Neurocysticercosis is the most common cystic lesion to occurin the central nervous system, especially in developing andtropical countries. Dissemination of infection with cysticercusoccurs in humans after the ingestion of the eggs of Taenia soliumin contaminated food (accidental intermediate host), after theregurgitation of eggs, from the intestine into the stomach,in a patient who harbours the adult worm (internal autoinfection),or carried by unclean hands (autoinfection). Larvae or oncospheresinvade the gastrointestinal mucosa and spread haematogenouslyto other organs. The most commonly affected organs are the brain,eyes and skeletal muscles. The characteristic lesion of cysticercusis a cyst with an internal scolex. Although 80% of the casesof neurocysticercosis are asymptomatic, patients may presentwith seizure, headache, symptoms of hydrocephalus or increasedintracranial pressure,  相似文献   

An unusual cause of difficult intubation in a patient with a large cervical anterior osteophyte: a case report     
Cesur M  Alici HA  Erdem AF 《Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica》2005,49(2):264-266
This report describes a case in which a large anterior osteophyte on the C2 and C3 vertebrae, due to ankylosing spondylitis, resulted in distortion of the anatomy of the upper airway and difficult intubation. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a progressive inflammatory disease, characterized by stiffening of the joints and ligaments. Stiffness of the cervical spine, atlanto-occipital, temporomandibular and cricoarytenoid joints may cause difficult intubation (1). This report describes a case in which a large anterior osteophyte on the C2 and C3 vertebrae, associated with AS, resulted in distortion of the anatomy of the upper airway and difficult intubation.  相似文献   

Symptomatic tibial tunnel ganglion cyst presenting four years following an ACL hamstring autograft reconstruction: a case report of a rare complication of ACL surgery     
David Oh  Alexander Dennis Lee  Ali Smith 《The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association》2022,66(3):293
ObjectiveTo highlight a case of an athlete with a symptomatic pretibial cyst 4-years post-ACL reconstruction surgery.Case presentationA 23-year-old female soccer athlete presented with right-sided knee pain, locking and catching, and diminished sensation along the anteroinferior knee. She had a history of an ipsilateral ACL hamstring autograft four years prior. Physical evaluation revealed a visible and palpable swelling medial to the patellar tendon, limited and painful range, and hypoesthesia within the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve. MRI revealed a tubular ganglion cyst along the anterior aspect of the tibial tunnel, medial to the patellar tendon, and anterior to the ACL graft.SummaryPost-surgical ganglion cyst formation in the reconstructed ACL is a rare complication that can present years following ACL surgery. This case aims to bring awareness to this condition as a potential long-term complication in the ACL-reconstructed athlete.  相似文献   

An unusual and life-threatening cause of epigastric pain presenting to the general surgical team: a case report     
Annabel Sharkey  Graham Cooper 《Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England》2010,92(7):e26-e27
As general surgeons, we are regularly referred patients with epigastric pain. There are a huge number of common pathologies which cause this complaint, most of which are gastrointestinal in origin. Although the old adage goes ’common things are common’, we must always keep our minds open to the possibility of the uncommon and not miss warning signs which are present in the history or examination. We present the case of a 59-year-old woman with a ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm presenting to the accident and emergency department as epigastric pain.  相似文献   

Traumatic midbrain hematoma in a patient presenting with an isolated palsy of voluntary facial movements. Case report     
Bouras T  Stranjalis G  Sakas DE 《Journal of neurosurgery》2007,107(1):158-160
The authors report on the case of a young man with a mild head injury and an isolated palsy of voluntary facial movements, attributed to a midbrain traumatic hematoma. This exception to the generally accepted conjunction between brainstem contusion and poor prognosis pertains to a special entity of midbrain laceration due to hyperextension of the head, with minimal influence on the level of consciousness. The clinical presentation of this lesion with facial palsy sparing emotion-related movement has rarely been described and offers a clue for exploring the neuroanatomy of facial movement.  相似文献   

  Trichuriasis is a worldwide parasitic infection most prevalentin tropical and subtropical areas [1,2]. It is the third mostcommon roundworm parasite in humans [1,2]. Trichuriasis is usuallyclinically asymptomatic. However, heavy infection, especiallyin small children, can cause gastrointestinal symptoms, suchas abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipationand chronic appendiceal syndrome [1,2]. In a cross-sectionalstudy, the prevalence of Trichuris trichiura was 39.7% in schoolchildrenin tropical areas [3]. Despite the high prevalence, it has rarelybeen reported as a cause of severe diarrhoea in renal allograftrecipients. In this report, we are presenting a 43-year-old renal  相似文献   

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目的通过meta分析评价髌下脂肪垫对全膝关节置换患者术后功能恢复的影响。 方法检索Cochrane Library、Embase、PubMed英文数据库和万方数据库、维普数据库以及中国知网数据库有关于髌下脂肪垫对全膝关节置换术后影响的临床随机对照试验(RCTs)和回顾性队列研究实验(RCSs),使用Revman5.3软件进行meta分析。 结果最终共纳入8篇文献,其中英文文献4篇,中文文献4篇,共纳入全膝关节置换术病例1 474例,其中髌下脂肪垫切除术696例,髌下脂肪垫保留组778例。与髌下脂肪垫切除相比,髌下脂肪垫保留组可降低术后髌韧挛缩(MD=-2.34,95% CI:-3.38~-1.31,P<0.05),麦克马斯特骨关节炎指数(WOMAC)评分(MD=2.34,95% CI:2.04~2.65,P<0.05);提高膝关节功能评分(MD=-0.77,95% CI:-1.02~-0.52,P<0.05),降低术后膝关节前侧疼痛发生率(RR=12.58,95% CI:3.24~48.75,P<0.05)。两组患者在术后膝关节活动度(MD=-7.53,95% CI:-20.27~5.21,P>0.05),髌腱长度与髌骨最大长轴比值(Insall-Savatict)评分法(MD=-0.04,95% CI:-0.09~0.01,P>0.05);术后膝关节返修率:(RD=0.01,95% CI:-0.01~0.02,P>0.05)方面无明显差异。 结论与髌下脂肪垫去除组相比,全膝关节置换术后髌下脂肪垫保留可以降低髌韧带痉挛程度,提高膝关节功能评分,同时可降低膝关节前侧疼痛。  相似文献   

Introduction  An edema of the infrapatellar fat pad following knee arthroscopy or in case of chronic anterior knee pain syndrome is suspected to increase the patellofemoral pressure by a modification of the patellofemoral glide mechanism. The study was performed to evaluate this hypothesis. Materials and methods  Isokinetic knee extension from 120° of flexion to full extension was simulated on 10 human knee cadaver specimens (six males, four females, average age at death 42 years) using a knee kinemator. Joint kinematics was evaluated by ultrasound sensors (CMS 100TM, Zebris, Isny, Germany), and retro-patellar contact pressure was measured using a thin-film resistive ink pressure system (K-ScanTM 4000, Tekscan, Boston). Infrapatellar tissue pressure was analyzed using a closed sensor cell which was implanted inside the fat pad (GISMA, Buggingen, Germany). An inflatable fluid cell was implanted by ultrasound control in the center of the infrapatellar fat pad and filled subsequently with water to simulate a fat pad edema. All parameters were recorded and analyzed from 0 to 5 ml volume of the fluid cell. Results  Simulating a fat pad edema resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) increase of the infrapatellar fat pad pressure (247 mbar at 0 ml to 615 mbar at 5 ml volume). In knee extension and flexion the patella flexion (sagittal plane) was decreased while we did not find any other significant influence of the edema on knee kinematics. During the analysis of the patellofemoral biomechanics, a simulated fat pad edema resulted in a significant (< 0.05) decrease of the patellofemoral force between 120° of knee flexion and full extension. The contact area was reduced significantly near extension (0°–30°) by an average of 10% while the contact pressure was reduced at the entire range of motion up to 20%. Conclusion  An edema of the infrapatellar fat pad does not cause an increase of the patellofemoral pressure or a significant alteration of the patellofemoral glide mechanism. Anterior knee pain in case of a fat pad edema may be related to a significant increase of the tissue pressure and possible histochemical reactions. The study was funded by the German Speaking Association of Artroscopy (AGA).  相似文献   

We report three rare cases of tumor-like conditions arising from Hoffa''s fat pad (HFP). Patients were having persistent knee pain, the cause of which was not diagnosed by the general physician, and then were referred to us for knee pain. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the lesions to be arising from HFP (ganglion cysts and hemangioma), as was suggested by clinical findings. Anatomy, pathology, and radiological features of the Hoffa''s disease are described here to increase awareness in orthopedic community of this rare but interesting disease which is often misdiagnosed as meniscal pathology. These cases illustrate that increased cognizance can facilitate timely intervention which will prevent morbidity of the patient.  相似文献   

The infrapatellar fat pad has been implicated as a possible source of anterior knee pain. This study examined the nature, distribution and time-course of experimentally induced pain in the infrapatellar fat pad. Hypertonic saline (5%) was injected into the medial fat pad of 11 healthy individuals with no history of knee pain. Severity of pain was assessed at rest and during activity using an 11 point numerical rating scale (NRS) at regular intervals over 15-30 min following injection. Participants described the size of the pain region from a series of different sized circles while the area and type of pain was established from a body chart and the McGill pain questionnaire. The effect of pain on temperature-pain threshold and sensory thresholds of the anterior knee was assessed. Participants generally reported a deep aching pain that peaked in severity around 3 min and gradually declined over 15 min. Pain levels were not altered by clinical manoeuvres designed to impinge the fat pad. The size of the pain region was related to pain intensity. Pain was most commonly felt in the region of the fat pad medial to the patella, although some individuals reported proximal referred pain as far as the groin region. Thermal and sensory thresholds were not altered at a region close to the injection site during the experimental pain. These results suggest that nociceptive stimulation of the infrapatellar fat pad may cause anterior knee pain that is not necessarily confined locally particularly if pain is severe. This has implications for the investigation of pathological structures in patients presenting clinically with anterior knee pain and provides an experimental model of anterior knee pain.  相似文献   

Introduction The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution and number of nerves inside the infrapatellar fat pad and the adjacent synovium, in particular with regards to nociceptive substance-P nerves.Materials and methods The infrapatellar fat pad of the knee was resected from 21 patients (4 male, 17 female, mean age 69 years) during the course of standard total knee arthroplasty operations performed in our clinic. The fat pad was dissected into five standardized segments, fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemical techniques using antibodies against S-100 protein and substance-P (SP) were employed to determine and specify the nerves.Results Studying all the detectable nerves present in 50 observation fields (200-fold magnification), we found an average of 106 S-100 versus 25 SP nerves (24%) in the synovium and 27 S-100- versus 7 SP nerves (26%) in the interior of the fat pad. The total nerve count was significantly ( P <0.001) higher in the synovium than in the fat pad for both marker types. The number of S-100 nerves was significantly ( P <0.05) higher in the central and lateral segments of the fat pad, while SP nerves were equally distributed throughout all segments of the fat-pad. SP nerves were significantly more frequently associated with blood vessels inside the fat pad (43%, P <0.05) than in the synovial tissue (28%).Conclusion The occurrence and distribution of SP nerves inside the infrapatellar fat pad suggest a nociceptive function and a neurohistological role in anterior knee pain syndrome. The data support the hypothesis that a neurogenous infection of the infrapatellar fat pad could contribute to anterior knee pain syndrome.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess whether there was any significant difference in change in patellar tendon length after knee arthroplasty, when the infrapatellar fat pad was either preserved or excised. Three-year radiographic follow-up was studied on 73 primary knee arthroplasty patients. The infrapatellar fat pad was completely preserved in 38 cases and completely excised in 35. At 3 years there was a significant patellar tendon shortening of 4.2% (P = .0004) in the fat pad excision group and no significant change in the fat pad preservation group (P = .82). The difference between the 2 groups was significant (P = .004). Our results show that patella tendon length does not always shorten after knee arthroplasty and that preservation of the infrapatellar fat pad may be a factor in preventing such shortening.  相似文献   

We present an anatomical study on the vascular supply to the patellar fat pad. Forty knees from fresh cadavers were dissected after injecting the femoral artery with colored latex. In all cases, the vascular supply to the fat pad depended essentially on the lateral inferior genicular artery, which enters this structure at its posterolateral extent. In the cases in which the fat pad flap was raised before the injection of latex, we observed good vascularization of the flap by the lateral genicular artery. This is a safe vascularized flap that offers an optimal covering of knee prostheses in fixed valgus knee deformities. An optimal procedure for raising the flap is proposed.  相似文献   

膝关节骨性关节炎是一种常见病,是引起膝关节痛的主要原因之一。膝关节骨性关节炎与髌下脂肪垫劳损的研究甚少,我们从1995—2003年对106例膝关节骨性关节炎患者进行了髌下脂肪垫B超检查,同时与150例正常膝关节进行了对比。并对确诊为膝关节髌下脂肪垫劳损患者采用透明质酸钠关节腔注射,效果优良,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Buccal musculomucosal flap is commonly used in cleft palate surgery for providing additional lining when nasal mucosa is inadequate. We report an unusual complication of progressively increasing fat herniation from the sutured donor site which started appearing on the third postoperative day. This necessitated excision of the protruding fat pad on the seventh postoperative day. The possible mechanism and precautions for prevention of this complication are discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to determine whether pericardial fat tissue could induce neovascularization and produce cytokines related to tissue repair. Neovascularization was examined using chick chorioallantoic membranes. Pieces of pericardial fat tissue, omentum, and intercostal muscle were individually placed on a number of chorioallantoic membranes and neovascularization induced by each material was assayed 6 days after the implantation. The intensity of neovascularization was in the order of pericardial fat omentum > muscle. Cytokines, such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and , tumor necrosis factor- (TNF), interferon- (IFN-), and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were assayed in a culture supernatant of pericardial fat tissue. The latter was obtained 24h after the addition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) following various incubation times. All cytokines other than IFN are known to play a part in tissue repair, whereas IFN is negatively related to tissue repair because it inhibits fibroblast growth. The pericardial fat tissue incubated with LPS produced a certain amount of IL-1 on day 1, and TNF on days 1 and 8, whereafter these values decreased to an undetectable level. Irrespective of the addition of LPS, a large amount of IL-6 was observed in the supernatant of pericardial fat tissue and it was detectable until day 29. On the contrary, INF was not detected at any assay time. These observations suggest that a pericardial fat pad flap could possibly be beneficial in the prevention of bronchopleural fistula after pulmonary resection.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old man with end-stage renal disease on haemodialysis(HD) was admitted to our hospital with a generalized abdominalpain. He had been on HD without complications the previous year.One year before admission, peritoneal dialysis was discontinuedbecause of peritonitis due to candida infection. At physicalexamination, his blood pressure was  相似文献   

Hepatobiliary cystadenomas are rare benign tumors with malignant potential. They are almost always solitary lesions accompanied by multilocular cysts in the liver, and are difficult to differentiate from cystadenocarcinoma, despite the diagnostic modalities available. This report describes a case of hepatobiliary cystadenoma with multiple cysts in the left hepatic lobe, diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging in a 48-year-old woman. Abdominal computed tomography revealed only multiple cystic lesions in the left lobe, but cholangiography via a nasogastric biliary drainage tube combined with percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography showed a stenotic region with fine irregularity in the left lateral posterior segmental bile duct and left lateral anterior segmental bile duct. Hepatobiliary cystadenocarcinoma with multiple liver cysts was suspected. We performed left hepatectomy, and microscopic examination confirmed a diagnosis of hepatic cystadenoma with multiple liver cysts. There was no nuclear atypia or mitosis in the epithelium of the locus, which was constructed of simple columnar-to-cuboidal epithelium with basal nuclei. The patient is well without recurrence more than 4 years after surgery. Received: July 5, 2000 / Accepted: January 9, 2001  相似文献   

This case report describes an acute colonic diverticular perforation occurred to a multiple myeloma patient, taking corticosteroid and morphine therapy, revealed by a subcutaneous emphysema of upper chest and right abdomen as initial presentation. Sigmoid diverticulitis with perforation and generalized peritonitis is a severe complication of the diverticular disease and it is due to diverticular microperforation. This condition occurs more frequently in patients with widespread diverticolosis and usually after 50 years of age, and the frequency of related complications increases with age (and with the use of corticosteroids). Extraperitoneal air from the sigmoid-rectum perforation can escape diffusing superiorly though paravertebral retroperitoneal tissues and via the diaphragmatic iatus into the mediastinum, producing pneumomediastinum and it diffuses to yield superior thoracic emphysema. This report suggests that the diagnosis of retroperitoneal perforation is usually difficult because of the lack of signs of peritoneal irritation and the paucity of symptoms, particularly in patients treated with corticosteroids.  相似文献   

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