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Numerous studies indicate that social dysfunction is associated with negative symptoms of schizophrenia during the chronic phase of illness. However, it is unclear whether social abnormalities exist during the premorbid phase in people who later develop schizophrenia with prominent negative symptoms, or whether social functioning becomes progressively worse in these individuals from childhood to late adolescence. The current study examined differences in academic and social premorbid functioning in people with schizophrenia meeting criteria for deficit (i.e., primary and enduring negative symptoms) (DS: n = 74) and non-deficit forms of schizophrenia (ND: n = 271). Premorbid social and academic functioning was assessed for childhood, early adolescence, and late adolescence developmental periods on the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS). Results indicated that both DS and ND participants showed deterioration in social and academic functioning from childhood to late adolescence. However, while ND schizophrenia demonstrated greater deterioration of academic compared to social premorbid functioning from childhood to late adolescence, the DS group exhibited comparable deterioration across both premorbid domains, with more severe social deterioration than the ND group. Findings suggest that people with DS show poorer social premorbid adjustment than those with ND as early as childhood, and are particularly susceptible to accelerated deterioration as the onset of schizophrenia becomes imminent. Thus, poor premorbid social adjustment and significant social deterioration from childhood to adolescence may be a hallmark feature of people who later go on to develop prominent negative symptoms and a unique marker for the DS subtype of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The frontal and temporal lobes have been implicated as pathogenic sites for schizophrenia, although there is a marked heterogeneity of brain function and structure between individual patients. It is currently unclear whether some patients with schizophrenia exhibit primarily frontal lobe dysfunction, while others exhibit primarily temporal-lobe dysfunction. The current investigation examined this issue in a preliminary way by using neurocognitive tests to discriminate test performances of patients with schizophrenia from patients without schizophrenia who had definitive neurological evidence of either frontal- or temporal-lobe dysfunction. Of the patients with schizophrenia, 20.7% were classified as having a frontal lobe dysfunction profile, while 19.3% had a temporal lobe dysfunction profile. Results further clarify neurobiological heterogeneity in schizophrenia by demonstrating that a substantial number of patients with schizophrenia exhibit either primarily frontal- or temporal-lobe dysfunction. Results may partially explain the inadequacy of neurobiological models for schizophrenia that do not consider these differential patterns of dysfunction.  相似文献   

Direct assistance with academic study was given to 16 subjects who had hebephrenic schizophrenia (HS) and problems with school attendance, with the aim of helping the subjects to reaching their desired level of academic achievement. The subjects exhibited nine behavior patterns when they reached an impasse in their study: (i) difficulty understanding the degree of importance; (ii) difficulty integrating multiple concepts; (iii) difficulty understanding abstract concepts; (iv) difficulty developing an overview; (v) difficulty with applied problems; (vi) attempting to achieve complete understanding; (vii) becoming labile prior to exams; (viii) excess cramming leading to breakdown; and (ix) extreme reactions. These patterns were compared with those of 10 healthy junior high school students (normal group). In the HS group, patterns (i-v) were seen in at least a moderate degree in all subjects, but were significantly stronger than in the normal group and, even with study advice, improvement was temporary. Wide individual variations were seen in patterns (vi-ix) in the HS group, but again they were significantly stronger than in the normal group. The behavior patterns were influenced by the prospects of academic success, and were more prominent in subjects with higher expectations. Cognitive dysfunction was the root cause of these behavior patterns, with the additional involvement of psychological factors.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships among premorbid social functioning, gender, and long-term outcome in a group of 82 subjects (41 men and 41 women) who were retrospectively rediagnosed to meet the criteria for DSM-III schizophrenia. The Premorbid Adjustment Scale was used to assess premorbid social functioning along a developmental continuum. The Community Adjustment Scale provided outcome data related to the subjects' degree of productivity, ability to maintain close relationships, and presence/absence of symptomatology an average of 32 years after initial admission. The results indicated that females tended to exhibit better premorbid functioning than males. Although the outcome data did not reveal a statistically significant relationship between gender and long-term functioning, the results were in the predicted direction, with females again demonstrating more favorable outcome than males. Despite the absence of a statistically significant gender effect, a relationship did appear to exist between premorbid functioning and very long-term outcome, with premorbid asocial functioning predicting poor outcome.  相似文献   

Paranoid schizophrenics were found to be more similar to affective disordered patients than to other types of schizophrenics on age at first hospitalization and premorbid social competence. These findings support an earlier formulation of paranoid schizophrenia as a reflection of underlying affective disorder rather than as a subtype of schizophrenia. In addition, in all the diagnostic groups, women were found to be older than men at first hospitalization.  相似文献   

Previous research had shown that processing speed and premorbid IQ are predictors of verbal-memory efficiency in patients with schizophrenia. We investigated whether the same factors are involved in visual memory. A total of 49 patients with schizophrenia and 43 healthy controls were administered a picture recognition task. Half of the pictures were black and white, and half were in color, in order to vary the depth of encoding. Processing speed was measured by three standard tasks, and premorbid IQ was measured by the National Adult Reading Test (NART). Patients were significantly impaired in picture recognition. Regression analyses revealed that NART score was a significant predictor of the recognition of both types of picture in patients. Processing speed was a significant predictor of the recognition of the colored pictures. The effect of diagnosis on the recognition of colored pictures was reduced to nonsignificance when processing speed was entered in the regression. These data suggest that premorbid IQ is involved in visual-recognition efficiency. However, the deficit observed in patients is accounted for by decreased processing speed.  相似文献   

Neurocognitive deficits are associated with chronic schizophrenia and aging. We investigated whether elderly chronic schizophrenia inpatients who also suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have more severe cognitive impairment than elderly schizophrenia inpatients that do not. Fourteen schizophrenia inpatients that are Holocaust survivors and suffer from PTSD (survivor group) were compared with schizophrenia inpatients not exposed to the holocaust and without PTSD (comparison group) using neurocognitive assessments and psychiatric evaluation instruments. The survivors performed significantly worse on measures of processing speed and visual scanning, recognition memory, and general mental status, than the comparison group. Though nonsignificantly, the comparison group revealed better performance on tests that measured visuospatial perception, visuospatial planning and strategies, organizational and constructional skills. The survivor group displayed a greater severity of antipsychotic-induced side effects that were not associated with differences in cognitive performance. Comorbid PTSD may contribute to the severity of neurocognitive impairment in elderly chronic schizophrenia patients.  相似文献   

The relations between premorbid adjustment, social skill, and domains of functioning (symptoms, social adjustment) were examined in a group of 107 schizophrenic, schizoaffective, and affective disorder patients. Premorbid sexual adjustment was moderately correlated with social skill in the schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients. Schizophrenic patients had the lowest premorbid adjustment and social skill, followed by schizoaffectives, and then affective patients. Within the schizophrenic group, social skill was significantly related to both current social adjustment and negative symptoms, but not positive symptoms. Similar but weaker effects were found for premorbid adjustment. The results suggest that deficits in social skill are correlated with poor premorbid and morbid social adjustment of schizophrenics.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of two studies of the validity of word-recognition reading as an indicator of premorbid functioning in schizophrenia. The first examined the stability over a 6-year follow-up period of word recognition reading compared to other aspects of cognitive functioning, including verbal learning and delayed recall, verbal fluency, constructional skills, and naming ability. The second study examined the relative predictive power of indicators of premorbid functioning as compared to current cognitive functioning for the prediction of current social and self-care skills. In the first study 218 patients with chronic schizophrenia participated. For the second study, 231 male veterans with schizophrenia were assessed for cognitive functioning, indicators of premorbid adjustment, and current functional status. Analyses of the differences between correlations indicated that word recognition reading ability was significantly more stable than other aspects of cognitive functioning over a six-year period during which decline in some other aspects of performance was found. In the second study, premorbid educational and social attainment, word recognition reading skill, and current cognitive functioning were all significantly related to current functional status, defined by correlations with ratings of current functional status. Path analyses indicated, however, that current cognitive functioning was the only significant predictor of current functional status when the intercorrelations of the variables were considered. In sum, Premorbid functioning estimated with word-recognition reading was stable over time (study 1) and correlated with both current cognitive and functional status (study 2). The results of these two studies suggest that word-recognition reading skills are useful screening instruments to estimate premorbid functioning even in deteriorated patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information on premorbid functioning is often based on patients recalling their past. Premorbid functioning is relevant as it is associated with treatment response and other outcomes. The extent to which memory impairments of persons with schizophrenia may bias such reporting has not been investigated. The purpose of the current study was to assess the extent to which persons with schizophrenia might exhibit biased reporting relative to controls. METHODS: Seventy males with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 51 males with no psychiatric symptoms participated in the study. Contemporaneous and retrospective reports from a behavioral functioning assessment conducted as part of the Israeli Draft Board were compared. This assessment routinely administered to all 17 years old males in the country assesses social functioning, individual autonomy, organizational ability, physical activity and functioning in structured environments. We compared the groups on the Draft Board behavioral measures at age 17 and at re-assessment. We also examined the relationship between symptom severity, neuropsychological performance and differences between age 17 and current behavioral assessment scores. RESULTS: In a repeated measures MANCOVA of the five measures there was no overall significant difference in accuracy of reporting between persons with schizophrenia and those without. Both groups showed a slight tendency to glorify their past. Consistency of reporting was not significantly correlated with neuropsychological performance or levels of psychotic symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: We found that when reporting on personal and social functioning during teen age years persons with schizophrenia report with the same level of consistency as persons without schizophrenia. This suggests that self-report of premorbid functioning of persons with schizophrenia can be trusted as being reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explore neurocognitive, clinical and community functioning variables in order to predict “social reasoning” in a sample of patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenic disorder. Cognitive and community functioning, and social reasoning have been evaluated, together with the Positive and Negative Syndromes Scale (PANSS) and DSM-IV Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), in a sample of 46 patients who met the DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia. Our findings show that global functioning as reflected by GAF is the strongest predictor of the social reasoning as evaluated by the Wason’s Selection Task (WST). Other community functioning variables such as the Life Skills Profile (LSP) sub-scores do not provide significant prediction of social reasoning. Similarly, neurocognitive measures, in terms of attention and contextual reasoning, have no predictive effect on social reasoning. Our findings show that social cognition should be considered as an additional cognitive domain more related to functional outcome.  相似文献   

We analyzed the EEGs of 27 schizophrenic patients and 132 patients with affective disorder who received diagnoses according to rigorous research criteria. The proportion of abnormal EEGs was twice as great among schizophrenics as among affectives, and when the groups were compared for localized cortical differences, schizophrenics had more temporal abnormalities and affectives more parieto/occipital abnormalities. There was also a trend toward different hemispheric lateralization for the two groups, with a reversal of the relative proportions of left- and right-sided abnormalities. These differences were unrelated to age, sex, severity of illness, or past or present drug administration. These findings are complementary to those of other workers, lend support to the validity of our diagnostic research criteria, and provide additional evidence for neurophysiological differences between schizophrenics and patients with affective disorder.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients who smoke have been postulated to have genetically mediated dysfunctional nicotinic neurotransmission. We hypothesized that this nicotinic dysfunction would manifest as poorer school performance in adolescence, before the onset of illness, in smoking compared with non-smoking schizophrenia patients. Over a 31-year follow-up period, 100 (65 men) cohort members of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort were hospitalized and diagnosed with DSM-III-R schizophrenia. The information on school performance was obtained at the end of compulsory schooling at age 16 years. The information on smoking habits was gathered from a questionnaire mailed to cohort members at the age of 31 years. Compared with non-smoking schizophrenia patients, schizophrenia patients who smoked in adulthood had lower overall mean grades, lower mean grades in combined mathematical subjects, and lower grades in music. Poor school performance might represent premorbid nicotinergic dysfunction associated with cognitive deficits in future smokers among schizophrenia patients compared with those who remained non-smokers.  相似文献   

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