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Objective. To determine if the service-learning components used at a convenience sample of schools and colleges of pharmacy meet the intent of the 2001 AACP Professional Affairs Committee (PAC) report.Methods. An online questionnaire was used to survey faculty members or staff involved with service-learning education at their school of pharmacy. Questions addressed aspects of service-learning including types of activities used, duration of student involvement with community partners, and association of learning objectives with service-learning activities.Results. The majority (85.3%) of respondents reported their institution used service-learning. Activities reported as part of service-learning ranged from working at health fairs to involvement with pharmacy school recruitment. More than half (64.3%) of service-learning activities involved long-term interactions with one community partner, and 74.1% of respondents indicated there was always an opportunity for student reflection on the service-learning activity.Conclusion. There is increasing though inconsistent application of PAC guidelines regarding service-learning.  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the characteristics of experiential education Web sites of colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States.Methods. The experiential education Web pages of 124 US colleges and schools of pharmacy were reviewed for office or program name, practice experience management software, experiential education newsletter, practice experience manual, preceptor development programs, new preceptor application processes, and interactive Web site interfaces.Results. The term “office of experiential education” was used by 27.4% of colleges and schools. Fifty percent of the colleges and schools used E-value as their practice experience management software. Only a minority of colleges and schools made experiential manual(s) available online, offered newsletters targeted to preceptors, and/or provided Web site interactive interfaces for preceptor communication. The Preceptors Training and Resource Network was the preceptor development program most frequently promoted.Conclusions. The majority of US colleges and schools of pharmacy have official Web sites for their experiential education program; however, few offer resources online or use interactive or social media to their advantage.  相似文献   



To survey pharmacy preceptors regarding experiential education and determine the implications of the findings on colleges and schools of pharmacy.


An online survey was sent to 4,396 experiential sites. The survey instrument consisted of 41 questions regarding the experiential education environment from the preceptor''s perspective (eg, experiential load, time-quality issues, compensation, etc).


One thousand one hundred sixty-three preceptors responded (26.5%) to the survey. Concerning experiential load, 73% took 2 or more students in the past year and almost half of the sites had to turn placements away. Nearly all preceptors felt that the more time they spent with students, the higher quality the experience, and 20% felt they didn''t have enough time to provide a quality experience. Thirty-six percent of respondents chose monetary stipend as the form of compensation they valued most.


This study provides insights into the issues that concern volunteer preceptors and the findings could be used to enhance the quality of experiential education in pharmacy.  相似文献   

Objective. To qualitatively analyze free-text responses gathered as part of a previously published survey in order to systematically identify common concerns facing pharmacy experiential education (EE) programs.Methods. In 2011, EE directors at all 118 accredited pharmacy schools in the US were asked in a survey to describe the most pressing issues facing their programs. Investigators performed qualitative, thematic analysis of responses and compared results against demographic data (institution type, class size, number of practice sites, number and type of EE faculty member/staff). Expert and novice investigators identified common themes via an iterative process. To check validity, additional expert and novice reviewers independently coded responses. The Cohen kappa coefficient was calculated and showed good agreement between investigators and reviewers.Results. Seventy-eight responses were received (66% response rate) representing 75% of publicly funded institutions and 71% of schools with class sizes 51-150. Themes identified as common concerns were site capacity, workload/financial support, quality assurance, preceptor development, preceptor stipends, assessment, onboarding, and support/recognition from administration. Good agreement (mean percent agreement 93%, ƙ range=0.59-0.92) was found between investigators and reviewers.Conclusion. Site capacity for student placements continues to be the foremost concern for many experiential education programs. New concerns about preceptor development and procedures for placing and orienting students at individual practice sites (ie, “onboarding”) have emerged and must be addressed as new accreditation standards are implemented.  相似文献   

医院药房药师业务素质的剖析及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对形成我国药房药师业务素质不高的原因作了深刻的分析,并在此基础上提出了为提高医院药房药师的业务素质,我们应采取的措施。  相似文献   



To describe the integration of a first- and second-year introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) involving direct patient contact in hospitals and clinics as a means of more efficiently using academic and preceptor resources.


Two IPPE courses were integrated in fall 2004 to accomodate increasing enrollment in classes and limited clinical practice sites and preceptors, as well as to meet the increased need for students and clinicians to practice principles of self-education. P1 and P2 students interviewed patients and presented patient cases; preceptor expectations were structured by instructional objectives. Student and preceptor course evaluations were assessed from survey data.


During the assessment period, all students passed the courses. Following integration of the IPPEs, both courses received positive evaluations from students and preceptors. Initial advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) grades for students completing the courses further suggests that the integrated IPPEs were beneficial to students.


The successful integration of first- and second- year IPPE courses resulted in more efficient use of academic and preceptor resources and created a model for other colleges of pharmacy to consider.  相似文献   

金蜀蓉  任渝江  戴萍  韩宪忠 《中国药房》2011,(20):1919-1920
目的:探索临床药学专业实习生的带教模式。方法:从实习模式的确定、实习时间的分配、实习内容的选择等方面着手,建立科学化、规范化的临床药学专业实习生的带教模式。结果与结论:笔者通过带教临床药学专业的实习生,认为应该在带教时首先确立临床实践模式;同时在实践时间分配上,药学实践和临床实践应分别占1/3和2/3;在实习内容上也应有所侧重。建议相关部门改革临床药学专业教学模式,如增加临床药学专业的学制,增加1年实践时间,使学生更充分的进行实践学习,有助于临床药学学生深入实践,为今后工作打好基础。  相似文献   

Objective. To describe a successfully sustained interprofessional introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) in which third-year pharmacy students were paired with nonpharmacist practitioners.Methods. Course data were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed to reveal details about the program. Provider participant numbers and student perception data were reviewed and reported on.Results. The number of students and providers participating increased during the 13 years of the program. On average, preceptors participated for 3 years and hosted 4 pharmacy students. Students consistently agreed the course helped increase student communication competencies and integration into interdisciplinary practice (mean agreement of 88.4% and 91.6%, respectively).Conclusion. A required interprofessional IPPE course designed to develop students’ self-confidence working and communicating with nonpharmacist practitioners has been successfully sustained for more than a decade. Students report improvements in self-confidence and achievement of the course’s primary outcomes.  相似文献   

Objectives. To identify preceptors’ and students’ learning styles to determine how these impact students’ performance on pharmacy practice experience assessments.Methods. Students and preceptors were asked to complete a validated Pharmacist’s Inventory of Learning Styles (PILS) questionnaire to identify dominant and secondary learning styles. The significance of “matched” and “unmatched” learning styles between students and preceptors was evaluated based on performance on both subjective and objective practice experience assessments.Results. Sixty-one percent of 67 preceptors and 57% of 72 students who participated reported “assimilator” as their dominant learning style. No differences were found between student and preceptor performance on evaluations, regardless of learning style match.Conclusion. Determination of learning styles may encourage preceptors to use teaching methods to challenge students during pharmacy practice experiences; however, this does not appear to impact student or preceptor performance.  相似文献   



Canadian pharmacy residency programs rely on preceptors to support the growing demand of graduates wishing to pursue hospital residencies. Understanding the educational needs of these preceptors is important to ensure that they are well prepared to deliver successful programs.


To determine what new and experienced residency preceptors self-identify as learning needs in order to become more effective preceptors for pharmacy residents.


A needs assessment of preceptors from the 31 accredited Canadian general hospital pharmacy residency programs was conducted. The study had 4 key components: interviews and focus group discussions with key informants, a pilot study, an online survey, and member checking (seeking clarification and further explanation from study participants). The residency coordinators and a convenience sample of 5 preceptors from each program were invited to participate in the survey component.


Of a possible 186 participants, 132 (71%) responded to the survey. Of these, 128 (97%) were confident that they met the 2010 standards of the Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Board (CHPRB). Preceptors ranked communication skills, giving effective feedback, and clinical knowledge as the most important elements of being an effective preceptor. Managing workload, performing evaluations, and dealing with difficult residents were commonly reported challenges. Preceptors expressed a preference for interactive workshops and mentorship programs with experienced colleagues when first becoming preceptors, followed by 1-day training sessions or online learning modules every other year for ongoing educational support. The most beneficial support topics selected were providing constructive feedback, practical assessment strategies, small-group teaching strategies, effective communication skills, and setting goals and objectives.


This study identified several learning needs of hospital residency preceptors and showed that preceptors would appreciate educational support. Utilization of these results by residency program administrators, the CHPRB, and faculties of pharmacy could be beneficial for residency programs across Canada.  相似文献   

Objective. To assess the impact of a comprehensive preceptor development program.Design. A comprehensive preceptor development program was designed that included live and recorded online programming, a preceptor manual, a preceptor newsletter, live events (local and regional), and one-on-one practice site visits.Assessment. Over 5,000 evaluations (1,900 pre-implementation and 3,160 post-implementation) of preceptor performance were completed by students. Students rated preceptors higher in items related to providing helpful midpoint and final evaluations after program implementation. Over 1,000 Web-based preceptor development activities were completed by preceptors from 2007 to 2011. Preceptors felt activities enhanced their current knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, and more than 90% felt the core development activities would improve their current practice.Conclusion. A comprehensive approach to preceptor development that offered a variety of development and training opportunities received positive evaluations from preceptors and resulted in improved student evaluations of preceptors. A comprehensive development program should be made available to preceptors to foster their continuing professional development.  相似文献   



To implement an introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) curricular sequence in a manner that optimized preceptor availability, fostered significant learning, and addressed the new standards for experiential education.


A 4-course, 300+ hour IPPE sequence was developed with 1 module in each semester of the first 2 professional years. Semesters were 18 weeks in length with IPPE taking place in the middle weeks as dedicated time blocks when no concurrent didactic courses were scheduled. Learning exercises were developed to build a progressive foundation in preparation for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE).


During 2 academic years, 161 students participated in the IPPE program. Eighty-one students completed the 4-course sequence and another 80 students completed the first 2 courses. Collectively, 486 individual IPPE placements were made at over 120 community pharmacies and 60 hospital pharmacies or alternative practice sites located over a broad geographic region. Student evaluations by preceptors, evaluation of student journals by faculty, and surveys of students and preceptors demonstrated that course objectives were being achieved.


An innovative approach to scheduling IPPE optimized preceptor availability, exceeded the minimum number of IPPE hours required by current accreditation standards, and achieved development of desired competencies.  相似文献   

开展社会药学教育与研究的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
储文功  魏水易  顾文华 《中国药房》2001,12(10):582-583
目的 :推动我国社会药学的教育和研究。方法 :介绍社会药学的定义、国外社会药学的历史和现状 ,分析我国药事管理学的历史与发展。结果与结论 :提出我国开展社会药学教育和研究的初步设想  相似文献   

Objective. To determine trends and challenges in introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) programs from 2008-2013.Methods. In 2013, a web-based survey was sent to IPPE program administrators at 107 fully accredited colleges and schools of pharmacy. The survey addressed administrative personnel, program structure, and quality assurance issues.Results. Sixty-nine IPPE administrators responded to the survey (64.5% response rate). Within the past 5 years, 4 significant trends occurred in the area of administrative personnel, 7 trends in program structure, and 6 in quality assurance.Conclusion. Clarifications of ACPE Standards through new guidelines and policy statements likely influence many of the 17 trends. Understaffed programs, competition for institutional sites, difficulty conducting site visits, preceptor training, program assessment, documentation maintenance, and individual site requirements are all challenges. The results of this study can be used as a stimulus to address ongoing issues and to enhance the quality of IPPE programs.  相似文献   

Objectives The aim of the study was to assess and improve first‐year student pharmacists' satisfaction and learning experience in a Student‐Run Free Medical Clinic Project (SFMCP) providing medical care to an underserved population. Methods Two consecutive classes of first‐year student pharmacists at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences participated in an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) at the UCSD SFMCP. This IPPE involved two inter‐professional evening free clinics which provide medical care to an underserved population and opportunities for healthcare professional training and service. Year 1 students completed a self‐assessment survey instrument and year 2 students completed the survey instrument plus a new competency checklist tool. Average scores from the self‐assessment survey instrument were compared between years 1 and 2. Key findings Initial survey results showed that students felt the SFMCP was worthwhile; however, they did not experience enough involvement in the patient assistance programme or non‐pharmacy‐related clinic activities. After the competency checklist tool implementation, overall student pharmacist satisfaction of the SFMCP IPPE remained high (88%), participation in identified weak areas improved and students agreed that the tool helped focus their clinic experience. Conclusions Areas of improvement were identified with the survey instrument and the competency checklist tool increased achievement of learning objectives. Overall, student pharmacists felt the SFMCP IPPE was a good learning experience. Practising pharmacists can employ these or similar tools in specific practice settings, to evaluate and help ensure that student pharmacists or interns are achieving applicable learning objectives.  相似文献   

邓萍  陈颖  谢红军  唐亚岚  蒋君好 《中国药房》2010,(41):3846-3847
目的:促进我国执业药师资格制度发展。方法:分析执业药师的重要职责和高等临床药学教育的培养目标。结果与结论:大力发展高等临床药学教育,培养药学服务型人才,并不断改革和完善执业药师资格制度,对于完善执业药师知识结构,促进执业药师制度的健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Objective. To characterize preceptor and student views about and experiences with faculty liaison visits to practice sites during clinical internships.Methods. A survey was administered at the conclusion of each of the first 3 academic years of a new postbaccalaureate doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program.Results. Preceptors were satisfied overall with faculty liaison visits, while students initially were not; however, their perception increased in subsequent years. Students felt development of their patient care skills benefited, but less so their interpersonal communication skills. Each year, almost all preceptors indicated faculty liaison visits were helpful in developing and refining their mentorship skills.Conclusion. Faculty liaison visits provided a valuable opportunity to interact and support preceptors and students during advanced pharmacy internships in a nascent PharmD program.  相似文献   

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