门解决海洛因滥用问题提供科学依据。方·法·:采用比较分析方法,将1997年6月到9月警星康复医院收治的海洛因滥用者91例与1993年1月至1995年6月湖北医科大学附属第一医院收治的96例药物滥用者的人口学特征、药物滥用基本情况(滥用时间、滥用方式、原因)、滥用造成的身体损害等进行比较。结果··:与后者相比,1997年警星康复医院收治的海洛因滥用者年龄较轻,文化程度较高,有医药知识者增多,吸毒史较短、日滥用量较高,静脉注射者增多,多药滥用比例增高,治疗7天焦虑症状缓解较慢,合并肝、心脏损伤比例降低,脱毒完成比例较高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。提示··:武汉地区应加强药物滥用防治宣传,同时对海洛因依赖者进行综合戒毒治疗。  相似文献   

从烫吸到注射方式吸毒的演变过程研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
目的··:了解经过多长时间,何种原因,有多大比例的烫吸海洛因滥用者转变为静脉注射海洛因滥用者。方法··:采用我院自制的戒毒病例调查表,对在我院脱毒治疗的病例进行调查。结果··:共调查海洛因滥用者1060例,其中男性792例 (占74.7 % ),女性268例 (占25.3 % );平均年龄25.5a±s6.3a;静脉注射296例(占27.9 %),烫吸及卷烟吸742例 (占70.0 % ),静脉注射与烫吸混合滥用22例 (占2.1% );滥用时间从1a到10a不等;滥用海洛因到第6a时静脉注射已占滥用者的64.1 % (25/39),第10a时占66.7 % (10/15);静脉注射的比例每年大约以10 %的速度增加。由烫吸向静脉注射转变的原因主要是增强欣快感、节省毒品及缩短用毒时间等。结论··:海洛因滥用从烫吸到注射方式转变很快,大约在6a内有60 %以上由烫吸转为静脉注射,6a以后转变上升缓慢;预防静脉注射的关键是在吸毒后的6a之内  相似文献   

296例海洛因依赖者广义诈病临床表现分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:调查海洛因依赖者在脱毒过程中发生诈病的原因和临床特点,以便于鉴别预防.方法:对符合CCMD-2-R有关诈病诊断标准的海洛因依赖者进行回顾性研究.结果:发现296例诈病,发生率6.19%,以青年男性、未婚、初中以下文化、无业占多数,并呈现吸毒时间长,多药滥用情况严重,涉嫌违法犯罪的问题多等特征.其动机依次是企图逃避法律惩罚(62.8%),企图提前解除强戒(9.8%),骗取成瘾药物(8.1%),受人唆使胁迫(6.7%)等.诈病方式有说谎(31.4%)、伪装(28.7%)、造伤(14.5%)、否认(17.9%)和隐瞒(7.4%)等.结论:海洛因依赖者诈病的目的多为了逃避法律惩处.为减少其发生率,脱毒中加强法制教育和心理治疗十分必要.  相似文献   

对贵阳市100例女性吸毒者的艾滋病知识、态度调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解女性吸毒者对艾滋病的态度和相关知识掌握情况。方法:对2000年在贵阳市公安局戒毒中心强制戒毒的100名女性海洛因依赖者进行匿名问卷调查。结果:该吸毒群体中以烫吸方式滥用毒品者占81.0%,静脉注射方式占7.0%,烫吸、静脉注射混用方式占12.0%;与他人合用过注射器的占静脉注射者的47.4%;知道艾滋病是传染病的占93.0%;知道共用注射器可以传播艾滋病的占83.0%;知道孕妇可将艾滋病病毒传染给胎儿的占50.0%;知道艾滋病病毒主要侵害免疫系统的占31.0%;知道艾滋病是可预防的占63.0%;知道艾滋病是不可治愈的占49.0%;知道安全套可预防艾滋病感染的占34.0%,对预防艾滋病所采取的保护措施的应答中,肯定应答率最高的一项为35.0%。结论:本调查显示,贵阳地区女性吸毒者对艾滋病的传播方式仍缺乏全面了解,对预防知识的了解仍很贫乏,提示在该群体中进行艾滋病知识的宣传、教育和行为干预,对遏制艾滋病的传播、减少危害有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Cocaine abuse among heroin addicts in Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abuse of cocaine is becoming a major problem among heroin addicts in Spain. Between 1987 and 1988, 75% of patients admitted as inpatients for detoxification from opiate dependence had consumed cocaine during the 6 months prior to admission and 25% had abused cocaine daily or several times/week. These cocaine abusers showed more toxicologic and psychopathologic problems than opiate addicts who did not abuse cocaine. The opiate addicts who also abused cocaine had begun using illicit drugs earlier and showed a higher frequency of anti-HIV antibodies. They also had more antisocial personality disorders and persistence of depressive symptoms during opiate detoxification than heroin addicts who did not abuse cocaine. Based on these findings, we insist on the need to develop different treatments for detoxifying patients with this dual addiction.  相似文献   

175例海洛因依赖者诈病分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解海洛因依赖者在强制脱毒过程中发生诈病的原因和临床特点,以利于鉴别预防,为药物滥用防治工作提供科学依据。方法:通过临床观察、体检、辅助检查和有关实验室检查,对符合CCMD-2-R有关诈病诊断标准的海洛因依赖者进行研究。结果:175例诈病者中,除具有青年男性、未婚、初中以下文化程度占多数等特征外,且涉及有关违法犯罪问题的多。其动机依次是企图逃避法律惩罚(64.57%),企图提前解除强戒(16.00%),受同伙唆使胁迫(8.57%),骗取成瘾药物(7.43%)等。诈病方式主要有说谎编造、伪装表演、自伤自虐。结论:海洛因依赖者在强制脱毒过程中发生诈病多与违法犯罪问题有关,给脱毒治疗和办案工作造成了很大困难,应予以高度重视。为减少诈病的发生,在提高脱毒治疗质量的同时,加强法律常识教育和心理治疗尤显必要。  相似文献   

272例强制戒毒人员吞食异物情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :了解本所收治的强制戒毒人员吞食异物的情况 ,制定相应防治措施。方法 :对我所 1999年 1月 - 2 0 0 2年 1月间吞食异物的 2 72例临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 :异物为随身携带物品的占 97 8% (2 6 6 2 72 )。入所前吞食异物的占 96 7% (2 6 3 2 72 )。吞食的动机主要是为了逃避法律制裁。杭州籍为逃避劳教或刑事处罚者占76 5 % ;外地籍为逃避强制戒毒者占 6 8 9%。异物在 1周内自动排出者占 93 8%。结论 :应加强戒毒人员随身物品的管理 ;对吞食异物者可进行保守治疗 ,促进其自然排出 ;对吞食异物者的心理特点及吞食动机分析 ,可为挖掘犯罪动机提供帮助  相似文献   

药物滥用流行病学调查研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本项“药物滥用流行病学调查”研究分为以下三个方面:(1)甘肃、贵州、湖南、辽宁、浙江五省药物滥用流行病学调查。目的是了解甘肃等五省药物滥用流行水平并探索在我国开展社区药物滥用流行病学调查的方法。2004年6月-2005年7月共在甘肃等五省调查了30个区县,34个城镇社区和85个行政/自然村,15-50 a有效调查人口161 888人。(2)药物滥用快速评估调查方法学研究。采用Delph i方法,在禁毒和药物滥用防治专家以及药物滥用人群中进行调查评估。这项工作目前在北京完成了预调查,进一步的调查正在实施之中。(3)阿片依赖复吸的流行病学调查。此研究包括纳曲酮预防复吸的回顾性调查和海洛因成瘾者复吸情况调查两个方面。纳曲酮预防复吸的回顾性调查表明,该药预防复吸效果明确,作为一个复吸预防维持用药,具有在社区、家庭中应用的明显优势。但纳曲酮也有局限性。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者多药滥用的调查分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的·· :了解海洛因依赖者多药滥用情况,引起有关部门注意。方法·· :对480例入院戒毒病人在采集病史时采用自行设计的《海洛因依赖者多药滥用调查表》进行调查。结果·· :有277例海洛因依赖者合并多药滥用 (占57.71 % ),其中合并滥用1种、2种、3种、4种、5种药物的分别占45.13 %、39.71 %、10.47 %、4.33%、0.36 %。同时滥用的药物有三唑仑 (65.34 % )、地西泮 (56.68 % )、“摇头丸”(18.77 % )、氯胺酮 (16.25 % )、曲马朵 (10.11 % )等。随着吸毒时间的延长,合并滥用的药物种类也增加。多药滥用的原因有帮助睡眠、减轻病痛、追求更大刺激、延长毒品的作用时间、毒资紧缺、毒品来源紧张、好奇、他人引诱、药品易得等。药物来源主要为药店、私人诊所、酒吧、舞厅、黑市等。结论··:吸毒人群多药滥用普遍,其危害极为严重,应引起有关部门注意  相似文献   

85例海洛因滥用者体液免疫与临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对85例海洛因滥用者的体液免疫(IgG、IgM、IgA)变化与临床表现、实验检查及滥用剂量、时间、方式之间的关系进行了分析,结果表明:滥用者的IgM显著增高、IgA下降;IgM变化与滥用剂量呈正相关;与IgA呈负相关;Ig变化与滥用时间长短无关;注射海洛因者的IgM、IgG明显高于烫吸者的。另外滥用者的临床表现、实验检查结果明显异常,提示海洛因滥用者的体液免疫与临床症状、实验检查结果相关。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者中肺结核患病情况   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的··:了解海洛因依赖者中肺结核患病情况。方法··:分析1000例海洛因依赖者胸部平片,对肺部有异常改变者辅以透视进行诊断,以国家规定的统一标准分五型,并作结核菌素试验证实。结果··:患肺结核21例,患病率为2.1%,明显高于普通非药物滥用人群。结论··:海洛因依赖者为肺结核高发人群,肺结核的高发率与毒品滥用有关  相似文献   

目的··:探讨海洛因依赖并发周围神经炎的临床特征和发病原因。方法·· :对出现周围神经炎的28例海洛因依赖伴HIV感染者的病史、症状及病因进行分析。结果··:男性高发于女性 ,以对称性双下肢驰缓性瘫痪为主要临床表现,滥用海洛因的时间、剂量及吸毒并发症与发病呈正相关。结论··:周围神经炎多发于海洛因依赖伴HIV感染者 ,病因与长期滥用海洛因对神经系统的直接毒害作用 ,以及滥用毒品并发的HIV感染和慢性消化系统疾病有关。  相似文献   

1133例海洛因依赖者首次吸毒月份及人口学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解高危人群首次使用毒品的时间规律及人口学特征,为禁毒宣传和打击毒品犯罪提供参考和依据。方法:采用自填问卷方式,对2002年2月5日在我所强制戒毒的1133例海洛因依赖者的首次使用毒品的年龄、月份、职业、文化程度等内容进行问卷调查。结果:首次使用毒品的月份以1-4月及7月的比例最大;76.9%的吸毒者的初始吸毒年龄在14~25a之间;农村人口比例高达42.3%;初中及初中以下文化程度占83.7%;无业占89.8%。结论1-4月及7月新生吸毒者多;青少年、低文化、无业仍是滥用毒品高危人群的基本特征;提高青少年受教育程度,提供就业机会,有利于减少新生吸毒人数。禁毒宣传及打击毒品犯罪应常抓不懈。  相似文献   

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