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郭慧 《口腔医学研究》2012,28(5):476-479,482
目的:探讨4种钛瓷粉对钛瓷结合强度的影响。方法:分析Super Ti22、Duceratin、Titankermik、Ti-bond4种钛瓷粉的化学组成和瓷粉粒度,制备4种瓷粉的钛瓷试件并利用三点弯曲测试其钛瓷结合强度。利用电镜观察各组钛瓷结合界面并进行元素分析。结果:4种瓷粉粒度分布不均,化学成分差异较大。4种瓷粉钛瓷结合强度均达到IS09693标准,其中Super Ti22、Duceratin瓷粉钛瓷结合强度明显高于另2组(P〈0.05)。电镜观察,Super Ti22组和Duceratin组钛瓷结合紧密,无明显孔隙出现,其余2组可见明显孔隙。结论:Super Ti22、Duceratin瓷粉更有利于钛瓷结合。  相似文献   

粘结瓷对钛/瓷结合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究粘结瓷对钛/瓷结合强度的影响。方法:根据ISO9693标准,运用三点弯曲方法对Super Porcelain TI-22钛瓷系统的粘结瓷组和无粘结瓷组的钛/瓷结合强度进行测试,并对钛/瓷结合界面进行SEM/EDS观察与分析。结果:粘结瓷组的钛/瓷结合强度(39.41±0.86MPa)明显大于无粘结瓷组的钛/瓷的结合强度(24.27±2.99MPa)(P〈0.01)。粘结瓷组断裂发生在钛/瓷反应层,断裂模式为沿晶与穿晶的混合形态,晶粒中有层状亚结构组成。无粘结瓷组断口平直,有大量锡球析出,钛/瓷界面有大量的孔隙存在。结论:粘结瓷可有效地增加了钛/瓷的结合强度。  相似文献   

钛表面微弧氧化处理对钛瓷结合强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:探讨微弧氧化膜作为钛与瓷间的中间层,增强钛瓷结合强度的可行性。方法:对钛表面采用打磨光滑、喷砂处理、微弧氧化等 3种不同方法进行处理后,表面进行瓷粉烧结。根据ISO9693标准,对钛瓷间的三点弯曲结合强度进行测试,并对钛瓷结合界面和瓷剥脱面进行SEM和EDX观察与分析。以镍铬合金与瓷的结合强度测试结果为对照。结果:微弧氧化组的钛瓷结合强度与镍铬合金瓷组相比在统计学上无显著差异(P>0. 05);粗糙组的钛瓷结合强度大于光滑组(P<0. 05),但明显小于微弧氧化组 (P<0. 01)。光滑组的钛瓷界面间可见有约 25μm的裂隙;粗糙组的钛瓷界面只有在局部区域存在着少量的孔隙;而微弧氧化组的钛瓷界面瓷与钛基体结合紧密,无任何气泡、孔隙存在。结论:钛表面微弧氧化可有效地提高钛瓷的结合强度,达到镍铬合金与瓷的结合强度水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨纯钛表面溅射金涂层处理对两种钛专用瓷粉结合强度的影响。方法 按ISO9693要求制备纯钛标准试件40个,根据烧结瓷粉的种类(SP:Super Porcelain Ti-22;TC:Triceram)和钛基底片是否溅射金涂层(Au)平均分为4组(AuSP、AuTC、SP、TC组),每组10个试件。各组试件烤瓷后三点弯曲法测定钛-瓷结合强度,使用SPASS 20.0软件进行统计学分析。体视显微镜观察试件瓷层剥脱后的界面并分析其断裂模式,场发射扫描电镜观察钛-瓷结合界面形貌并进行能谱分析。结果 AuSP组结合强度为(36.32±1.36)MPa,显著的高于SP组(28.91±3.80)MPa(P<0.05),而AuTC组和TC组两组结合强度无统计学差异(P>0.05)。AuSP组断裂模式主要为混合断裂模式,其余各组均为界面断裂模式。场发射扫描电镜发现溅射金涂层组钛-瓷界面结合紧密,能谱分析显示金涂层组氧元素和钛元素扩散深度均呈明显下降。结论 在本研究条件下,预成纯钛表面溅射金涂层能够抑制氧和钛元素的扩散,提高SP瓷粉的钛-瓷结强度,但是对TC瓷粉的钛-瓷结合强度未见明显效果。  相似文献   

目的 通过研究粘接瓷对纯钛与低熔瓷粉结合强度的影响,探讨粘接瓷影响钛-瓷结合的作用机制.方法 根据ISO 9693中三点弯曲法制作钛试件40个,分为4组,每组10个;分别进行砂纸打磨(B组)、打磨+喷砂(S组)、打磨+表而烧结GC Initial Ti粘接瓷(BG组)和打磨+喷砂+表面烧结粘接瓷(SG组)处理;于4组试件中部烧结低熔瓷粉(Vita Titankeramik).测试钛-瓷结合强度,体视显微镜观察钛-瓷断裂模式,并对钛试件剥脱面进行扫描电镜观察.结果 表面烧结粘接瓷的BG组和SG组的钛-瓷结合强度分别为(32.72±4.46)和(34.25±6.52)MPa,均达到ISO9693的临床标准(>25 MPa),并显著高于不应用粘接瓷的B组和S组[分别为(20.70±3.15)和(23.92±5.02)MPa,P<0.05].结论 粘接瓷能有效提高钛-瓷结合强度.  相似文献   

目的:比较不同预处理条件下切削纯钛与瓷结合强度。方法:选用工业纯钛TA2制作25 mm×3 mm×0.5 mm试条60个。随机分成6组,分别进行自然氧化15、30、60 min,加热氧化300℃,500℃,700℃处理。相同条件烤瓷后用三点弯曲测试方法测钛瓷结合强度。结果:预氧化700℃组钛瓷结合强度明显高与其他各组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:700℃预氧化可明显增强切削纯钛与瓷的结合强度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨热盐酸结合加热处理对钛瓷结合强度的影响。方法 选用TA2型纯钛制备纯钛试件36件,随机分为4组,每组9件,1组为对照组,不进行任何处理;另外3组分别用5%、15%、25%煮沸状态盐酸酸洗40 min,冷却后置于真空烤瓷炉内升温至760℃保持1 min。制备符合测量钛瓷结合强度的标准钛瓷试件。场发射扫描电子显微镜观察钛试件截面形貌,能谱仪线扫描分析钛瓷界面区元素迁移,三点弯曲法测定钛瓷结合强度。结果 随盐酸浓度增大,氧化层厚度和反应层厚度随之增加;15%盐酸组钛瓷结合强度最大,25%盐酸组次之,5%盐酸组最小,但均大于对照组。结论 热盐酸结合加热处理可提高钛瓷结合强度。在本研究条件下,15%盐酸结合加热处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

纯钛以其优良的生物相容性、耐腐蚀性、理想的物理和机械性能以及相对低廉的价格而被日益广泛应用于口腔多种修复体的制作,但是由于纯钛化学性质活泼,常温下其表面易形成一层氧化膜,高温环境下易发生剧烈的氧化反应,钛与瓷的热膨胀系数不匹配等因素导致钛瓷间结合较差,限制了纯钛烤瓷修复体的临床应用,因此纯钛表面的有效处理至关重要。本文就近年来国内外学者对纯钛烤瓷界面处理的方法作一综述。  相似文献   

纯钛表面电火花沉积中间层对钛瓷结合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨在铸造纯钛表面电火花沉积技术制备中间层对钛瓷结合强度的影响。方法:将40个纯钛试件平均分为4组,分别用硅、锆及钴铬合金电极通过电火花沉积技术在其表面制备中间层,对照组不作沉积处理,喷砂后测各组试件的表面粗糙度。参照IS0 9693(1999)Amd.1 2005(E)标准在试件中份烧结Ti-22瓷粉,测钛瓷间的三点弯曲结合强度。对钛瓷结合界面进行扫描电镜观察及X射线能谱分析。用X射线衍射分析仪分析硅电极组中间层的结构。结果:喷砂后各组试件表面粗糙度差异无显著性,硅电极组钛瓷间的三点弯曲结合强度最高,为(33.38±3.67)MPa,较其他3组结合强度差异有显著性(P〈0.05),其他3组间钛瓷结合强度差异无显著性。扫描电镜观察显示各组试件钛瓷结合界面均未见明显氧化层,硅电极组可见中间层与钛基材间有约15~20μm的过渡层。X射线衍射分析结果提示硅电极组中间层中有TiN、Ti5Si3及TiSi2生成。结论:通过电火花沉积技术用硅电极在铸造纯钛表面制备中间层可提高其钛瓷结合强度。  相似文献   

喷砂粒度对钛/瓷结合强度影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨钛表面处理时不同喷砂粒度对钛/瓷结合强度的影响.方法:采用不同粒度(50 μm,120 μm,180 μm,250μm)的Al2O3在2 bar压力下以45°角对钛表面进行喷砂粗化处理后,对钛表面粗糙度、钛表面接触角以及钛/瓷结合强度进行检测.结果:Al2O3颗粒尺寸越大,粗糙度越大(p<0.05),钛表面接触角也越大(p<0.05);Al2O3颗粒大小对钛/瓷结合强度的影响不明显(p>0.05).结论:采用本实验所选用的任何粒度的A12O3颗粒,在0.2 MPa压力下,以45°角度对钛进行喷砂处理均可以达到较好的钛/瓷结合强度的.  相似文献   



To compare the shear bond strength of various veneering materials to grade II commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti).


Thirty specimens of CP-Ti disc with 9 mm diameter and 10 mm height were divided into three experimental groups. Each group was bonded to heat-polymerized acrylic resin (Lucitone 199), porcelain (Triceram), and indirect composite (Sinfony) with 7 mm diameter and 2 mm height. For the control group (n=10), Lucitone 199 were applied on type IV gold alloy castings. All samples were thermocycled for 5000 cycles in 5-55℃ water. The maximum shear bond strength (MPa) was measured with a Universal Testing Machine. After the shear bond strength test, the failure mode was assessed with an optic microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Statistical analysis was carried out with a Kruskal-Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney Test.


The mean shear bond strength and standard deviations for experimental groups were as follows: Ti-Lucitone 199 (12.11 ± 4.44 MPa); Ti-Triceram (11.09 ± 1.66 MPa); Ti-Sinfony (4.32 ± 0.64 MPa). All of these experimental groups showed lower shear bond strength than the control group (16.14 ± 1.89 MPa). However, there was no statistically significant difference between the Ti-Lucitone 199 group and the control group, and the Ti-Lucitone 199 group and the Ti-Triceram group. Most of the failure patterns in all experimental groups were adhesive failures.


The shear bond strength of veneering materials such as heat-polymerized acrylic resin, porcelain, and indirect composite to CP-Ti was compatible to that of heatpolymerized acrylic resin to cast gold alloy.  相似文献   

溶剂处理对钛-瓷结合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 考察丙酮,乙酸乙酯,95%乙醇及15氢氟酸对钛-瓷结合产生的影响。方法 采用剪切实验法。结果 纯钛经丙酮、乙酸乙脂,95%乙醇及1%氢氟酸处理后再烤瓷,太-瓷剪切强度分别为53.29MPa,52.54Mpa,50.69MPa,及21.18MPa,而未经任何清洗处理的对照组剪切强度值为26.75MPa。Ti-75合金烤瓷前经丙酮,乙酸乙酯,95%乙醇及1%氢氟酸处理后其钛-瓷剪切强度分别为57  相似文献   

目的利用离子多层自组装技术在纯钛表面沉积复合纳米金膜并烧结专用钛瓷粉,探讨该技术对钛瓷之间结合强度的影响。方法根据ISO9693要求制备预成纯钛试件20个,沉积纳米金膜为实验组(AuS);非沉积纳米金膜为对照组(S),每组10个钛瓷标准试件。运用场发射扫描电镜(FE.SEM)观察钛试件沉积纳米金膜后的表面形态以及钛瓷结合界面的微观形貌。三点弯曲法测定钛瓷结合强度,并进行统计学分析。体视显微镜观察钛瓷界面的断裂模式。电子探针(EMP)检测结合界面上Au元素的分布情况。结果AuS组的钛瓷结合强度(36.24±3.64)MPa明显高于S组的钛瓷结合强度(30.78±3.83)MPa,P〈0.05。FE-SEM观察显示:钛表面沉积纳米金颗粒后形成了均匀、致密的复合纳米金膜。电镜观察结合界面显示,AuS组钛瓷结合界面连续而紧密,体视显微镜观察断裂模式以混合断裂为主;对照组钛瓷结合界面可见明显的裂隙,偶有气泡,断裂模式以界面断裂为主。EMP检测结果显示:结合界面上可见Au元素分布,纳米金颗粒在烧结过程中团聚成簇后沿钛瓷结合界面呈带形分布,在粘接瓷底部呈点状弥散。结论在本研究条件下,纯钛表面沉积复合纳米金膜可显著提高Superporcelain Ti-22专用钛瓷粉与预成纯钛试件之间的结合强度。  相似文献   



The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of priming agents and artificial aging with thermocycling on shear bond strengths of two resin-based luting agents to a translucent zirconia material.


A total of 308 pairs of translucent zirconia disk specimens were divided into seven treatment groups: Alloy Primer (ALP), Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus (CCP), Meta Fast Bonding Liner (MFB), MR. bond (MRB), Super-Bond PZ Primer Liquid B (PZB), V-Primer (VPR), and an unprimed group (UP). The specimens in each group were bonded with Panavia V5 Universal (UNI) and Opaque shade (OPA). Shear bond strengths (n = 11 each) were tested before and after 5000 thermocycles. The data were analyzed with the Kruskal–Wallis test and the Steel–Dwass test.


For both 0 and 5000 thermocycles, the ALP (47.8 and 41.5 MPa, respectively) and CCP (45.8 and 42.3 MPa, respectively) groups showed significantly higher bond strengths than other groups in the UNI luting agent. For the OPA luting agent, CCP group (45.8 MPa) exhibited the highest pre-thermocycling bond strength in all groups. The ALP (32.4 MPa) and CCP (36.5 MPa) groups had significantly higher post-thermocycling shear bond strengths than other groups. In several groups, the shear bond strengths of the UNI luting agent were significantly higher than those of the OPA luting agent before and after thermocycling.


Application of priming agents containing hydrophobic phosphate monomer (MDP) yielded the durable bond strengths of resin-based luting agents to a translucent zirconia material.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of provisional cement removal by different dentin cleaning protocols (dental explorer, pumice, cleaning bur, Er:YAG laser) on the shear bond strength between ceramic and dentin.


In total, 36 caries-free unrestored human third molars were selected as tooth specimens. Provisional restorations were fabricated and cemented with eugenol-free provisional cement. Then, disc-shaped ceramic specimens were fabricated and randomly assigned to four groups of dentin cleaning protocols (n = 9). Group 1 (control): Provisional cements were mechanically removed with a dental explorer. Group 2: The dentin surfaces were treated with a cleaning brush with pumice Group 3: The dentin surfaces were treated with a cleaning bur. Group 4: The provisional cements were removed by an Er:YAG laser. Self-adhesive luting cement was used to bond ceramic discs to dentin surfaces. Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured using a universal testing machine at a 0.05 mm/min crosshead speed. The data were analyzed using a Kolmogorov Smirnov, One-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests to perform multiple comparisons (α=0.05).


The dentin cleaning methods did not significantly affect the SBS of ceramic discs to dentin as follows: dental explorer, pumice, cleaning bur, and Er:YAG laser.


The use of different cleaning protocols did not affect the SBS between dentin and ceramic surfaces.  相似文献   

Factors affecting in vitro bond strength of bonding agents to human dentin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four generations of total-etch (fourth, fifth) and self-etching (sixth, seventh) bonding agents for use with resin composites are commercially available in the United States. Innovations in bonding agents include: filled systems, release of fluoride and other agents, unit dose, self-cured catalyst, option of etching with either phosphoric acid or self-etching primer, and pH indicators. Factors that can affect in vitro bond strength to human dentin include substrate (superficial dentin, deep dentin; permanent versus primary teeth; artificial carious dentin), phosphoric acid versus acidic primers, preparation by air abrasion and laser, moisture, contaminants, desensitizing agents, astringents, and self-cured restorative materials. This article reviews studies conducted at the Houston Biomaterials Research Center from 1993 to 2003. Results show that in vitro bond strengths can be reduced by more than 50% when bonding conditions are not ideal.  相似文献   

目的:采用一种新的界面处理方法,对不同类型牙本质粘接剂的粘接强度与界面形态进行研究.方法:选取人无龋磨牙,暴露咬合面牙本质,分别使用3 种粘接剂(Single Bond,SB;Clearfil SE Bond,SE;Clearfil S3 Bond,S3)制备粘接样本.粘接样本切割成粘接界面约为0.9 mm×0.9 mm的柱形小条,用微拉伸测力仪测试粘接强度(n=15).另外将粘接样本依次用6 mol/L盐酸、5%次氯酸钠和0.08 mg/ml透明质酸酶溶液处理,扫描电镜观察粘接界面形态.结果: 3 种粘接剂的牙本质粘接强度分别为:SB (35.50±6.40) MPa,SE (45.06±5.29) MPa,S3 (30.46±3.82) MPa,三者之间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).SB粘接界面的树脂突长约9~12 μm,部分样本出现混合层易与粘接剂层分离.SE形成的树脂突长约9~14 μm,无混合层与粘接剂层分离现象.使用S3后,树脂突稀疏,长约4~7 μm,混合层与粘接剂层结合紧密.结论:牙本质粘接剂的粘接界面形态与粘接强度存在一定的相关性.  相似文献   

目的探讨钛表面预氧化处理对钛/瓷结合强度的影响。方法分别对未经预氧化处理的钛表面和预氧化处理的钛表面进行表面粗糙度、表面接触角测试;然后根据ISO96931990标准,对钛与Noritake Super Ti-22钛瓷间的三点弯曲结合强度进行测试,并对钛/瓷结合界面进行扫描电镜观察。结果预氧化组的钛表面粗糙度小于未预氧化组(P<0.05),接触角也明显小于未预氧化组(P<0.01)。预氧化组的钛/瓷结合强度大于未预氧化组(P<0.05)。预氧化组钛/瓷界面瓷与钛基体相互交错,结合紧密,无明显气泡;而未预氧化组钛/瓷界面存在着较多的孔隙。结论钛表面预氧化可有效地提高钛/Noritake SuperTi-22钛瓷的结合强度。  相似文献   



The most common failure seen in restorations with a zirconia core is total or layered delamination of the ceramic veneer. In the present study, the shear bond strengths between veneering ceramics and colored zirconia oxide core materials were evaluated.


Zirconia discs (15 × 12 × 1.6 mm) were divided into 11 groups of 12 discs each. Groups were colored according to the Vita Classic scale: A3, B1, C4, D2, and D4. Each group was treated with the recommended shading time for 3 s, or with prolonged shading for 60 s, except for the control group. Samples were veneered with 3 mm thick and 3.5 mm in diameter translucent ceramic and subjected to shear test in a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey''s HSD tests were used for comparisons of the groups having the same shading times. A paired t-test was used for groups of the same color (3 s/60 s).


Among the 11 groups investigated C4 (3 s) had the highest bond strength with a value of 36.40 MPa, while A3 (3 s) showed the lowest bond strength with a value of 29.47 MPa.


Coloring procedures can affect zirconia/ceramic bond strength. However, the results also showed that bond strengths of all the investigated groups were clinically acceptable.  相似文献   

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