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Abnormal choline phospholipid metabolism is associated with oncogenesis and tumor progression. We have investigated the effects of targeting choline phospholipid metabolism by silencing two glycerophosphodiesterase genes, GDPD5 and GDPD6, using small interfering RNA (siRNA) in two breast cancer cell lines, MCF‐7 and MDA‐MB‐231. Treatment with GDPD5 and GDPD6 siRNA resulted in significant increases in glycerophosphocholine (GPC) levels, and no change in the levels of phosphocholine or free choline, which further supports their role as GPC‐specific regulators in breast cancer. The GPC levels were increased more than twofold during GDPD6 silencing, and marginally increased during GDPD5 silencing. DNA laddering was negative in both cell lines treated with GDPD5 and GDPD6 siRNA, indicating absence of apoptosis. Treatment with GDPD5 siRNA caused a decrease in cell viability in MCF‐7 cells, while GDPD6 siRNA treatment had no effect on cell viability in either cell line. Decreased cell migration and invasion were observed in MDA‐MB‐231 cells treated with GDPD5 or GDPD6 siRNA, where a more pronounced reduction in cell migration and invasion was observed under GDPD5 siRNA treatment as compared with GDPD6 siRNA treatment. In conclusion, GDPD6 silencing increased the GPC levels in breast cancer cells more profoundly than GDPD5 silencing, while the effects of GDPD5 silencing on cell viability/proliferation, migration, and invasion were more severe than those of GDPD6 silencing. Our results suggest that silencing GDPD5 and GDPD6 alone or in combination may have potential as a new molecular targeting strategy for breast cancer treatment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the feasibility of the noninvasive determination of important biomarkers of human (breast) tumor metabolism using high‐field (7‐T) MRI and MRS. 31P MRSI at this field strength was used to provide a direct method for the in vivo detection and quantification of endogenous biomarkers. These encompass phospholipid metabolism, phosphate energy metabolism and intracellular pH. A double‐tuned, dual‐element transceiver was designed with focused radiofrequency fields for unilateral breast imaging and spectroscopy tuned for optimized sensitivity at 7 T. T1‐weighted three‐dimensional MRI and 1H MRS were applied for the localization and quantification of total choline compounds. 31P MRSI was obtained within 20 min per subject and mapped in three dimensions over the breast with pixel volumes of 10 mL. The feasibility of monitoring in vivo metabolism was demonstrated in two patients with breast cancer during neoadjuvant chemotherapy, validated by ex vivo high‐resolution magic angle spinning NMR and compared with data from an age‐matched healthy volunteer. Concentrations of total choline down to 0.4 mM could be detected in the human breast in vivo. Levels of adenosine and other nucleoside triphosphates, inorganic phosphate, phosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine and their glycerol diesters detected in glandular tissue, as well as in tumor, were mapped over the entire breast. Altered levels of these compounds were observed in patients compared with an age‐matched healthy volunteer; modulation of these levels occurred in breast tumors during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive MRI and MRS study in patients with breast cancer, which reveals detailed information on the morphology and phospholipid metabolism from volumes as small as 10 mL. This endogenous metabolic information may provide a new method for the noninvasive assessment of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in breast cancer treatment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

31P MRS offers a unique view of muscle metabolism in vivo, but correct quantification is important. Inter-study correlation of estimates of [Pi] and [phosphocreatine (PCr)] in a number of published studies suggest that the main technical problem in calibrated 31P MRS studies is the measurement of PCr and Pi signal intensities, rather than absolute quantification of [ATP]. For comparison, we discuss the few published biopsy studies of calf muscle and a selection of the many studies of quadriceps muscle. The ATP concentration is close to the value that we obtained in calf muscle in our own study, presented here, on four healthy subjects, by localised 31P MRS using a surface coil incorporating an internal reference and calibrated using an external phantom. However, the freeze-clamp biopsy PCr concentration is approximately 20% lower than the value obtained by 31P MRS, consistent with PCr breakdown by creatine kinase during freezing. Finally, we illustrate some consequences of uncertainty in resting [PCr] for analysis of mitochondrial function from PCr kinetics using a published 31P MRS study of exercise and recovery: the lower the assumed resting [PCr], the lower the absolute rate of oxidative ATP synthesis estimated from the PCr resynthesis rate; in addition, the lower the assumed resting [PCr], or the higher the assumed [total creatine], the higher the apparent resting [ADP], and therefore the more sigmoid the relationship between the rate of oxidative ATP synthesis and [ADP]. Correct quantification of resting metabolite concentrations is crucially important for this sort of analysis. Our own results ([PCr] = 33 +/- 2 mM, [Pi] = 4.5 +/- 0.2 mM, and [ATP] = 8.2 +/- 0.4 mM; mean +/- SEM) are close to the overall mean values of the 10 published studies on calf muscle by 'calibrated' 31P MRS (as in the present work), and of [PCr] and [Pi] in a representative selection of 'uncalibrated' 31P MRS studies (i.e. from measured PCr/ATP and Pi/ATP ratios, assuming a literature value for [ATP]).  相似文献   

NAD+ and NADH play key roles in cellular respiration. Intracellular redox state defined by the NAD+/NADH ratio (RX) reflects the cellular metabolic and physiopathological status. By taking advantage of high/ultrahigh magnetic field strengths, we have recently established a novel in vivo 31P MRS‐based NAD assay for noninvasive and quantitative measurements of intracellular NAD concentrations and redox state in animal and human brains at 16.4 T, 9.4 T and 7 T. To explore its potential for clinical application, in this study we investigated the feasibility of assessing the NAD metabolism and redox state in human brain at a lower field of 4 T by incorporating the 1H‐decoupling technique with the in vivo 31P NAD assay. The use of 1H decoupling significantly narrowed the linewidths of NAD and α‐ATP resonances, resulting in higher sensitivity and better spectral resolution as compared with the 1H‐coupled 31P spectrum. These improvements made it possible to reliably quantify cerebral NAD concentrations and RX, consistent with previously reported results obtained from similar age human subjects at 7 T. In summary, this work demonstrates the capability and utility of the 1H‐decoupled 31P MRS‐based NAD assay at lower field strength; thus, it opens new opportunities for studying intracellular NAD metabolism and redox state in human brain at clinical settings. This conclusion is supported by the simulation results, indicating that similar performance and reliability as observed at 4T can be achieved at 3 T with the same signal‐to‐noise ratio. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides a unique tool for the non‐invasive study of brain energy metabolism and mitochondrial function. The assessment of bioenergetic impairment in different brain regions is essential to understand the pathophysiology and progression of human brain diseases. This article presents a simple and effective approach which allows the interleaved measurement of 31P spectra and imaging from two distinct human brain regions of interest with dynamic B0 shimming capability. A transistor–transistor logic controller was employed to actively switch the single‐channel X‐nuclear radiofrequency (RF) transmitter–receiver between two 31P RF surface coils, enabling the interleaved acquisition of two 31P free induction decays (FIDs) from human occipital and frontal lobes within the same repetition time. Linear gradients were incorporated into the RF pulse sequence to perform the first‐order dynamic shimming to further improve spectral resolution. The overall results demonstrate that the approach provides a cost‐effective and time‐efficient solution for reliable 31P MRS measurement of cerebral phosphate metabolites and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) metabolic fluxes from two human brain regions with high detection sensitivity and spectral quality at 7 T. The same design concept can be extended to acquire multiple spectra from more than two brain regions or can be employed for other magnetic resonance applications beyond the 31P spin.  相似文献   

In vivo 31P MRS provides a unique tool for studying bioenergetics of living organs. Although its utility has been limited by the relatively low 31P NMR sensitivity, increasing magnetic field strength (B0) could significantly improve the quality and reliability of the 31P MR spectra for biomedical research. To quantitatively understand the field dependence of in vivo 31P MRS for brain applications, 31P NMR sensitivity of phosphocreatine (PCr) in rat brains was measured and compared at 9.4 T and 16.4 T. Additionally, the linewidths and T1 relaxation times of PCr and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) resonances obtained from human and animal brains over a wide B0 range from 4 T, 7 T, and 9.4 T to 16.4 T were examined and their field dependences were quantified. The results indicate an approximate 1.74‐fold 31P signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) gain for PCr at 16.4 T compared with 9.4 T. An approximate power 1.4 dependence of 31P SNR on B0 was concluded. Substantial improvements in spectral resolution and significantly shortened T1 values of brain PCr and ATP were observed at high/ultrahigh fields, contributing to an additional sensitivity gain and spectral improvement. In summary, the overall findings from this study suggest that in vivo 31P MRS should greatly benefit from high/ultrahigh fields for noninvasive assessment of altered bioenergetics and metabolic processes associated with brain function and neurological diseases. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

MRS enables insight into the chemical composition of central nervous system tissue. However, technical challenges degrade the data quality when applied to the human spinal cord. Therefore, to date detection of only the most prominent metabolite resonances has been reported in the healthy human spinal cord. The aim of this investigation is to provide an extended metabolic profile including neurotransmitters and antioxidants in addition to metabolites involved in the energy and membrane metabolism of the human cervical spinal cord in vivo. To achieve this, data quality was improved by using a custom‐made, cervical detector array together with constructive averaging of a high number of echo signals, which is enabled by the metabolite cycling technique at 3T. In addition, the improved spinal cord spectra were extensively cross‐validated, in vivo, post‐mortem in situ and ex vivo. Reliable identification of up to nine metabolites was achieved in group analyses for the first time. Distinct features of the spinal cord neurochemical profile, in comparison with the brain neurotransmission system, include decreased concentrations of the sum of glutamate and glutamate and increased concentrations of aspartate, γ‐amino‐butyric acid, scyllo‐inositol and the sum of myo‐inositol and glycine.  相似文献   

31P MRS provides a unique non‐invasive window into myocardial energy homeostasis. Mouse models of cardiac disease are widely used in preclinical studies, but the application of 31P MRS in the in vivo mouse heart has been limited. The small‐sized, fast‐beating mouse heart imposes challenges regarding localized signal acquisition devoid of contamination with signal originating from surrounding tissues. Here, we report the implementation and validation of three‐dimensional image‐selected in vivo spectroscopy (3D ISIS) for localized 31P MRS of the in vivo mouse heart at 9.4 T. Cardiac 31P MR spectra were acquired in vivo in healthy mice (n = 9) and in transverse aortic constricted (TAC) mice (n = 8) using respiratory‐gated, cardiac‐triggered 3D ISIS. Localization and potential signal contamination were assessed with 31P MRS experiments in the anterior myocardial wall, liver, skeletal muscle and blood. For healthy hearts, results were validated against ex vivo biochemical assays. Effects of isoflurane anesthesia were assessed by measuring in vivo hemodynamics and blood gases. The myocardial energy status, assessed via the phosphocreatine (PCr) to adenosine 5′‐triphosphate (ATP) ratio, was approximately 25% lower in TAC mice compared with controls (0.76 ± 0.13 versus 1.00 ± 0.15; P < 0.01). Localization with one‐dimensional (1D) ISIS resulted in two‐fold higher PCr/ATP ratios than measured with 3D ISIS, because of the high PCr levels of chest skeletal muscle that contaminate the 1D ISIS measurements. Ex vivo determinations of the myocardial PCr/ATP ratio (0.94 ± 0.24; n = 8) confirmed the in vivo observations in control mice. Heart rate (497 ± 76 beats/min), mean arterial pressure (90 ± 3.3 mmHg) and blood oxygen saturation (96.2 ± 0.6%) during the experimental conditions of in vivo 31P MRS were within the normal physiological range. Our results show that respiratory‐gated, cardiac‐triggered 3D ISIS allows for non‐invasive assessments of in vivo mouse myocardial energy homeostasis with 31P MRS under physiological conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐invasive determination of mitochondrial content is an important objective in clinical and sports medicine. 31P MRS approaches to obtain information on this parameter at low field strength typically require in‐magnet exercise. Direct observation of the intra‐mitochondrial inorganic phosphate (Pi) pool in resting muscle would constitute an alternative, simpler method. In this study, we exploited the higher spectral resolution and signal‐to‐noise at 7T to investigate the MR visibility of this metabolite pool. 31P in vivo MR spectra of the resting soleus (SOL) muscle were obtained with 1H MR image‐guided surface coil localization (six volunteers) and of the SOL and tibialis anterior (TA) muscle using 2D CSI (five volunteers). A resonance at a frequency 0.38 ppm downfield from the cytosolic Pi resonance (Pi1; pH 7.0 ± 0.04) was reproducibly detected in the SOL muscle in all subjects and conditionally attributed to the intra‐mitochondrial Pi pool (Pi2; pH 7.3 ± 0.07). In the SOL muscle, the Pi2/Pi1 ratio was 1.6 times higher compared to the TA muscle in the same individual. Localized 3D CSI results showed that the Pi2 peak was present in voxels well away from blood vessels. Determination of the T1 of the two Pi pools in a single individual using adiabatic excitation of the spectral region around 5 ppm yielded estimates of 4.3 ± 0.4 s vs 1.4 ± 0.5 s for Pi1 and Pi2, respectively. Together, these results suggest that the intra‐mitochondrial Pi pool in resting human skeletal muscle may be visible with 31P MRS at high field. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The topoisomerase I inhibitor, irinotecan, and its active metabolite SN‐38 have been shown to induce G2/M cell cycle arrest without significant cell death in human colon carcinoma cells (HCT‐116). Subsequent treatment of these G2/M‐arrested cells with the cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitor, flavopiridol, induced these cells to undergo apoptosis. The goal of this study was to develop a noninvasive metabolic biomarker for early tumor response and target inhibition of irinotecan followed by flavopiridol treatment in a longitudinal study. A total of eleven mice bearing HCT‐116 xenografts were separated into two cohorts where one cohort was administered saline and the other treated with a sequential course of irinotecan followed by flavopiridol. Each mouse xenograft was longitudinally monitored with proton (1H)‐decoupled phosphorus (31P) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) before and after treatment. A statistically significant decrease in phosphocholine (p = 0.0004) and inorganic phosphate (p = 0.0103) levels were observed in HCT‐116 xenografts following treatment, which were evidenced within twenty‐four hours of treatment completion. Also, a significant growth delay was found in treated xenografts. To discern the underlying mechanism for the treatment response of the xenografts, in vitro HCT‐116 cell cultures were investigated with enzymatic assays, cell cycle analysis, and apoptotic assays. Flavopiridol had a direct effect on choline kinase as measured by a 67% reduction in the phosphorylation of choline to phosphocholine. Cells treated with SN‐38 alone underwent 83 ± 5% G2/M cell cycle arrest compared to untreated cells. In cells, flavopiridol alone induced 5 ± 1% apoptosis while the sequential treatment (SN‐38 then flavopiridol) resulted in 39 ± 10% apoptosis. In vivo 1H‐decoupled 31P MRS indirectly measures choline kinase activity. The decrease in phosphocholine may be a potential indicator of early tumor response to the sequential treatment of irinotecan followed by flavopiridol in noninvasive and/or longitudinal studies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Xiang Y  Shen J 《NMR in biomedicine》2011,24(9):1054-1062
In this study, in vivo 13C MRS was used to investigate the labeling of brain metabolites after intravenous administration of [1‐13C]ethanol. After [1‐13C]ethanol had been administered systemically to rats, 13C labels were detected in glutamate, glutamine and aspartate in the carboxylic and amide carbon spectral region. 13C‐labeled bicarbonate HCO (161.0 ppm) was also detected. Saturating acetaldehyde C1 at 207.0 ppm was found to have no effect on the ethanol C1 (57.7 ppm) signal intensity after extensive signal averaging, providing direct in vivo evidence that direct metabolism of alcohol by brain tissue is minimal. To compare the labeling of brain metabolites by ethanol with labeling by glucose, in vivo time course data were acquired during intravenous co‐infusion of [1‐13C]ethanol and [13C6]‐D ‐glucose. In contrast with labeling by [13C6]‐D ‐glucose, which produced doublets of carboxylic/amide carbons with a J coupling constant of 51 Hz, the simultaneously detected glutamate and glutamine singlets were labeled by [1‐13C]ethanol. As 13C labels originating from ethanol enter the brain after being converted into [1‐13C]acetate in the liver, and the direct metabolism of ethanol by brain tissue is negligible, it is suggested that orally or intragastrically administered 13C‐labeled ethanol may be used to study brain metabolism and glutamatergic neurotransmission in investigations involving alcohol administration. In vivo 13C MRS of rat brain following intragastric administration of 13C‐labeled ethanol is demonstrated. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, various in vivo MR methodologies have been evaluated for their potential in the study of cancer metabolism. During malignant transformation, metabolic alterations occur, leading to morphological and functional changes. Among various MR methods, in vivo MRS has been extensively used in breast cancer to study the metabolism of cells, tissues or whole organs. It provides biochemical information at the metabolite level. Altered choline, phospholipid and energy metabolism has been documented using proton (1H), phosphorus (31P) and carbon (13C) isotopes. Increased levels of choline‐containing compounds, phosphomonoesters and phosphodiesters in breast cancer, which are indicative of altered choline and phospholipid metabolism, have been reported using in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo NMR studies. These changes are reversed on successful therapy, which depends on the treatment regimen given. Monitoring the various tumor intermediary metabolic pathways using nuclear spin hyperpolarization of 13C‐labeled substrates by dynamic nuclear polarization has also been recently reported. Furthermore, the utility of various methods such as diffusion, dynamic contrast and perfusion MRI have also been evaluated to study breast tumor metabolism. Parameters such as tumor volume, apparent diffusion coefficient, volume transfer coefficient and extracellular volume ratio are estimated. These parameters provide information on the changes in tumor microstructure, microenvironment, abnormal vasculature, permeability and grade of the tumor. Such changes seen during cancer progression are due to alterations in the tumor metabolism, leading to changes in cell architecture. Due to architectural changes, the tissue mechanical properties are altered; this can be studied using magnetic resonance elastography, which measures the elastic properties of tissues. Moreover, these structural MRI methods can be used to investigate the effect of therapy‐induced changes in tumor characteristics. This review discusses the potential of various in vivo MR methodologies in the study of breast cancer metabolism.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is absolutely required to fuel normal cyclic contractions of the heart. The creatine kinase (CK) reaction is a major energy reserve reaction that rapidly converts creatine phosphate (PCr) to ATP during the cardiac cycle and at times of stress and ischemia, but is significantly impaired in conditions such as hypertrophy and heart failure. Because the magnitudes of possible in vivo cyclic changes in cardiac high‐energy phosphates (HEPs) during the cardiac cycle are not well known from previous work, this study uses mathematical modeling to assess whether, and to what extent, cyclic variations in HEPs and in the rate of ATP synthesis through CK (CK flux) could exist in the human heart, and whether they could be measured with current in vivo 31P MRS methods. Multi‐site exchange models incorporating enzymatic rate equations were used to study the cyclic dynamics of the CK reaction, and Bloch equations were used to simulate 31P MRS saturation transfer measurements of the CK reaction. The simulations show that short‐term buffering of ATP by CK requires temporal variations over the cardiac cycle in the CK reaction velocities modeled by enzymatic rate equations. The maximum variation in HEPs in the normal human heart beating at 60 min–1 was approximately 0.4 m m and proportional to the velocity of ATP hydrolysis. Such HEP variations are at or below the current limits of detection by in vivo 31P MRS methods. Bloch equation simulations show that 31P MRS saturation transfer estimates the time‐averaged, pseudo‐first‐order forward rate constant, kf,ap′, of the CK reaction, and that periodic short‐term fluctuations in kf and CK flux are not likely to be detectable in human studies employing current in vivo 31P MRS methods. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information for determining whether a primary breast lesion is invasive and its receptor status and grade can be obtained before surgery by performing proton MRS on a fine‐needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) specimen and analyzing the MRS information by a pattern recognition method. Two‐dimensional MRS, on either specimens or cells, allows the unambiguous assignment of most resonances. When correlated with the spectral regions selected by the pattern recognition method, there are strong indications for the biochemical markers responsible for prognostic information of invasive capacity and metastatic spread. Spectral assignments and biological correlations can be made using cell models. In vivo MRS can distinguish invasive from benign lesions. This pathological distinction can be made from the presence of resonances at discrete frequencies. To achieve this level of spectral resolution and signal‐to‐noise ratio, there are stringent requirements when acquiring and processing the data. The challenge now is to implement two‐dimensional MRS in vivo. Until this is realized, the combination of in vivo MR, for diagnosis and spatial location, and MRS, for image‐guided biopsy to provide information on tumor spread, promises to provide a higher level of preoperative diagnosis than previously achieved. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has a poor prognosis and is characterized by an unpredictable clinical course. The aim of this study was to assess the systemic phospholipid distribution as a possible marker of tumor stage and tumor spread beyond the kidney. To this end, the effect of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) on phospholipid concentrations in blood plasma using 31P NMR spectroscopy was studied in: (a) 29 patients with RCC prior to nephrectomy; (b) 19 healthy volunteers; (c) three patients with other renal tumors (renal metastases of bronchial carcinoma and of renal pelvic carcinoma, and a benign renal tumor). Furthermore, the phospholipid concentrations of eight patients of group (a) were determined 6 months after nephrectomy, when they were in remission. We found considerable deviations in the concentrations of the lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC1, LPC2) in both male and female patients with RCC compared to healthy volunteers (male--LPC1 0.217+/-0.062 vs 0.297+/-0.049 mmol/l, LPC2 0.036+/-0.014 vs 0.068+/-0.024 mmol/l; female--LPC1 0.195+/-0.071 vs 0.296+/-0.044 mmol/l, LPC2 0.037+/-0.027 vs 0.044+/-0.014 mmol/l). In addition, female patients with RCC showed lower concentrations of phosphatidylcholines (PC; 1.409+/-0.268 vs 1.947+/-0.259 mmol/l). The low phospholipid concentrations normalized for patients in remission. Phospholipid concentrations were found to depend on tumor stage and metastatic spread. The deviations in phospholipid concentrations (LPC1, LPC2, PC) observed may be attributable to systemic effects caused by the tumor as well as changes in enzyme activities.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a dedicated RF coil setup for human brain imaging (1H) and spectroscopy (31P) at ultra‐high magnetic field strength (7 T) is presented. The setup is optimized for signal handling at the resonance frequencies for 1H (297.2 MHz) and 31P (120.3 MHz). It consists of an eight‐channel 1H transmit–receive head coil with multi‐transmit capabilities, and an insertable, actively detunable 31P birdcage (transmit–receive and transmit only), which can be combined with a seven‐channel receive‐only 31P array. The setup enables anatomical imaging and 31P studies without removal of the coil or the patient. By separating transmit and receive channels and by optimized addition of array signals with whitened singular value decomposition we can obtain a sevenfold increase in SNR of 31P signals in the occipital lobe of the human brain compared with the birdcage alone. These signals can be further enhanced by 30 ± 9% using the nuclear Overhauser effect by B1‐shimmed low‐power irradiation of water protons. Together, these features enable acquisition of 31P MRSI at high spatial resolutions (3.0 cm3 voxel) in the occipital lobe of the human brain in clinically acceptable scan times (~15 min). © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is a leading cause of mortality among women in the world. To date, a number of molecules have been established as disease status indicators and therapeutic targets. The best known among them are estrogen receptor-α (ER-α), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER-2/neu. About 15%–20% BC patients do not respond effectively to therapies targeting these classes of tumor-promoting factors. Thus, additional targets are strongly and urgently sought after in therapy for human BCs negative for ER, PR and HER-2, the so-called triple-negative BC (TNBC). Recent clinical work has revealed that CC chemokine ligand 5 (CCL5) is strongly associated with the progression of BC, particularly TNBC. How CCL5 contributes to the development of TNBC is not well understood. Experimental animal studies have begun to address the mechanistic issue. In this article, we will review the clinical and laboratory work in this area that has led to our own hypothesis that targeting CCL5 in TNBCs will have favorable therapeutic outcomes with minimal adverse impact on the general physiology.  相似文献   

1H MRS, 31P MRS and diffusion‐weighted MRI (DW‐MRI) were applied to study the metabolic changes associated with estrogen dependence in estrogen receptor (ER)‐positive BT‐474 and triple‐negative HCC1806 breast cancer xenografts supplemented with or without 17β‐estradiol (E2) at a dose of 0.18 or 0.72 mg/pellet. Furthermore, the effect of estrogen withdrawal on the metabolism of BT‐474 and HCC1806 breast cancer xenografts was studied on day 0, day 2 and day 10. Increasing the dose of E2 resulted in a rapid growth and increases in the lactate level and phosphomonoester/β‐nucleoside triphosphate (PME/βNTP), phosphocreatine/inorganic phosphate (PCr/Pi) and βNTP/Pi ratios in BT‐474 breast cancer xenografts; however, no significant changes were found in HCC1806 breast cancer xenografts. Estrogen withdrawal resulted in a marked decrease in lactate level and PME/βNTP ratio and an observed increase in βNTP/Pi, PCr/Pi and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of BT‐474 breast cancer xenografts on day 10. These data suggest that the lactate level and PME/βNTP, PCr/Pi and βNTP/Pi ratios of ER‐positive tumors are closely related to ER dependence. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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