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Interest in the assessment of quality of life in the anxiety disorders is growing. The present study examined quality of life impairments in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia, and panic disorder. Results showed that individuals with these disorders reported less satisfaction with their quality of life than non-anxious adults in the community. However, the degree of quality of life impairment is similar across these three disorders. Additionally, comorbid depression, but not anxiety, was found to negatively impact quality of life in these individuals. Finally, diagnostic symptom severity was not found to influence quality of life, indicating that subjective measures of quality of life offer unique information on the effects of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is growing recognition that the anxiety disorders are disabling disorders associated with substantial morbidity and impaired quality of life (QOL). Nevertheless, there have been few studies comparing QOL across these conditions. SAMPLING AND METHODS: 337 outpatients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD; n = 220), panic disorder (PD; n = 53), or social anxiety disorder (SAD; n = 64) were compared using a number of assessment scales to compare objective and subjective impairment in QOL. The association of QOL with symptom severity and comorbid depression was also assessed. RESULTS: The extent of impairment due to OCD, PD or SAD appears to be similar across the QOL scales. However, various domains are differentially affected in each of the disorders; OCD patients had more impairment in family life and activities of daily living; SAD patients had more impairment in social life and leisure activities, and PD patients were less able to avoid the use of nonprescribed drugs. QOL was lower in patients with increased symptom severity as well as in those with comorbid depression. CONCLUSIONS: While the extent of impairment appears similar across a number of different anxiety disorders, characteristic symptoms of each disorder may be associated with differential impairment of various domains of function, and may require specifically tailored interventions.  相似文献   

Although a number of recent studies have shown that panic disorder is associated with deterioration in quality of life and social dysfunctions, details of these impairments and their correlates have not been well studied. The present study aims to examine which aspects of quality of life and social functioning were particularly impaired in patients with panic disorder and to search for their clinical correlates. Fifty patients with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia who participated in our group cognitive-behavioral treatment program were administered the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey and the Work, Home and Leisure Activities Scale. Their panic disorder symptomatology was assessed with the Panic Disorder Severity Scale and Fear Questionnaire. Compared with the population mean, the patients reported less than average quality of life in both physical and mental domains, especially in the latter domain. They also reported substantial social dysfunctions, especially in work and social leisure activities. Different aspects of patients' psychopathology were associated with these impairments. While agoraphobia appeared as a consistent predictor for most of the aspects examined, social phobia emerged as a strong predictor for mental quality of life and for work and social leisure functions. The findings suggest that we need to remain sensitive to different aspects of functional impairments of patients with panic disorder and that we may need to pay more attention to the role of social anxiety in their treatment.  相似文献   

Differential response patterns to the SCL-90R in patients with social phobia and panic disorder are presented. The differences are discussed in light of Liebowitz's distinction between primary social phobia and the secondary social fears of panic disorder patients. Treatment implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Quality of life in panic disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study showed that a lifetime Diagnostic Interview Schedule/DSM-III diagnosis of panic disorder was associated with pervasive social and health consequences similar to or greater than those associated with major depression. These consequences included subjective feelings of poor physical and emotional health, alcohol and other drug abuse, increased likelihood of suicide attempts, impaired social and marital functioning, financial dependency, and increased use of psychoactive medications, health services, and the hospital emergency department for emotional problems. Comorbidity of panic disorder with major depression, agoraphobia, and alcohol or other drug abuse did not explain these findings. The social and health consequences of panic disorder (quality of life) should be considered, as risks and benefits of currently available acute and maintenance treatments are evaluated. Clinical trials of panic disorder, whether of drugs or behavioral treatment, should include quality of life assessments as outcome measures. Long-term prospective studies based on clinical samples of patients with panic disorder are indicated to relate the illness more precisely to social morbidity.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the quality of life of patients with panic disorder, with particular attention to the influence of anxiety and depression comorbidity on quality of life. Findings were compared with established general population norms as well as norms for patients with chronic medical conditions and major depression. The Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) was administered to panic disorder patients entering clinical trials or treatment in an outpatient anxiety disorders program. Subjects were 73 consecutive patients with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder without current substance abuse or contributory medical illness. Their quality of life scores were compared with population mean estimates using single-sample t-tests, and the influence of comorbidity was examined with between-group comparisons. All SF-36 mental and physical health subscale scores were worse in patients with panic disorder than in the general population. This was true regardless of the presence of comorbid anxiety or mood disorders, although the presence of the comorbid conditions worsened select areas of functioning according to subscale analyses. SF-36 scores in panic patients were at approximately the same level as patients with major depression and tended to be worse in specific areas than patients with select medical conditions. This study provides evidence of the pervasive negative effects of panic disorder on both mental and physical health.  相似文献   

Naturally occuring daily life situations and anxiety experiences were studied in panic-disordered patients with different levels of agoraphobic fear. Time-sampled self-reports of mental state, social context, and setting, obtained with the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), have been compared for panic patients with high scores on the agoraphobia scale of the Fear Questionnaire (n = 19), panic patients with low to medium agoraphobia scores (n = 23), and a normal reference group (n = 20). Panic patients with high agoraphobia scores reported more anxiety than panic patients with limited agoraphobic fear. In general, agoraphobic subjects, as defined by the Fear Questionnaire, demonstrated higher frequencies of being at home and with the family. Panic patients with limited agoraphobic fear reported being alone more often when anxious, while patients with extensive agoraphobia were more often in the company of family members during moments of high anxiety. Individual variations in time-sampled anxiety ratings and time allocation data found in this study challenge the validity of retrospective reports about anxiety and avoidance. These results suggest that further research into anxiety disorders should link experimental and natural environment methods.  相似文献   

Previous research has found a relation between social anxiety disorder and alcoholism but recent work found no differences in drinking levels among socially anxious individuals, dysthymics, and normal controls. Using a more sophisticated measure of substance abuse may further explicate the relation between social anxiety and drinking. We examined aspects of substance abuse in treatment-seeking individuals with social anxiety disorder or panic disorder (psychiatric control group) as well as nondisordered individuals (normal control group). We used the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 because it includes both face valid and subtle items to control for social desirability. Contrary to the hypotheses, there were few obvious or subtle aspects of substance abuse significantly greater for individuals with social anxiety disorder than those with panic disorder or normal controls. Implications for understanding the social anxiety-alcohol relationship, assessment of substance abuse in socially anxious populations, and the construct of social anxiety-are discussed.  相似文献   


Background: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) has been associated with cluster A personality disorder (PD) traits, mainly paranoid and schizoid traits. Aim: The aim of the study was to further investigate cluster A personality pathology in patients with SAD. Methods: Self-reported PD traits were investigated in a clinical sample of 161 participants with SAD and in a clinical comparison group of 145 participants with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PAD). Results: A diagnosis of SAD was associated with more paranoid and schizotypal PD traits, and an association between depression and personality pathology could indicate a state-effect of depression on PD traits. Conclusions: Patients with SAD had more cluster A personality pathology than patients with PAD, with the most solid indication for paranoid personality pathology.  相似文献   

Fifty-two patients with generalized anxiety disorder who had symptoms persisting for at least 6 months, 41 patients suffering from either panic disorder (32 patients) or panic disorder with agoraphobia (9 patients), and 14 control subjects were screened for thyroid disease. Total serum thyroxine (TT4), serum-free thyroxine index (FT4I), and triiodothyronine resin uptake (T3RU), were examined for the entire sample, using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). No significant differences were found in TT4 (p = .24), FT4I (p = .24), and T3RU (p = .19). Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was examined in a subsample of 10 patients with generalized anxiety disorder, 11 with panic disorder or panic disorder with agoraphobia, and 10 controls. One-way ANOVA again showed no significant differences, although there was a trend (p = .07). This is the first report that compares generalized anxiety disorder patients, panic disorder patients, and patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia with controls on measures of thyroid function. It is also the first to report normal values in the thyroid indices of generalized anxiety disorder patients.  相似文献   

Individuals with anxiety disorders experience substantial delays in obtaining treatment, but little is known about whether people with specific anxiety subcategories are differentially affected. The present study used a modified Encounter Form to examine the cause and length of delays in reaching primary care and specialist services amongst patients with panic disorder (PD/PD-Ag), social phobia (SP), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Participants were 142 consecutive patients attending a specialist anxiety clinic in South Western Sydney. On average, participants with SP took much longer to consult a primary health care provider. Primary care assessments of those with SP often failed to detect anxiety as the key problem, and subsequently, those with SP reported longer delays in reaching specialist care (>9 years). It is not possible to extrapolate the findings to all individuals with SP, as the study was based on specialist service attenders. Nevertheless, the data supports previous findings in suggesting that SP may not be well-recognized as a disorder needing treatment, either by the patient or the primary health care provider. Appropriate educational programs seem warranted to ensure appropriate treatment for this condition.  相似文献   

Previous research has examined the role of parenting in the development of depression and anxiety disorders using retrospective reports of parenting behaviors. However, most studies have not considered comorbidity; the few that have did not differentially examine individual anxiety disorders and yielded inconsistent results. The present study compared retrospective parenting reports given by depressed individuals with no comorbid anxiety disorder, comorbid panic disorder, and comorbid social anxiety disorder. Results indicated that depressed men with panic disorder reported significantly greater maternal and nonsignificantly greater paternal protectiveness than depressed men without panic disorder but not than depressed women with and without panic disorder. No differences were found for the retrospective parenting reports given by depressed participants with or without social anxiety disorder. This work highlights the importance of examining specific anxiety disorders rather than grouping all depressed patients with any anxiety disorder together, as well as examining males and females separately when investigating the influence of parental behavior.  相似文献   

The authors examined the prevalence of self-reported childhood physical or sexual abuse in a sample of adult patients presenting for treatment of panic disorder, social phobia, or generalized anxiety disorder. Regardless of the presence of comorbid anxiety disorders or comorbid depression, patients with panic disorder had significantly higher rates of past childhood physical or sexual abuse than patients with social phobia. Patients with generalized anxiety disorder had intermediate rates of past physical or sexual abuse that were not significantly different from the other two diagnostic groups. Anxiety disorder patients with a history of childhood abuse were also more likely to have comorbid major depression than those without. These findings are discussed in terms of biological and behavioral factors that may influence the development of anxiety disorders after the experience of a traumatic event.  相似文献   

The present study examined severity as well as degree and temporal pattern of instability of DSM-IV-based bodily symptoms of anxiety (BSA) in daily life of 26 panic disorder (PD) patients, 17 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients, and 28 healthy controls (HC) during 1 week, using electronic diaries. The ecological momentary assessment around every 3 h during wake times was accepted well by patients. Compared to HC, patient groups exhibited elevated instability of BSA. BSA instability was more pronounced in PTSD than PD (p < 0.005), even after controlling for mean symptom level. Numbers of symptomatic episodes were comparable in PTSD and PD, but the duration of symptom-free episodes was shorter in PTSD than PD. Results indicate that PTSD patients are particularly burdened by fluctuations in somatic symptoms of anxiety, implying perceived unpredictability and uncontrollability. Electronic diaries can be applied in innovative ways to provide novel insights into the phenomenology of anxiety disorders that may not be captured well by retrospective interviews and questionnaires.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of life is an important goal in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The current study described subjective quality of life, or life satisfaction, in a sample of older adults with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Patients with GAD were compared to other anxious and nonpsychiatric samples on measures of life satisfaction. Older adults with GAD reported lower quality of life than did nonpsychiatric samples; levels of life satisfaction were comparable between older adults with GAD and younger adults with social phobia. Predictors of quality of life for the GAD sample were examined. Severity of depression predicted decreased life satisfaction as measured by both the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) and the Life Satisfaction Index (LSI-Z). Severity of anxiety predicted poorer quality of life as measured by the QOLI, and optimism predicted better life satisfaction as measured by the LSI-Z. The findings suggest that quality of life is diminished in older adults with GAD, and that additional factors also affect quality of life for these patients.  相似文献   

Objectives: To compare the Quality of Life (QoL) of bipolar disorder (BD) patients with that of the general population; and, within the BD patients, to find the demographic and clinical variables associated with low QoL, controlling for the effects of potential confounders. Methods: Based on the 25th percentile of the physical (PCS) and the mental (MCS) component scores (PCS <53 and MCS < 50, respectively) of the Medical Outcomes Survey 36-item Short-Form Health-Survey (SF-36) of a general population representative sample (n = 1,210), we compared by logistic regression the QoL of 48 euthymic and 60 non-euthymic BD outpatients and the general population. Within BD patients, we analyzed the clinical and course-of-illness variables associated with low physical and mental QoL, including manic and depressive symptoms and consumption of addictive substances; in addition, we calculated the partial correlation of the different variables with the dimensional PCS and MCS through multiple linear regression. Results: Low physical QoL was significantly more frequent among both euthymic [odds ratio (OR) = 3.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.9–6.5] and non-euthymic (OR = 4.0; 95% CI: 2.3–7.0) BD patients than in the general population; the respective values for low mental QoL were OR = 2.2; 95% CI: 1.2–4.0 and OR = 8.5; 95% CI: 4.6–15.7. Low mental QoL was more frequent among non-euthymic than euthymic BD patients (OR = 3.9; 95% CI: 1.6–9.1). Within BD patients, low mental QoL was associated with the length of illness (or early onset), the presence of depressive symptoms, nicotine dependence and the lack of social support. Conclusions: Among the BD patients, who experience lower physical and mental QoL even in a euthymic period, the optimal control of depressive symptoms as well as the availability of social support may enhance their well-being.  相似文献   

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