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In the Third World, weaning foods made from cereals tend to be gruels of low energy density which cannot be consumed by weanlings in quantities adequate to provide energy needs. Raising the energy density by increasing the solid content produces unacceptably viscous results. Addition of fats and oils raises the energy density but may jeopardize protein intake. The use of germinating seeds and fermentation are traditional techniques which can play a useful role in reducing viscosity. The addition of enzyme to hydrolyse starch is a technical solution which can readily be incorporated into traditional techniques at village level. Extrusion processing, while successful in producing a less viscous gruel, is too sophisticated for small scale processing.  相似文献   

Maize-based weaning foods prepared from whole maize meal or dehydrated fermented maize (ogi) flour fortified with soybean, cowpea or groundbean tempe, with or without the addition of melon seed flour were fed to 40 albino weanling rats. The nutrient quality of the weaning foods was monitored by the measurement of protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein ratio (NPR), true digestibility (TD), biological value (BV) and net protein utilization (NPU). Amino acid composition and amino acid scores were determined. The weaning foods were also evaluated for sensory properties and acceptability by nursing mothers and their children. Protein efficiency ratio, net protein retention and net protein utilization of the fortified weaning foods were not significantly different (P > 0.05) when compared to casein diet (control). True digestibility of tempe-fortified maize-based weaning foods averaged 85.4 +/- 3.4% compared to 94.4%, for casein diet. Results from sensory analysis showed that relative to tempe-fortified maize-based weaning foods, most mothers preferred Cerelac, a commercial weaning food, and its porridge because of its vanillic flavour and sweet taste. Despite the low scores recorded for aroma and taste of tempe-fortified maize-based weaning foods, most mothers and their children found porridges prepared from these foods acceptable, with a preference for ogi fortified with cowpea tempe. Tempe-fortified maize-based weaning foods had high protein quality and can support the growth of infants in developing countries especially during the critical weaning period (6-12 months). They were comparable to Cerelac, a commercial baby food in colour and texture.  相似文献   

Five million children aged less than five years die annually due to diarrhoea. The aim of the study was to identify some possible contributing factors for persistent diarrhoea. Seven weaning foods, including a locally-made food, were evaluated by estimating the microbial load using the most probable number method and aflatoxin levels (AFM1, AFG1, AFG2, and AFB2) by immunoaffinity column extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with detection of fluorescence. The results showed that the locally-made weaning food had the highest microbial count (2,000 cfu/g) and faecal streptococcal count (25 cfu/g). Moulds isolated were mainly Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. glaucus, Cladosporium sp., and Penicillium sp. The home-made weaning food recorded the highest fungal count (6,500 cfu/g). AFM1 of the weaning foods was 4.6-530 ng/mL. One weaning food had AFB1 level of 4,806 ng/g. Aflatoxin metabolites, apart from AFM1 and AFB1 present in the weaning foods, were AFG1 and AFG2. There were low microbial counts in commercial weaning foods but had high levels of aflatoxins (AFM1, AFG1, AFG2, AFB1, and AFB2). Growth and development of the infant is rapid, and it is, thus, possible that exposure to aflatoxins in weaning foods might have significant health effects.  相似文献   

Oakes ME 《Appetite》2005,44(3):317-324
The modern health media as well as the food and diet industries praise certain foods and food nutrients as being healthful while at the same time criticizing other foods and nutrients as promoters of obesity and disease. Do the categorical messages that much of the general public has assimilated concerning food influence judgements of the weight-enhancing properties of foods? In the present study a sample of adult participants (mostly middle-aged) rated the weight-enhancing characteristics of a group of snack names that possess positive health reputations (e.g. a banana) along with snack names that were more disreputable in terms of wholesomeness (e.g. bacon). The results indicated that lower-calorie (and in some cases lower-fat) disreputable snacks were generally perceived to promote greater weight gain than much higher-calorie (and in some cases higher-fat) reputable snacks. Beliefs about particular foods' goodness or badness as well as fat content were most often emphasized. The good versus bad message that Americans have assimilated concerning foods may be contributing to tendencies toward obesity.  相似文献   

Small taxes on soft drinks and snack foods to promote health   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Health officials often wish to sponsor nutrition and other health promotion programs but are hampered by lack of funding. One source of funding is suggested by the fact that 18 states and 1 major city levy special taxes on soft drinks, candy, chewing gum, or snack foods. The tax rates may be too small to affect sales, but in some jurisdictions, the revenues generated are substantial. Nationally, about $1 billion is raised annually from these taxes. The authors propose that state and local governments levy taxes on foods of low nutritional value and use the revenues to fund health promotion programs.  相似文献   

Supplementary foods can be used as a direct means for providing malnourished population groups with the additional food they require. These foods may supply not only much needed food energy, but also substantial amounts of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. One of the objections to supplementary feeding programmes in the past has been that they have often distributed imported foods and have done little to stimulate local food production. The low-cost extrusion cooker (LEC) programme to be described in this article has as its primary objective the low cost manufacture in developing countries of highly nutritious supplementary foods from locally-grown food crops.  相似文献   

In order to promote production and consumption of locally available -carotene rich foods in the form of dark green leafy vegetables a health education program was launched in the northern part of Bangladesh. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the education campaign to deliver the message to the target audience and to promote consumption of vitamin A rich foods among the general population of the study area. Different media and communication channels, both traditional and modern, were employed to communicate the message of locally available vitamin A rich foods and its importance for sight. The educational approaches were developed in the communities of intervention with active contribution of its members. Community participation was secured at all stages. The approaches were monitored and modified according to the suggestions of the locally organized working team. In previous papers we have shown that the program succeeded in improving local inhabitants' knowledge as well as food practices during intervention. The results showed that entertainment education programs appeared to deliver the message to a wider audience than other forms of communication. However, interpersonal communication was found to be a crucial factor for the promotion of vitamin A rich foods in this population. Mothers' literacy and socioeconomic status were important factors for the comprehension of the message and consumption of vitamin A rich foods.  相似文献   

Nicklaus S 《Appetite》2011,57(3):812-815
Weaning (i.e. introduction of complementary foods) is a transitional process between the consumption of a unique food, milk, and family foods. This review of existing literature regarding factors favouring the development of food acceptance at the beginning of weaning underlines in particular the roles of repeated exposure, of introduction of a variety of foods, of timing of introduction of weaning foods, and of food sensory properties (texture, taste and flavours). All factors appear to play a role in the acceptance of weaning foods. The efficiency, most favourable windows and long-term impact of each of these factors is not known accurately.  相似文献   

Weaning foods based on malted wheat and chickpea (MWF), popped wheat and chickpea (PWF), and roller dried wheat and chickpea (RWF) were prepared. The PWF and RWF were blended with 5% barley malt flour to formulate low bulk popped (PWFM) and roller dried (RWFM) foods. The amino acid contents, carbohydrate fractionation, pasting characteristics and in vivo carbohydrate digestibility of the foods were determined. Also the liver characteristics of weanling rats fed on the foods were assessed. The foods contained 17.0-18.3% protein, 1.7-3.7% fat, 67.1-67.5% available carbohydrates and 11.1-12.0% dietary fibre. The lysine content of the food proteins ranged from 4.2 to 4.6%. No appreciable difference in the amino acid contents among the different foods and also between the low bulk popped and roller dried foods (PWFM, RWFM) and their high bulk counterparts (PWF and RWF) were observed. The moisture content of the fresh livers of the animals fed on low bulk foods, namely MWF (60.9%), PWFM (63.9%), and RWFM (65.7%), were lower than the high bulk PWF (67.1%) and RWF (70.7%). A similar trend was recorded with respect to fresh and dry weight of the livers. The fractionation of the food carbohydrates by Sepharose CL 2B gel indicated partial hydrolysis of amylopectin fraction and increase in amylose fraction of starch of the MWF, PWFM and RWFM. The PWF also showed a prominent intermediate fraction. The Brabender viscograms of the RWF and PWF exhibited considerable cold paste viscosity, revealing the pregelatinised nature of the starch in these food, but the viscosities of MWF, PWFM and RWFM at 10% slurry concentration were too low to be recorded by the instrument throughout the heating and cooling cycle, probably due to the hydrolysis of their starch by the malt amylases. These observations show that blending about 5% cereal malt with high bulk weaning foods has advantages with respect to reduction in the dietary bulk by partial hydrolysis of carbohydrates, but does not alter their amino acid content significantly.  相似文献   

Prices of four low fat foods were reduced about 25% and prices of three high fat foods were increased about 10% to determine the impact on food purchases in a Midwestern suburban high school cafeteria to explore the impact of price on purchases. Low fat foods averaged about 13% of total sales. Sensitivity analysis was used to estimate that low fat foods would probably have averaged about 9% of total sales without the reduced price.  相似文献   

Locally available cereals and pulses such as rice ( Oryza sativa ), kangini ( Setaria italica ), sanwak ( Echinochloa frumentacea ), green gram [Vigna radiata) and jaggery (unrefined brown sugar) were used to formulate three weaning foods. Cereal, pulse and jaggery were mixed in the ratio of 70:30:25. Roasting was the main processing technique used in the formulation of these weaning foods. The developed weaning foods were found to be economical and acceptable. The chemical composition of developed weaning foods was within the range prescribed by Indian Standard Institute (ISI). On roasting, in vitro protein and starch digestibility of weaning foods increased by 15–21% and 16–19%, respectively. Roasting also improved in vitro iron availability by 12–19%. These observations indicated that the weaning foods prepared from locally available food ingredients resulted in significant improvement in protein and starch digestibility and iron availability and could be used as supplements for meeting the nutritional requirements of infants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Standard therapy for anemia in infants is ferrous sulfate drops administered 3 times/d. Adherence to treatment, however, is often poor. One likely reason for poor adherence is the unpleasant side effects associated with drops. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to evaluate the use of a new form of iron and a delivery system to treat anemia in infants that is likely to produce better adherence to treatment. DESIGN: Using a prospective, randomized, controlled design, we studied 557 anemic children aged 6-18 mo (hemoglobin: 70-99 g/L) in rural Ghana. One group received a daily sachet of microencapsulated ferrous fumarate (80 mg elemental Fe) in powder form plus ascorbic acid to be sprinkled onto any complementary food eaten (sprinkles group); a control group received ferrous sulfate drops 3 times/d for 2 mo (total dose: 40 mg elemental Fe). Hemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations were measured at baseline and at the end of treatment. RESULTS: Successful treatment of anemia (hemoglobin > 100 g/L) occurred in 58% of the sprinkles group and in 56% of the drops group, with minimal side effects in both groups. Geometric mean ferritin concentrations increased significantly in each group from baseline to the end of treatment (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Use of ferrous sulfate drops or a single daily dose of microencapsulated ferrous fumarate sprinkles plus ascorbic acid resulted in a similar rate of successful treatment of anemia without side effects. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the use of microencapsulated iron sprinkles to treat anemia. Improved ease of use may favor the use of sprinkles to deliver iron.  相似文献   

Two group practices in Wisconsin, the East Madison Clinic and the Dean Clinic, chose the path of merger to meet the demands of the competitive healthcare environment. The key-issues which had to be addressed before the merger could take place are presented, including: redesign of the earnings distribution formula for the groups, determination of quality assurance mechanisms for the new and larger organization, the effect on administration, considerations in announcing the merger to the public, and many more. Given the unique set of circumstances surrounding the two groups, merger has proven to be a very successful venture and has led to the realization of multiple benefits for the new organization.  相似文献   

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