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Medical image segmentation can provide a reliable basis for further clinical analysis and disease diagnosis. With the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), medical image segmentation performance has advanced significantly. However, most existing CNN-based methods often produce unsatisfactory segmentation masks without accurate object boundaries. This problem is caused by the limited context information and inadequate discriminative feature maps after consecutive pooling and convolution operations. Additionally, medical images are characterized by high intra-class variation, inter-class indistinction and noise, extracting powerful context and aggregating discriminative features for fine-grained segmentation remain challenging. In this study, we formulate a boundary-aware context neural network (BA-Net) for 2D medical image segmentation to capture richer context and preserve fine spatial information, which incorporates encoder-decoder architecture. In each stage of the encoder sub-network, a proposed pyramid edge extraction module first obtains multi-granularity edge information. Then a newly designed mini multi-task learning module for jointly learning segments the object masks and detects lesion boundaries, in which a new interactive attention layer is introduced to bridge the two tasks. In this way, information complementarity between different tasks is achieved, which effectively leverages the boundary information to offer strong cues for better segmentation prediction. Finally, a cross feature fusion module acts to selectively aggregate multi-level features from the entire encoder sub-network. By cascading these three modules, richer context and fine-grain features of each stage are encoded and then delivered to the decoder. The results of extensive experiments on five datasets show that the proposed BA-Net outperforms state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

Fundus diseases classification is vital for the health of human beings. However, most of existing methods detect diseases by means of single angle fundus images, which lead to the lack of pathological information. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel deep learning method to complete different fundus diseases classification tasks using ultra-wide field scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) images, which have an ultra-wide field view of 180–200˚. The proposed deep model consists of multi-branch network, atrous spatial pyramid pooling module (ASPP), cross-attention and depth-wise attention module. Specifically, the multi-branch network employs the ResNet-34 model as the backbone to extract feature information, where the ResNet-34 model with two-branch is followed by the ASPP module to extract multi-scale spatial contextual features by setting different dilated rates. The depth-wise attention module can provide the global attention map from the multi-branch network, which enables the network to focus on the salient targets of interest. The cross-attention module adopts the cross-fusion mode to fuse the channel and spatial attention maps from the ResNet-34 model with two-branch, which can enhance the representation ability of the disease-specific features. The extensive experiments on our collected SLO images and two publicly available datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can outperform the state-of-the-art methods and achieve quite promising classification performance of the fundus diseases.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) segmentation is essential for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, which has been reported as the leading cause of death all over the world. However, automated LV segmentation from cardiac magnetic resonance images (CMRI) using the traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is still a challenging task due to the limited labeled CMRI data and low tolerances to irregular scales, shapes and deformations of LV. In this paper, we propose an automated LV segmentation method based on adversarial learning by integrating a multi-stage pose estimation network (MSPN) and a co-discrimination network. Different from existing CNNs, we use a MSPN with multi-scale dilated convolution (MDC) modules to enhance the ranges of receptive field for deep feature extraction. To fully utilize both labeled and unlabeled CMRI data, we propose a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) framework for LV segmentation by combining MSPN with co-discrimination networks. Specifically, the labeled CMRI are first used to initialize our segmentation network (MSPN) and co-discrimination network. Our GAN training includes two different kinds of epochs fed with both labeled and unlabeled CMRI data alternatively, which are different from the traditional CNNs only relied on the limited labeled samples to train the segmentation networks. As both ground truth and unlabeled samples are involved in guiding training, our method not only can converge faster but also obtain a better performance in LV segmentation. Our method is evaluated using MICCAI 2009 and 2017 challenge databases. Experimental results show that our method has obtained promising performance in LV segmentation, which also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of LV segmentation accuracy from the comparison results.  相似文献   

In this letter, a new deep learning framework for spectral–spatial classification of hyperspectral images is presented. The proposed framework serves as an engine for merging the spatial and spectral features via suitable deep learning architecture: stacked autoencoders (SAEs) and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) followed by a logistic regression (LR) classifier. In this framework, SAEs is aimed to get useful high-level features for the one-dimensional features which is suitable for the dimension reduction of spectral features, while DCNNs can learn rich features from the training data automatically and has achieved state-of-the-art performance in many image classification databases. Though the DCNNs has shown robustness to distortion, it only extracts features of the same scale, and hence is insufficient to tolerate large-scale variance of object. As a result, spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) is introduced into hyperspectral image classification for the first time by pooling the spatial feature maps of the top convolutional layers into a fixed-length feature. Experimental results with widely used hyperspectral data indicate that classifiers built in this deep learning-based framework provide competitive performance.  相似文献   

The morphological evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in hematoxylin and eosin (H& E)-stained histopathological images is the key to breast cancer (BCa) diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic response prediction. For now, the qualitative assessment of TILs is carried out by pathologists, and computer-aided automatic lymphocyte measurement is still a great challenge because of the small size and complex distribution of lymphocytes. In this paper, we propose a novel dense dual-task network (DDTNet) to simultaneously achieve automatic TIL detection and segmentation in histopathological images. DDTNet consists of a backbone network (i.e., feature pyramid network) for extracting multi-scale morphological characteristics of TILs, a detection module for the localization of TIL centers, and a segmentation module for the delineation of TIL boundaries, where a boundary-aware branch is further used to provide a shape prior to segmentation. An effective feature fusion strategy is utilized to introduce multi-scale features with lymphocyte location information from highly correlated branches for precise segmentation. Experiments on three independent lymphocyte datasets of BCa demonstrate that DDTNet outperforms other advanced methods in detection and segmentation metrics. As part of this work, we also propose a semi-automatic method (TILAnno) to generate high-quality boundary annotations for TILs in H& E-stained histopathological images. TILAnno is used to produce a new lymphocyte dataset that contains 5029 annotated lymphocyte boundaries, which have been released to facilitate computational histopathology in the future.  相似文献   

Ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from Computed Tomography Perfusion (CTP) images is important for accurate diagnosis of stroke in acute care units. However, it is challenged by low image contrast and resolution of the perfusion parameter maps, in addition to the complex appearance of the lesion. To deal with this problem, we propose a novel framework based on synthesized pseudo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) from perfusion parameter maps to obtain better image quality for more accurate segmentation. Our framework consists of three components based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and is trained end-to-end. First, a feature extractor is used to obtain both a low-level and high-level compact representation of the raw spatiotemporal Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images. Second, a pseudo DWI generator takes as input the concatenation of CTP perfusion parameter maps and our extracted features to obtain the synthesized pseudo DWI. To achieve better synthesis quality, we propose a hybrid loss function that pays more attention to lesion regions and encourages high-level contextual consistency. Finally, we segment the lesion region from the synthesized pseudo DWI, where the segmentation network is based on switchable normalization and channel calibration for better performance. Experimental results showed that our framework achieved the top performance on ISLES 2018 challenge and: (1) our method using synthesized pseudo DWI outperformed methods segmenting the lesion from perfusion parameter maps directly; (2) the feature extractor exploiting additional spatiotemporal CTA images led to better synthesized pseudo DWI quality and higher segmentation accuracy; and (3) the proposed loss functions and network structure improved the pseudo DWI synthesis and lesion segmentation performance. The proposed framework has a potential for improving diagnosis and treatment of the ischemic stroke where access to real DWI scanning is limited.  相似文献   

The automatic segmentation of lumbar anatomy is a fundamental problem for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disease. The recent development of deep learning techniques has led to remarkable progress in this task, including the possible segmentation of nerve roots, intervertebral discs, and dural sac in a single step. Despite these advances, lumbar anatomy segmentation remains a challenging problem due to the weak contrast and noise of input images, as well as the variability of intensities and size in lumbar structures across different subjects. To overcome these challenges, we propose a coarse-to-fine deep neural network framework for lumbar anatomy segmentation, which obtains a more accurate segmentation using two strategies. First, a progressive refinement process is employed to correct low-confidence regions by enhancing the feature representation in these regions. Second, a grayscale self-adjusting network (GSA-Net) is proposed to optimize the distribution of intensities dynamically. Experiments on datasets comprised of 3D computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images show the advantage of our method over current segmentation approaches and its potential for diagnosing and lumbar disease treatment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and validate a deep learning framework that incorporates both multi-atlas registration and level-set for segmenting pancreas from CT volume images. The proposed segmentation pipeline consists of three stages, namely coarse, fine, and refine stages. Firstly, a coarse segmentation is obtained through multi-atlas based 3D diffeomorphic registration and fusion. After that, to learn the connection feature, a 3D patch-based convolutional neural network (CNN) and three 2D slice-based CNNs are jointly used to predict a fine segmentation based on a bounding box determined from the coarse segmentation. Finally, a 3D level-set method is used, with the fine segmentation being one of its constraints, to integrate information of the original image and the CNN-derived probability map to achieve a refine segmentation. In other words, we jointly utilize global 3D location information (registration), contextual information (patch-based 3D CNN), shape information (slice-based 2.5D CNN) and edge information (3D level-set) in the proposed framework. These components form our cascaded coarse-fine-refine segmentation framework. We test the proposed framework on three different datasets with varying intensity ranges obtained from different resources, respectively containing 36, 82 and 281 CT volume images. In each dataset, we achieve an average Dice score over 82%, being superior or comparable to other existing state-of-the-art pancreas segmentation algorithms.  相似文献   

Tumor classification and segmentation are two important tasks for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) using 3D automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) images. However, they are challenging due to the significant shape variation of breast tumors and the fuzzy nature of ultrasound images (e.g., low contrast and signal to noise ratio). Considering the correlation between tumor classification and segmentation, we argue that learning these two tasks jointly is able to improve the outcomes of both tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task learning framework for joint segmentation and classification of tumors in ABUS images. The proposed framework consists of two sub-networks: an encoder-decoder network for segmentation and a light-weight multi-scale network for classification. To account for the fuzzy boundaries of tumors in ABUS images, our framework uses an iterative training strategy to refine feature maps with the help of probability maps obtained from previous iterations. Experimental results based on a clinical dataset of 170 3D ABUS volumes collected from 107 patients indicate that the proposed multi-task framework improves tumor segmentation and classification over the single-task learning counterparts.  相似文献   

Accurate cardiac segmentation of multimodal images, e.g., magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT) images, plays a pivot role in auxiliary diagnoses, treatments and postoperative assessments of cardiovascular diseases. However, training a well-behaved segmentation model for the cross-modal cardiac image analysis is challenging, due to their diverse appearances/distributions from different devices and acquisition conditions. For instance, a well-trained segmentation model based on the source domain of MR images is often failed in the segmentation of CT images. In this work, a cross-modal images-oriented cardiac segmentation scheme is proposed using a symmetric full convolutional neural network (SFCNN) with the unsupervised multi-domain adaptation (UMDA) and a spatial neural attention (SNA) structure, termed UMDA-SNA-SFCNN, having the merits of without the requirement of any annotation on the test domain. Specifically, UMDA-SNA-SFCNN incorporates SNA to the classic adversarial domain adaptation network to highlight the relevant regions, while restraining the irrelevant areas in the cross-modal images, so as to suppress the negative transfer in the process of unsupervised domain adaptation. In addition, the multi-layer feature discriminators and a predictive segmentation-mask discriminator are established to connect the multi-layer features and segmentation mask of the backbone network, SFCNN, to realize the fine-grained alignment of unsupervised cross-modal feature domains. Extensive confirmative and comparative experiments on the benchmark Multi-Modality Whole Heart Challenge dataset show that the proposed model is superior to the state-of-the-art cross-modal segmentation methods.  相似文献   

Skin lesion segmentation from dermoscopy images is a fundamental yet challenging task in the computer-aided skin diagnosis system due to the large variations in terms of their views and scales of lesion areas. We propose a novel and effective generative adversarial network (GAN) to meet these challenges. Specifically, this network architecture integrates two modules: a skip connection and dense convolution U-Net (UNet-SCDC) based segmentation module and a dual discrimination (DD) module. While the UNet-SCDC module uses dense dilated convolution blocks to generate a deep representation that preserves fine-grained information, the DD module makes use of two discriminators to jointly decide whether the input of the discriminators is real or fake. While one discriminator, with a traditional adversarial loss, focuses on the differences at the boundaries of the generated segmentation masks and the ground truths, the other examines the contextual environment of target object in the original image using a conditional discriminative loss. We integrate these two modules and train the proposed GAN in an end-to-end manner. The proposed GAN is evaluated on the public International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) Skin Lesion Challenge Datasets of 2017 and 2018. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed network achieves superior segmentation performance to state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Paediatric echocardiography is a standard method for screening congenital heart disease (CHD). The segmentation of paediatric echocardiography is essential for subsequent extraction of clinical parameters and interventional planning. However, it remains a challenging task due to (1) the considerable variation of key anatomic structures, (2) the poor lateral resolution affecting accurate boundary definition, (3) the existence of speckle noise and artefacts in echocardiographic images. In this paper, we propose a novel deep network to address these challenges comprehensively. We first present a dual-path feature extraction module (DP-FEM) to extract rich features via a channel attention mechanism. A high- and low-level feature fusion module (HL-FFM) is devised based on spatial attention, which selectively fuses rich semantic information from high-level features with spatial cues from low-level features. In addition, a hybrid loss is designed to deal with pixel-level misalignment and boundary ambiguities. Based on the segmentation results, we derive key clinical parameters for diagnosis and treatment planning. We extensively evaluate the proposed method on 4,485 two-dimensional (2D) paediatric echocardiograms from 127 echocardiographic videos. The proposed method consistently achieves better segmentation performance than other state-of-the-art methods, whichdemonstratesfeasibility for automatic segmentation and quantitative analysis of paediatric echocardiography. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/end-of-the-century/Cardiac.  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of the left ventricle (LV) in late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) cardiac MR (CMR) images is difficult due to the intensity heterogeneity arising from accumulation of contrast agent in infarcted myocardium. In this paper, we present a comprehensive framework for automatic 3D segmentation of the LV in LGE CMR images. Given myocardial contours in cine images as a priori knowledge, the framework initially propagates the a priori segmentation from cine to LGE images via 2D translational registration. Two meshes representing respectively endocardial and epicardial surfaces are then constructed with the propagated contours. After construction, the two meshes are deformed towards the myocardial edge points detected in both short-axis and long-axis LGE images in a unified 3D coordinate system. Taking into account the intensity characteristics of the LV in LGE images, we propose a novel parametric model of the LV for consistent myocardial edge points detection regardless of pathological status of the myocardium (infarcted or healthy) and of the type of the LGE images (short-axis or long-axis). We have evaluated the proposed framework with 21 sets of real patient and four sets of simulated phantom data. Both distance- and region-based performance metrics confirm the observation that the framework can generate accurate and reliable results for myocardial segmentation of LGE images. We have also tested the robustness of the framework with respect to varied a priori segmentation in both practical and simulated settings. Experimental results show that the proposed framework can greatly compensate variations in the given a priori knowledge and consistently produce accurate segmentations.  相似文献   

The segmentation of the myocardium in echocardiographic images is an important task for the diagnosis of heart disease. This task is difficult due to the inherent problems of echographic images (i.e. low contrast, speckle noise, signal dropout, presence of shadows). In this article, we propose a method to segment the whole myocardium (endocardial and epicardial contours) in 2D echographic images. This is achieved using a level-set model constrained by a new shape formulation that allows to model both contours. The novelty of this work also lays in the fact that our framework allows to segment the whole myocardium for the four main views used in clinical routine. The method is validated on a dataset of clinical images and compared with expert segmentation.  相似文献   

Despite that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved promising performance in many medical image segmentation tasks, they rely on a large set of labeled images for training, which is expensive and time-consuming to acquire. Semi-supervised learning has shown the potential to alleviate this challenge by learning from a large set of unlabeled images and limited labeled samples. In this work, we present a simple yet efficient consistency regularization approach for semi-supervised medical image segmentation, called Uncertainty Rectified Pyramid Consistency (URPC). Inspired by the pyramid feature network, we chose a pyramid-prediction network that obtains a set of segmentation predictions at different scales. For semi-supervised learning, URPC learns from unlabeled data by minimizing the discrepancy between each of the pyramid predictions and their average. We further present multi-scale uncertainty rectification to boost the pyramid consistency regularization, where the rectification seeks to temper the consistency loss at outlier pixels that may have substantially different predictions than the average, potentially due to upsampling errors or lack of enough labeled data. Experiments on two public datasets and an in-house clinical dataset showed that: 1) URPC can achieve large performance improvement by utilizing unlabeled data and 2) Compared with five existing semi-supervised methods, URPC achieved better or comparable results with a simpler pipeline. Furthermore, we build a semi-supervised medical image segmentation codebase to boost research on this topic: https://github.com/HiLab-git/SSL4MIS.  相似文献   

Morphological abnormalities of the femoroacetabular (hip) joint are among the most common human musculoskeletal disorders and often develop asymptomatically at early easily treatable stages. In this paper, we propose an automated framework for landmark-based detection and quantification of hip abnormalities from magnetic resonance (MR) images. The framework relies on a novel idea of multi-landmark environment analysis with reinforcement learning. In particular, we merge the concepts of the graphical lasso and Morris sensitivity analysis with deep neural networks to quantitatively estimate the contribution of individual landmark and landmark subgroup locations to the other landmark locations. Convolutional neural networks for image segmentation are utilized to propose the initial landmark locations, and landmark detection is then formulated as a reinforcement learning (RL) problem, where each landmark-agent can adjust its position by observing the local MR image neighborhood and the locations of the most-contributive landmarks. The framework was validated on T1-, T2- and proton density-weighted MR images of 260 patients with the aim to measure the lateral center-edge angle (LCEA), femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA), and the anterior and posterior acetabular sector angles (AASA and PASA) of the hip, and derive the quantitative abnormality metrics from these angles. The framework was successfully tested using the UNet and feature pyramid network (FPN) segmentation architectures for landmark proposal generation, and the deep Q-network (DeepQN), deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3), and actor-critic policy gradient (A2C) RL networks for landmark position optimization. The resulting overall landmark detection error of 1.5 mm and angle measurement error of 1.4° indicates a superior performance in comparison to existing methods. Moreover, the automatically estimated abnormality labels were in 95% agreement with those generated by an expert radiologist.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,20(1):98-109
Multi-atlas segmentation infers the target image segmentation by combining prior anatomical knowledge encoded in multiple atlases. It has been quite successfully applied to medical image segmentation in the recent years, resulting in highly accurate and robust segmentation for many anatomical structures. However, to guide the label fusion process, most existing multi-atlas segmentation methods only utilise the intensity information within a small patch during the label fusion process and may neglect other useful information such as gradient and contextual information (the appearance of surrounding regions). This paper proposes to combine the intensity, gradient and contextual information into an augmented feature vector and incorporate it into multi-atlas segmentation. Also, it explores the alternative to the K nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier in performing multi-atlas label fusion, by using the support vector machine (SVM) for label fusion instead. Experimental results on a short-axis cardiac MR data set of 83 subjects have demonstrated that the accuracy of multi-atlas segmentation can be significantly improved by using the augmented feature vector. The mean Dice metric of the proposed segmentation framework is 0.81 for the left ventricular myocardium on this data set, compared to 0.79 given by the conventional multi-atlas patch-based segmentation (Coupé et al., 2011; Rousseau et al., 2011). A major contribution of this paper is that it demonstrates that the performance of non-local patch-based segmentation can be improved by using augmented features.  相似文献   

The elimination of gadolinium contrast agent (CA) injections and manual segmentation are crucial for ischemic heart disease (IHD) diagnosis and treatment. In the clinic, CA-based late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging and manual segmentation remain subject to concerns about potential toxicity, interobserver variability, and ineffectiveness. In this study, progressive sequential causal GANs (PSCGAN) are proposed. This is the first one-stop CA-free IHD technology that can simultaneously synthesize an LGE-equivalent image and segment diagnosis-related tissues (i.e., scars, healthy myocardium, blood pools, and other pixels) from cine MR images. To this end, the PSCGAN offer three unique properties: 1) a progressive framework that cascades three phases (i.e., priori generation, conditional synthesis, and enhanced segmentation) for divide-and-conquer training synthesis and segmentation of images. Importantly, this framework leverages the output of the previous phase as a priori condition to input the next phase and guides its training for enhancing performance, 2) a sequential causal learning network (SCLN) that creates a multi-scale, two-stream pathway and a multi-attention weighing unit to extract spatial and temporal dependencies from cine MR images and effectively select task-specific dependence. It also integrates the GAN architecture to leverage adversarial training to further facilitate the learning of interest dependencies of the latent space of cine MR images in all phases; and 3) two specifically designed self-learning loss terms: a synthetic regularization loss term leverages the spare regularization to avoid noise during synthesis, and a segmentation auxiliary loss term leverages the number of pixels for each tissue to compensate for discrimination during segmentation. Thus, the PSCGAN gain unprecedented performance while stably training in both synthesis and segmentation. By training and testing a total of 280 clinical subjects, our PSCGAN yield a synthetic normalization root-mean-squared-error of 0.14 and an overall segmentation accuracy of 97.17%. It also produces a 0.96 correlation coefficient for the scar ratio in a real diagnostic metric evaluation. These results proved that our method is able to offer significant assistance in the standardized assessment of cardiac disease.  相似文献   

The main objective of anatomically plausible results for deformable image registration is to improve model’s registration accuracy by minimizing the difference between a pair of fixed and moving images. Since many anatomical features are closely related to each other, leveraging supervision from auxiliary tasks (such as supervised anatomical segmentation) has the potential to enhance the realism of the warped images after registration. In this work, we employ a Multi-Task Learning framework to formulate registration and segmentation as a joint issue, in which we utilize anatomical constraint from auxiliary supervised segmentation to enhance the realism of the predicted images. First, we propose a Cross-Task Attention Block to fuse the high-level feature from both the registration and segmentation network. With the help of initial anatomical segmentation, the registration network can benefit from learning the task-shared feature correlation and rapidly focusing on the parts that need deformation. On the other hand, the anatomical segmentation discrepancy from ground-truth fixed annotations and predicted segmentation maps of initial warped images are integrated into the loss function to guide the convergence of the registration network. Ideally, a good deformation field should be able to minimize the loss function of registration and segmentation. The voxel-wise anatomical constraint inferred from segmentation helps the registration network to reach a global optimum for both deformable and segmentation learning. Both networks can be employed independently during the testing phase, enabling only the registration output to be predicted when the segmentation labels are unavailable. Qualitative and quantitative results indicate that our proposed methodology significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art approaches on inter-patient brain MRI registration and pre- and intra-operative uterus MRI registration tasks within our specific experimental setup, which leads to state-of-the-art registration quality scores of 0.755 and 0.731 (i.e., by 0.8% and 0.5% increases) DSC for both tasks, respectively.  相似文献   



For patients with myocardial infarction (MI), delayed enhancement (DE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a sensitive and well-validated technique for the detection and visualization of MI. The myocardium viability assessment with DE MRI is important in diagnosis and treatment management, where myocardium segmentation is a prerequisite. However, few academic works have focused on automated myocardium segmentation from DE images. In this study, we aim to develop an automatic myocardium segmentation algorithm that targets DE images.


We propose a segmentation framework based on both prior shape knowledge and image intensity. Instead of the strong request of the pre-segmentation of cine MRI in the same session, we use the sparse representation method to model the myocardium shape. Data from the Cardiac MR Left Ventricle Segmentation Challenge (2009) are used to build the shape template repository. The method of guided random walks is used to integrate the shape model and intensity information. An iterative approach is used to gradually improve the results.


The proposed method was tested on the DE MRI data from 30 MI patients. The proposed method achieved Dice similarity coefficients (DSC) of 74.60?±?7.79% with 201 shape templates and 73.56?±?6.32% with 56 shape templates, which were close to the inter-observer difference (73.94?±?5.12%). To test the generalization of the proposed method to routine clinical images, the DE images of 10 successive new patients were collected, which were unseen during the method development and parameter tuning, and a DSC of 76.02?±?7.43% was achieved.


The authors propose a novel approach for the segmentation of myocardium from DE MRI by using the sparse representation-based shape model and guided random walks. The sparse representation method effectively models the prior shape with a small number of shape templates, and the proposed method has the potential to achieve clinically relevant results.

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