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Vaccines prevent an estimated 2.5 million deaths worldwide each year and are amongst the most cost-effective preventive measures against infectious diseases. Despite the effectiveness and availability of vaccines in many parts of the world, vaccination rates and service uptake remains suboptimal among both healthcare providers and the public. Pharmacists as established advocates, educators as well as qualified providers of vaccinations have a significant role to play in promoting and supporting the uptake of vaccination. Challenges and barriers to pharmacist vaccination are multifactorial, which needs effective strategies to address. Overcoming these barriers will increase the role of pharmacists as vaccinators that ultimately increases public access to vaccination and accurate and reliable information about vaccines.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, molecular methods have become available with which to strain-type Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They have allowed researchers to study certain important but previously unresolved issues in the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB). For example, some unsuspected microepidemics have been revealed and it has been shown that the relative contribution of recently acquired disease to the TB burden in many settings is far greater than had been thought. These findings have led to the strengthening of TB control. Other research has demonstrated the existence and described the frequency of exogenous reinfection in areas of high incidence. Much recent work has focused on the phenotypic variation among strains and has evaluated the relative transmissibility, virulence, and immunogenicity of different lineages of the organism. We summarize the recent achievements in TB epidemiology associated with the introduction of DNA fingerprinting techniques, and consider the implications of this technology for the design and analysis of epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织最新报道,全球每年至少有100万儿童患结核病,其中25.3万患儿死于结核病。儿童结核病是一个严重的公共卫生问题,因临床表现缺乏特异性,痰含菌量少等使儿童结核病诊断非常困难。儿童感染结核分枝杆菌后较成人更易进展为结核病,且年龄越小越易重症化。卡介苗仍是目前唯一用于预防结核的疫苗,但有其缺陷。结核分枝杆菌耐药通常也是导致儿童结核病死亡的主要原因之一。目前我国儿童耐药结核病化学治疗的原则与成人相同,用药也基本相似,新型短程耐药化疗方案能否运用于我国耐药儿童结核病还有待商榷。随着基因测序技术的革新,生物医学分析技术的进步,大数据下的精准医疗将为儿童结核病的防治提供一场新的变革。  相似文献   

Stopping poliovirus vaccination after eradication: issues and challenges   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Since 1988 reported polio cases worldwide have declined by about 85% and the number of known or suspected polioendemic countries has decreased from over 120 to less than 50. With eradication of poliomyelitis approaching, issues potentially affecting when and how vaccination against poliovirus can be stopped become extremely important. Because of the potential risks and benefits inherent in such a decision, the best available science, a risk-benefit analysis, contingency plans, a stock pile of poliovirus vaccines, and the endorsement by the global policy-making committees will all be needed before vaccination can be discontinued. The scientific basis for stopping polio immunization has been reviewed by WHO. This Round Table article summarizes the current state of knowledge, provides an update on the processes and timelines for certification, containment, and stopping vaccination, and highlights some of the unanswered scientific questions that will be addressed by further research. These include whether transmission of vaccine-derived poliovirus strains could be sustained so that poliomyelitis could re-emerge in a future unvaccinated population and whether prolonged excretion of vaccine-derived poliovirus from individuals with immune deficiencies could be a mechanism through which this could occur.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Many resource-poor countries have started scaling up antiretroviral therapy (ART). While reports from individual clinics point to successful implementation, there is limited information about progress in government institutions at a national level. APPROACH: Malawi started national ART scale-up in 2004 using a structured approach. There is a focus on one generic, fixed-dose combination treatment with stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine. Treatment is delivered free of charge to eligible patients with HIV and there is a standardized system for recruiting patients, monthly follow-up, registration, monitoring and reporting of cases and outcomes. All treatment sites receive quarterly supervision and evaluation. LOCAL SETTING: In January 2004, there were nine public sector facilities delivering ART to an estimated 4 000 patients. By December 2005, there were 60 public sector facilities providing free ART to 37,840 patients using national standardized systems. Analysis of quarterly cohort treatment outcomes at 12 months showed 80% of patients were alive, 10% dead, 9% lost to follow-up and 1% had stopped treatment. LESSONS LEARNED: Achievements were the result of clear national ART guidelines, implementing partners working together, an intensive training schedule focused on clinical officers and nurses, a structured system of accrediting facilities for ART delivery, quarterly supervision and monitoring, and no stock-outs of antiretroviral drugs. The main challenges are to increase the numbers of children, pregnant women and patients with tuberculosis being started on ART, and to avert high early mortality and losses to follow-up. The capacity of the health sector to cope with escalating case loads and to scale up prevention alongside treatment will determine the future success of ART delivery in Malawi.  相似文献   

In response to the sharp rise in the global burden caused by dengue virus (DENV) over the last few decades, the WHO has set out three specific key objectives in its disease control strategy: (i) to estimate the true burden of dengue by 2015; (ii) a reduction in dengue mortality by at least 50% by 2020 (used as a baseline); and (iii) a reduction in dengue morbidity by at least 25% by 2020. Although various elements will all play crucial parts in achieving this goal, from diagnosis and case management to integrated surveillance and outbreak response, sustainable vector control, vaccine implementation and finally operational and implementation research, it seems clear that new tools (e.g. a safe and effective vaccine and/or effective vector control) are key to success. The first dengue vaccine was licensed in December 2015, Dengvaxia® (CYD-TDV) developed by Sanofi Pasteur. The WHO has provided guidance on the use of CYD-TDV in endemic countries, for which there are a variety of considerations beyond the risk–benefit evaluation done by regulatory authorities, including public health impact and cost-effectiveness. Population-level vaccine impact and economic and financial aspects are two issues that can potentially be considered by means of mathematical modelling, especially for new products for which empirical data are still lacking. In December 2014 a meeting was convened by the WHO in order to revisit the current status of dengue transmission models and their utility for public health decision-making. Here, we report on the main points of discussion and the conclusions of this meeting, as well as next steps for maximising the use of mathematical models for vaccine decision-making.  相似文献   

Early childhood care and education is an important stage in preparing children for primary schooling. Research indicates that participation in this phase has beneficial effects on later schooling particularly at the primary school level. Early diagnosis of special educational needs and intervention are essential in this stage if a child is to effectively function at primary school level and other later cycles. Unfortunately the sector is beset with a number of problems such as poor quality, low access, inadequate training of teachers, assessment problems, high pupil/teacher ratios, insufficient funding and lack of strong commitment from the public. The system needs to be more inclusive and made part of the overall education‐for‐all objectives in each country to benefit more children. The study discusses these advantages and disadvantages with respect to Swaziland and Brunei Darussalam.  相似文献   

Early childhood care and education is an important stage in preparing children for primary schooling. Research indicates that participation in this phase has beneficial effects on later schooling particularly at the primary school level. Early diagnosis of special educational needs and intervention are essential in this stage if a child is to effectively function at primary school level and other later cycles. Unfortunately the sector is beset with a number of problems such as poor quality, low access, inadequate training of teachers, assessment problems, high pupil/teacher ratios, insufficient funding and lack of strong commitment from the public. The system needs to be more inclusive and made part of the overall education-for-all objectives in each country to benefit more children. The study discusses these advantages and disadvantages with respect to Swaziland and Brunei Darussalam.  相似文献   

Countries face an increasingly complex vaccination landscape. As well as ever-changing infectious disease epidemiology, the number and diversity of vaccine-preventable diseases, vaccine products, and vaccine technologies continue to increase. To ensure that vaccination decision-making is transparent, country-owned and informed by sound scientific evidence, many countries have established national immunization technical advisory groups (NITAGs) to provide independent expert advice. The past decade has seen substantial growth in NITAG numbers and functionality, and there is now a need to consolidate this progress, by further capacity building, to ensure that NITAGs are responsive to the changing face of immunization over the next decade.  相似文献   

China's methadone maintenance treatment program was initiated in 2004 as a small pilot project in just eight sites. It has since expanded into a nationwide program encompassing more than 680 clinics covering 27 provinces and serving some 242 000 heroin users by the end of 2009. The agencies that were tasked with the program's expansion have been confronted with many challenges, including high drop-out rates, poor cooperation between local governing authorities and poor service quality at the counter. In spite of these difficulties, ongoing evaluation has suggested reductions in heroin use, risky injection practices and, importantly, criminal behaviours among clients, which has thus provided the impetus for further expansion. Clinic services have been extended to offer clients a range of ancillary services, including HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C testing, information, education and communication, psychosocial support services and referrals for treatment of HIV, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. Cooperation between health and public security officials has improved through regular meetings and dialogue. However, institutional capacity building is still needed to deliver sustainable and standardized services that will ultimately improve retention rates. This article documents the steps China made in overcoming the many barriers to success of its methadone program. These lessons might be useful for other countries in the region that are scaling-up their methadone programs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The impact of the universal infant hepatitis B (HB) immunization program initiated in 1991 in Mongolia is still unclear. METHODS: A nationwide school-based cross-sectional serosurvey was conducted in 2004, with stratified, multistage, random cluster sampling from all public elementary schools (n=593) in Mongolia. All children were tested for serological markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV). RESULTS: Serology results were available for 1,145 children (592 boys and 553 girls) aged 7-12 years (survey response rate: 93%). Immunization card was available for 702 (61.3%) children. The coverage of complete HB vaccination was 60.1% and it was increased by birth cohort from 44% to 76%. Significantly higher proportion of children in Metropolitan cities (75.2%) was completely vaccinated with HB compared to those in Province centers (55.7%) and rural areas (59.1%). HBV infection occurred in 5.9%, 13.2%, and 20.8% of complete vaccinees living in Metropolitan, Province centers, and rural areas, respectively; of whom 1.2%, 2.9%, and 8.6% were HB surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers, respectively. Only 17.0% of the children had protective anti-HBs which decreased from 31.1% to 16.3% among 7 to 12-year-olds indicating its decay with time. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of HBV infection and carriage among young generation meaningfully declined compared with those of previous studies in Mongolia. The coverage of birth dose and complete HB vaccination was significantly low in Province centers and rural areas which should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Childhood vaccination programmes in Europe are basically very safe and effective. On the other hand there are very large differences between countries in the way they are organised. In this paper we analyse the immunisation schedules used in 29 European countries to highlight similarities and differences. One of the most evident differences is the total number of doses administered under 18 years of age, which ranges between 4 and 7 if we consider DT-containing vaccines. Any change in vaccination schedules is associated with costs. Thus, this process is worthy only if it can lead in the long run to an overall improvement in the national vaccination programmes. National sovereignty in the area of vaccination programmes prevails; therefore any step forward will be feasible only if consensus in Europe is reached.  相似文献   

In 1988 a vaccination coverage cluster survey was performed in a squatter area of Manila, Philippines. 24% of the surveyed children (aged 1-2 years) were fully immunized and 19% not immunized. 60% of the children were vaccinated through private organization. The dropout rates of these children were significantly lower than those of the children vaccinated through governmental agencies. This suggests that services have to be provided by agencies that are based in the squatter area. Efforts for improved coverage should focus on lowering the high dropout rates and strengthening coordination between the governmental and the various private health agencies that provide vaccination service in this squatter area. The survey also indicated approaches to strengthening collaboration between different service providers.  相似文献   

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