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Various theoretical models have been proposed to explain the periodicity in the pattern of limb chondrogenesis, but experimental comparison of these models have seldom been performed properly. In the present study, micromass culture of limb bud mesenchyme cells was undertaken to test the validity of three theoretical models: the reaction-diffusion model, the cell sorting model, and the mechanochemical model. Computer simulations were undertaken to predict the factors that can affect the coarseness of the chondrogenic pattern. According to the predictions, we performed micromass culture of limb mesenchyme in collagen and agarose gel. Then we carried out time-lapse observation to analyze the cell movement during pattern formation. From computer simulations it was theoretically predicted that changes in the surrounding extracellular matrix should alter the periodicity of the chondrogenic pattern in vitro, and we found that pattern changes actually occurred under different culture conditions. When compared with the culture in a liquid medium, the chondrogenic pattern became less coarse when the cells were cultured in collagen or agarose gel, and the pattern change appeared to be independent of the cell differentiation. Time-lapse observation revealed a decrease in cell motility when the cells were cultured in gel. It was found that both the reaction-diffusion and cell sorting models fit the pattern change produced and that the mechanochemical model is not primarily important in the chondrogenic pattern formation in vitro.  相似文献   

Bilateral variations in the formation and branching of brachial plexus are extremely rare. Multiple bilateral variations in brachial plexus right from divisions to branching pattern were observed during the dissection in an adult male cadaver. Lateral and medial cord formation showed deviation from the usual pattern. Anterior division of upper trunk continued as lateral cord. Medial cord was formed by the union of anterior division of lower trunk and anterior division of middle trunk, thus receiving fibers from both the trunks. Anterior division of middle trunk bifurcated into upper and lower branches. We encountered two lateral roots bilaterally and two medial roots of median nerve on the left side with anomalous origin. There were three upper subscapular nerves on the left and two on the right side with variations in their origin. Anomalous origin of many other branches on both sides was encountered. It is extremely uncommon to find so many variations in one body and bilateral variations are still too rare. Understanding of such variations is clinically important for diagnosing unexplained clinical signs and symptoms as well as during nerve blocks and certain surgical procedures around the neck and proximal arm.  相似文献   

An emerging concept is that disulfide bonds can act as a dynamic scaffold to present mature proteins in different conformational and functional states on the cell surface. Two examples are the conversion of the receptor, integrin alphaIIbbeta3, from a low affinity to a high affinity state, and the interaction of CD4 receptor with the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 to promote virus-cell fusion. In both of these cases there is a remodeling of the protein disulfide bonding pattern. The formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds is modulated by a family of enzymes known as the thiol isomerases, which include protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), ERp5, ERp57, and ERp72. While these enzymes were reported originally to be restricted in location to the endoplasmic reticulum, in some cells thiol isomerases are found on the cell surface. This may indicate a wider role for these enzymes in cell function. In platelets it has been shown that reagents that react with cell surface sulfhydryl groups are capable of blocking a number of functional responses, including integrin-mediated aggregation, adhesion, and granule secretion. Furthermore, the use of function blocking antibodies to either PDI or ERp5 causes inhibition of these functional responses. This review summarizes current knowledge of the extracellular regulation of disulfide exchange and the implications of this in the regulation of cell function.  相似文献   

Much peroxidase is released from eosinophils that ingest complexes formed of human immunoglobulins with specific rabbit antibody. The complex formed of IgE with rabbit antibody, was particularly effective. The amount and rate of release of peroxidase was closely related to the amounts of complex ingested by the eosinophils, and degree of lysis of the cell granules. It is proposed that eosinophils attracted to an allergic lesion ingest complexes of IgE, show lysis of granules with release of peroxidase, and that the peroxidase reduces the allergic reaction.  相似文献   

Biological surface engineering: a simple system for cell pattern formation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Biological surface engineering using synthetic biological materials has a great potential for advances in our understanding of complex biological phenomena. We developed a simple system to engineer biologically relevant surfaces using a combination of self-assembling oligopeptide monolayers and microcontact printing (muCP). We designed and synthesized two oligopeptides containing a cell adhesion motif (RADS)n (n = 2 and 3) at the N-terminus, followed by an oligo(alanine) linker and a cysteine residue at the C-terminus. The thiol group of cysteine allows the oligopeptides to attach covalently onto a gold-coated surface to form monolayers. We then microfabricated a variety of surface patterns using the cell adhesion peptides in combination with hexa-ethylene glycol thiolate which resist non-specific adsorption of proteins and cells. The resulting patterns consist of areas either supporting or inhibiting cell adhesion, thus they are capable of aligning cells in a well-defined manner, leading to specific cell array and pattern formations.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix proteins and the dynamics of dentin formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dentinogenesis involves controlled reactions that result in conversion of unmineralized predentin to dentin when apatite crystals are formed. This process is dynamic: Maturation events occur within predentin beginning at the proximal layer and progressing to the predentin-dentin (PD) border. One type of controlled reaction is the proteolytic processing of dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) to dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP), by cleavage of at least three highly conserved peptide bonds. We postulate that this processing event represents an activation step, resulting in release of DPP, which is active in its effects on formation and growth of apatite crystals. Dentin matrix protein 1 (DPM1), present as a processed fragment (57-kD protein) in bone, is seen in dentin on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as one intact protein of 150-200 kD. Anti-57-kD antibodies elicit immunoreactivity in bone, dentin, and cellular cementum. In bone, the reactivity is associated with osteocytes and their cell processes. Similarly, dentin shows reactivity in odontoblasts, predentin, and the odontoblast processes. In summary, the processing of large sialic acid-rich proteins into smaller fragments may be an important part of the controlled conversion of predentin to dentin and osteoid to bone.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing and the generation of beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) are important in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Although this has been studied extensively at the molecular and cellular levels, much less is known about the mechanisms of amyloid accumulation in vivo. We transplanted transgenic APP23 and wild-type B6 embryonic neural cells into the neocortex and hippocampus of both B6 and APP23 mice. APP23 grafts into wild-type hosts did not develop amyloid deposits up to 20 months after grafting. In contrast, both transgenic and wild-type grafts into young transgenic hosts developed amyloid plaques as early as 3 months after grafting. Although largely diffuse in nature, some of the amyloid deposits in wild-type grafts were congophilic and were surrounded by neuritic changes and gliosis, similar to the amyloid-associated pathology previously described in APP23 mice. Our results indicate that diffusion of soluble Abeta in the extracellular space is involved in the spread of Abeta pathology, and that extracellular amyloid formation can lead to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Twenty biopsies of lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis were classified according to the mechanism of parasite elimination, on the basis of macrophage activation (five cases) or macrophage lysis (15 cases). The immunoperoxidase technique was used to demonstrate free Leishmania antigen, immunoglobulins, complement, lysozyme, C-reactive protein, beta-lipoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, plasminogen and factor VIII, which were quantitated and comparatively assessed. The fall in the parasite load during the course of the infection was associated with rising levels of IgG, IgM and IgE, and of the complement components of the classical pathway. Macrophage lysis supervened when there was an approximate equivalence of antigen and antibody, and was associated with the deposition of immune complex components. Lysis of the acute focal type (C response) was accompanied by a massive liberation of free Leishmania antigen, followed by a fall indicative of parasite elimination. The lysis of small numbers of macrophages scattered diffusely in the lesion, which was slow to reach completion (B response), was less effective and immunologically closer to the non-lytic (A) response. A terminal fall of the immunological factors other than the globulins, suggestive of resolution, was observed mainly in the C response. Lymphocytes may be important in macrophage activation associated with the macrophage A response and in the later stage of the B and C responses. However immunologically induced host-cell lysis is more important than macrophage activation for the elimination of Leishmania in the acute stage of most skin lesions. It is associated with, and may be caused by, the formation in situ of immune complexes of Leishmania antigen and antibody at an appropriate ratio.  相似文献   

To determine if mice could perceive differences among several complex black/white patterns, a water version of a radial-arm maze was modified into a T-maze. BXSB mice were able to discriminate between multiple pairs of stimuli.  相似文献   

The interaction between Streptococcus mutans dextransucrase (EC and high-molecular-weight dextran was studied in both the presence and absence of substrate sucrose. Equivalent weight-percent solutions of primer dextrans that differed 200-fold in molecular weight were found to be equally efficient in priming new dextran synthesis. Sodium borohydride reduction of dextran had no effect on its priming ability. These results suggest that dextran synthesis proceeds by addition of glucosyl residues to nonreducing termini of primer dextrans and that several enzyme molecules simultaneously bind to single high-molecular-weight dextran molecules. Kinetic data suggested that dextransucrase contains only one dextran binding site per enzyme molecule. The nature of the commonly observed highly aggregated state of dextransucrase was also studied. Two types of enzyme aggregates were distinguished: (i) oligomeric enzyme aggregates that formed in the absence of dextran and were dissociated by 1 M KCl; and (ii) dextran-induced enzyme aggregates that were stable to 3 M salt. Oligomeric enzyme aggregates were obtained from supernatants of fructose-grown cultures, whereas dextran-induced enzyme aggregates appeared to be present in glucose-grown cultures. The molecular weight of the smallest species of dextran-free detransucrase observed in solutions of 1 M KCl was estimated to be 40,000 by gel column chromatography. Addition of dextran to primer-dependent dextransucrase resulted in formation of complexes that were stable in CsCl density gradients and exhibited a buoyant density of 1.382 g/cm3 as compared with a buoyant density of 1.302 g/cm3 exhibited by dextransucrase. The enzyme-dextran complexes observed in CsCl density gradients contained about 25% dextran. This corresponded to 150 enzyme molecules (molecular weight, 40,000) per dextran molecule (molecular weight, 2 X 10(6)). The implication of these results to the mechanism of sucrose- and dextran-induced aggregation of S. mutans is discussed.  相似文献   

When implanted into immunodeficient mice, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) give rise to teratoma, tumor-like formations containing tissues belonging to all three germ layers. The ability to form teratoma is a sine qua non characteristic of pluripotent stem cells. However, limited data are available regarding the effects of implantation site and the methods employed for implantation on the success rate of teratoma formation. In this study, the rate of teratoma formation in immunodeficient mice was site dependent: subcutaneous (25-100%), intratesticular (60%), intramuscular (12.5%), and under the kidney capsule (100%). Co-injecting the hESCs with Matrigel increased subcutaneous teratoma formation efficiency from 25-40% to 80-100%. We did not observe site-specific differences in the teratoma composition at the histological level. However, subcutaneous teratomas were quite distinct, easy to remove, and caused minimal discomfort to the mice. Also, subcutaneous teratomas displayed larger proportion of solid tissues as opposed to cyst formation that dominated the teratomas formed at the other sites. Interestingly, a chromosomally abnormal hESCs with trisomy 20 formed teratomas where the ratio of differentiated to undifferentiated tissues was significantly decreased suggesting defective pluripotency of the cells. In conclusion, subcutaneous implantation of hESCs in presence of Matrigel appears to be the most efficient, reproducible, and the easiest approach for teratoma formation by hESCs. Also, teratoma formation can be employed to study the development defects exhibited by the chromosomally abnormal hESC lines.  相似文献   

Activity-related changes in extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]e), pH (pHe) and extracellular volume were studied by means ofion-selective microelectrodes in the adult rat spinal cord in vivo and in neonatal rat spinal cords isolated from pups 3–14 days of age (P3–P14). Concomitantly with the ionic changes, the extracellular space (ECS) volume fraction (α), ECS tortuosity (λ) and non-specific uptake (k′), three parameters affecting the diffusion of substances in nervous tissue, were studied in the rat spinal cord gray matter. In adult rats, repetitive electrical nerve stimulation (10–100 Hz) elicited increases in [K+]e of about 2.0–3.5 mm, followed by a post-stimulation K+-undershoot and triphasic alkaline-acid-alkaline changes in pHe with a dominating acid shift. The ECS volume in the adult rat occupies about 20% of the tissue, α = 0.20 ± 0.003, λ = 1.62 ± 0.02 and k′ = 4.6 ± 0.4 × 10−3s−1 (n = 39). In contrast, in pups at P3–P6, the [K+]e increased by as much as 6.5 mm at a stimulation frequency of 10 Hz, i.e. K+ ceiling level was elevated, and there was a dominating alkaline shift. An increase in [K+]e as large as 1.3–2.5 mm accompanied by an alkaline shift was evoked by a single electrical stimulus. The K+ ceiling level and alkaline shifts decreased with age, while an acid shift, which was preceded by a small initial alkaline shift, appeared in the second postnatal week. In pups at P1–P2, the spinal cord was X-irradiated to block gliogenesis. The typical decrease in [K+]e ceiling level and the development of the acid shift in pHe at P10–P14 were blocked by X-irradiation. Concomitantly, continuous development of glial fibrillary acidic protein positive reaction was disrupted and densely stained astrocytes in gray matter at P10–P14 revealed astrogliosis.The alkaline, but not the acid, shift was blocked by Mg2+ and picrotoxin (10−6m). Acetazolamide enhanced the alkaline but blocked the acid shift. Furthermore, the acid shift was blocked, and the alkaline shift enhanced, by Ba2+, amiloride and SITS. Application of glutamate or gamma-aminobutyric acid evoked an alkaline shift in the pHe baseline at P3–P14 as well as after X-irradiation. The results suggest that the activity-related acid shifts in pHe are related to membrane transport processes in mature glia, while the alkaline shifts have a postsynaptic origin and are due to activation of ligand-gated ion channels.At P4–P6, the ECS volume was almost double that in adult rats, α = 0.37 ± 0.01 (n = 17), the ECS tortuosity was significantly higher, λ = 1.78 ± 0.02, while the non-specific uptake was not significantly different, k′ = 3.61 ± 0.56 × 10−3 s−1. The α gradually decreased to about 24% at P12. In adult rats, electrical or adequate stimulation evoked a shrinkage of the extracellular space by 20–50%, while no significant changes in ECS volume were found in P3–P6. We conclude that the [K+]e ceiling level, character of the pHe transients, the size of the ECS volume and the activity-related ECS shrinkage are closely related to gliogenesis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between social interaction and cardiovascular activity during a conflict-inducing communication task in Type A and B subjects. One of the subjects, the leader, was instructed to lead the other subject, the follower, through defined routes on a city map merely by help of instructions. The subjects were facing each other on each side of a screen which allowed eye contact but shielded the maps from view. 40 male students (mean age 24 years) exhibiting Type A or Type B behavior according to the Videotaped Structured Interview participated in the study. The results demonstrated large cardiovascular increases during task performance, particularly for leaders, in systolic blood pressure and heart rate. There were no main effects of Type A vs. Type B, but dyads composed of two Type As showed larger increase in diastolic blood pressure during the conflict phase of the task compared to dyads composed of Type Bs.  相似文献   

We previously showed that recombinant limb buds with dissociated and reaggregated mesenchyme develop more than 30 digits in Xenopus laevis, which exhibits different capacities for limb regeneration at different developmental stages (Yokoyama et al. [1998] Dev Biol 196:1-10). Cell-cell contact among anterior- and posterior-derived mesenchymal cells is required for anteroposterior (AP) axis formation of recombinant limbs in an intercalary manner. However, whether one-way induction from posterior cells to anterior cells as proposed by the polarizing zone model or interactions between anterior and posterior cells evoke the AP axis formation in recombinant limbs remains unclear. In this study, we found, by a combination of X-ray irradiation and a recombinant limb technique, that not one-way induction but interactions between anterior and posterior cells accompanied by cell contribution are indispensable for AP axis formation in recombinant limbs. Shh was expressed in posterior-derived not anterior-derived cells. We propose that the recombinant limb is an excellent model for examining the axis formation mechanism in regenerating limbs because, as in recombinant limbs, cell-cell contact among cells derived from different positions of an amputation plane occurs in the blastema of regenerating limbs.  相似文献   

StuA is required for cell pattern formation in Aspergillus.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Cell-cell contact between stem cells and cellular determinants of the microenvironment plays an essential role in controlling cell division. Using human hematopoietic progenitor cells (CD34+/CD38-) and a stroma cell line (AFT024) as a model, we have studied the initial behavioral and molecular sequel of this interaction. Time-lapse microscopy showed that CD34+/CD38- cells actively migrated toward and sought contact with stroma cells and 30% of them adhered firmly to AFT024 stroma through the uropod. CD44 and CD34 are colocalized at the site of contact. Gene expression profiles of CD34+/CD38- cells upon cultivation with or without stroma for 16, 20, 48, or 72 hours were analyzed using our human genome cDNA microarray. Chk1, egr1, and cxcl2 were among the first genes upregulated within 16 hours. Genes with the highest upregulation throughout the time course included tubulin genes, ezrin, c1qr1, fos, pcna, mcm6, ung, and dnmt1, genes that play an essential role in reorganization of the cytoskeleton system, stabilization of DNA, and methylation patterns. Our results demonstrate directed migration of CD34+/CD38- cells toward AFT024 and adhesion through the uropod and that upon interaction with supportive stroma, reorganization of the cytoskeleton system, regulation of cell division, and maintenance of genetic stability represent the most essential steps.  相似文献   

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