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To study the relationship between clinical indexes and the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and to explore its role in predicting the severity of COVID-19. Clinical data of 443 patients with COVID-19 admitted to our hospital were retrospectively analyzed, which were divided into nonsevere group (n = 304) and severe group (n = 139) according to their condition. Clinical indicators were compared between different groups. The differences in sex, age, the proportion of patients with combined heart disease, leukocyte, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), neutrophil, lymphocyte, platelet, D-dimer, C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, lactate dehydrogenase, and albumin on admission between the two groups were statistically significant (P < .05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed NLR and CRP were independent risk factors for severe COVID-19. Platelets were independent protective factors for severe COVID-19. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis demonstrated area under the curve of NLR, platelet, CRP, and combination was 0.737, 0.634, 0.734, and 0.774, respectively. NLR, CRP, and platelets can effectively assess the severity of COVID-19, among which NLR is the best predictor of severe COVID-19, and the combination of three clinical indicators can further predict severe COVID-19.  相似文献   

2019年12月以来,武汉市暴发新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19),并迅速蔓延至全国各地。为了有效防控疾病的蔓延,大部分省市均启动限制交通、出入等措施,这给患者的急诊转运流程带来了巨大的挑战。为了有效促使患者顺利入院接受救治,四川大学华西医院急诊科采用了一种创新医疗隔离运输系统以转运新型冠状病毒肺炎患者,并应用于首例患者的急诊转运,最终使该患者顺利入院,且转运途中病情稳定,按计划进行治疗,未发生二次感染病例。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎作为急性呼吸道传染病已被纳入乙类传染病,按甲类传染病管理。我院作为重庆市定点救治医院,启动突发公共事件一级响应。手术室是临床枢纽科室,人员复杂,是感染发生的高风险科室。我院手术室根据国家相关规定制定管理对策,全面做好人力、物资、环境管理,确保手术室的正常运行,保障患者及医务人员安全。  相似文献   

回顾1例疑似新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者的急诊手术管理,医护团队根据COVID-19的感染特点,参照核应急演习及手术室特殊感染手术的防控要求,提出严密的隔离措施和管理计划策略,从患者的病情评估、术前准备、手术间及器材设备准备、手术人员管控、麻醉防护特点、术中护理关键点及术后环境、器械、用物处置的特殊性进行积极探索,以期为保障手术顺利进行及制定疑似/确诊COVID-19患者手术管理流程和感染防控规范提供依据。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Wuhan, China, has subsided after being hard hit by the disease and subsequent city lockdown. Information on the number of people involved in Wuhan is still inadequate. This study aimed to describe the screening results of 61 437 community members in Wuchang District, Wuhan.MethodsIn mid-May 2020, Wuhan launched a population-scale city-wide SARS-CoV-2 testing campaign, which aimed to perform nucleic acid and viral antibody testing for citizens in Wuhan. Here we show the screening results of cluster sampling of 61 437 residents in Wuchang District, Wuhan, China.ResultsA total of 1470 (2.39%, 95% CI 2.27–2.52) individuals were detected positive for at least one antiviral antibody. Among the positive individuals, 324 (0.53%, 95% CI 0.47–0.59) and 1200 (1.95%, 95% CI 1.85–2.07) were positive for immunoglobulin IgM and IgG, respectively, and 54 (0.08%, 95% CI 0.07–0.12) were positive for both antibodies. The positive rate of female carriers of antibodies was higher than those of male counterparts (male-to-female ratio of 0.75), especially in elderly citizens (ratio of 0.18 in 90+ age subgroup), indicating a sexual discrepancy in seroprevalence. In addition, viral nucleic acid detection using real-time PCR had showed 8 (0.013%, 95% CI 0.006–0.026) asymptomatic virus carriers.DiscussionThe seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan was low. Most Wuhan residents are still susceptible to this virus. Precautions, such as wearing mask, frequent hand hygiene and proper social distance, are necessary before an effective vaccine or antiviral treatments are available.  相似文献   

Carmen Riggioni  Pasquale Comberiati  Mattia Giovannini  Ioana Agache  Mübeccel Akdis  Magna Alves-Correia  Josep M. Antó  Alessandra Arcolaci  Ahmet Kursat Azkur  Dilek Azkur  Burcin Beken  Cristina Boccabella  Jean Bousquet  Heimo Breiteneder  Daniela Carvalho  Leticia De las Vecillas  Zuzana Diamant  Ibon Eguiluz-Gracia  Thomas Eiwegger  Stefanie Eyerich  Wytske Fokkens  Ya-dong Gao  Farah Hannachi  Sebastian L. Johnston  Marek Jutel  Aspasia Karavelia  Ludger Klimek  Beatriz Moya  Kari C. Nadeau  Robyn O'Hehir  Liam O'Mahony  Oliver Pfaar  Marek Sanak  Jürgen Schwarze  Milena Sokolowska  María J. Torres  Willem van de Veen  Menno C. van Zelm  De Yun Wang  Luo Zhang  Rodrigo Jiménez-Saiz  Cezmi A. Akdis 《Allergy》2020,75(10):2503-2541
In December 2019, China reported the first cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This disease, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has developed into a pandemic. To date, it has resulted in ~9 million confirmed cases and caused almost 500 000 related deaths worldwide. Unequivocally, the COVID-19 pandemic is the gravest health and socioeconomic crisis of our time. In this context, numerous questions have emerged in demand of basic scientific information and evidence-based medical advice on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Although the majority of the patients show a very mild, self-limiting viral respiratory disease, many clinical manifestations in severe patients are unique to COVID-19, such as severe lymphopenia and eosinopenia, extensive pneumonia, a “cytokine storm” leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome, endothelitis, thromboembolic complications, and multiorgan failure. The epidemiologic features of COVID-19 are distinctive and have changed throughout the pandemic. Vaccine and drug development studies and clinical trials are rapidly growing at an unprecedented speed. However, basic and clinical research on COVID-19–related topics should be based on more coordinated high-quality studies. This paper answers pressing questions, formulated by young clinicians and scientists, on SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, and allergy, focusing on the following topics: virology, immunology, diagnosis, management of patients with allergic disease and asthma, treatment, clinical trials, drug discovery, vaccine development, and epidemiology. A total of 150 questions were answered by experts in the field providing a comprehensive and practical overview of COVID-19 and allergic disease.  相似文献   

Pandemic coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) gives ample reason to generally review coronavirus (CoV) containment. For establishing some preliminary views on decontamination and disinfection, surrogate CoVs have commonly been assessed. This review serves to examine the existing science in regard to CoV containment generically and then to translate these findings into timely applications for COVID-19. There is widespread dissemination of CoVs in the immediate patient environment, and CoVs can potentially be spread via respiratory secretions, urine, and stool. Interpretations of the spread however must consider whether studies examine for viral RNA, virus viability by culture, or both. Presymptomatic, asymptomatic, and post-14 day virus excretion from patients may complicate the epidemiology. Whereas droplet spread is accepted, there continues to be controversy over the extent of possible airborne spread and especially now for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). CoVs are stable in body secretions and sewage at reduced temperatures. In addition to temperature, dryness or relative humidity, initial viral burden, concomitant presence of bioburden, and the type of surface can all affect stability. Generalizing, CoVs can be susceptible to radiation, temperature extremes, pH extremes, peroxides, halogens, aldehydes, many solvents, and several alcohols. Whereas detergent surfactants can have some direct activity, these agents are better used as complements to a complex disinfectant solution. Disinfectants with multiple agents and adverse pH are more likely to be best active at higher water temperatures. Real-life assessments should be encouraged with working dilutions. The use of decontamination and disinfection should be balanced with considerations of patient and caregiver safety. Processes should also be balanced with considerations for other potential pathogens that must be targeted. Given some CoV differences and given that surrogate testing provides experimental correlates at best, direct assessments with SARS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and SARS-CoV-2 are required.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses are common human viruses and include the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the SARS-CoV-2. Coronaviruses mainly bind to transmembrane receptor proteins on the human cell membrane through spike proteins (S-proteins), thus releasing the RNA of the virus into the interior of the host cell to cause an infection. In this article, we discuss the mechanism and production of cyclodextrin-soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (CD-sACE2) inclusion compounds in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections by blocking S-proteins. On the basis of the current research evidence, we believe that CD-sACE2 inclusion compounds have the potential to treat COVID-19. We hope that our article can provide a theoretical basis for later experiments.  相似文献   

A novel coronavirus infection, which began as an outbreak of unusual viral pneumonia in Wuhan, a central city in China, has evolved into a global health crisis. The outbreak is an unembellished reminder of the hazard coronaviruses pose to public health. Government and researchers around the world have been taking swift measures to control the outbreak and conduct aetiological studies to understand the various facets of the outbreak. This review is an attempt at providing an insight about the current understanding, knowledge gaps and a perspective on the future of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections. All the authentic data published so far on COVID-19 has been systematically analysed. PubMed, NCBI, World Health Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention databases and bibliographies of relevant studies up to 22nd June 2020 have been included. The Wuhan outbreak is a stark reminder of the continuing threat posed by zoonotic diseases to global health. Despite an armamentarium of Government officials, researchers and medical fraternity working towards the containment of this novel coronavirus viral pneumonia continues to spread at an alarming rate infecting multitudes and claiming hundreds of lives.  相似文献   

IntroductionObesity has emerged as one of the major risk factors of severe morbidity and cause-specific mortality among severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infected individuals. Patients with obesity also have overlapping cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which make them increasingly vulnerable. This novel ecological study examines the impact of obesity and/or body mass index (BMI) on rates of population-adjusted cases and deaths due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Material and methodsPublicly available datasets were used to obtain relevant data on COVID-19, obesity and ecological variables. Group-wise comparisons and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was plotted to compute the area under the curve.ResultsWe found that male BMI is an independent predictor of cause-specific (COVID-19) mortality, and not of the caseload per million population. Countries with obesity rates of 20–30% had a significantly higher (approximately double) number of deaths per million population to both those in < 20% and > 30% slabs. We postulate that there may be a U-shaped paradoxical relationship between obesity and COVID-19 with the cause-specific mortality burden more pronounced in the countries with 20–30% obesity rates. These findings are novel along with the methodological approach of doing ecological analyses on country-wide data from publicly available sources.ConclusionsWe anticipate, in light of our findings, that appropriate targeted public health approaches or campaigns could be developed to minimize the risk and cause-specific morbidity burden due to COVID-19 in countries with nationwide obesity rates of 20–30%.  相似文献   



At the end of 2019, Wuhan, a city in China with a population of about 11 million, witnessed the outbreak of unusual pneumonia. As of 29 March 2020, the disease has spread to more 199 countries and territories worldwide. The 2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is known as the probable causative agent of the illness.  相似文献   

Objectives: The epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been researched. However, the prevalence of repositivity by real-time PCR for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) remains unclear.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted involving 599 discharged patients with COVID-19 in a single medical centre. The clinical features of patients during their hospitalization and 14-day post-discharge quarantine were collected.Results: A total of 122 patients (20.4%) out of 599 patients retested positive after discharge. Specifically, 94 (15.7%) retested positive within 24 h of discharge, and another 28 patients (4.7%) were repositive on day 7 after discharge, although none showed any clinical symptomatic recurrence. Both repositives and non‑repositives have similar patterns of IgG and IgM. Notably, the length of hospitalization of non-repositive patients was longer than that of 24-h repositive patients and 7-day repositive patients. In addition, the length of hospitalization of 24-h repositive patients was shorter than that of 7-day repositive patients, indicating that the length of hospitalization was also a determinant of viral shedding.Conclusion: Our study provides further information for improving the management of recovered and discharged patients, and further studies should be performed to elucidate the infectiveness of individuals with prolonged or RNA repositivity.  相似文献   

Since December 2019, a series of unexplained pneumonia cases have been reported in Wuhan, China. On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily named this new virus as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). On 11 February 2020, the WHO officially named the disease caused by the 2019-nCoV as coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The COVID-19 epidemic is spreading all over the world, especially in China. Based on the published evidence, we systematically discuss the characteristics of COVID-19 in the hope of providing a reference for future studies and help for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic.  相似文献   

An outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or 2019-CoV) infection has posed significant threats to international health and the economy. In the absence of treatment for this virus, there is an urgent need to find alternative methods to control the spread of disease. Here, we have conducted an online search for all treatment options related to coronavirus infections as well as some RNA-virus infection and we have found that general treatments, coronavirus-specific treatments, and antiviral treatments should be useful in fighting COVID-19. We suggest that the nutritional status of each infected patient should be evaluated before the administration of general treatments and the current children's RNA-virus vaccines including influenza vaccine should be immunized for uninfected people and health care workers. In addition, convalescent plasma should be given to COVID-19 patients if it is available. In conclusion, we suggest that all the potential interventions be implemented to control the emerging COVID-19 if the infection is uncontrollable.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic started in Italy by the end of January 2020 and, after 1 month, it affected 1049 persons. Based on the Italian Ministry of Health data, we reconstructed the daily course of virus-positive cases and deaths over March 2020 for the whole of Italy, 19 regions and 2 provinces. From 29 February to 31 March, there was a 100.9-fold increase in the cumulative number of cases and a 428.6-fold increase in the number of deaths in Italy. When plotted on a semilogarithmic scale, the curves tended to diverge from linearity with 23%, 16%, and 7% average daily increases during the three decades of March. Similarly, the number of deaths decreased from an average daily growth of 19% over the second decade to 10% over the third decade. The correlation coefficients relating the days to cases or deaths over each one of the three decades approached unity. As inferred from the equations of the regression lines relative to the three decades, the doubling times of cases were 3.4, 5.1, and 9.6 days, respectively. The doubling times of deaths over the second and third decades were 4.9 and 7.0 days, respectively. There was a broad geographic variability, with a striking gradient from the North, where 40.8% of cases and 57.9% of deaths occurred in Lombardy, to the South. On the whole, over March there was a trend to epidemic growth decline but the time for the end of the epidemic will depend on a variety of factors and, at present, it is unpredictable.  相似文献   

目的 通过文献计量学方法分析新冠疫苗副作用相关研究文献,了解国内外新冠疫苗相关的前沿问题。方法 计算机检索2020年1月-2021年8月Web of Science核心合集数据库(WOSCC)中发表的新冠疫苗副作用的相关文献,分析文献的发表国家、作者、期刊、机构、关键词、文献引用情况及被引频次等情况。结果 共纳入文献489篇,Harvard Med Sch为最大的发文机构,NEW ENGL J MED为文献被引用次数最多的期刊,美国是新冠疫苗副作用相关文献的主要产出国家,李敬新和朱凤才为发文量最多的作者;该领域主要的研究热点为新冠病毒感染、预先暴露、副作用、严重新冠病毒感染、人类健康体系、进展前景、疫苗观望态度、其他人类冠状病毒感染等。结论 目前新冠疫苗副作用的相关研究总体呈增长趋势,随着新冠疫苗接种人群越来越多,其有效性及安全性将会愈发受到重视,医务工作者应投入更多的研究,深化国际间合作,为未来的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak has caused a large number of deaths with thousands of confirmed cases worldwide, especially in East Asia. This study took an immunoinformatics approach to identify significant cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and B cell epitopes in the 2019-nCoV surface glycoprotein. Also, interactions between identified CTL epitopes and their corresponding major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I supertype representatives prevalent in China were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. We identified five CTL epitopes, three sequential B cell epitopes and five discontinuous B cell epitopes in the viral surface glycoprotein. Also, during simulations, the CTL epitopes were observed to be binding MHC class I peptide-binding grooves via multiple contacts, with continuous hydrogen bonds and salt bridge anchors, indicating their potential in generating immune responses. Some of these identified epitopes can be potential candidates for the development of 2019-nCoV vaccines.  相似文献   

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus causing severe acute respiratory disease occurred in Wuhan, China. It is an emerging infectious disease with widespread and rapid infectiousness. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak to be a public health emergency of international concern on 31 January 2020. Severe COVID-19 patients should be managed and treated in a critical care unit. Performing a chest X-ray/CT can judge the severity of the disease. The management of COVID-19 patients includes epidemiological risk and patient isolation; treatment entails general supportive care, respiratory support, symptomatic treatment, nutritional support, psychological intervention, etc. The prognosis of the patients depends upon the severity of the disease, the patient's age, the underlying diseases of the patients, and the patient's overall medical condition. The management of COVID-19 should focus on early diagnosis, immediate isolation, general and optimized supportive care, and infection prevention and control.  相似文献   

《Clinical microbiology and infection》2021,27(10):1520.e7-1520.e10
ObjectivesDexamethasone has become the standard of care for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but its virological impact is poorly understood. The objectives of this work were to characterize the kinetics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) concentration in the upper respiratory tract (URT) and the antibody response in patients with (D+) and without (D) dexamethasone treatment.MethodsData and biosamples from hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19, enrolled between 4th March and 11th December 2020 in a prospective observational study, were analysed. SARS-CoV-2 virus concentration in serial URT samples was measured using RT-PCR. SARS-CoV-2-specific immunoglobulins A and G (IgA and IgG) were measured in serum samples using S1-ELISA.ResultsWe compared 101 immunocompetent patients who received dexamethasone (according to the inclusion criteria and dosage determined in the RECOVERY trial) to 93 immunocompetent patients with comparable disease severity from the first months of the pandemic, who had not been treated with dexamethasone or other glucocorticoids. We found no inter-group differences in virus concentration kinetics, duration of presence of viral loads >106 viral copies/mL (D+ median 17 days (IQR 13–24), D 19 days (IQR 13–29)), or time from symptom onset until seroconversion (IgA: D+ median 11.5 days (IQR 11–12), D 14 days (IQR 11.5–15.75); IgG: D+ 13 days (IQR 12–14.5), D 12 days (IQR 11–15)).ConclusionDexamethasone does not appear to lead to a change in virus clearance or a delay in antibody response in immunocompetent patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19.  相似文献   

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