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异性恋大学生对性图片反应的性别差异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)中性图片在异性恋大学生中诱发情绪反应的性别差异。方法:异性恋男女大学生各40名对102幅性图片的愉悦度、唤醒度、接近动机进行1-9级评分。结果:男大学生对"异性恋夫妇性图片"、"女性性图片"三维度的评分均显著高于女大学生(P均0.001),对"浪漫情侣图片"各维度的评分也高于女大学生,但愉悦度性别差异不显著;男女大学生对"男性性图片"三维度的评分差异没有统计学意义;女大学生对"男性性图片"和"女性性图片"的唤醒度评分没有统计学差异;女大学生对"浪漫情侣图片"的愉悦度和接近动机评定显著高于其它图片(P均0.001)。结论:与女大学生相比,男大学生对外显性刺激的反应更强烈;男性的性动机比女性强;相对于描写外显性行为的刺激情境,浪漫爱情情境使女性体验到的愉悦情绪和接近动机更高。  相似文献   

目的:对美国NIMH情绪与注意研究中心编制的国际情绪图片系统在中国老年人群中进行试用,将结果与NIMH常模进行比较,探讨其异同.方法:在大连市三个社区的老年活动中心选取老年人116名(男:51人,女:65人),年龄60-80岁之间,对从国际情绪图片系统中选取的60幅图片(负性:23幅.中性:12幅,正性:25幅)进行愉悦度、唤醒度、优势度的9点量表评分,结果与NIMH常模进行比较.结果:中国老年人三个维度的评分与NIMH常模的相关系数分别为:0.92,0.54,0.88(P均<0.001).中国老年人群的唤醒度和优势度评分高于NIMH常模[(5.33±0.93)V8.(4.83±1.25),(5.60±1.20)vs.(5.19±1.21),P<0.001],而愉悦度评分低于NIMH常模[(4.99±2.28)vs.(5.28±1.85),P=0.020].男女老年人群对大多数图片的情绪感受相近,但女性老年人愉悦度评分高于男性老年人[(5.05±2.33)vs.(4.93±2.24),P=0.002].在愉悦度一唤醒度二维情感空间中,60幅图片呈"<"形分布.正性图片愉悦度和唤醒度呈线性相关(r=0.71,P<0.001),负性图片两者的相关性不显著(r=-0.35,P>0.05).结论:国际情绪图片系统具有较好的国际通用性.但由于中国老年人与NIMH常模在文化、生活、年龄等方面存在差异,故对部分图片的情绪感受不同,提示国际情绪图片系统应用于中国老年人群之前有必要进行本土化的修订.  相似文献   

中国情绪图片系统的编制--在46名中国大学生中的试用   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
目的:建立本土化的中国情绪图片系统(CAPS)以适应情绪研究的需要。方法:筛选出852幅图片组成CAPS,46名中国大学生对CAPS图片的愉悦度、唤醒度和优势度进行了自我报告的9点量表评分。结果:在CAPS评分中,唤醒度评分结果的一致性最高,愉悦度和优势度评分结果的标准差大于唤醒度的标准差。散点图显示,CAPS在愉悦度和唤醒度上评分分布较为广泛。结论:国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)具有较好的国际通用性,但仍由于文化、个性等因素存在差异,因此编制本土化的中国情绪图片系统是有必要的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨短时正念训练对大学生负性情绪唤醒度的调节作用。方法:选取大学生60人,将其随机分配至正念训练组和对照组,比较基线和10 min干预后两组在多伦多正念量表(TMS)、主观唤醒度及图片唤醒度评分上的差异。在图片唤醒度评定任务中,采用掩蔽技术考察短时正念训练对有意识和无意识负性情绪唤醒度的调节作用。结果:对照组干预后对掩蔽低唤醒图片的唤醒度评分低于基线(P<0.05)。正念训练组干预后的TMS评分高于基线(P<0.01),主观唤醒度评分(P<0.01)及非掩蔽条件下的图片唤醒度评分均低于基线(P<0.05)。结论:短时正念训练能够提高大学生的正念状态、降低有意识的情绪加工,提示短时正念训练可能通过认知重评调节情绪。  相似文献   

简式情感强度量表中文版的信效度检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:建立简式情感强度量表(Short Affect Intensity Scale,SAIS)的中文版,并检验其信、效度。方法:831名大学生完成了SAIS等量表,有63人完成120张情绪图片的愉悦度和唤醒度的评分,另有91人间隔1个月第二次完成了SAIS。结果:SAIS中文版的Cronbach’sα系数总量表为0.86,三因子分别为0.86、0.75和0.84;条目间平均相关系数总量表为0.30,三因子分别为0.43、0.32和0.46;间隔1个月的重测信度总量表为0.83,三因子分别为0.79,0.82,0.85;各因子间的相关系数在0.39~0.62之间;正性情感强度与正性图片愉悦度及唤醒度的得分均存显著正相关,负性情感强度与负性图片的愉悦度显著负相关,而与负性图片的唤醒度得分显著正相关。验证性因素分析的指标:GFI为0.93,ACFI为0.92,CFI为0.95;RMSEA为0.045;条目对因子负荷系数在0.39-0.84之间。结论:简式情感强度量表中文版具有良好的信、效度,适用于我国大学生的情感强度评估。  相似文献   

目的:以图片形式编制不同情绪效价的生活事件故事场景作为标准化的事件虚假记忆实验材料。方法:通过78名在校大学生对初选的常见生活事件场景进行愉悦度评定,选取9个不同情绪效价的场景进行剧情脚本编制和图片拍摄;再请119名在校大学生对编制的故事场景图片进行愉悦度、唤醒度、熟悉度和趋向度的9点量表评定。结果:构建的生活事件场景在愉悦度上区分为正性(7-9分)、中性(4-6分)、负性(1-3分)三类;编制的三类生活事件故事场景图片在愉悦度上差异显著(F=1223.393,P<0.05),在趋向度上差异显著(F=360.068,P<0.05);三类故事场景图片在唤醒度和熟悉度上无显著差异;三类故事场景图片的愉悦度和趋向度呈正相关(r=0.37~0.62,P<0.01)。结论:本研究编制的生活事件场景图片能有效区分不同情绪效价,是事件虚假记忆研究的标准化实验材料。  相似文献   

目的:建立标准的考试焦虑图片库以适应考试焦虑研究的需要。方法:筛选出210张图片组成考试焦虑图片库,62名中国大学生对所有图片的愉悦度、唤醒度和优势度进行了自我报告的9点量表评分,并对图片与考试是否相关做3点量表评分。结果:62名被试对210幅图片的评分结果在四个维度上的内部一致性信度系数、分半信度都高于0.90。与考试相关图片的唤醒度高于无关图片,而愉悦度、优势度则低于无关图片。聚类分析将图片分为六类,各类图片在四个维度评分的差异显著(P<0.001)。组间比较显示,除在相关图片优势度上焦虑组间差异显著外,其他均不显著。结论:考试焦虑图片库具有良好的信度和效度,评分结果可靠而稳定,可用于有关考试焦虑的研究。  相似文献   

述情障碍者的情绪认知与认知性调节特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨述情障碍者的情绪认知加工特征,并分析述情障碍者的认知性情绪调节特征.方法:在本对照研究中,采用班级整群抽样的方法抽出712名学生.采用多伦多述情障碍20个条目量表(TAS-20)中文版筛选出述情障碍者(TAS-20≥58分)117名和非述情障碍者(TAS-20≤ 38分)118名,比较两组认知情绪调节问卷(CERQ)、抑郁自评量表(CES-D)得分差异.间隔2~3个月后利用TAS-20对这235名受试进行重测,筛选出51名述情障碍者与54名非述情障碍者,分别对120张情绪图片进行愉悦度、唤醒度和优势度评分.结果:(1)述情障碍组消极应对维度得分高于非述情障碍组[(47.3±5.9)vs.(41.9±5.9),P<0.001],而积极应对维度得分低于非述情障碍组[(65.2±7.7)vs.(71.1±7.3),P<0.001].(2)在愉悦度的评分上,述情障碍组对正性图片的评分低于非述情障碍组[(7.0±1.0)vs.(7.7±1.0),P<0.001],而对负性图片的评分高于非述情障碍组[(2.4±1.0)vs.(1.4±1.0),P<0.001];唤醒度方面,述情障碍组对正性和负性图片的评分均低于非述情障碍组[正性:(6.3±1.2)vs.(6.8±1.1),P=0.040;负性:(6.4±1.5)vs.(7.2±1.4),P=0.007].结论:述情障碍者存在情绪的认知加工缺陷,且存在认知性情绪调节缺陷.  相似文献   

目的建立一套适用于情绪诱发实验的标准化中国竹笛曲库。方法搜集33首有代表性的中国竹笛曲组成曲库,由105名中国大学生对其从愉悦度、唤醒度、优势度3方面进行自我报告的9点量表评分。对评定结果计算内部一致性系数,用快速聚类法对竹笛曲的愉悦度进行聚类分析,并对情绪3个维度得分进行相关分析。结果总体而言,竹笛曲评分的内部一致性信度较高。快速聚类分析将音乐分为3类,正性情绪乐曲12首,中性情绪乐曲15首,负性情绪乐曲6首。对3种类型的乐曲的评定结果进行单因素方差分析,结果显示愉悦度(F=143.03,P〈0.001)、唤醒度(F=32.36,P〈0.001)、优势度(F=48.44,P〈0.001)差异极其显著。愉悦度、唤醒度、优势度得分显著正相关(r=0.85,0.91,0.76;P〈0.01)。结论中国竹笛情绪诱发曲库具有良好的信效度,能够诱发的不同类型的情绪体验,可以为情绪研究提供标准化的实验刺激材料。  相似文献   

目的:建立一套适用于中国的标准化音乐刺激材料库。方法:从音乐网站、论坛等收集到预期能引起积极、中性和消极情绪的音乐199首,请音乐专业人士及乐感较好的若干小组成员依据诱发情绪的明确性、音乐的熟悉度和声音的质量三个标准筛选出78首音乐。征集160名在校大学生,对音乐的愉悦度、唤醒度和表达性进行自我报告的9点量表评分。结果:三维度的各评分段均有一定数量音乐材料分布,中、高分段音乐数量偏多,占总数70%以上;愉悦度、唤醒度和表达性评分两两之间具有较高正相关(r=0.85~0.90,均P0.01),唤醒度对表达性与愉悦度关系的调节效应显著(β=-0.17,P0.01);在对3个维度的评分上,男生组和女生组均呈较高正相关(r=0.95~0.99,均P0.01),但男生愉悦度和唤醒度评分均明显高于女生(均P0.05);聚类分析将音乐聚为3类,分别可引发预期的积极、中性和消极三种情绪。结论:本研究初步编制了一套情绪音乐库,可作为情绪刺激材料,但仍有待扩充和更细致的评定。  相似文献   

The magnetic equivalent of the contingent negative variation (CMV) and visual evoked magnetic fields (VEF) in anticipation of pictures of opposite-sex nude, same-sex nude, and neutral photographs has been recorded with whole-head MEG in 12 males and 12 females. Subjective ratings of valence indicated a strong gender effect. While females rated both male and female nudes as neutral, males rated male nudes similar to neutrals but female nudes received higher scores of pleasantness. Gender differences were also found for ratings of picture-induced arousal. While females rated male and female nudes as equally arousing, males attributed more arousal to opposite-sex nudes. The CMV instead revealed, for both male and female participants, higher amplitudes for opposite-sex nudes. VEF in response to nudes revealed two components with mean latencies of 126 and 203 ms. The amplitude of the first component was stronger in males than in females, and only in males the magnetic activity was increased in response to male and female nudes compared to neutral pictures. For the second component the mean magnetic activity was higher in response to nudes than to neutral contents for both male and female participants. The results are discussed in terms of an evolutionary view of sexual selection, which predicts a greater response in male subjects to stimuli relevant for mate choice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Since Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams," sleep has been related to emotional functions, where dreams were assumed to play a cathartic role. In psychophysiological research, this role was attributed mainly to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The present study compared processing pictures with negative emotional impact over intervals covering either early sleep dominated by slow-wave sleep (SWS) or late REM sleep-dominated sleep. METHOD: Emotional reactions were assessed by a nonverbal rating procedure along the two emotional dimensions valence (positive vs. negative) and arousal (low vs. high). Two groups of healthy men were tested across 3-hour periods of early and late nocturnal sleep (sleep group) or corresponding intervals filled with wakefulness (wake group). After the intervals, subjects rated new pictures together with old pictures already presented before the interval. Sleep was recorded polysomnographically. RESULTS: As expected, the amount of REM sleep was about three times greater during late than early nocturnal sleep, whereas a reversed distribution was observed for SWS (p<.001). Valence ratings indicated a shift toward enhanced negative ratings after late sleep (p<.05), contrasting with a trend toward more positive ratings after early sleep (p<.10). Arousal habituated slightly to repeated presentation of the same stimuli, but sleep generally enhanced subsequent arousal ratings (p<.05). Effects of sleep did not depend on whether pictures had low or high emotional impact. CONCLUSIONS: Indicating a priming-like enhancement of emotional reactivity after periods rich in REM sleep, results do not confirm a cathartic function of REM sleep or sleep in general.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of age and gender on emotional perception and physiology using electrodermal skin conductance response (SCR) and examined whether SCR is related to subjective perceptions of emotional pictures. Older adults found pictures to be more positive and arousing than younger participants. Older women rated pictures more extremely at both ends of the valence continuum: they rated positive pictures more positively and negative pictures more negatively. Elders were less likely to show measurable SCRs. However, magnitude of SCRs when a response occurred did not differ between young and old. Subjective ratings of emotion correlated with physiological responses in younger participants, but they were unrelated in older participants. Thus, in older adults the perception of emotional events was disconnected from the physiological state induced by emotion.  相似文献   

国际情绪图片系统在中国的试用研究   总被引:28,自引:11,他引:28  
目的:对美国NIMH(National Institute of Mental Health)情绪与注意研究中心编制的国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)在中国进行试用研究.方法:男女各24名大学生对330幅图片的愉悦度、唤醒度和优势度三个维度进行了自我报告的9点量表评分.结果:中外被试的三个维度与NIMH结果的相关系数分别为0.913、0.833和0.856,但差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).男女生在三维度上相关系数分别为0.968、0.876和0.945(P均<0.01),其中愉悦度和唤醒度差异有统计学显著性(P<0.01).聚类分析可将图片聚为几类,大致可引发愉快、厌恶、恐惧等情绪.结论:IAPS具有较好的国际通用性,但仍由于文化、个性等因素存在差异,使用前需修订,其图片数据库也有待进一步完善.男女生对部分图片的情绪感受有所不同.聚类分析结果提示可以同时从情绪维度和情绪类型两种途径研究情绪问题,两者结果也有相互比较的可能性.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the effect of emotional valence and arousal value of non-erotic visual stimuli on event-related potentials. We also directly compared the effects of erotic and non-erotic stimuli of comparable valence and arousal levels. Sixteen sexually functional heterosexual males rated 150 computer screen pictures, selected from the International Affective Picture System, representing five stimulus types differing along dimensions of emotional valence and arousal, and erotic vs. non-erotic content. A positive deflection of the ERP between 300 and 500ms after stimulus onset (P300) was found to be sensitive to stimulus differences, with positive valence and high arousal resulting in larger P300. Furthermore, the positive slow wave (PSW) between 500 and 750ms revealed additive effects of valence and arousal value. High arousal and positive valence of the stimuli resulted in larger PSW. Importantly, an interaction effect was absent here. In addition, sexual content led to a larger P300 and PSW than expected on the basis of a mere additive contribution of high arousal and positive valence.  相似文献   

复合情绪刺激对词汇加工的调节机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:考察不同唤醒度的复合情绪刺激对词汇加工的影响。方法:以23名大学生为被试,通过序列呈现不同情绪价的图片生成不同唤醒度的复合情绪刺激和单一情绪刺激,要求被试对中性目标词进行名词判断。结果:高唤醒度复合情绪刺激条件下的名词判断反应时显著长于单一情绪刺激条件;首刺激为积极时,复合情绪刺激条件下的反应时显著长于单一情绪刺激条件。结论:高唤醒度条件下,相比于单一情绪刺激,复合情绪刺激对词汇加工起阻碍作用,另外,首刺激在复合情绪刺激对词汇加工的影响中起关键作用。  相似文献   

Human vocalizations (HV), as well as environmental sounds, convey a wide range of information, including emotional expressions. The latter have been relatively rarely investigated, and, in particular, it is unclear if duration-controlled non-linguistic HV sequences can reliably convey both positive and negative emotional information. The aims of the present psychophysical study were: (i) to generate a battery of duration-controlled and acoustically controlled extreme valence stimuli, and (ii) to compare the emotional impact of HV with that of other environmental sounds. A set of 144 HV and other environmental sounds was selected to cover emotionally positive, negative, and neutral values. Sequences of 2 s duration were rated on Likert scales by 16 listeners along three emotional dimensions (arousal, intensity, and valence) and two non-emotional dimensions (confidence in identifying the sound source and perceived loudness). The 2 s stimuli were reliably perceived as emotionally positive, negative or neutral. We observed a linear relationship between intensity and arousal ratings and a “boomerang-shaped” intensity-valence distribution, as previously reported for longer, duration-variable stimuli. In addition, the emotional intensity ratings for HV were higher than for other environmental sounds, suggesting that HV constitute a characteristic class of emotional auditory stimuli. In addition, emotionally positive HV were more readily identified than other sounds, and emotionally negative stimuli, irrespective of their source, were perceived as louder than their positive and neutral counterparts. In conclusion, HV are a distinct emotional category of environmental sounds and they retain this emotional pre-eminence even when presented for brief periods. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Thirty-six participants (18 female, 18 male) viewed affective pictures to investigate the coupling between emotional reactions and motivated behavior. Framed within the biphasic theory of emotion, the three systems approach was employed by collecting measures of subjective report, expressive physiology, and motivated behavior. Postural adjustments associated with viewing affective pictures were measured. Results indicated sex-differences for postural responses to unpleasant pictures; an effect not found for pleasant and neutral picture contents. Females exhibited increased postural movement in the posterior direction, and males exhibited increased movement in the anterior direction, for unpleasant pictures. Subjective report of valence and arousal using the self-assessment manikin (SAM), and the startle eye-blink reflex were collected during a separate session, which replicated previous picture-viewing research. Specifically, participants rated pleasant pictures higher in valence and exhibited smaller startle responses compared to unpleasant pictures. Females also reported lower valence ratings compared to males across all picture contents. These findings extend our knowledge of motivated engagement with affective stimuli and indicate that postural responses may provide insight into sex-related differences in withdrawal behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the affective modulation of the Stimulus-Preceding Negativity (SPN) and heart rate changes in anticipation of visual stimuli differing in emotional content. A S1-S2 task was employed with a word (S1) indicating the content of a subsequent emotional picture (S2). Both valence and arousal dimensions were manipulated by presenting positive and negative pictures, high and low in arousal. Irrespective of valence, the amplitude of the SPN resulted to be significantly larger preceding high rather than low arousal pictures, indicating that the SPN does reflect the intensity of the motivational engagement ascribed to affective stimuli. Heart rate responses showed a deceleration preceding S2, which was larger preceding high arousal stimuli in comparison with neutral stimuli. Results suggest a coherent response pattern in both cortical and peripheral measures during affective anticipation.  相似文献   

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