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目的院所基金的主要任务是资助为了探索与提高整形外科领域中具有创新意义的科研项目,并以此为基础,向院外申请更高级别的基金项目,促进医院科研产出指标的多产化。方法设立科研启动基金、院所基金重点项目、一般基金项目、政策性资助项目、临床创新应用项目和提高各中心的学术交流经费、增加副高级以上技术职称人员的学术交流经费来增大科研投入,量化科研产出指标、实施和加大科研产出奖励政策,逐步完善基金管理。结果近年来,医院的科研产出指标比往年质量和数量都有所提高,科研人员的科研热情得到进一步激励。结论院所基金在中国医学科学院整形外科医院科研投入中占据了较大的比例,对院所科研工作起到了举足轻重的推动作用。  相似文献   

强化军队医院科研经费管理之措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队医院科研经费按来源分为纵向和横向两个渠道。纵向科研经费:主要是从军队预算经费中自上而下逐级下拨的医疗科研项目经费。横向科研经费:主要是国家自然科学基金委员会和各非直属单位资助的医疗科研项目经费,以及地方单位为委托研究项目而划拨的科研经费和科研合作单位转拨的经费。如何科学合理地用好医院科研经  相似文献   

军队医院外事管理工作思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的外事工作随着国家和军队卫生系统对外学术交流的日益活跃,在对外交流的广度和深度上不断深化。通过吃透外事政策、加大扶持力度、提高交流质量、拓宽交流渠道、优化人员结构、增强成果转化等方法,不断加强外事工作的管理力度、经费和政策的扶持力度以及医院管理干部的培训力度,使外事工作在促进医院建设、管理、医疗、教学、科研、护理、战备等方面起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

科研投入--医院可持续发展的重要保障   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
院内科研基金的设立,可以资助一些很难从院外基金渠道获得经费,但对提高临床医疗及护理水平有实用价值的课题。通过院内资助课题科研工作的开展,能促使医院医护人员整体素质的提高,锻炼培养年轻人才,加快学科带头人成长的步伐,为医院在竞争日益激烈的情况下可持续发展奠定基础。同时应加强基金的管理,使基金高效率运行。  相似文献   

一、企业医院经济困境的原因(一)两头卡死的补偿渠道企业医院经费的主要来源一是企业财务的拨款,二是业务收入。医院要维持生存,就要求这两项补偿的总额等于提供医疗服务所消耗的劳动(包括物化劳动),然  相似文献   

加强医院科研项目经费管理措施及建议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文所讨论的医院科研项目经费专指医院科研人员获得的由国家财政资金资助的用以完成项目任务书所规定的医学科研项目的经费,即国家项目科研经费。1医院科研项目经费常见管理问题目前,尽管医院对科研经费的管理基本上实行了专项管理,但在实际工作中仍存在如下问题:  相似文献   

广开渠道引进外资 发展医疗卫生事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广开渠道引进外资发展医疗卫生事业吴金兰改革开放以来,上海卫生系统积极开展对外交往,广开渠道,引进国外资金、设备和技术,为发展上海医疗卫生事业服务。近10年来,已争取到世界卫生组织项目经费资助800多万美元;接受美国、日本、奥地利等国家的捐赠3000多...  相似文献   

重点学科即医院创立的主要构成部分,对医院发展具备推动力量。加强医院重点学科建设,也是提升医院重点能力雅动医院医疗技术水平发展的根本。增强人员队伍建设,学科领军人是重点学科行列的威望与精神重点学科团队需要团队团体的中坚骨干,重视学科队伍的培养鼓励科学研究的成长科研管理制度规范化,增加科技经费支持力度抓准研究方向搭建科研平台建立扩展学术交流与合作。增强重点学科的整体能力,培育品质优秀的学术带头人,培育开拓进取的学术型人员。重点学科建设是持久而艰苦的使命,一定遵循学科的发展规律实行。遵循学科的成长转化连续输入新鲜血液引进人才,增强多学科学术交流,推动医院发展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医院药学相关基金的研究热点、现状及发展方向,为医院药学工作者申报基金提供参考。方法:收集2020年度5个医院药学专项基金的资助项目,采用excel软件对资助项目数量、资助金额、类别、依托单位、研究方向等数据资料进行分析。结果:5个医院药学专项基金2020年累计资助项目235项(含23项县市及二级专项),总资助经费315.3万元,资助比例明显高于国自然项目,约为39%;资助方向涉及药学部门各项工作,三甲医院的药师中标课题较多;研究方向以用药评价、药学服务、基因多态性、基础研究、药学信息化平台建设为主,且肿瘤相关研究是热点。结论:医院药学专项基金申报难度相对较低,医院药学人员可参照各类基金的特点,依托自身的科研优势积极进行课题申报。  相似文献   

资助先心患儿治疗 经济困难的先天性心脏病患儿家庭,可向“爱济童心”基金(由羊城晚报报业集团与中山大学附属第一医院启动)申请治疗资助经费。  相似文献   

目的 为了促进口腔医学领域国家自然科学基金各类项目的绩效管理,展示基金成果及研究进展.方法 收集国家自然科学基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC)2000-2006年资助并分别于2003-2009年结题的口腔医学项目,根据项目负责人提交的结题报告,统计结题项目的人才培养、发表论文、获得专利及奖项、国内外学术交流情况和研究方向.结果 近7年共有307项口腔医学结题项目,其中面上项目185项,青年科学基金项目73项,地区基金13项,重点项目3项,国家杰出青年基金项目1项,其他32项.平均每个研究项目培养4名研究生;面上项目结题完成情况好于青年基金和地区基金;近7年每个项目在SCI收录期刊发表论文的数量逐年提高,且在口腔领域和生物医学领域重要国际学术期刊发表论文的数量保持稳定,约半数的负责人在结题时有SCI论文发表;共获得专利9项、省部级奖励13项,参加国内外交流610次.结论 NSFC资助口腔医学研究取得了重要研究进展和成果,促进了基础研究发展和人才培养,今后应加强自主创新意识,注重专利申请和论文质量的进一步提高.  相似文献   

从"请进来"与"送出去"中探讨医院科技能力的提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来,中日友好医院加大对外学术交流力度,结合境外智力引进和公派出国留学,有效地促进了医院科技能力的提高,从而推动了医院医疗卫生事业的发展.  相似文献   

随着国际、国内学术交流日趋活跃,新技术、新业务的不断拓展,学术会议已成为学术沟通交流的主要方式,促进了口腔医学技术的发展。医院口腔科近几年多次举办不同级别的学术会议,会前制定周密的后勤工作计划,高度重视参会专家、代表的保障,并专门成立学术组负责与学术相关的每一个环节。  相似文献   

介绍以色列医疗保障体系的保障范围和机构组成、经费的筹集和管理以及各机构的职能和相互关系。说明以色列的医疗保障体系是由政府主导,筹集经费,通过医疗保险公司完成付费和监督,从而让医院和诊所实现医疗健康保障任务的医疗保障系统。由于医疗保险公司之间、医院之间、医疗保险公司与医院之间存在政府监控下的商业化竞争,从而使整个体系得以经济有效地运行。  相似文献   

《AIDS policy & law》1997,12(4):1, 10
In a February 18, 1997 report to a Senate subcommittee, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna E. Shalala gave approval for communities to operate needle exchange programs. The approval represents a policy shift in the Clinton administration. The secretary did not ask for Federal HIV prevention funds to be used to support these programs. As recently as 1995, Secretary Shalala asked for a Federal ban on funding needle exchanges. The current report cites six federally-funded reviews that found that needle exchanges do reduce HIV infections. The report followed an expert panel report issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The experts determined that restricting needle-exchange programs constitutes a major barrier to effective HIV prevention. The panel also found no evidence that needle-exchange programs encourage drug use initiation.  相似文献   

浅议我院与国外友好医院的交流合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与国外友好医院进行交流合作是医院开展对外交流的主要渠道之一。通过对江苏省人民医院与国外友好医院的交往情况进行分析,阐述了交流与合作对提升医疗技术水平、培养高层次人才和扩大医院的国际影响力等方面所起到积极作用;同时也针对双方交往过程中存在的相关问题提出了思考。  相似文献   

The article reviews policies with respect to responsible investment in health as well as actual portfolio holdings in drug development firms by five large public pension funds in the US, Japan, Norway, the Netherlands and Canada. In spite of commitment to “sustainable corporate value”, no discernible tilt towards companies conducting research in the areas of high disease burden and unmet medical need is observed. Rather investments very closely track the size (market capitalisation) of the portfolio firms. A representative drug development company in portfolios of large public pension funds is constructed by taking a weighted average of product track records of individual companies included in those portfolios. The weights are based on the share of the fund's portfolio allocated to individual companies. According to this calculation, only 1 in 10 new medicines brought to the market by a representative drug development company makes a substantial contribution to illnesses they target compared to the existing treatments. Nevertheless, developing and sharing best practices for sustainable investment is a relatively new agenda pursued by large public and quasi-public asset owners worldwide, which presents an opportunity for the medical research community to contribute to meaningful guidelines for responsible evidence-based investment into commercial medical research.  相似文献   

介绍了上海市医院开展日间手术的基本情况和主要病种。要加强市级医院日间手术规范化管理,须制订日间手术管理指南,逐步示范推广;研制地方标准,规范开展日间手术的基本要求及服务流程;组建专委会学术平台,促进学术交流;聚焦重点病种,加强适宜病种规范管理及动态监测。同时指出,发展日间手术须符合医改要求及医院内涵发展方向,并通过规范服务流程、规范适宜病种范围、规范临床诊疗行为、持续加强学术交流及实现日间手术规范化管理的目的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study tests a path model for the effects on organizational influence of an organization's centrality in four resource exchange networks in order to gain insight into the network relations that may affect coordination and effectiveness of outpatient health and mental health service systems. DATA SOURCES: Primary data are used from face-to-face interviews with the directors of every organization in the predefined service systems in three urbanized counties in Oregon. Each system consisted of 19 to 20 organizations. Data were collected during 1986 and 1987. STUDY DESIGN: The path model contains five variables: the major dependent variable is attributed organizational influence; the independent variables are three sets of primary resource exchanges: funds allocation, client referrals, and client inflow. An intervening variable of general network contacts, as an informational resource, is modeled as an outcome of the three primary resource exchanges, as well as one of the predictors of influence. DATA COLLECTION: Organizations were identified as system members through a modified snowball sampling procedure. Measures of organizational influence and centrality in each of the exchange networks were derived from interviews with all directors about their interactions with each organization in the system. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the path model. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The most important resource in predicting centrality in a general contact network is centrality in a client referral network, while contacts and funds allocation centrality are significant predictors of organizational influence. CONCLUSIONS: The organization with the greatest influence within the system (because of its ability to allocate funds) may not be the organization that takes the largest role in terms of coordinating routine contacts (because of its ability to refer clients). This disjuncture may signal a weakness in the coordination network and system effectiveness, since the more influential organization may not be the most knowledgeable one in terms of the needs of the system.  相似文献   

《AIDS policy & law》1999,14(14):1, 6
A report by AIDS Action cites that data, indicates the pharmaceutical industry is spending more resources on marketing and advertising than on research and development (R&D). The pharmaceutical industry blames the high cost of AIDS drugs on R&D information compiled from annual reports and industry publications show excessive marketing as the source. A spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) disputes the information in the AIDS Action report as misleading. According to PhRMA, research spending has been steadily increasing, and at a greater rate than any other industry. In addition, PhRMA noted that pharmaceutical companies have already dedicated money to fund initiatives in developing countries. Solutions proposed by AIDS Action include lowering drug prices or transferring funds from marketing to research, and reestablishing the "reasonable pricing clause" between National Institutes of Health and those companies seeking tax breaks for R&D.  相似文献   

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