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目的为了掌握疟疾疫情和按蚊密度动态以及影响疟疾流行的相关因素,为今后库区疟疾防治提供基础数据和依据。方法收集、整理三峡库区与疟疾流行的相关资料、建国后疟疾流行概况、媒介种群及分布等资料。1999年建立三峡库区疟疾监测点,监测疟疾疫情和按蚊种群、密度变化动态。结果收集、整理了三峡库区的基线资料。三峡库区历史上曾有间日疟和恶性疟流行,20世纪60年代后无恶性疟发生.建国初期疟疾大流行,70年末控制流行。传疟媒介主要为中华按蚊。监测结果显示,疟疾疫情稳定,年发病控制在1/万以下;发热病人血检和儿童IFAT检测结果均为阴性;传疟媒介5~10月叮人率在1-9.6只/人·夜之间,牛房密度在6-360只/人工小时之间。结论目前,疟疾年发病率控制在1/万以下,但是,传染源存在,媒介广泛分布,水库建成蓄水后,流速减缓、水面增宽、消落带积水均为按蚊孳生提供了有利条件,开展监测是必要的。  相似文献   

目的研究皖北中华按蚊传播疟疾密度阈值,为当地疟疾监测、预警与防制提供合理的评价指标。方法选取安徽北部中华按蚊分布区疟疾发病率较高的亳州市蒙城县立仓镇路楼村为调查点,于2005年8~9月现场调查媒介按蚊的叮人率、经产蚊比例、人血指数,调查人群疟疾发病率、原虫率以及疟疾患者发病至接受治疗的平均间隔期,收集观察期间的平均气温数据。根据基本繁殖率概念计算以媒介按蚊临界叮人率为指标的传播疟疾密度阈值。结果中华按蚊的人血指数为0.1771,平均经产蚊比例为0.51,当地中华按蚊的实际叮人率为11.1877、临界叮人率为7.6340,实际叮人率是临界叮人率的1.47倍。结论安徽北部试点中华按蚊的实际叮人率需要降低47%以上,才能阻断当地中华按蚊引起的疟疾传播。  相似文献   

广东省嗜人按蚊与中华按蚊疟疾传播强度的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较广东省嗜人按蚊与中华按蚊疟疾传播强度,为控制疟疾爆发流行提供科学依据。方法采用按蚊密度调查等方法在广东省珠海市和惠州市进行媒介能量的调查和研究。结果广东省珠海市嗜人按蚊的媒介能量为5.863,中华按蚊为0.663;广东省惠州市嗜人按蚊的媒介能量为2.770,中华按蚊为0.249。结论嗜人按蚊的媒介能量是中华按蚊的8~11倍,说明嗜人按蚊在广东的传疟作用较中华按蚊更为重要,占主要地位。  相似文献   

广东省消除疟疾可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨广东省实施消除疟疾所面临的问题,为制定全省消除疟疾计划提供依据。方法分层随机整群抽样,然后采用回归流行病学与现场调查相结合方法。结果Ⅱ类疟区惠城区与Ⅲ类疟区兴宁市村民疟防知识平均知晓率、媒介按蚊密度、镜检员镜检技术熟练程度、医务人员疟疾诊治知晓率差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其率或密度分别为73.8%和35.0%;6只和454只;69.2%和37.5%;75.0%和54.5%。两市(区)村民的防蚊设施覆盖率分别是93.9%和91.4%,差异无统计学意义。两市(区)中小学生疟疾抗体检测都为阴性,两市(区)镜检设备均较为残旧,大部分不能用于疟原虫镜检。结论广东省要在全省范围内实现消除疟疾,Ⅲ类疟区县比Ⅱ类疟区县难度更大,不论Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类疟区县,通过加强卫生宣教和培训、提高监测能力和补充镜检设备,全省消除疟疾的目标有可能实现。  相似文献   

目的评价以嗜人按蚊为主要传疟媒介并有多种疟原虫混合流行的高疟区50年的疟疾防治效果。方法收集、统计、分析该县1957-2007年疟疾防治及媒介监测资料,采用Excel统计软件进行统计分析。结果该县疟疾发病率由1957年的186.29/万到2007年控制在1/10万以下,由多种疟原虫种类控制为单一的间日疟,疟疾病人由原来广泛存在控制到目前以单个病人分散存在为主。结论该县疟疾得到了有效的控制并达到卫生部基本控制疟疾的标准。  相似文献   

目的研究深圳控制疟疾爆发流行的预防、控制措施及蚊的种群分布。方法分析深圳控制疟疾综合防治的措施,对疟疾高度流行区的人群使用氟氯氰菊酯缓释剂型防蚊蚊帐预防疟疾感染,利用金标层析试纸条快速筛查来自疟疾流行区人群,筛选传播疟疾蚊媒遗传标志并建立传疟蚊媒分子诊断技术;利用多基因遗传分析系统监测蚊媒耐药基因的表达。结果深圳市疟疾的年发病率从1981年的1097.89/10万下降到2005年的1/10万以内,在1985-1990年疟疾高度流行期间制作防蚊蚊帐148万顶,保护了60多万暴露在疟疾感染下的人群,金标层析试纸条检测与镜检结果的符合率为100%,筛选了ITS2基因用于快速鉴别不同蚊媒的种类。结论疟疾控制必须采取积极预防、早期诊断和治疗、媒介监测和健康教育等综合防治措施。  相似文献   

<正>疟疾是以疟原虫为病原体、以按蚊为媒介的严重威胁人类健康的寄生虫病,目前流行于100多个国家和地区,已被世界卫生组织列为优先防治的三大感染性疾病之一[1]。2000年,全球用于疟疾防控的资金接近1亿美金,至2012年跃升到18.4亿美金,加之耐药疟原虫和耐杀虫剂蚊媒的大量出现,全球的疟疾防治仍然面临严峻的挑战。据统计,目前全球每年有2亿以上疟疾病例,导致60余万人死  相似文献   

1994年~1996年广东省报告疟疾病例,分别为7987、4742和2530例,均为间日疟,年发病率分别为万分之1.21、0.70和0.370近三年来,以月报告病例最多的是1994年8月,有1377例,最少是:1996年2月仅86例。近三年共镜检发热病人1181556人次,发现疟原虫用性者33186例,阳性率为2.81%。在疟疾病例中,本省居民占49.4%,外来人口占47.0%,输入病例占6.6%;疟疾与职业的关系抽样调查显示,以建筑民工最多,占21.3%,当地居民次之占18.9%,种养殖者占16.1%。以嗜人按蚊为传疟媒介的地区发病率最高选4.14/万,微小按蚊区次之0.65/万,中华按蚊区最低仅0.14/万。总之,近三年我省疟疾发病呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

目的 掌握湖北省疟疾流行态势,为制定抗疟措施提供科学依据。方法 对2007-2009年全省网报疟疾疫情进行统计和描述性分析。结果 2007-2009年共报告疟疾3 570例,发病率为0.12~0.31/万,年平均下降幅度为36.67%,其中输入性疟疾106例(间日疟54例、恶性疟50例、卵形疟2例),占疟疾发病的2.97%,嗜人按蚊分布区发病占全省病例的82.58%,中华按蚊分布区占17.42%。6-9月,疟疾发病数占全年病例的57.96%。35~55岁年龄组疟疾发病占发病数的48.11%。2009年,仅枣阳市、广水市疟疾发病率在万分之一以上,发病数占全省病例的38.90%。近年来全省疟疾防治以控制传染源为重点,局部高发点同时采取药物浸帐灭蚊措施,有效降低了疟疾发病率。结论 全省疟疾发病呈下降态势,但输入性疟疾病例呈上升趋势,以控制传染源为主的抗疟措施有效。  相似文献   

对汕头市主要旅游景点(学石)石风景区进行蚊虫调查,采集到11种蚊虫,分别为伊蚊属中复蚊亚属的白纹伊蚊,纷蚊亚属的东乡伊蚊;库蚊属中路蚊亚属的贪食库蚊和褐尾库蚊,库蚊亚属二带喙库蚊、三带喙库蚊、致倦库蚊、拟态库蚊,真黑蚊亚属的马来库蚊,库状蚊亚属白胸库蚊.按蚊属中按蚊亚属的嗜人按蚊.其中白纹伊蚊为登革热的重要媒介,嗜人按蚊为疟疾和马来丝虫病的重要媒介,致倦库蚊为班氏丝虫病的重要媒介,三带喙库蚊为日本乙型脑炎的重要媒介.其它蚊种是鸟类和野生动物疾病的媒介或可能媒介.由于汕头地区蚊虫资料甚少,蚊虫种类及其分布还需深入调查.  相似文献   

A one year survey was conducted in 1992 to compare malaria infection, morbidity and transmission patterns between a coastal savannah community (Prampram) and a community (Dodowa) in the forest zone in southern Ghana. The study population of 6682 at Prampram and 6558 at Dodowa were followed up in their homes once every two weeks and all episodes of clinical malaria recorded. Blood films for microscopy were prepared from 600 participants randomly selected in each community in April and in August representing dry and wet seasons respectively. Mosquitoes biting humans between 1800 hrs and 0600 hrs, as well as indoor and outdoor resting mosquitoes were collected weekly. All mosquitoes collected were classified into species and examined for sporozoites by dissection and ELISA. The incidence rate of clinical malaria was higher in Dodowa (106.6/1000 pop.) than in Prampram (68.5/1000 pop.) It was highest in < 10 year age groups in both communities. It was also higher in the wet season than in the dry season. The prevalence of patent parasitaemia at Prampram and Dodowa in April in the dry season. The prevalence of patent parasitaemia at Prampram and Dodowa in April 1992 was 19.8% (117/590) and 42.2% (253/599) respectively. The corresponding figures for August were 26.6%(160/602)at Prampram and 51.3% (309/602) at Dodowa. Plasmodium falciparum infection contributed 78-85% of the parasitaemia in April and 93-99% in August. The average man-biting rate for Anopheles gambiae s.l was higher at Prampram than at Dodowa (1.54 vs 0.79 bites/man/night) but the average sporozoite rate was higher at Dodowa than at Prampram (2% vs 0.7%). The peak of biting density at Prampram occurred in June whilst that of Dodowa occurred in November.  相似文献   

目的了解东莞市厚街镇中小学生结核杆菌感染状况,为防控结核病提供科学依据。方法按照广东省中小学生健康体检项目要求,对厚街镇中小学2009年入学新生开展卡介菌纯蛋白衍生物(BCG-PPD)检测。结果 3289名中小学生中,PPD试验总阳性率47.13%,其中阳性率46.49%,强阳性率0.64%。初中生PPD阳性率、强阳性率均显著高于小学生,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),有随年龄增大呈增高趋势。女学生阳性率、强阳性率均显著高于男学生,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。公办小学学生PPD阳性率高于民办小学,本地户籍小学生PPD阳性率高于非本地户籍,有卡痕中小学生PPD试验阳性率显著高于无卡痕的学生,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论对中小学入学新生应进行PPD检测以及同时调查卡痕,了解学生中结核杆菌感染状况与卡介苗接种情况,并对重点人群采取相应防控措施,防止结核病在学校的传播与流行。  相似文献   

We have comparatively studied the dynamics of malaria transmission in the villages of Mokolo-Douvar located in the rural area with traditional agriculture and Gounougou irrigated rice area, in 2004 August and November and 2006 May and October, to assess vectors biting habits, and malaria inoculation rate and malaria parasite prevalence in cohort of children from 0 to 15 years. Mosquitoes were collected by landing catches on volunteers and by pyrethrum spray collections. A total of 5961 Anopheles were collected. Seven Anopheles species were identified: Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles pharoensis, Anopheles rufipes, Anopheles ziemanni and Anopheles squamosus. A. arabiensis was the major species (56.2%) and the main malaria vector in both study sites, followed by A. funestus (32.6%). Malaria transmission was high in the irrigated area of Gounougou (1.42 infection bites per man per night) whereas in the non-irrigated zone of Mokolo-Douvar, it was below detection level during the rainy season (0,245 ib/h/n). In Gounougou, a total of 655 children were examined. The mean plasmodic index was 21.1%. Our findings confirm that changes in irrigated rice agriculture influence malaria transmission dynamics, and call for control measures that are readily adapted to local eco-epidemiological settings.  相似文献   

A longitudinal epidemiological study of malaria and its vectors was conducted in Kinshasa. 264 night-bite collections on human bait (1,056 man nights) and 384 collections of the house-resting fauna were carried out from April 1989 to October 1990. The anophelian fauna was identified and inventoried, 7 Anopheles species were found: Anopheles gambiae, An. funestus, An. paludis, An. hancocki, An. counstani, An. brunnipes, and An. nili. A single species, An. gambiae s. l. is responsible for the transmission of malaria, it represents 93.27% of the anopheline fauna. The average number of anophele bites man day was 16.28 bites/man/night, it varied between 1 b/m/n in urban area to 26.05 b/m/n in semi-rural area. The average of the sporozoite index for An. gambiae was 3.3%, but it varied from 0% in the urban area to 6.52% in the semi-rural area. The entomological inoculation rate (h) was 197 infective bites per year. This rate fluctuated from 1 infective bite each 128 nights in urban area to 1.7 infective night-bite in semi-rural area. Other epidemiological index were also determined: the level of daily survival rate (p = 8.75 days), the vectorial capacity of 17.97 and the Macdonald's stability 3.5 bites on man taken by a vector during its entire lifetime.  相似文献   

A study on malaria transmission based on samples of mosquitoes caught on human subjects was conducted from February to August 1995 in the rice growing area of Kafine, a village located in the Niakaramandougou district of northern C?te d'Ivoire. The village is surrounded by 117,500 acres of rice fields. Irrigation is sub-permanent in the rice field and harvests number two a year. During the 6 months of the study, 12.353 mosquitoes were caught. The average biting rate was 118.8 bites per man per night (b/m/n). Mansonia, Culex and Aedes represented only 17.5% of the total number of mosquitoes caught. Anopheles accounted for 82.5% of the number of anthropophilic mosquitoes. Anopheles gambiae s.s. represented 83.7% of the total Anopheles species. As a whole, the average biting rate recorded for the Anopheles was 98 b/m/n. The average biting rate of An. gambiae was 90.4 b/m/n. The highest rate (121.5 b/m/n) was recorded in April. During the dry and rainy season, the indoor biting cycle per hour of An. gambiae s.s. was studied from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. In both seasons, a marked biting activity was noticed between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. The average annual parity rate reached 40.2% but it ranged from 59.8% (n = 82) in February to 19% (n = 63) in May. The mean sporozoitic index of An. gambiae throughout the study period was 1.1% (14 positive salivary glands/1.251 dissected). The index ranged from 0 in April, May and June to 6.2 (n = 192) in July. The rate did not vary with rainfall but with the different stages of rice growing. The non-synchronisation of agricultural practises for each growing cycle seemed to be a conclusive factor in the transmission of malaria in this locality. Malaria transmission at Kafine can be characterised by 3 main elements: transmission is intensive with an estimated inoculation rate of 1 ib/m/n; transmission is more related to double phase rice cultivation (regardless of synchronisation on plots) than to rainfall; transmission shows particular variations linked to rice cultivation cycles with an increase during periods of ripeness and harvest. The nuisance caused by higher mosquito density has brought people to comply with use of pyrethroid impregnated bed nets advocated for wide use by the National Malaria Control Program.  相似文献   

An entomological study was performed to document the transmission of Plasmodium, agents of human malaria in Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar. Human landing mosquitoes were collected at night during two years, between May 2003 and September 2005, in the two sites of Ambohimiandra-Manakambahiny and Ambolokandrina. The genuses of collected mosquitoes were, in order of abundance, Culex, Mansonia and Anopheles. The only potential vector was Anopheles arabiensis. Its maximal abundance was observed in January (22 and 15 bites per man per night, outdoors, respectively in the two sites), during the rainier month of the austral summer This anopheles was biting indoors, in bedrooms, but its agressivity was always higher outdoors than indoors. Its maximal agressivity was observed indoors between 00 and 01 am. The absence of An. gambiae and An. funestus in the catches on the one hand, and the absence of An. arabiensis infected by Plasmodium falciparum on the other hand, are discussed.  相似文献   

An entomological study was carried out on the transmission of malaria in the Bandundu region, Za?re, during the dry season (July and August 1991). Five Anopheles species were recorded: Anopheles paludis, A. gambiae, A. funestus, A. moucheti and A. nili. A paludis was the dominant species and represents 55.1% of the total; the average number of A. paludis bites per man/day was 4.2. The sporozoite index was 6.2%; the inoculation rate due to A. paludis was h = 0.26, 1 infective bite each 4 days. A. paludis plays an important role with A. gambiae and is considered as one of the main vectors of malaria in this region.  相似文献   

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