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广州市市售食品食源性致病菌污染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解广州市市售食品中食源性致病菌的污染状况。方法采用随机抽样方法分别对我市10个区以及两个地级市的集贸市场、超市、宾馆饭店及个体熟食销售点的7类食品共363份样品中沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、副溶血性弧菌、单增李斯特菌、肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7、空肠弯曲菌等6种致病菌依据国标的方法进行了监测。结果363件样品中检出致病菌72株。其中副溶血性弧菌检出率为33.93%,主要污染水产品;金黄色葡萄球菌为3.00%,主要污染熟食品;沙门氏菌和单增李斯特菌检出率分别为1.93%和0.66%;未检出大肠杆菌O157:H7和空肠弯曲菌。在各类食品中,致病菌带菌数有显著性差异(以χ^2检验,P〈0.005)。水产品致病菌带菌率最高,以副溶血性弧菌为主;其次为生肉类,以检出沙门氏菌为多。结论我市市售食品存在食源性致病菌污染,水产品和生肉类是主要污染食品。应加强市售食品监督管理,以减少可能引起食源性疾病的因素。  相似文献   

目的 了解罗湖区常见可生食蔬果和即食凉菜等食品的寄生虫污染情况,以评价直接生食此类食品的安全性,为采取有效措施防治寄生虫、保障食品安全提供科学依据.方法 按照监测工作要求,在罗湖区部分农贸市场、超市和餐厅,抽取常见可生食蔬果和即食凉菜等的成品或半成品,每份样品经去离子水清洗,洗液离心后比较不同种类蔬果中寄生虫和虫卵的阳性率差异.结果 检测350份可生食蔬果,检出寄生虫或寄生虫卵者共77份,阳性率22.00%,样品类别(χ2=173.34,P<0.01),蔬菜种类χ2=92.33,P<0.001),是否水洗(χ2=124.23,P<0.01)等因素和寄生虫检出情况可能有关.结论 罗湖区内市售与土壤直接接触的蔬菜寄生虫污染状况不容忽视,提示在食品卫生学上,生食该类蔬菜有一定危险性,需进一步重点调查该类食品,明确其危险性,及时采取有效措施.  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市淡水鱼受香港海鸥菌污染的状况。方法于2011年2-3月共采集深圳市2家农贸批发市场和1家商场淡水鱼共计329份,将鱼肠中、后段内容物直接涂布改良麦康凯琼脂平板,凡生化符合的同时用特异性荧光PCR确诊香港海鸥菌。结果在329份淡水鱼中共检出香港海鸥菌7份,总阳性率为2.13%,其中塘虱鱼的阳性率最高为7.50%,鳙鱼的阳性率为2.50%,草鱼的阳性率为1.22%,其它淡水鱼未检出。7株香港海鸥菌生化反应阳性的,荧光PCR结果均为阳性。结论深圳市场淡水鱼中香港海鸥菌的污染不容忽视,应加强对淡水鱼产品中香港海鸥菌污染的监测,及时进行食品安全的预防和预警。  相似文献   

于美清  刘洪杰 《医学信息》2009,22(3):396-396
为了解我市口腔诊所消毒工作现状,规范口腔诊所消毒技术规范,预防医源性感染的发生,我们于2006年4月-5月对辖区内的32个口腔诊所进行了细菌污染状况的调查.现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

深圳市960名小学生吸烟状况调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解深圳市小学生的吸烟状况及吸烟的心理,方法 采用自拟的问卷调查表,调查了深圳市960名7-12岁小学生。结果 本次调查小学生的吸烟率为3.5%。有10%的学生曾尝试过吸烟;吸烟的最初诱因以好奇,好玩占首位;学校对吸烟方面的教育尚不够深入和普及。结论 针对深圳市烟民年龄普遍下降的趋势,学校,家庭,妇妇保健机构,健康教育部门需共同合作,采取必要的干预措施,以减少烟草对少年儿童健康的危害。  相似文献   

目的了解诺如病毒疫情中密切接触者感染和环境污染状况。方法在一起诺如病毒疫情中采集患者、密切接触者的肛拭子和其工作生活相关环境的表面涂抹样品,进行实时荧光RT-PCR检测,并对结果进行分析。结果166名密切接触者中有34名感染诺如病毒,感染率为21.6%;其中31名感染者无临床相关症状;21天后所有感染者检测结果才完全转阴。57份环境样本中检出诺如病毒核酸阳性共17份,阳性率为29.8%,厨房和员工宿舍受污染较重。结论诺如病毒感染力强,隐形感染者多,排毒时间长,传播途径多样,容易污染环境。严格控制密切接触者,加强环境清洁消毒,是预防感染和控制疫情的重要措施。  相似文献   

深圳市肉类食品空肠弯曲菌的污染情况调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解我市常见肉类食品中空肠弯曲菌的污染状况,为控制和预防空肠弯曲菌食物中毒提供科学依据。方法在食品污监测点随机抽检肉类食品样品117份,用传统国标法和荧光PCR法进行检测。结果从117份肉类食品中检出4份空肠弯曲菌,阳性检出率为3.4%。结论深圳市肉类食品中存在空肠弯曲菌的污染,如果加工、销售不当,及监督不严,会对群众健康构成潜在威胁。  相似文献   

深圳市农村老年人生活满意度与心理状况调查   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
生活满意度是指个人生理、心理和社会的良好状态及幸福感、满足感 ,是测量老年人生活质量的一个重要指标[1] 。本文对深圳市宝安区 10 5 5名农村老年人进行调查 ,旨在探讨老年人生活满意度和心理卫生状况的现状及生活满意度的主要影响因素 ,为社区老年保健工作提供指导依据。1 对象和方法1.1 调查对象以单纯随机抽样法在深圳市宝安区随机抽取 2个镇 ,然后以整群抽样法在 2个镇内各随机抽取 5个村 ,在被抽取的 10个村内共有 10 89名年龄≥ 6 0岁、有常住户口的老年人 ,其中 13名老年人因有严重的听力及精神障碍而被排除。以此 10个村内所有…  相似文献   

1999年 1 2月 ,我校心理咨询室向 1 2 2 9名学生发放心理问卷调查表 ,研究中师生恋爱心理特点 ,问卷调查显示 ,绝大多数中师生恋爱态度是认真的 ,但恋爱心理相对幼稚 ,恋爱心理亟需进行有效的引导。1 对象和方法对象 :为年龄在 1 5~ 1 8岁之间的中师生 ,共收回问卷 1 0 52份 ,有效 838分 (男生 465份 ,女生373份 )。方法 :问卷表由我校心理咨询室编定 ,设计了2 1道问题 ,主要调查学生的家庭期望与其择业的关系、恋爱心理、人际关系、对学校管理的看法及建议等问题。其中 ,涉及恋爱心理的有四道题。为保证调查结果的信度与效度 ,答卷采取不…  相似文献   

目的查明我市2起人感染猪链球菌病的感染途径和流行特征,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法开展流行病学调查,采集脑脊液标本,用血平板进行细菌培养、分离,用PCR鉴定。结果患者手部有外伤且有生猪肉接触史,临床上潜伏期短,病程进展迅速,均为脑膜炎型。患者脑脊液中分离的细菌经生化和PCR检测结果为猪链球菌Ⅱ型。病人经过及时抢救均脱离了危险。结论2起疫情为散发疫情,相互间无流行病学联系。传播途径为接触被猪链球菌污染的生猪肉经破损皮肤而传染。应加强卫生知识宣传和教育,提高肉食品加工人员的自我保护能力,同时要提高医务人员的诊治水平。  相似文献   

目的研究分析抽检与送检桶装纯净水微生物污染的结果差别和卫生质量。方法对深圳市桶装纯净水的各种产品随机抽检280份;商场、超市和企业等主动送检桶装纯净水各种产品121份,采用国标标准进行微生物指标的各种检测,按国家微生物卫生标准评价。对二组结果进行比对分析研究。结果抽检的280份桶装纯净水合格率为74.3%;送检的桶装纯净水合格率为90.1%,经统计学处理两者有统计学意义(x^2=12.73,P〈0.001)。结论抽检桶装纯净水合格率明显低于送检桶装纯净水的合格率,且两者的差别有统计学意义,说明桶装纯净水存在潜在的安全隐患,并威胁着市民的饮水安全。  相似文献   

深圳市肠道病毒71型血清流行病学初步调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨深圳市不同人群肠道病毒71型血清流行病学规律。方法收集1999—2003年深圳地区正常人血清584份,按年龄0-岁、1-岁、2-岁、5-岁、15-岁和〉30岁分成6个组,用ELISA方法对其肠道病毒71型抗体进行检测。结果1999—2003年深圳地区正常人血清中肠道病毒71型抗体阳性率最高的年龄组为5-岁组,阳性率超过50%;15-岁和〉30岁组血清阳性率分别为47.7%和39.8%;2.岁血清阳性率约为30%,其中0-岁和1-岁两个低年龄组的血清阳性率最低。不超过20%。结论5岁以下低年龄儿童是肠道病毒71型的易感人群。  相似文献   

Contamination of a biopsy or surgical specimen with spurious tissue is an uncommon but potentially disastrous event. In this regard, the case of a 5-year-old boy referred for treatment of an abdominal tumor is presented. Sections made from paraffin blocks brought by the family showed both neuroblastoma and a spindle cell sarcoma, initially suggesting the possibility of divergent or mixed differentiation. However, the resemblance of the spindle cell component to well-differentiated leiomyosarcoma rather than rhabdomyosarcoma raised the suspicion that a specimen contamination had occurred. Electron microscopy was instrumental in confirming the smooth muscle nature of the sarcomatous component, leading to a fluorescence in situ hybridization study, which established that this component was incompatible with the patient's gender. This case illustrates that even when the light microscopic differential has been compromised by specimen mishandling, electron microscopy can at times provide useful information regarding specimen identity, as well as assist in sorting out the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种发现生化分析仪交叉污染及消除/减少交叉污染的方法.方法 使用Hitachi 7600型全自动生化分析仪,对所有生化检测项目(36项)进行交叉污染筛查,之后进行交叉污染的确认实验,并在确认的基础上利用增加水洗、碱洗、酸洗、调整检测顺序等办法消除或减少交叉污染.结果 发现具有交叉污染的项目39对,在采取增加水洗、碱洗和酸洗措施后改善了26对,66.7%有交叉污染的项目对被改善,剩下的13对改善效果不明显.之后在检测顺序上调整,调整后交叉污染现象均改善.结论 交叉污染所产生的结果干扰,是生化检验中非常重要且易被忽略的问题,单纯依靠经验性观察和重复检查发现问题容易造成疏漏,建议使用开放试剂的生化实验室,在仪器启用或更换试剂时,进行交叉污染筛查和确认,并采取措施,以更好地提高检测结果准确性、为临床服务.  相似文献   

Background Improvements in donor selection criteria and donor testing have reduced the risks of transfusion-transmitted diseases to remarkably low levels in developed countries. Residual risk remains because of window period donations and the potential for error. Developing countries may not have implemented all these safety measures fully, however. In all countries, tests with limited sensitivity (e.g. for detection of bacterial contamination) and ‘emerging’ pathogens, for which accurate tests have not been developed, pose continued threats to recipients. Results Pathogen inactivation (PI) has brought a welcome level of safety to plasma derivatives, and an increasing number of techniques are available for labile blood components. The toxicity profile of these techniques appears acceptable. Although the processes inevitably cause a reduction in the content or efficacy of the component, transfusions of the inactivated components appear to provide clinically useful outcomes. Transfusion of pathogen-inactivated plasma components is in widest use across multiple countries, and an increasing number of centres in multiple countries are adopting PI of platelet units as well. Development of techniques applicable to red cell units continues and preliminary success has been claimed. Not all reports of clinical use of PI platelets and plasma have been positive, however. Differences in bleeding rates may be attributable to different approaches to patient evaluation. Some regulatory agencies continue to place emphasis on the potential for pulmonary complications, although reanalysis of previous data indicates no increased risk of pulmonary toxicity. Multiple cost-effectiveness analyses have demonstrated that currently available PI techniques will likely reduce the residual risk of known pathogens by only a small amount and thus have marginal cost-effectiveness ratios in the range of $500 000–1 500 000/QALY (this is worse than for most commonly accepted medical procedures but not out-of-line in comparison to other blood safety interventions). The presumed effectiveness of current bacterial detection approaches is central to these analyses as bacteria remain the most frequently transmitted pathogen with culture detecting only 30–50% of contaminated units. An analysis of residual risk indicates that while techniques applicable across all components will be necessary to achieve the desired maximal effect of PI, implementing PI for plasma and platelets with currently available technology would reduce transmissions of both acute and chronic emerging disease agents by 40%. Conclusions The decision whether to implement PI is a complex one with ethical, societal and financial aspects. The ability to improve the safety of transfusion for recipients, particularly with respect to bacteria and emerging threats, is an important augmentation to our commitment to patients.  相似文献   

深圳市某地2011年正常人群手足口病隐性感染调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解深圳市某地2011年成人及健康儿童手足口病隐性感染情况。探讨健康人群隐性感染与儿童患手足ISl病的关系。方法随机选取该区域幼儿同学生和老师共150人,分为0~、2~、5-岁组各30人,15~、24~、〉50岁组各20人。每人采集粪便标本5~8g,进行肠道病毒通用型、肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A16型(CA16)核酸检测。结果共采集150份样本,EV通用型阳性13份(8.67%),其中5岁以下的有11例(84.6%)。CA16阳性2份,EV71阳性1份,均属于0-岁组。结论肠道病毒在人群中隐性感染较为普遍,5岁以内儿童为主要感染人群。健康人群中引起手足口病常见的EV71和CA16阳性肠道病毒隐性感染率低。  相似文献   


Recent outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis and reports of other newly described para-sitic diseases associated with drinking water transmission prompted a reevaluation of source water monitoring criteria for public health protection. The field of microbial indicators was reviewed and each candidate sentinel evaluated in terms of its sensitivity, specificity, and technical feasibility. In addition, a clear distinction was made between source water monitoring and monitoring in the distribution system. Of all potential candidate microbial sentinels, Escherichia coli is deemed the most efficacious for public health protection. Based on a conservative estimate of its half-life in groundwater for 8 d. it is recommended that at least two samples be obtained during this half-life. In addition to E. coli, two water quality indicator sentinels, which are not necessarily direct public health threats, should also be monitored at the same frequency. These are the total coliform group and the enterococci. If E. coli is present in any source water sample, the borehole and any directly connected borehole should be embargoed. If either total coliforms or enterococci are detected, only that individual borehole should be taken off line and not used until the situation is remediated and the cause of the fecal contamination eliminated. Clostridium perfrigens spores serve as a useful long-lived indicator. However, their perseverance in a sample should not be considered a direct public health threat because spores may far outlive pathogens. As a parasite indicator, C. perfringens should have the same importance as a positive colifom or enterococcus analysis. Coliphages do not yet fulfill enough of the criteria to be routinely employed. Biological monitoring should be coupled with physicochemical monitoring to establish a long-term history of the source. Because all natural waters vary in the amounts of heterotrophic plate count bacteria, test methods should be employed that are refractory to them. A combination of rigorous source protection plus extraordinary source monitoring serve as sufficient multiple barriers for parasite protection.  相似文献   

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