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近四年来我国针灸临床研究的进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正> 我国自一九八四年以来,针灸临床研究工作有了新的发展,水平也有进一步提高。在继续总结提高针灸治疗各科常见病、疑难病症及急症的临床疗效的基础上,从多方面、多层次进行针灸临床研究工作。研究的领域更为广泛,研究的科研设计更为严密,研究的方法和手段更为先进。临床研究和实验研究的结合,越来越受到重视。临床和实验室结合研究的成果,为阐明针灸治疗原理提供了更为可靠的科学依据。现将近四年来国内针灸临床研究进展及其主 相似文献
近五年来关于针灸医学史的研究,涉及针灸的经络、腧穴、针灸的技法、针灸的处方与取穴、针灸的临床、针灸的医家、针灸的医籍、针灸的教育、针灸的中外交流等方面,其中以腧穴、灸法、处方与取穴、临床、医家、医籍研究比较多。 相似文献
继第一届针灸针麻讨论会后,我国在针灸针麻研究工作中又取得了不少新成就。五年来在各种针灸学术会议上交流论文一千五百余篇,其中临床研究论文约七百余篇。这些资料充分反映出我国针灸临床研究工作有了新的进展,水平也有进一步提高。针灸方 相似文献
小儿遗尿症是指3周岁以上的小儿,睡眠中小便经常自遗,醒后方觉的一种病症,又称“尿床”。针灸治疗此病具有较佳的疗效,现将近年来的有关临床资料概述如下:1针刺治疗许氏取穴曲骨、横骨、气海用补法,太溪强刺激,用泻法,均留针30分钟,每日1次,10次为1疗程... 相似文献
五年来针灸治疗失眠的临床研究近况 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:通过近五年来有关针灸治疗失眠的文献进行综述,以探讨针灸治疗失眠的研究近况.方法:将近五年来针灸治疗失眠的文献资料按体针疗法、电针治疗、耳针治疗、特殊针法、综合疗法等五个方面进行分类综述.结果:针灸治疗失眠疗效显著. 相似文献
膝骨关节炎(KOA)又称退行性膝关节病、增生性膝关节炎,是发生于中老年人的全球性常见病与多发病之一.以关节软骨出现原发性或继发性退行改变并伴有软骨下骨质增生为主要病理特征,主要临床表现为膝关节疼痛,功能受限,膝关节X线片可有不同程度的改变等. 相似文献
<正> 针刺麻醉(下称针麻)在我国已经经历了二十六个春秋。针麻临床研究工作在一九七九年的第一届针灸、针麻学术讨论会上做过系统的介绍。现就近五年来针麻临床研究的一些进展作一简介。自一九七九年以来,针麻临床研究发表了二百多篇论文,这些论文的研究内容在克服镇痛不全的问题上大约占到三分之一左右。随着临床研究的深入进展,目前已有针麻下甲状腺手术、前颅窝手术、颈椎前路手术、拔牙术等通过了科研成果鉴定。近年来,一些单位还开 相似文献
Med.M.Weber 《世界针灸杂志》2001,11(4):43-49
We are reporting over 500 acupuncture cases, a wide range of illnesses ranging from orthopedic, internal, neurological and psychological diseases, all of which were treated with a newly developed and therefore available Laserneedle system. This system was highly successful in treatment of a variety of illnesses including HWS, BWS and LWS Syndromes, gonarthritis, coxarthritis, rhizarthrosis, periarthritis of the shoulder, epicondylitis humeri radialis, tendinitis, fibromyalgia and PCP, Morbus Bechterew, paralysis after stroke, migraine and other headache syndrome, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, gastropathy, bronchial asthma, AVK, mental depression and other psychovegatative burnout syndrome by using both body acupoints and otopoints. Treatment was made by simultaneously using 8 Laserneedles which were not pricked into, but stuck onto the skin. The Laserneedles emit red and infrared Laserrays with a high energy output, so that perceptible, vegetative stimulation can be detected at the acupunctrured sites. We found out, that especially in the therapy resistant, long standing cases and cases with chronic back and spine problems, considerable improvements in easing pain and increasing mobility could be made. Recognizable success was made by using Laserneedles in cases suffering from psychological illnesses, especially psychosomatic related Burnoutsyndrome and cases of exhaustion. Usually after 2~3 treatments, efficient success was made, without any side effects what so ever. 相似文献
Liu Yutan Xiao FeiAcupuncture Department Shandong College of TCM Jinan ChinaXu ZhilongApt. Charles St. W. Toronto Ontario Canada Liang XibinAcupuncture Department Jinan City Hospital of TCM Jinan China 《世界针灸杂志》1995,(1)
120 cases of urolithlasis were randomly divided into 3 groups of 40 persons each.The first group was solely treated with an improved acupuncture method,the second group was treatedwith Chinese herbal medicine,and the third group was treated with both of the above methods.Results showed that the improved acupuncture method possessed better stone-removing effect thanthe herbal medicine method and no much difference occurred between the patients treated withacupuncture and those treated with both above methods.Besides,the authors also experienced the excellentanalgesic and stone-dissolving effect of acupuncture in this study. 相似文献
In 195 8 ,Chinesemedicalworkerscreatedacupunctureanesthesia (AA)forsurgicalopera tionssuccessfully .ThesubsequentabundantclinicalandexperimentalresearchesshowsomeinterestingadvantagesofAAincluding goodanalgesicaction ,minorphysiologicalinterfer ence ,etc ..Buts… 相似文献
<正> 近年来,针刺麻醉临床研究稳步取得进展。因这次会议中,针麻课题所占比例甚微,所搜集到论文也不够全面系统,不能窥测针麻研究全貌。现仅就会议上交流并收入论文汇编的有关论文作一综述。一、针麻临床应用情况1.已通过科技成果鉴定的针麻效果稳定手术,逐步应用推广。全国最早通过科技成果鉴定并获国家科委及卫生部奖励的甲状腺手术,推广应用较为普遍。解放军225医院报道甲 相似文献
Yang YuandeThe Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medical College of Liaoning Province Liaoning China 《世界针灸杂志》1994,(1)
108 cases of restless legs syndrome were treated , out of which, 56 cases withacupuncture, 52 cases with ear acupuncture. The therapeutical effects of acupuncture are superior tothat of ear acupuncture. 相似文献
针灸治疗不孕症的临床研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
不孕症是指育龄妇女婚后或曾妊娠后 ,夫妻同居 2年 ,配偶生殖功能正常 ,未避孕而不受孕为主要表现的疾病。可因先天性器官发育缺陷、排卵功能障碍、输卵管炎及阻塞、子宫内膜异位等原因引发 ,本文收集了近 2 0年来有关文献 70篇 ,对针灸治疗不孕症的临床研究概况综述如下。 1.针灸疗法虞孝贞 [1 ]以三阴交为主穴 ,配关元、子宫、胞门、子户、肾俞 ,治疗不孕症 12例 ,结果 ,受孕 6例 ,有效 4例 ,无效 2例。杨钟英 [2 ] 取中极、三阴交 (双 )为主 ,配以大赫 (双 )治疗原发性不孕症 15例 ,结果 ,15例患者全部受孕。刘继章 [3]采用针刺诱发… 相似文献