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202例急诊牙外伤临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨急诊牙外伤的流行病学特点及预防措施。方法:分析总结202例急诊牙外伤患者的性别,年龄,病因,受伤时间,就诊时间,牙外伤的数目,位置,临床分类。结果:18岁以下牙外伤患者高峰年龄为2-4岁,成人为19-24岁;男性患者数量明显多于女性;牙外伤的原因多为摔伤;最易受伤的季节为夏季;91.08%的患者能够在发生牙外伤后24h内到急诊就诊.外伤牙左右基本对称,上中切牙最易受累;牙外伤累及两颗牙齿的病例最多(33.66%);牙体硬组织损伤中冠折露髓最为多见,牙周组织损伤中牙震荡最为多见。结论:牙外伤影响人们的生活质量和身心健康,根据牙外伤的发病特点,针对不同人群进行宣教和加强预防十分必要。  相似文献   

512例年轻恒前牙外伤的临床分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
本文对1990~1996年间在北京医科大学口腔医院儿科就诊的512名儿童恒前牙外伤的临床资料进行了回顾性调查,分析了儿童恒前牙外伤的类型、外伤原因、受伤方式、伤牙数目、外伤后就诊时间等。结果表明,8~10岁时牙受伤的人数最多,男女比例为1.96:1;在各种类型的外伤中,以冠折为最多见;外伤后多在2小时以上,24小时以内就诊。  相似文献   

目的    探讨运动致牙外伤发生的规律以及影响其预后的因素。方法    回顾分析2005-2009年在北京大学深圳医院就诊的因运动致牙外伤的945例患者相关资料,对运动中牙外伤发生原因、地点、年龄、性别、牙位、类型、时间、季节、牙外伤就诊时间、牙根发育状况与其预后之间的关系加以分析,并提出相关预防措施。结果    运动致牙外伤的高发年龄段为20 ~30岁;男性明显高于女性;夏秋季节高于春冬季节;受伤原因以运动中碰撞或跌倒最为多见。最易受伤的牙位是上颌中切牙,以半脱位最为多见。外伤发生后24 h内就诊的年轻恒牙预后较好。结论    运动致牙外伤发生存在一定的规律,外伤后就诊时间是影响外伤牙预后的因素之一,使用护牙托可以降低运动致牙外伤的发生率。  相似文献   

牙外伤463例急诊临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究急诊牙外伤的流行病学特征和临床特点,为牙外伤的防护和应急处理提供参考。方法回顾2008年1~12月于北京大学口腔医院急诊科就诊的463例牙外伤患者的临床资料,分析患者的性别和时间分布、外伤原因和类型、外伤牙部位和数目、伤后就诊时间等。结果463例患者中,男女比例为1.84∶1。外伤时间春季较少,冬季较多;周末较平时增加。成人在室外受伤人数占93.1%(268/288),5岁以上的儿童有83.6%(92/110)在室外受伤;5岁及5岁以下的儿童有69.2%(45/65)在室内受伤。外伤牙1023颗,其中乳牙112颗,恒牙911颗。受伤牙位左右基本对称,上中切牙最易受累。各类型牙外伤中,冠折为最多见。63.7%的患者累及2颗及2颗以上患牙;71.1%的患者合并不同程度颌面部软组织损伤;大部分患者在牙外伤后24h内到急诊就诊。结论急诊牙外伤常累及多颗牙齿,并伴发不同程度的颌面部软组织损伤,临床应注意避免漏诊;根据牙外伤的发病情况,对不同人群,在不同时间、地点可采用针对性防护措施。  相似文献   

110例儿童恒前牙外伤的临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨儿童恒前牙外伤发生的规律以及影响其预后的因素。方法:回顾110例儿童149个外伤恒前牙相关资料,对儿童外伤恒前牙发生原因、年龄、性别、类型、季节等进行分析,对外伤恒前牙就诊时间与其预后的关系加以分析。结果:儿童恒前牙外伤发生的高峰年龄段在8—10岁,受伤原因以跌倒最为多见,最易受伤的牙位是上颌中切牙,以冠折为多见,男性明显高于女性,秋冬季节高于春夏季节.外伤发生后24小时内就诊的年轻恒牙预后较好。结论:儿童恒前牙外伤发生存在一定的规律,外伤后就诊时间是影响外伤牙预后的因素之一。  相似文献   

目的:分析乳牙外伤的发病原因,临床特点、社会因素、治疗现状。方法:308例(437颗牙齿)乳牙外伤患儿,对其年龄、性别、牙位、受伤环境、就诊时间、治疗方法进行回顾性研究。结果:儿童3~4岁时为发生乳牙外伤的主要年龄段;男女比例为1.8:1;上颌乳切牙最易受伤,占78.52%;牙齿移位松动是最常见的外伤类型。结论:儿童乳牙外伤的预防、受伤后的及时就诊、以保护恒牙胚为治疗原则是医学干预的重要内容。  相似文献   

目的:分析儿童乳、恒牙牙外伤的临床资料,描述儿童牙外伤分布情况,为牙外伤的治疗和预防提供参考。方法:采用横断面研究方法回顾性分析2020年就诊于宁夏某口腔医院儿童口腔病科的246例牙外伤初诊患儿(407颗患牙)的临床资料。结果:儿童牙外伤中,男女比例为2.04∶1.00,最易累及上颌中切牙,每名患儿的受累牙齿数量多为1~2颗。儿童牙外伤在秋季高发,8~10岁年龄段为发生的高峰期(P<0.05)。恒牙外伤最常见的损伤类型是单纯牙齿硬组织和牙髓损伤(52.00%),乳牙外伤最常见的是单纯牙周组织损伤(58.60%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:儿童牙外伤在男性和8~10岁儿童中更为普遍,秋季多发;上颌前牙最易受累;恒牙外伤多损伤牙体硬组织和牙髓,乳牙外伤多损伤牙周组织。但监护人对儿童牙齿创伤的行为认知欠缺,要进一步加强相关的健康宣教工作,提高防范意识。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市部分牙外伤急诊患者临床情况,研究其临床特征,为临床工作和健康宣教提供数据支持。方法 将2017年1月至2022年1月就诊于南方医科大学口腔医院综合急诊科、发生牙外伤患者的临床资料按照牙外伤患者的性别、年龄、外伤原因、外伤类型、牙位、外伤发生时间段、外伤后就诊时间等信息进行回顾性统计分析。结果 所有患者牙外伤男女发生比例为1.07∶1;牙外伤好发年龄为10~19岁,该年龄段的男女比例为2.76∶1;对于牙外伤发生原因进行分析,发现摔伤和撞伤是主要原因。牙震荡和简单冠折是发生率最高的牙外伤亚类。牙外伤发生率最高的牙位是上颌中切牙,其次为上颌侧切牙。一月和十二月份是外伤发生率最高的两个月份,周末牙外伤就诊率略高于工作日。对于外伤后就诊时间的分析,发现77.81%的牙外伤患者于外伤后24 h内就诊。结论 牙外伤好发于青少年上颌切牙,损伤类型多见于冠折、牙震荡,主要原因为摔伤和撞伤。群众应注意加强户外活动中牙齿的保护,学习应急处理的方法。同时口腔医师应熟练牙外伤的处理,对于不常见的牙外伤类型更应该进行诊断排查,以免遗漏。  相似文献   

[摘要]目的 探讨学龄儿童年轻恒牙外伤的临床特点,更好地维护口腔健康。方法 对2015年1月至12月期间在南京医科大学附属口腔医院儿童口腔科就诊的353例5~12岁学龄儿童年轻恒牙外伤病例的年龄、性别、外伤后就诊时间、外伤牙位、外伤类型及Nolla分期进行回顾性分析,总结其临床特点。 结果 男女比例为2.33∶1;12月份最高发;7~9岁为高发年龄;多在外伤后2~24 h就诊;上颌中切牙最多见;釉质-牙本质折断及亚脱位最多;硬组织损伤中以Nolla 9期最常见。 结论 年轻恒牙外伤有其独有的特点,应加强牙外伤的预防保健宣传,提高公众的就诊意识。  相似文献   

真空成型硬质牙列套在儿童牙外伤固定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:观察真空成硬质牙列套对儿童牙外伤松动牙的固定效果。方法:17例儿童牙外伤患者,年龄3—10岁,外伤致不完全性脱位41个牙。松动牙手法复位后,取模,制作硬质牙列套,进行松动牙固定。结果:固定3—4周后复查,17例41个松动牙均已稳固,并恢复正常牙弓外形及咀嚼功能,患儿能很好地配合治疗。结论:真空成型硬质牙列套用于儿童外伤松动牙的固定,克服了乳牙或年轻恒牙的解剖生理特点给常规固定方法带来的不足,是一种固定效果可靠,患儿易于接受的好方法。  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to assess the prevalence of dental traumatic injuries in children referred to Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. This study was based on the clinical data of 457 traumatized teeth in 214 children. Most injuries involved 2 teeth (51%). Of these, maxillary central incisors were the most affected teeth (89%). The highest frequency of trauma occurred between 2 and 4 years of age. Falls were the most common cause of injury in both girls and boys. The most common type of injury in the primary and permanent teeth was subluxation. Gingival and mucosal laceration was the most common type of soft tissue lesion (61%). Only 42% of children came for dental treatment on the same day that they were injured.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to assess the prevalence and distribution of the traumatic injuries to anterior teeth among 4500 school children in the age group of 3 to 16 years from South Kanara District of Karnataka. Information concerning sex, age, cause of trauma, number of injured teeth, type of the teeth, lip competence, terminal plane relationship and the molar relationship were recorded. A total of 238 cases (5.29%) had incisor and canine fractures, which was more prevalent among the boys (72.27%) than the girls (27.73%). The leading cause of injury was undefined falls and the maxillary central incisors were commonly affected in both the primary and the permanent dentition. Enamel fracture was the most common form of injury noted. Class 1 Type 2 and Class 2 division 1 molar relationship cases exhibited significantly very high number of fractured teeth. Only 1.68% of the cases with traumatized teeth had undergone treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract – The aim of this study was to evaluate etiology, types of traumatic dental injuries, treatment and to determine the incidence of complications according to dental injuries in patients who referred to Yeditepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkey. The study was based on the clinical data of the 161 traumatized teeth in 92 patients. WHO classification slightly modified by Andreasen & Andreasen for dental trauma was used. The causes and localization of trauma, traumatized teeth classification, treatment and complications were evaluated both primary and permanent teeth. The distribution of complications according to diagnosis and treatment of the injured teeth were evaluated. Of 35 (38%) girls and 56 (72%) boys with a mean age 7.6 ± 3.5 (ranging 1–14.2) participated to study and the mean followed up was 1.72 ± 1.28 years (ranging 0.10–3.8 years). From the 161 affected teeth, 69 (42.9%) were in primary teeth and 92 (57.1%) in permanent teeth. The highest frequency of trauma occurred in the 6–12 year age group. Overall boys significantly outnumbered girls by approximately 1:1.6. The most common type of injury in the primary and permanent teeth was seen as luxation (38%) and enamel fracture (20%) of the maxillary central incisors, respectively. Falls were the major sources of trauma both the primary (90%) and the permanent teeth (84%). In the primary dentition, the most common type of soft tissue injury is contusion (62.5%) and in the permanent dentition, it is laceration (49%). The most of the treatment choice was determined as examination only and extraction in primary teeth (58 and 24.6%, respectively) while it was applied as restoration and pulpectomy in permanent teeth (31.5 and 18.5%, respectively). Complications were recorded on 37 teeth (23%) with a most common type of necrosis (10.5%) and dental abscess (7.4%). Necrosis was more frequent in luxation whereas dental abscess were in crown fracture with pulpal involvement in both dentitions. The study showed that boys were more prone to dental traumas than girls. Falls were more frequent trauma type with a high complication risk. It reveals that the time of the immediate treatment showed the important predisposing factors that increase the success of treatment and decrease the risk of complication. The correct diagnosis of dental injuries is more important for eliminating the occurrence of complications.  相似文献   

Abstract  – The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of traumatic injuries to primary anterior teeth in children from zero to 6 years old, all attendees in 28 public nursery schools in Canoas (Brazil). A total of 1545 boys and girls participated in the study. The children were clinically examined for signs of trauma according to Andreasen's classification. Traumatic injuries were identified in 35.5% of children. The largest percentage of injuries was demonstrated by 3–4-year-old child, with no significant difference between boys and girls. The maxillary central incisor was the most vulnerable to injury, without differences between the right and the left side. Single tooth injury was predominant in all age groups. Crown fractures represented 83% of all traumatic injuries. Our findings emphasize the importance of encouraging parents to visit the dentist with their child at an early stage. Furthermore, parents and educators should be advised about prevention of traumatic injuries and actions to be taken in case of an accident.  相似文献   

Abstract  – The purpose of this study was to evaluate the type and prevalence of dental injuries referred to Ankara University, School of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, Turkey. One hundred and forty-seven patients with 234 traumatized teeth presented during 18-month interval. Of the 147 patients, 85 were boys and 62 were girls. The most frequent trauma occurred in the age of 11 years. The maxillary central incisors were found to be the most affected tooth in both primary and permanent dentition injuries. The maxillary arch is involved in a higher percentage of trauma cases (95.72%). The most common cause of injuries are falls (67.34%). In the primary dentition, the most common type of injury is extrusive luxation (38.23%) and in the permanent dentition, it is fracture of enamel–dentin without pulpal involvement (50.5%). From 147 patients, only 82 presented to our clinic within 1 h and 10 days after the injury time. It reveals that there is a need to inform the public of what they should do in cases of dental trauma, and how important it is to contact a dentist immediately.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The purpose of this study was to analyze data according to gender, age, cause, number of traumatized teeth, type of tooth and trauma, from the records of traumatized children (0–3 years) referred to the Ondokuz Mayıs University, Dental Faculty, Department of Pedodontics in middle Black Sea region of Turkey. A total of 563 boys and girls participated in the study. Traumatic dental injuries were recorded using the classification of the World Health Organization modified slightly by Andreasen & Andreasen. Traumatic dental injuries were identified in 17.4% of the children. The largest percentage of injuries were in the 13–18 months old children with no significant gender differences ( P  > 0.05). Periodontal tissue injuries were the most common (84.7%) with no statistical difference between different ages or gender ( P  > 0.05). The main etiological factor of traumatic dental injury was falls (73.5%) and it was not different between age and gender ( P  > 0.05). The maxillary central incisors were involved in a higher percentage of traumatic injuries (98%), with no differences between the right and the left sides ( P  > 0.05). Treatment was sought for 37.4% of children within 1–7 days. It is suggested that parents should be informed about prevention of traumatic injuries and to contact a dentist immediately.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe by age and sex, the prevalence, etiology, distribution and type of injury to permanent incisors of children from private schools of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, located in the Caribbean archipelago. The sample consisted of 1633 children, 5–14 yr enrolled in several private schools of Santo Domingo. The prevalence of injury was 10.0% (5.0% in boys and 5.1 % in girls). The largest number of injuries was found in the 5- and 6-yr-old children, followed by the 7- and 8-yr-olds. There was no significant difference in the number of teeth injured in both sexes (0.1 %). The most common type of injury in both sexes was concussion (42.7%) with no significant difference between sexes (5.7%). The most common cause of injury in both sexes was falling against an object (77.8% in boys and 78.3% in girls). Most boys injured their teeth playing baseball (86.4%) and most girls playing on roller skates (72.3%). More girls suffered injuries (not significantly) with the ratio of boys to girls being 0.91 to 1.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional survey was carried out to assess epidemiological data concerning dental injuries to the permanent incisors of Syrian children. It included 1087 children aged 9 to 12 years, of both sexes, randomly selected from public and private primary schools in Damascus. The response rate was 100%. The prevalence of traumatic injuries to the permanent incisors rose from 5.2% at the age of 9 years to 11.7% at the age of 12 years (P = 0.007). The difference in prevalence between boys and girls was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The majority (59.8%) of children who had experienced injuries to the permanent incisors reported that they were not taken to the dentist for evaluation or treatment of the damage. Among those children who had experienced traumatic injuries to the teeth 93.1% presented with untreated damage. Because some injuries were minor, such as small enamel fractures, the proportion of children who needed treatment was 63.2%. There was a tendency for children with an incisal overjet greater than 5 mm to have experienced dental injuries (P = 0.06). Children with inadequate lip coverage were more likely to have experienced dental injuries than those with adequate lip coverage (P = 0.000). The most common reported cause of injuries to the permanent incisors was violence (42.5%), followed by traffic accidents (24.1%), collisions with people or inanimate objects (16.0%) and falls (9.1%). In conclusion, traumatic dental injury may pose a serious dental public health problem.  相似文献   

Abstract  – The goal of the present study was to identify the factors related to the occurrence of dental trauma in deciduous teeth. Over a period of 25 months, 85 children between 10 months and 6 years of age were assisted by the staff of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Florianópolis, Brazil. The children, all assisted by only one professional, a dentist working as a trainee in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, had 157 traumatized teeth treated. The occurrence of trauma was higher in male patients (51.8%) and in children between 1 and 3 years old. The average age was about      = 2.7 years. The 54.1% of the assisted children had more than one traumatized tooth and the repeat trauma occurred 16.7% of the time. Anterior teeth represented 98.7% of the cases and 76.4% of the trauma were on the maxillary central incisor teeth. Both sides of the mouth had approximately the same number of traumatic injuries. Luxations were more frequent (85.4%) than fractures (14.6%). Subluxations represented 38.8% of the luxated teeth. Falls were the main cause of trauma (78%). A percentage of 41.9 children were assisted by a dental professional during the first 24 h after the incident. The study concluded that the deciduous dentition is mostly affected by luxations (subluxations) that occur specially on the maxillary central incisor teeth, in patients between 1 and 3 years of age. Falls are the most common etiological factor and more than one traumatized tooth is common. Some of the cases were repeat traumatic injuries.  相似文献   

Abstract— This cross-sectional survey was carried out to assess epi-demiological data concerning dental injuries to the permanent incisors of Syrian children. It included 1087 children aged 9 to 12 years, of both sexes, randomly selected from public and private primary schools in Damascus. The response rate was 100%. The prevalence of traumatic injuries to the permanent incisors rose from 5.2% at the age of 9 years to 11.7% at the age of 12 years ( P= 0.007). The difference in prevalence between boys and girls was not statistically significant ( P>0.05 ). The majority (59.8%) of children who had experienced injuries to the permanent incisors reported that they were not taken to the dentist for evaluation or treatment of the damage. Among those children who had experienced traumatic injuries to the teeth 93.1% presented with untreated damage. Because some injuries were minor, such as small enamel fractures, the proportion of children who needed treatment was 63.2%. There was a tendency for children with an incisal overjet greater than 5 mm to have experienced dental injuries ( P=0.06 ). Children with inadequate lip coverage were more likely to have experienced dental injuries than those with adequate lip coverage (P=0.000). The most common reported cause of injuries to the permanent incisors was violence (42.5%), followed by traffic accidents (24.1%), collisions with people or inanimate objects (16.0%) and falls (9.1%). In conclusion, traumatic dental injury may pose a serious dental public health problem.  相似文献   

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