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An overview of the theory describes its component parts and concepts as well as the premises and assumptions upon which the theory is based. The authors explore the compatibility and usefulness of Orem's theory with non-Western or minority Western non-Anglo values and belief systems. A literature review of studies and experiences using Orem's theory in a variety of cultures is presented and discussed. The authors conclude that Orem's theory must be supplemented or replaced by one less culturebound for use with cultures differing from the dominant Western Culture.  相似文献   

This article attempts to clarify and underpin the view that individualized mental health nursing is culture biased and politically instrumental, adding weight to the transcultural argument that mental health care should be more culture sensitive than is often the case within conventional UK settings. It examines the political history of individualist ideology, and then uses social conflict theory to explore the potentially counter-therapeutic relationship of individualism and individualized nursing care in the UK mental health sector. The article challenges the widespread idea that individualized mental health nursing is 'liberal', 'democratic', 'holistic' and 'scientific', and in so doing extends the transcultural agenda to large scale infracultural differences within the UK population. It also explores the potential for policy change towards a more pluralistic service, and outlines some of the practical steps which may be taken to access alternative care approaches. It is a power analysis, which may be of transferable value to nurses in mental health care inpatient units where conventional individualized approaches are failing to reintegrate service users into the community. A glossary of terms is presented at the end of this article.  相似文献   

目的 构建跨文化照护能力培训基地准入评价的指标体系。方法 在“日升模式”的理论基础上,结合文献研究法和专家访谈法,并选取来自上海市的15名专家进行2轮德尔菲专家咨询,以确立跨文化照护能力培训基地准入评价的指标体系。结果 2轮德尔菲专家咨询的积极系数分别为94%和100%,专家权威程度系数为0.910,协调系数分别为0.573和0.461。经过2轮德尔菲初步构建了一套由7个一级指标、29个二级指标、50个三级指标的跨文化照护能力培训基地准入评价的指标体系。结论 构建的跨文化照护能力培训基地准入评价指标体系可信度高,可用于跨文化护理培训基地的遴选和认证。  相似文献   

In this article, an overview of some major trends, philosophical perspectives, and theoretical perspectives are presented, along with selected transcultural nursing research findings, primarily from the theory of culture care using the ethnonursing research method. A substantial body of transcultural nursing knowledge with health or well being outcomes has been forthcoming since transcultural nursing was launched in the 1950s. The author contends that transcultural nursing knowledge of Western and non-Western cultures is urgently needed to meet health needs in a multicultural world. Some misconceptions and reflections are offered to advance transcultural nursing research, education, and practice. For "newcomers" to transcultural nursing, some basic readings are recommended.  相似文献   

As a result of the fact that Australia is a multicultural society with many people who come from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB), the objective of the present study was to discuss the extent to which transcultural nursing education is incorporated into undergraduate nursing curricula. A survey was undertaken to determine the availability of nursing modules for undergraduate nursing students through Australian university websites on "transcultural nursing" or related modules. Although the inclusion of these modules into nursing education provide an opportunity for nurses to perceive and respond to different patient behaviors in multicultural societies, it is not sufficient to understand the complexity of the health care needs of a multicultural society. The survey findings suggest that many universities have not included transcultural nursing modules in their nursing curricula. To address this problem, more transcultural nursing modules need to be introduced into nursing curricula and nursing academics need to refine their attitudes about the importance of cultural aspects of patient care within nursing education.  相似文献   

Transcultural nursing and a care management partnership project
This paper aims to illustrate how Leininger's Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality has influenced the research process of a study that emerged from a care management partnership between Canadian nursing teachers and Tunisian nurses. The purpose of the study was to investigate the meanings of care as viewed by university hospital-based Tunisian nurses. The qualitative analysis of data gathered through observation-participation and interviews highlights recurrent patterns and reveals three major professional care themes. For Tunisian nurses care means to secure the patient's cooperation towards the medical regimen within established rules in die hospital; to contribute to curing the patient by using current technology as well as by maintaining their technical skills and improving their medical knowledge; to take charge of the patient to assist the physician in treating disease. This study showed that Tunisian nurses emphasize curing rather than widely shared community values such as interdependence, intercommunication, understanding, presence and responsibility for odiers. Discussion of die study's findings draws upon the perspective provided by Freire's Oppressed Group Theory. In order to promote cultural congruence within the Care Management Partnership Project in Tunisia, the tfiree predicted modes of care within Leininger's theory guide die decisions and actions for future nursing research and partnership activities.  相似文献   

John Lowe  RN  PhD  FAAN    Cynthia Archibald  RN  PhD 《Nursing forum》2009,44(1):11-18
Nursing in the United States has expressed its intention of being a professional discipline that is culturally diverse. However, after examining the progress in this area, it is evident that nursing's movement toward cultural diversity has been slow and episodic. This article addresses cultural diversity progress in nursing and explores behaviors and actions that could enhance the cultural diversity of nursing.  相似文献   

为了解我国护理研究中应用实验动物的相关情况,我们对1994~2002年统计源期刊收录的6种护理杂志中应用实验动物进行研究的论文进行检索,得到相关文献55篇,总结分析后得出结论:相关护理研究近年来发展迅速,但实验动物论文所涉及的研究范围较窄、受基金资助较少,使用实验动物的种类有限、实验动物标准化仍存在问题,实验设计、统计学方法尚嫌不足。建议在护理研究中实验动物的应用要充分体现护理工作的实际需求,强化对实验动物和动物实验标准化的认识,保证实验研究的科学性、重复性、可比性和效能性,同时要争取更多的基金资助、扩大研究领域、完善实验设计和数据处理过程,提高研究结果最终的临床实用价值,以促进护理领域实验动物研究的不断深化和持续发展。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the need for nursing diagnosis research and a theoretical framework for such research. DATA SOURCES: A linguistics theory served as the foundation for the theoretical framework. DATA SYNTHESIS: Reasons for additional nursing diagnosis research are: (a) file names are needed for implementation of electronic health records, (b) international consensus is needed for an international classification, and (c) continuous changes occur in clinical practice. A theoretical framework used by the author is explained. CONCLUSIONS: Theoretical frameworks provide support for nursing diagnosis research. Linguistics theory served as an appropriate exemplar theory to support nursing research. IMPLICATION: Additional nursing diagnosis studies based upon a theoretical framework are needed and linguistics theory can provide an appropriate structure for this research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between nursing theory, research and practice. It suggests that the frequently discussed difficulties in operationalizing, testing and implementing nursing theories are perhaps indicative of their lack of fit with clinical practice. The insistence of fitting theories within the four metaparadigm concepts—person, environment, health and nursing—forces nursing theory to an inappropriate level of abstraction and to a level that dilutes its relevance for clinical application. It is possible that, while these theories are useful as philosophies, they lack the clinical relevance that is a critical criterion for theory. Confounding the status quo, the present practice of teaching theory as fact within education and using theory to drive nursing curricula removes the tentative and guiding contribution that a theory contributes to a profession. A plea is made for research that supports the exploration and identification of nursing concepts and for the development of appropriate theory that will guide both nursing research and nursing practice. Since nursing is an applied discipline, this responsibility necessarily falls on the shoulders of researchers who, in partnership with clinicians, can explore, test and refine theory.  相似文献   

目的了解实习护生对基础护理的真实心理感受,为提高护生对基础护理的认知水平提供依据。方法采用目的抽样法选取2011年1月在同济大学附属东方医院实习的18名护生作为研究对象,运用深入访谈法对其进行访谈,应用现象学分析法进行资料分析。结果共提炼出5个主题,即担心基础护理工作量增加,人力资源配备不足及身心压力增大;排斥生活护理,依赖护工;基础护理概念不清;希望护士分级管理,增加护理收费;职业认同感差,专业价值观尚未形成。结论护理教育者及管理者应高度重视实习护生的专业价值理念的形成教育,培养具有职业价值及利他观念的护理学生,提高其对基础护理的认知水平。  相似文献   

肠造口在大肠癌、肛肠疾病治疗中起着不可替代的作用。由于肠造口改变了原有的正常生理排便方式,造成患者自我形象紊乱,并使其生理、心理、社会交往上造成了障碍。绝大多数患者通过短暂的住院治疗和护理后,其余时间均在院外度过。如何帮助造口患者掌握相关知识,提高其生活质量已成为医护人员面临的新挑战。  相似文献   

Transitions: A Central Concept in Nursing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transition is a concept of interest to nurse researchers, clinicians, and theorists. This article builds on earlier theoretical work on transitions by providing evidence from the nursing literature. A review and synthesis of the nursing literature (1986–1992) supports the claim of the centrality of transitions in nursing. Universal properties of transitions are process, direction, and change in fundamental life patterns. At the individual and family levels, changes occurring in identities, roles, relationships, abilities, and patterns of behavior constitute transitions. At the organizational level, transitional change is that occurring in structure, function, or dynamics. Conditions that may influence the quality of the transition experience and the consequences of transitions are meanings, expectations, level of knowledge and skill, environment, level of planning, and emotional and physical well-being. Indicators of successful transitions are subjective well-being, role mastery, and the well-being of relationships. Three types of nursing therapeutics are discussed. A framework for further work is described  相似文献   

Trends in Nursing Education in China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

目的了解护理管理者自优质护理服务开展以来的相关体验,以期为持续改善和推广优质护理服务提供有效依据。方法 2015年,采用目的抽样法选取湖南省5所医院中11名护理管理者为研究对象,运用现象学研究方法对其进行个人深入访谈。采用Colaizzi现象学7步分析法及Nvivo10统计软件进行资料整理分析。结果通过阅读、分析、反思、分类和提炼,得到关于优质护理服务的5个主题,即:优质护理服务是一项需要各方支持的系统工程;优质护理服务长期推行促进了护士对优质护理服务内涵及自身定位的正确把握;护士、医生及患者均能从优质护理服务中受益;优质护理服务的开展促进了护理学科的发展;存在一些亟待解决的问题。结论优质护理服务的持续深入落实,使护理服务模式走向主动,提高了护理质量、医护配合度及患者满意度,同时推动了护理学科发展。但目前仍面临相关问题,需提供针对性支持措施以更好地落实及推广优质护理服务。  相似文献   

人性化护理理论在护理管理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨人性化护理理论指导基层护理管理的方法。方法以人性化护理理论为指导,以护理专业特殊性为切入点,探索出人性化护理管理的举措。结果增强了团队的凝聚力,提升了执行力,提高了患者的满意度,使护理质量得到持续提高。结论应用人性化护理理论指导基层护理管理,调动了护士的积极性和主动性,融洽了护患、医患关系,提升了执行力,提高了护理工作效率和质量。  相似文献   

Purpose: To review the propositions of a theory-driven approach and to discuss its application to evaluating the quality of nursing care.
Organizing Framework: The focus in the theory-driven approach to evaluation is on identifying patient, professional, and setting characteristics that affect the processes of care at micro and meso levels, which in turn contribute to outcome achievement. Implications for examining the interrelationships among characteristics, processes, and outcomes are discussed and illustrated with examples from published research.
Conclusions: Determining how these variables influence each other provides a valid and comprehensive understanding of the contribution of nursing within the health care system.  相似文献   

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