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1临床资料患者,男性,43岁。右下腹转移性疼痛1天入院。入院时查体,形体消瘦,营养欠佳,右下腹压痛(+),反跳痛(+),未触及包块。B超检查提示阑尾脓肿。诊断急性阑尾炎而行手术治疗。术中见:回育部见一囊性包块,未见阑尾,包块向右侧升结肠旁沟结肠后向上延伸,其表面局部见局限性透明状肿物。剥离包块时包块破裂溢出胶冻状粘液。考虑为阑尾粘液性囊肿致阑尾粘液性囊腺癌。因麻醉平面低无法行肿块切除,故修补裂口,清洗腹腔,留取癌性组织送病理切片诊查。病理报告:(阑尾)粘液性囊腺癌。2讨论粘液性囊腺癌,在病理学上…  相似文献   

田明  吴涛 《中国厂矿医学》2002,15(2):174-174
患者男性,35岁。于1999年4月起无诱因出现右下腹痛。在外院以阑尾炎行抗感染治疗,症状可缓解,但反复发作。患者无明显寒战、高热史。约半年前发现右下腹有一包块,约鸡蛋大小,压之疼痛,在外院以“阑尾周围脓肿”治疗,效果不佳,肿块渐大。发病以来,大便尚可,食欲不佳,体重减轻均4kg。2000年4月来我院就医。B超示:右下腹混合性包块。CT考虑:右下腹肿瘤(以平滑肌肉瘤……  相似文献   

阑尾粘液性囊腺癌误诊为精囊腺囊肿赵洪盛1李玉坤2宋少柏2关键词阑尾粘液性囊腺癌;误诊;精囊腺囊肿中国图书资料分类法分类号R656.81临床资料患者,男性,55岁。1994年9月无诱因出现排尿不尽感、尿频,进行性加重,最多达10/d,大便干燥,无腹痛、...  相似文献   

1 病例资料 患者女,72岁.主诉1 d前无明显诱因出现右下腹疼痛.无腹泻,无黑便及脓血便.专科检查:腹部平坦,未见胃肠型蠕动波,无腹壁静脉曲张,右下腹压痛阳性.无反跳痛及肌紧张,肝脾肋下未触及,移动性浊音阴性,肠鸣音5次/min,肾区无叩痛.  相似文献   

尹明 《实用医技杂志》2006,13(21):3882-3882
患者女性,63岁,因体检发现盆腔占位1个月入院,入院查体,体温正常,右下腹压痛。  相似文献   

卵巢粘液性囊腺癌伴肉瘤附壁结节1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卵巢囊性肿瘤伴附壁结节罕见,而卵巢粘液性囊腺癌伴肉瘤附壁结节未见报道。临床资料和病理检查1临床资料患者女,32岁。因腹部肿块2年多于1997年3月19日入院。体检:腹部高度膨隆,似足月妊娠,触及囊性肿块,表面尚光滑,叩诊呈浊音。妇检:子宫及附件触诊不清。B超提示:巨大卵巢囊肿声像。术中见囊肿位于右卵巢,表面凸凹不平,囊肿巨大与腹腔脏器、大网膜、腹壁广泛粘连,且上述部位可见多个米粒样硬结。手术分离,切除囊性肿块。2病理检查2.1肉眼观察右卵巢囊性肿块,呈长椭圆形,大小30cm×20cm×16cm其…  相似文献   

我们收集了 1995~ 2 0 0 2年间的 11例经手术病理证实的胰腺囊腺癌 ,复习分析了其CT特征 ,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1一般资料  11例胰腺粘液性囊腺癌中 ,男 2例 ,女 9例 ,年龄在 4 0~ 6 6岁之间。 10例有上腹部不适 ,5例体检发现上腹部肿块。全部病人术前均做了CT检查 ,其中 8例做了增强检查。CT机为西门子ARC型 ,层厚 5~ 10mm ,层距 5~ 10mm ,造影剂为 6 0 %泛影葡胺注射液或优维显 30 0注射液10 0mL。 11例均接受了胰腺肿瘤切除术 ,病理诊断均为胰腺粘液性囊腺癌。1.2 CT表现  11例CT病灶表现均较光滑 ,无分叶。 9例位于胰尾…  相似文献   

李先锋 《中外医疗》2009,28(5):171-171
为探讨胰腺粘液腺癌的影像学特征,本文收集9例我院经手术证实的胰腺粘液性腺癌的病历,其中6例做了增强检查,结果发现胰腺粘液性腺癌的CT征象是囊壁、分隔、壁结节及实质成份均明显强化,是CT认为恶性的特征,总之,CT表现较容易与其它良性囊肿鉴别。  相似文献   

Primary mucus secreting adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare finding, one in 2500 cases of intestinal malignancies. This is a report of a young man with vague abdominal symptoms for about two years followed by appendicitis. Interval appendectomy revealed a neoplasm of the appendix. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of mucus secreting adenocarcinoma and right hemicolectomy was done.  相似文献   

Primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is rare, and since Berger first recognised the neoplasm in 1882, fewer than 250 cases have been recorded. Adenocarcinoma of the appendix is never suspected pre-operatively, being usually first discovered by histological examination. Ileocaecal resection during the first operation and right hemicolectomy for a carcinoma diagnosed after appendicectomy remain the main stay of treatment.  相似文献   

Two cases of carcinoma of the appendix presenting as appendicular masses are discussed. Carcinoma of the appendix is rare and hence a pre-operative diagnosis is seldom made. Awareness of the condition would naturally arouse suspicion of its presence, especially in elderly patients who present with cute appendicitis or an appendix mass. It is known to have occurred in an appendix stump several years after the initial appendicectomy, and also in a 17-year-old patient. The need for histological examination of all appendicetomy specimens is stressed. The operation of choice is right hemicolectomy, either as a primary or as a secondary procedure. This is associated with better survival rates than when the condition is treated by appendicectomy alone.  相似文献   

Sciatic hernia and early-stage appendiceal adenocarcinoma are rare disorders. We report herein a case of an early stage of appendiceal adenocarcinoma found incidentally during an operation for sciatic hernia. An 80-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with abdominal distension. Abdominal computed tomography showed a small bowel obstruction and a small bowel loop through the right sciatic foramen outside the pelvic cavity. During an operation for the repair of the sciatic hernia, a deformed appendix was found incidentally and a simple appendectomy was also performed. Histological examination of the excised appendix showed well-differentiated adenocarcinoma confined to the mucosal layer in a tubulo-villous adenoma. At 13-month follow-up, the patient is doing well without evidence of recurrence or metastasis.  相似文献   

患者男 ,3 6岁 ,因转移性右下腹痛 3d入院 ,查体 :一般情况尚可 ,右下腹部压痛、反跳痛及轻度肌紧张 ,腰大肌及闭孔肌试验阳性 ,肠鸣音正常存在 ,无气过水声及金属音。检验 :血WBC 18.9× 10 9/L ,中性 90 % ,尿常规正常 ,腹部X线透视正常 ,诊断急性阑尾炎。入院后即在硬膜外麻醉下经麦氏切口行阑尾切除术 ,术中见腹腔内脓性分泌物 10 0ml,大网膜下移包裹直肠 ,推开后发现盲肠下方有一 1cm× 5cm的条索状物 ,中段有 0 .2cm穿孔 ,有脓液流出 ,在其后方又见 4cm× 5cm条索状物 ,表面充血 ,确诊为双阑尾 ,行常规阑尾切除 ,痊…  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性阑尾黏液腺癌的诊断和治疗。方法回顾文献报告19例和本院发现3例进行分析。结果该22例患者主要临床表现为右下腹疼痛,右下腹扪及包块;术前误诊为阑尾炎12例。结论原发性阑尾黏液腺癌发病极低,术前诊断不明确者,术中强调肉眼鉴别,病理确诊,治疗以手术为主,放化疗为辅。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原发性阑尾黏液腺癌的诊断和治疗,提高对该痛的认识.方法 对该院1992年2月~2009年2月收治并经病理学检查确诊的13例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 13例患者的主要临床表现为右下腹疼痛及右下腹近腹股沟区包块;术前诊断为急性阑尾炎4例,回盲部肿瘤3例,慢性阑尾炎2例,阑尾脓肿、卵巢肿瘤、右下腹包块待查和脐尿管炎各1例.结论 原发性阑尾黏液腺癌是临床罕见疾病,术前明确诊断困难,B超、CT、X线钡剂灌肠或纤维结肠镜检查有助于诊断,病理组织学检查可确诊,治疗以手术为主,放化疗为辅.  相似文献   

刘小艳  龙玲  常青 《第三军医大学学报》2003,25(19):1744-1744,1747
患者 ,女 ,5 2岁 ,因“月经紊乱 4年 ,阴道流血半年 ,B超显示盆腔包块 2d”至某县医院就诊。查体 :生命体征平稳 ,心肺无阳性发现 ,腹软 ,未扪及肿块。妇检 :阴道通畅 ,内见淡黄色液体 ;宫颈肥大 ,宫体大小正常 ;左侧扪及约 7cm× 4cm× 3cm囊性包块 ,表面光滑 ,可活动 ,无压痛 ,右侧附件未见异常。B超 :左侧盆腔探及 6.7cm× 3 .4cm× 3 .1cm卵圆形包块 ,囊前壁及右侧壁探及 4.7cm× 2 .0cm实性中等回声。考虑“左侧卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤”。于 2 0 0 2年 2月 5日在当地医院持续硬膜外麻醉下行剖腹探查术。术中见左侧输卵管壶腹部腊肠样增粗 ,…  相似文献   

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