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回顾了4年来18例胆道闭锁症的诊断与处理。指出以十二指肠引流液胆红素及胆酸测定鉴别胆道闭锁症与新生儿肝炎简便易行,可以缩短术前诊断时间。术中使用稀释美兰胆道造影代替X线胆道造影也可以了解肝外胆道的形态。作葛西手术时适当切断肝脏冠状和镰状韧带托出肝脏,在腹腔外解剖肝门可以降低手术的难度,便于完成肝门肠吻合操作。  相似文献   

靳振怀  孔燕 《中华医学杂志》1994,74(2):90-91,T010
对30例胆道闭锁患儿的肝脏活检和其中20例的肝门纤维块标本进行病理组织学观察,从而,提出了胆道闭锁患儿肝脏纤维化程度分极标准;并探讨了肝,肝门纤维块病理变化与临床的关系。认为正确判定肝脏纤维化程度,将有助于临床术工选择和预后估计。  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿非肝病性门静脉海绵样变性的超声二维声像图特点及能量多普勒血流动力学特征。方法:在二维超声下观察门静脉主干及分支的结构,用能量多普勒观察病变区的血流状态及微血管的充盈情况。结果:肝门部正常门静脉、胆管结构消失,呈蜂窝状无回声区,CDE为明亮红色相互连通的血流图像,脉冲多普勒(PW)示血流信号为门静脉样低速血流频谱。结论:二维超声结合能量多普勒血流显像能为小儿非肝病性门静脉海绵样变性提供有效的诊断依据。  相似文献   

Sixty-one patients with biliary atresia, who underwent portoenterostomy (PE) between 1992 to 1998 in the Institute of Pediatrics, Kuala Lumpur and were followed for a period of one year, were studied to analyze the factors associated with jaundice clearance and cholangitis following PE. Sex distribution was equal. Majority of patients were Malays. Mean age in days at admission to the surgical ward was 66.90 +/- 23.36 and mean age at PE was 75.85 +/- 24.05. At the end of one-year follow-up, six patients (10%) had died, 35 (57%) developed one or more attacks of cholangitis, 35 (57%) had portal hypertension, eight (13%) liver failure and six patients had esophageal variceal bleeding. Thirty-three patients (54%) had jaundice clearance with a mean clearance time of 85 days after PE. The study shows that when the ductules in the porta hepatis were < 150 mu in size, persistence of jaundice after PE and the incidence of cholangitis in the first post-operative year were higher; patients with cholangitis in the first year had lower rate of jaundice clearance. Jaundice clearance was achieved in more patients when their postnatal age at the time of PE was lower but the relationship was not linear. Age at PE also did not have a linear temporal relationship to the incidence of cholangitis and the size of portal ductules. Prospective, multi-center based local studies on a bigger patient population are needed to identify other indicators of successful outcome following PE. This would help to define the indications for primary liver transplantation in the local population.  相似文献   

A 69-year-old female underwent left lobectomy for hepatolithiasis in February 1994. She was admitted to the Kurume University Hospital in December 1997 because computed tomography (CT) showed calcification in the porta hepatis. Ultrasonography (US) revealed a hyperechoic area with an acoustic shadow in the right hepatic duct. Dilated intrahepatic bile ducts and a mural lucent area in the right hepatic duct were noted on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC). Although the above findings suggested a diagnosis of recurrent hepatolithiasis, percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) for biopsy was performed in order to rule out cancer. Biopsy showed no evidence of malignancy. Under a cholangioscope, a tip of a nylon suture was found to be protruding into the bile duct. Although a gallstone had already slipped off, the surface of the nylon suture was covered with biliary sludge. The protruding tip of the nylon suture was considered to be the nucleus of the stone. The tip was removed under cholangioscopy. Postoperative CT confirmed the absence of calcification in the porta hepatis. There has been no recurrence of hepatolithiasis after surgery. Although the formation of gallstones around the core of nylon sutures is very rare, absorbable sutures should be used during surgery of the bile duct because nonabsorbable sutures can become the nucleus of gallstones.  相似文献   

疑难部位肝脏占位的手术体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的回顾分析疑难部位肝脏占位切除手术的手术经验、手术风险、并发症及处理。方法根据肿瘤邻近位置将47例患者分为第一肝门组、第二肝门组和尾状叶组,所有患者均行肝部分切除术。结果平均手术时间(289.6±62.2)min,平均出血量(602.3±256.4)ml,术中平均输血量(524.0±325.9)ml。3组患者的手术并发症发生率分别为61.5%、26.9%和25%。严重手术并发症为胆漏(27.7%)、出血(6.4%)和术后肝功能衰竭(2.1%)。3例围手术期死亡,原因分别为出血2例、肝功能衰竭1例。结论疑难部位肝脏占位手术中肝脏的游离和重要血管和胆管的显露非常关键,切除肿瘤过程中精细处理肝内的微小管道可以明显减少术后并发症。术前综合评估对判断手术可行性、预测手术风险非常重要,一旦损伤肿瘤邻近的重要血管,不仅导致出血,而且常因为流出道或流入道的梗阻导致相应的肝叶坏死,第二肝门血管的损伤比第一肝门损伤更具致死性。  相似文献   

[背景 ]探索一种新的能改善肝门部胆管癌患者生存质量的手术方法 .[病例报告 ]手术方法为穿刺找到能有效引流的肝内胆管 ,置入深静脉导管 ,导管另一端经肝圆韧带隧道置入空肠内 ,并将空肠与肝圆韧带固定 .给 14例肝门部胆管癌患者行此手术 ,术后减黄效果良好 ,随访 2~ 5个月 ,无胆漏、肠漏和逆行感染发生 .[讨论 ]间置深静脉导管肝内胆管空肠内引流术操作简单 ,效果良好 ,优于传统的减黄术式  相似文献   

 【目的】 探讨肝移植术后胆道并发症的MRCP影像学表现。【方法】 根据PTC或ERCP检查、病理结果及临床确诊的缺血性胆管病变(ITBL)32例和吻合口狭窄(AS)9例患者,对其MRCP图像进行观察。【结果】根据胆管病变累及的部位和范围将ITBL分为肝门型(Ⅰ型)、弥漫型(Ⅱ型)和肝内型(Ⅲ型)。Ⅰ型15例,MRCP示胆总管、肝总管、汇合部、左右肝管及其二级分支胆管显影不良或不显影。Ⅱ型13例,MRCP示广泛性肝内、外胆管不规则狭窄或扩张,胆管间断显影。Ⅲ型4例,MRCP示仅肝内胆管不规则、节段性扩张,扩张不成比例、粗细不均呈“串珠”样。ITBL组中伴有供肝肝总管、汇合部及左和(或)右肝管管腔内胆泥形成25例(78.1%,25/32),MRCP上表现为管腔内不规则充盈缺损影。伴有肝门部积液4例,胆汁湖3例。MRCP上AS主要表现为吻合口处局限性狭窄,上段管腔不同程度继发性扩张。AS组中胆管管腔内伴有胆泥形成3例(33.3%,3/9)。【结论】MRCP可全面观察肝移植术后胆道并发症中胆管病变的部位和范围,提供胆管病变的整体信息。在肝移植术后胆道并发症中的诊断及分型中具有重要的参考价值,是临床工作中一种简单、实用、无创的检查方法。  相似文献   

Clinical application of hepatic venous occlusion for hepatectomy   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Background Most liver resections require clamping of the hepatic pedicle (Pringle maneuver) to avoid excessive blood loss. But Pringle maneuver can not control backflow bleeding of hepatic vein. Resection of liver tumors involving hepatic veins may cause massive hemorrhage or air embolism from the injuries of the hepatic veins. Although total hepatic vascular exclusion can prevent bleeding of the hepatic veins effectively, it also may result in systemic hemodynamic disturbance because of the inferior vena cava being clamped. Hepatic venous occlusion, a new technique, can control the inflow and outflow of the liver without clamping the vena cava. Methods A total of 71 cases of liver tumors underwent resection with occlusion of more than one of the main hepatic veins. All tumors involved the second porta hepatis and at least one main hepatic vein. Ligation or occlusion with serreflnes, tourniquets and auricular clamps were used in hepatic venous occlusion. Results Of the 71 patients, ligation of the hepatic veins was used in 28 cases, occlusion with a tourniquet in 26, and occlusion with a serrefine in 17. Right hepatic veins were occluded in 38 cases, both right and middle hepatic veins in 2, the common trunk of the left and middle hepatic veins in 24, branches of the left and middle hepatic veins in 2, and all three hepatic veins in 5. Thirty-five cases underwent hemihepatic vascular occlusion, 4 alternate hemihepatic vascular occlusion, 23 portal triad clamping plus selective hepatic vein occlusion, and 9 portal triad clamping plus total hepatic vein occlusion. The third porta hepatis was isolated in 26 cases. The amount of intraoperative blood loss averaged (540±2.83) (range 100 to 1000) ml in the group of total hemihepatic vascular occlusion and in the group of alternate hemihepatic vascular occlusion, (620±317) (range 200-6000) ml in the group of portal triad clamping plus selective or total hepatic vein occlusion. All tumors were completely removed. Conclusions Hepatic venous occlusion  相似文献   

目的探讨胆囊切除致高位胆管损伤的原因、处理方法及注意事项.方法回顾性分析1998年1月至2005年12月对12例胆囊切除致高位胆管损伤病例的临床资料.12例中腹腔镜胆囊切除(LC)7例,开腹胆囊切除(OC)5例.肝总管横断伤4例,其中2例对端吻合术,另2例胆管缺损一段者,采用高位胆肠吻合术;右肝管损伤2例,1例行右肝管修补内置支架管引流,另1例行右肝管空肠吻合术;左右肝管汇合部部分切除及汇合部完全切除各3例,采用"肝门板"下降、胆管整形,胆管空肠超高位吻合.结果无手术死亡,随访5个月至5年,无黄疸及胆道感染等并发症.结论:高位胆管损伤一旦发生应及时处理,根据术中损伤类型,采取不同的处理方法,可获得满意的效果.  相似文献   

背驮式同种原位肝移植术1例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报告一位患原发性胆汁性肝硬化合并门静脉高压症的终末期病人作了背驮式同种原位肝移植术,手术获得成功,术后恢复良好。认为该术式由于保留受体的肝后下腔静脉,具有术中血液动力学稳定,肾功能不受影响,术后恢复快等优点,因此可以作为肝移植常规术式。但是对手术前一般情况差或者估计无肝期时间长的病人,采用背驮式手术时应加作门静脉—腋静脉(成人颈静脉)转流。作者提出了改良Starzl介绍的吻合肝动脉的生长因素法(GrowthFactor),不但适用于小动脉的吻合,也适用于静脉吻合,可以避免或减少吻合血管的狭窄和血栓形成。在胆管重建时强调保证胆管血供的重要性并且放弃了胆总管的T管引流法,改用经胆囊管插管引流,可以减少胆总管的损伤和术后胆管狭窄的机会。  相似文献   

本文报道在肝内胆道结石合并胆管狭窄或细小残余结石以及肝门部胆管恶性肿瘤引起阻塞性黄疸等情况下,于手术中放置U形管,解决胆汁引流,冲洗残余结石,继续支撑被扩张的狭窄胆管,防止再结石等问题共40例的经验以及并发症。  相似文献   

利用正常成人肝脏标本50例,解剖观察第三肝门的范围、静脉回流情况及测量有关静脉在第三肝门中的位置、口径及数量,并对下腔静脉段的位置、口径及与肝组织的关系进行了观测及讨论。  相似文献   

目的为对肝门空肠吻合加空肠胆支造瘘术与加胆支防返流瓣成形术,这两种术式的优缺点进行比较.方法48例胆道闭锁分为两组.A组24例胆道闭锁行肝门空肠Roux-Y吻合,空肠胆支造瘘术.B组为另外24例行肝门空肠Roux-Y吻合,空肠胆支防返流瓣成形术.对这两组术后情况进行回顾性分析.结果A组9例存活,均无黄疸,最长的已9年,1例出现肝脾肿大、食道静脉曲张.现已8岁.B组存活10例,其中无黄疸存活8例.结论两组病例术后排胆汁(或排黄绿色大便)时间、胆管炎发生次数等临床表现进行比较.排胆汁时间相似,无显著差异.术后胆管炎发生率也无显著差异.  相似文献   

目的 对肝门空肠吻合加空肠胆支造瘘术与加胆支防返流瓣成形术 ,这两种术式的优缺点进行比较。方法 A组 2 4例胆道闭锁行肝门空肠Roux Y吻合 ,空肠胆支造瘘术。B组为另外 2 4例行肝门空肠Roux Y吻合 ,空肠胆支防返流瓣成形术。对这两组术后情况进行回顾性分析。结果 A组 10例存活 ,无黄疸 9例 ,最大的已 9岁 ,1例出现肝脾肿大、食道静脉曲张。 1例带黄疸存活并出现门脉高压 ,现已 8岁。B组存活 10例 ,其中无黄疸存活 8例。结论 两组病例术后排胆汁 (或排黄绿色大便 )时间、胆管炎发生次数等临床表现进行了比较。排胆汁时间相似 ,无显著差异。术后胆管炎发生率也无显著差异。两种手术都有防返流作用 ,而空肠胆支防返流瓣免除了经皮肤的空肠胆支造瘘。  相似文献   

目的:探讨门腔分流的新途径。方法:解剖观测脐静脉、静脉导管及肝圆韧带、静脉韧带等。结果:静脉导管是脐静脉的直接延续,并与下腔静脉和门静脉左支相通。静脉导管长1310±250mm。肝圆韧带连于脐和门静脉左支之间,其肝外段和肝内段长度分别为1451±344cm,575±099cm;静脉韧带走行于肝下面的静脉韧带裂内,连于门静脉左支和下腔静脉之间,长约409±061cm。静脉韧带和肝圆韧带内均有间断残腔存在,且以近心段最为明显,分别长达199±139cm和291±062cm。肝圆韧带和静脉韧带均可用直径2mm的铁丝使其再通。结论:于脐处切口,扩张并再通肝圆韧带、静脉韧带至下腔静脉,实现门腔分流,具有解剖学形态基础。  相似文献   

目的在婴儿期有多种引起黄疸的肝胆外科疾病,本研究通过术前对胆道闭锁、先天性胆总管囊肿等疾病声像图形态特点及血供的观察,探讨彩色多普勒超声显像在婴儿外科性黄疸鉴别诊断中的应用价值.方法二维超声观察肝脏、胆囊及胆管的形态大小,彩色多普勒超声观察门静脉及肝动脉的血流并鉴别肝动脉及胆管结构.结果手术治疗胆道闭锁20例,超声术前诊断18例;先天性胆总管囊肿16例,超声术前诊断16例.胆道闭锁术前超声显示肝脏肿大,胆囊细小且壁增厚,肝门部三角形高回声块,门静脉流速减慢,肝动脉流速增快,阻力指数增大.先天性胆总管囊肿超声显示胆总管部位囊性包块.结论彩色多普勒超声对婴儿外科性黄疸常见病因的早期诊断、鉴别诊断与指导治疗均有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

张清 《当代医学》2011,17(30):63-64
目的探讨肝门部高位恶性胆管梗阻用支架引流的临床意义。方法通过对PTBD的理论和实践介绍,探讨支架引流对肝门部高位恶性胆管梗阻的治疗效果。结果支架引流对肝门部高位恶性胆管梗阻的治疗效果较好。结论支架引流对肝门部恶性胆管梗阻有重要临床意义。  相似文献   

卓丽华  龙拥军 《实用医技杂志》2008,15(17):2195-2196
目的:探讨肝门胆管癌的CT诊断价值及病理基础。方法:本文收集47例经手术及病理证实的肝门胆管癌,行CT平扫及增强扫描,28例加做CT延迟扫描。结果:胆管扩张47例;47例肝门胆管癌增强扫描,呈低密度31例,等密度12例,高密度4例;延迟扫描,呈相对高密度26例,等密度2例,无低密度,肿瘤边界更明确。结论:CT是诊断原发性肝门胆管癌有效、准确的检查方法。  相似文献   

目的 建立SD大鼠肝癌侵袭胆管所致恶性梗阻性黄疸模型,初步评价其临床应用价值。方法 用Walker-256瘤株近肝门部肝实质内接种,致高位胆管浸润转移造成狭窄,引起梗阻性黄疸。结果 本实验模型所致梗阻性黄疸表现及肝功能变化为慢性渐进性发展过程,病理切片光镜检查显示肝脏、胆管有癌细胞浸润和转移、同时肝内有不同程度的胆汁淤积表现。结论 此实验模型稳定、可重复、成功率为73.3%,其梗阻性黄疸表现特点与临床恶性梗阻性黄疸病人症状极其相似,对研究恶性梗阻性黄疸的病理生理机制及治疗具有一定指导价值。  相似文献   

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