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This study examined the relationship of a person's motives for self-disclosure and degree of self-disclosure to the congruency of personality judgment by the discloser and recipient. The subjects used were 76 pairs of close friends, members in each pair being of the same sex. Personality judgments of disclosers were executed by the disclosers themselves as well as the recipients; and disclosers were also asked to fill out (SMI) and (JSDQ). Results demonstrated that (JSDQ) had no relation to the congruency of personality judgments, but the motives had. In particular, persons who were apt to disclose based on mostly the emotional motive had the minimum congruencies on their personality judgment by disclosers and recipients.  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between the qualitative aspects of marital intimacy among 20 couples and a quantitative, microalysis of their selfdisclosing behavior. Two interview segments and their combination were scored for the basic parameters of self-disclosure using the Self-Disclosure Coding System (SDCS). The scores served as predictor variables for each of 12 intimacy dimensions derived from the standardized, structured Victoria Hospital Intimacy Interview in stepwise multiple regression analyses. The resulting multiple Rs ranged from 0.357 for Sexuality in segment 1 to 0.853 for Identity in segment II. Analysis of the couples' self-disclosures across segments I and II yielded multiple Rs from 0.446 to 0.850, with the intimacy dimensions of Expressiveness, Compatibility, Behavior, and Identity the highest correlates. These results suggest that although self-disclosure and intimacy are not synonymous, self-disclosing behavior is a major determinant of various aspects of marital intimacy and accounts for more than 50% of the variance in at least four dimensions. Explanations for these findings and their clinical relevance are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of prior interview experiences on subsequent test responding were examined by comparing the influence of three interviewer behaviors: interviewer self-disclosure, interviewer verbal reinforcement of self-referent statements, and direct instructions to be self-disclosive. Performance was contrasted with a control interview condition characterized by no interviewer self-disclosure or self-referent reinforcement and with a no-interview condition. Responses on measures of self-disclosure and anxiety indicated that female Ss tended to be more self-disclosive than males in general, but were relatively uninfluenced by experimental condition. For male Ss, verbal reinforcement increased self-disclosure relative to the interviewer self-disclosure condition. Interviewer self-disclosure was shown to result in more favorable perceptions of the self and the interviewer, particularly for males, and greater social evaluative anxiety for females. Both these factors are discussed as possibly counteracting the modelling effects of interviewer self-disclosure. An interpretation of the results in terms of interactions between S sex, interviewer sex, and experimental condition is proposed and implications for related research discussed.  相似文献   

Projective tests are considered to uncover unconscious emotions while avoiding psychological resistance. However, the results of projective tests may be affected by conscious emotions. This study investigates whether self-disclosure, which is a conscious factor, affected the results of a sentence completion test (SCT), which is a projective test. Eighty-five university students completed a questionnaire about their degree of self-disclosure, and a SCT. The results showed that low disclosers gave more negative responses on the SCT (such as denial responses, physiologically related responses, short responses, and short emotional responses) than high disclosers. High disclosers expressed more emotions, thoughts and feelings (i.e., opinions, positive emotions, wishes, directive disclosure responses, and positive self-images) than low disclosers. Although projective tests are assumed to minimize psychological resistance, the low disclosers gave more defensive responses on the SCT, and the high disclosers exhibited more emotional responses. In summary, self-disclosure, which is a conscious factor, affected SCT responses.  相似文献   

Previous therapy analogue studies of self-disclosure have treated Ss as a homogeneous group without examining possibly relevant S variables. In the present study, 68 female students identified as high or low in need for approval listened to a tape-recorded interview between a high self-disclosing therapist and a female client under one of two therapist expectation conditions: Clear expectation of high self-disclosure vs. ambiguous expectation. Ss then indicated on the Jourard Self-Disclosure Questionnaire the degrees to which they would be willing to disclose to the therapist. It was predicted that high need for approval Ss would disclose most under the clear expectation condition, while low need for approval Ss would not be affected by the therapist expectation. A significant Need Approval X Therapist expectation interaction supported this prediction. Further analysis indicated that items for the Work, Money, and Personality subsections of the disclosure questionnaire contributed most to the interaction. Implications for differential treatment of high need for approval Ss who were entering therapy were discussed.  相似文献   

Counselors' reports of their use of self-disclosure with clients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-six counselors indicated the frequency of their use of 11 types of self-disclosure, which varied in intimacy from incidental information (age, race) to personal weaknesses. Positive emotional responses to clients were used most frequently, and opinions/attitudes were used least frequently. A factor analysis showed three factors to describe the data best. Factor 1 was represented by information related to the personal identify and experiences of the therapist. Factor 2 involved the emotional responses of the therapist to the client. Factor 3 was principally the disclosure of professional experiences and identity. Implications are considered.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that a high level of self-disclosure is indicative of psychological adjustment and self-actualization. The self-disclosure scale. Social Avoidance and Distress, Fear of Negative Evaluation, Alienation and Repression-Sensitization scales were administered to 60 Ss. The results for all scales indicated that a high level of disclosure was associated with adjustment as measured by these scales. A second group of 94 Ss completed the self-disclosure scale and the Personal Orientation Inventory, a measure of self-actualization. The results indicated that high disclosers compared to low disclosers had achieved a higher level of self-actualization. That is, there were significant correlations between self-disclosure and measures of self-actualization such as Time Competence, Internal Support, Existentiality, Self-Acceptance and Capacity for Intimate Contact.  相似文献   

Although cognitive-behavior therapy emphasizes between-session change, therapist self-disclosure within the session can be an effective tool for strengthening the therapeutic bond and facilitating client change. After noting the use of self-disclosure in other theoretical orientations, we place self-disclosure in the context of cognitive-behavioral theories of reinforcement and modeling. Clinical vignettes illustrate the use of therapist self-disclosure to provide feedback on the interpersonal impact made by the client, enhance positive expectations and motivation, strengthen the therapeutic bond, normalize the client's reaction, reduce the client's fears, and model an effective way of functioning. Therapists need to observe appropriate boundaries when self-disclosing, and in particular, should consider their own motivations for self-disclosing. Although more research is needed on the effects of self-disclosure, cognitive-behavior therapists have found that self-disclosure can be a powerful intervention.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPhysician self-disclosure is typically seen as patient-centered communication because it creates rapport and is seen as an expression of empathy. Given that many physician behaviors affect patients differently depending on whether they are shown by a female or male physician, we set out to test whether physician self-disclosure affects patients’ intentions to self-disclose and patients’ perceptions of their physicians depending on physicians’ gender.MethodTwo hundred and forty-four participants were recruited and randomly assigned to read one of 4 vignettes as if they were the patient in the dialogue (analogue patient design). They were then asked to report how they would react to the physician and how they perceived the him or her.ResultsPhysicians who self-disclosed were perceived as more empathic than physicians who did not, regardless of physician and patient gender. Physician self-disclosure had an effect on the behavioral intentions of the analogue patients, and this was moderated by physician gender. Analogue patients indicated to be more willing to self-disclose to female than to male physicians who self-disclosed.ConclusionIt is important to consider physician gender when training physicians in patient-centered communication because the same behavior can have different effects on patients depending on whether it originates from a female or a male physician.Practical implicationsPhysicians can use self-disclosure to express empathy. When female physicians do so, they might obtain more personal information from patients, which can positively affect diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of target personality characteristics on self-disclosure. Using the Bem Q-Sort Technique, the subjects (71 male and 73 female undergraduate students) described the personality of the person to whom they disclose the most and the personality of the person to whom they disclose the least, as well as their own personality. Factor analysis revealed that there were several personality types to whom people disclose the most and the least. The various types are described and discussed. Results supported the hypothesis that both males and females prefer disclosing to individuals who are perceived as similar to themselves in personality. This finding has important implications for the therapeutic relationship with regard to matching therapist and client.  相似文献   

Hostility has been inconsistently related to cardiovascular reactivity in studies of women. In this study we examined hostility in college-age women in relation to cardiovascular reactivity and mood during self-disclosure of a distressing event to an unknown man. Women in the self-disclosure condition had greater systolic blood pressure, anxiety, and depressed mood than participants in the nondisclosure condition independent of their level of hostility. Hostile women in the self-disclosure condition reported greater anger postexperiment than women in the other three groups, and anger was related to diastolic blood pressure. Anxiety and depressed mood were related to systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure for low hostile women in the self-disclosure condition. Results suggest an interrelation of hostility with negative mood and reactivity that requires further study. We thank Doug Denney, Ph.D., Sam Green, Ph.D., Annette Stanton, Ph.D., and Janice Triplett, Ph.D., for their editorial and statistical assistance. We would also like to acknowledge the research assistants for their work on this project: Kendall Day, Derek Dummermuth, Nick Foley, Lisa Harvey, Catherine Hess, Tracy Klem, Jessica Larkin, Kristina McNelley, and Brian O’Neill.  相似文献   

A half-century ago, Fischer and colleagues found correlations between food preference and genetic markers of taste [6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP), quinine]. Recently, a number of studies report differences in sweet liking/disliking with taste phenotype or genotype. Here we modeled optimal liking for milk/sugar mixtures using the response surface method among 79 mostly normal weight adults (36 women) who reported low dietary restraint. Two non-overlapping phenotype analyses were performed: a) discordance in PROP versus quinine bitterness and b) number of fungiform papillae (FP, taste papillae on the tongue tip). Although all phenotype groups liked highly sweet and creamy sensations (in liking by sensation models), the fat and sugar levels for hedonic optima varied (in liking by concentration models). Males generally liked higher fat (20 to 40%) and sugar levels, with females disliking unsweetened cream. In quinine/PROP groups, liking peaked at 30% fat/15% sucrose for men and women who tasted 0.32 mM quinine more bitter than 3.2 mM PROP (n=15); a group previously shown to have highest sugar intakes (Duffy et al., 2003). Those tasting PROP more bitter than quinine (n=14) reported greater creamy/sweet sensations, with peak liking at lower fat and sweet levels (3.3% fat/10% sucrose). Generally, those in the high FP group perceived more creamy/sweet sensations with level of liking more influenced by sugar level, especially among high FP females. At high sugar/high fat levels low FP males and females retained this liking while liking fell off for those in the high FP group. In summary, although most liked sweet/creamy sensations, perceptual differences in these sensations varied with oral phenotype, explaining some of the differences in the amount of sugar and fat required to reach hedonic optima. A high affinity for high sugar/high fat mixtures among oral phenotype subgroups has relevance for energy consumption and could explain the link previously observed between oral sensation and body weight.  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between marital intimacy and self-disclosure from a multidimensional framework within a sample of 10 clinical and 10 nonclinical married couples. The linear combination of various parameters of self-disclosing behavior was able to account for 71.7% (R = 0.853) of the variance in intimacy ratings derived from a structured interview. Results are discussed in terms of both the role that self-disclosure plays in the development of marital intimacy and its therapeutic benefits and limitations in marital therapy.  相似文献   

The contributions of eight authors to this issue of In Session are discussed, with emphasis on who discloses what to whom, in what ways, and for what reasons. The primary conclusions concern the varieties of self-disclosure, the motives for self-disclosure, the appropriate outcome variable in studying self-disclosure, the value of evidence, the importance of the context, and the crucial role of the relationship. Self-disclosure, properly used, can be a significant contributor to successful psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Self-disclosure scores derived from a sentence completion test were correlated with MMPI performance for 25 male and 25 female adult psychiatric inpatients. Greater self-disclosure by female patients was found to be associated with higher elevations on SC, PT, and SI. High levels of disclosure by male patients were associated with higher levels on D and PT and lower levels on MA. These results suggest the possibility of an inverse relationship between self-disclosure and adjustment within a relatively disturbed population.  相似文献   

Two behavioral measures of openness (a miniature situations test and a structured self-disclosure interview), two self-report measures of openness (the Dogmatism Scale and the Experience Inventory), and the Ego-strength Scale were administered to 50 Ss on two different occasions spaced several weeks apart. One of the behavioral measures, the miniature situations test, correlated positively with the other measures of openness on the pretest. With regard to change scores across the two sessions, the behavioral measures correlated positively with each other and negatively with the self-report measures of openness and with the Ego-strength Scale. These results were interpreted as supporting the theoretical supposition that behavioral measures are most suitable for the measurement of short-term change in openness.  相似文献   

This research describes the development of the Marital Self-Disclosure Questionnaire (MSDQ), a brief, self-report measure of the quantity and quality of marital self-disclosure. Consisting of 40 true-false items, the MSDQ provides a global index of marital self-disclosure as well as assesses four facets of self-disclosure between spouses: Relationship, Sex, Money, and Imbalance. Results indicate that the MSDQ scales are reliable, and preliminary data suggest that the MSDQ may have validity for distinguishing among groups hypothesized to differ in terms of marital distress and self-disclosure. Further evaluation of the MSDQ for its clinical and research utility appears to be warranted. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Psychol 54: 817–824, 1998.  相似文献   

The effects of anonymity on self-disclosure were investigated in a CMC (computer-mediated communication) situation by separately manipulating the anonymity of the self and the other. It was hypothesized that anonymity of the self would enhance disclosure, whereas anonymity of the other would decrease it. Female undergraduate students (n = 60) were randomly assigned to a 2 (self: anonymous or non-anonymous) x 2 (other: anonymous or non-anonymous) experimental design. The anonymity of the self and the other was manipulated in the profile, such as the photo, name, and sex of the self or the other, on the computer screen. The results indicated that anonymity of the self decreased the feeling of anxiety, but had no effect on disclosure, whereas anonymity of the other decreased the feeling of closeness and decreased the intimacy of disclosure.  相似文献   

Effects of liking, interpersonal distance, and intimacy of topics on nonverbal behaviors were investigated in a setting simulating natural interaction, using a multichannel approach, which simultaneously took account of look, eye contact, body orientation, body lean, head orientation, and utterances. Twenty four male undergraduates interacted in pairs. Their interactions were video-taped. 1. Effects of liking were found on forward body lean, smile, head orientation, eye contact, and quantity of look. 2. Effects of interpersonal distance were found on forward body lean, eye contact, and body orientation. 3. In high liking, the smaller the interpersonal distance (or the greater the immediacy in terms of interpersonal distance), the greater the immediacy defined as a composite of other behaviors, and in low liking vice versa.  相似文献   

ObjectiveSelf-disclosure is recognized as an important aspect of peer support, but little is known about its use by peers. This study aimed to qualitatively understand peer self-disclosure in the context of depression care delivery to older adults.Methods69 audio-recordings of peer-client meetings were coded for self-disclosure using the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). Peer self-disclosure was defined as a statement describing personal life experience with physical and/or emotional relevance for the client. A total of 3421 discrete statements were organized into 770 disclosure episodes. The episodes were qualitatively analyzed to identify themes related to the content and function of self-disclosure within the peer-counseling context.ResultsPeer self-disclosure was used to 1) counsel through reframing perspectives, modeling positive behaviors, offering coping skills, and sharing mental health resources and health information; 2) establish rapport by emphasizing similarities unrelated to depression; and 3) show empathy and understanding of personal struggles. In addition, self-disclosure rarely only focused on the peer experience without relevance for the client.Conclusions & practice implicationsPeer self-disclosure can be purposively used in depression care delivery with older adults. Training and supervision in appropriate self-disclosure should be provided to peers to ensure purposive use.  相似文献   

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