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Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a life‐long, chronic disorder, which has its onset in childhood and is associated with significant functional impairment. ADHD appears to be highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorders, however, literature is lacking concerning ADHD/anxiety comorbidity. To that end, we examined the prevalence of ADHD in an anxiety disorder sample. Consecutive patients referred to an anxiety disorders clinic completed a variety of anxiety disorder self‐report measures as well as the Adult ADHD self‐report scale and were clinically assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM‐IV, and the ADHD module of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Of the 129 patients assessed, the rate of adult ADHD was 27.9%. The mean age of the sample was 33.1 ± 12.5 years, and the mean baseline CGI‐S was 4.6 ± 1.1 (moderate to marked severity). The majority of the sample was female (63.6%) and single (49.5%). The most common comorbid disorders associated with ADHD were major depressive disorder (53.8%), social phobia (38.5%), generalized anxiety disorder (23.1%), and impulse control disorders (30.8%). Individuals with ADHD had higher symptom severity scores for obsessive‐compulsive disorder, (P≤ 0.05) and for GAD (P≤ 0.05) and reported a significantly earlier age of onset for depression as compared to those without (P≤ 0.05). The prevalence of adult ADHD was higher in our anxiety disorders clinic sample than found in the general population. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the persistence of sleep problems over 18 months in 76 referred children with anxiety disorders and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and 31 nonreferred controls, and explores predictors of sleep problems at follow-up (T2) in the referred children. Diagnoses were assessed at initial assessment (T1) using the semi-structured interview Kaufman Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia. Sleep problems were assessed using the Children’s Sleep Habit Questionnaire at T1 and at T2. Persistence rate of total sleep problems in the clinical range was 72.4 % in referred children, and did not differ significantly between children with a T1 diagnosis of anxiety disorder (76.0 %), ADHD (70.6 %), anxiety disorder and ADHD (68.8 %) or nonreferred controls (50.0 %) The total sleep problems score at T1 significantly predicted the total sleep problems score at T2, whereas age, sex, parent education level and total number of life events did not.  相似文献   


Anxiety raises key spiritual concerns, such as control, letting go, fear, trust, and priorities for devout Christian clients. This article strives to increase the sensitivity of therapists to these spiritual concerns. While clinical interventions emphasize the management of anxiety, Christian spirituality points beyond mere coping with this disorder to a freedom from it. A review of biblical insights draws the conclusion that the spiritual antidote to anxiety is a radical trust rooted in an intimate relationship with God. A model for intervention is presented for helping devout Christian clients develop radical trust and intimate relationships through spiritual resources and spiritual dialogue.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate perceived unmet need for mental healthcare, determinants of unmet need, and barriers to care in individuals with social anxiety (SA) or panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) in Quebec. Data from 206 participants diagnosed with SA or PDA were collected using an online questionnaire. Correlational analyses and binary stepwise logistic regressions were conducted to explore determinants of perceived unmet need. Of the 206 participants, 144 (69.9%) reported instances of unmet need for treatment. Perceived unmet need was correlated with variables related to the severity of the disorder, such as comorbid depression, avoidance, duration of worry, interference with functioning, and time lapsed between the appearance of first symptoms and first consultation. Depression and avoidance emerged as predictors for perceived unmet need in the regression analysis. The most common barriers to treatment reported were concern about the cost of services (63.9%), not knowing where to go to get help (63.2%), lack of health insurance coverage (52.4%), and appointment wait times (52.1%). The results of this study demonstrate the need to overcome barriers to treatment engendered by avoidance behaviors associated with anxiety. Potential methods for achieving this objective include Internet outreach, support groups, and increased accessibility to public services.  相似文献   

Experiments suggesting that a change in eye gaze creates a reflexive attention shift tend to confound motion direction and terminal eye direction. However, motion and the onset of motion are known to capture attention. Current thinking about social cognition in autism suggests that there might be a deficit in responding to social (eye gaze) cues but not non-social (motion direction) cues, making the current study theoretically critical. We report an experiment in which motion direction and eye direction are decoupled in order to determine which predicts attention shifts in adults with and without autism. In the Eye Movement condition the eyes moved towards or away from a target. In the Face Movement condition the face image shifted while pupils remained stationary on the screen, resulting in terminal eye gaze and motion being in opposite directions. Reflexive attention shifts in both groups followed terminal eye direction, rather than direction of movement.  相似文献   

Background and HypothesisIn a complex world, gathering information and adjusting our beliefs about the world is of paramount importance. The literature suggests that patients with psychotic disorders display a tendency to draw early conclusions based on limited evidence, referred to as the jumping-to-conclusions bias, but few studies have examined the computational mechanisms underlying this and related belief-updating biases. Here, we employ a computational approach to understand the relationship between jumping-to-conclusions, psychotic disorders, and delusions. Study DesignWe modeled probabilistic reasoning of 261 patients with psychotic disorders and 56 healthy controls during an information sampling task—the fish task—with the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter. Subsequently, we examined the clinical utility of this computational approach by testing whether computational parameters, obtained from fitting the model to each individual’s behavior, could predict treatment response to Metacognitive Training using machine learning. Study ResultsWe observed differences in probabilistic reasoning between patients with psychotic disorders and healthy controls, participants with and without jumping-to-conclusions bias, but not between patients with low and high current delusions. The computational analysis suggested that belief instability was increased in patients with psychotic disorders. Jumping-to-conclusions was associated with both increased belief instability and greater prior uncertainty. Lastly, belief instability predicted treatment response to Metacognitive Training at the individual level. ConclusionsOur results point towards increased belief instability as a key computational mechanism underlying probabilistic reasoning in psychotic disorders. We provide a proof-of-concept that this computational approach may be useful to help identify suitable treatments for individual patients with psychotic disorders.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current screening and assessment tools for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, as well as evidence-based treatment interventions for these disorders. The following anxiety disorders are discussed: separation anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), and selective mutism. There are several well-studied screening and assessment tools to identify childhood anxiety disorders early and differentiate the various anxiety disorders. Evaluations of baseline somatic symptoms, severity, and impairment ratings of the anxiety disorders, and collecting ratings from several sources is clinically helpful in assessment and treatment follow-up. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been extensively studied and has shown good efficacy in treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. A combination of CBT and medication may be required for moderate to severely impairing anxiety disorders and may improve functioning better than either intervention alone. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are currently the only medications that have consistently shown efficacy in treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Despite proven efficacy, the availability of CBT in the community is limited. Current research is focusing on early identification of anxiety disorders in community settings, increasing the availability of evidence-based interventions, and modification of interventions for specific populations.  相似文献   

Betaxolol, a long-acting -adrenergic blocker that enters the central nervous system, was examined for therapeutic effects on the persistent anxiety of anxiety disorders. Prior studies of -blockers examined only agents that were short-acting or did not enter the brain. Betaxolol was administered to 31 patients in open trials. Of 13 outpatients, 11 had generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and 2 had adjustment disorder with anxiety. Five with GAD had concurrent panic disorder. Of 18 inpatients, 16 had GAD and 2 had adjustment disorder with anxiety. Betaxolol doses were increased until the patient responded or declined further dosage. Severity was rated on a 4-point global scale. Before betaxolol, all were moderately or severely ill. In all patients with panic disorder panic attacks stopped within 2 days (p<0.001). Anxiety decreased to no more than marginally ill in 85% of outpatients (p<0.0001) and all inpatients (p<0.0001). Betaxolol doses were usually 5 mg once or twice daily; four inpatients took 10 to 20 mg twice daily. In sum, betaxolol administration was rapidly followed by improvements that were easily noticed by the doctor, even in patients with longstanding anxiety and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder. Preliminary observations in posttraumatic stress disorder are similar.  相似文献   

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