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Neuroimaging and presurgical evaluation of symptomatic epilepsies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy is to identify epileptogenic regions in the brain. From our experience of 38 cases of resective epilepsy surgery from the last 3 years, ictal SPECT was considered the most sensitive at detecting focal changes relating to seizures compared to other neuroimaging modalities, such as MRI, FDG-PET, SPECT and MEG. At interictal state, on the other hand, FDG-PET was most sensitive, especially in cases with focal cortical dysplasia, which is often MRI-invisible. In dysplastic tumors, MRI showed the highest concordance rate to clinically verified epileptogenic regions. Activation studies using functional neuroimaging such as PET and fMRI is useful to evaluate brain functions at epileptogenic regions presurgically. The role of functional brain imaging in epilepsy surgery is considered to be: (i). case selection for resective surgery, (ii). case selection for invasive EEG monitoring, and (iii). navigation of electrode placement and cortical resection.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a shift away from invasive monitoring, with more emphasis on the role of neuroimaging, in the selection of patients for epilepsy surgery. Although video-EEG is essential to confirm the diagnosis, and to determine the ictal onset, neuroimaging, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), forms the basis for selection of most surgical candidates. MRI, using visual analysis, is able to detect hippocampal sclerosis, the most common cause of temporal lobe epilepsy, in the majority of patients with this condition, with quantitative MRI increasing the sensitivity of this imaging technique. Other lesions readily detected on MRI include dysplasia, neuronal migration disorders and cavernomas. Studies have shown that the best postoperative results are achieved in patients with a lesion visible on MRI. Functional imaging, both single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), in particular ictal SPECT, and photon emission tomography (PET), are important ancillary investigations providing valuable corroborative evidence of a seizure focus.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging of Focal Cortical Dysplasia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a common cause of pharmacoresistant epilepsy that is amenable to surgical resective treatment. The identification of structural FCD by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can contribute to the detection of the epileptogenic zone and improve the outcome of epilepsy surgery. MR epilepsy protocols that include specific T1 and T2 weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences give complementary information about the characteristic imaging features of FCD; focal cortical thickening, blurring of the gray-white junction, high FLAIR signal, and gyral anatomical abnormalities. Novel imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), magnetization transfer imaging (MTI), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can improve the sensitivity of MR to localize the anatomical lesion. Functional/metabolic techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET), ictal subtraction single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), functional MRI (fMRI), and magnetic source imaging (MSI) have the potential to visualize the metabolic, vascular, and epileptogenic properties of the FCD lesion, respectively. Identification of eloquent areas of cortex, to assist in the surgical resection plan, can be obtained non-invasively through the use of fMRI and MSI. Although a significant number of FCD lesions remain unidentified using current neuroimaging techniques, future advances should result in the identification of an increasing number of these cortical malformations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke-like symptoms can be associated with the invasive evaluation and surgical resection of epileptic foci in patients with intractable epilepsy. Neurological deficits following surgical procedures for epilepsy are not uncommon, but most are relatively minor and transient. The authors investigated the neuroimaging patterns of cerebral tissue insults in patients suffering neurological deficits directly related to procedures performed to evaluate and treat intractable epilepsy. They attempted to discern potential secondary vascular insults from the not unexpected tissue loss that can be associated with various epilepsy procedures. METHODS: The authors prospectively assessed 7 consecutive patients who underwent either the invasive electrocortigraphic monitoring or surgical resection of epileptic foci. All had some degree of neurological deficit postoperatively. The authors evaluated for tissue injury type with postoperative computed tomography and magnetic resonance brain imaging. They also review pertinent medical literature addressing potential complications of epilepsy surgery. RESULTS: Three patients had primarily ischemic tissue injuries, 2 had tissue loss with minor bleeding, and 1 transient deficit appeared to reflect the amount of tissue removed. Another patient had choreiform movements and gait ataxia 1 week after the procedure, but no follow-up neuroimaging was available. The primary ischemic insults appeared to be related to vascular traction or compression or possibly vasospasm. The tissue loss/hemorrhagic insults were presumably related to tissue loss, with seepage of blood or bleeding from a resected cavernous hemangioma. No patients died, but 1 was left with a persistent, moderately severe neurological deficit. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to distinguish the not unexpected neurological deficits associated with inadvertent trauma to normal brain tissue during procedures associated with epilepsy surgery from vascular insults. Postoperative neuroimaging can be useful in this endeavor.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging techniques are increasingly used to characterize the neural circuitry mediating actions of inflammation on mood, motivation, and cognition and its relationship to common mental illnesses, particularly major depressive disorder (MDD). In addition, imaging techniques such as single photon emission tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can index effects of inflammation on specific neurotransmitters, monoamine transporters, metabolites and even activation of discrete cells such as microglia. The special named series ‘Neuroimaging, inflammation and behavior’ illustrates the power of neuroimaging techniques to characterize discrete actions of inflammation on the brain at neurochemical, cellular, regional and network levels. Combined with careful cognitive assessment and pre-clinical studies, diverse neuroimaging techniques are helping clarify the mechanisms through which inflammation acts on the brain to reorient behavior and predispose to mental and physical illnesses.  相似文献   

: Purpose: Intracerebral depth electrodes are used in preoperative evaluation of selected patients with intractable epilepsies. In spite of their usefulness, safety of depth electrodes is disputed, and the number of insertions is decreasing. This study examined retrospectively possible deleterious effects such as perioperative complications, induction of epileptogenesis, and neuropsychologic deficits. Methods: Clinical course and neuroradiologic findings of 115 patients with bilaterally inserted longitudinal intrahippocampal depth electrodes (IDEs) were analyzed. Hippocampal resection specimens were examined histopathologically. To detect newly developed epileptogenic areas, EEG recordings, seizure control, and semiology after standardized resection procedures were compared between patients who received IDEs and those who did not. To demonstrate functional deficits caused by IDE insertion into an unaffected hippocampus of the speech-dominant hemisphere, changes of verbal learning and memory performances before and after right amygdalohippocampectomy were compared between patients evaluated with and without IDEs. Results: Five significant complications without any permanent neurologic deficit were noted, and only one was specifically linked to IDE insertion. The tissue damage associated with the insertion was minimal and sharply circumscribed. No differences of seizure outcome after standardized resections were identified between patients with and without IDEs. In postoperative EEG recordings, there was no evidence of new epileptogenic areas. No verbal memory deficit caused by IDE implantation into the hippocampus of the speech-dominant hemisphere was detectable. Conclusions: Results indicate that it is safe to implant these IDEs in selected patients.  相似文献   

Sixteen children who had focal cortical resections for medically intractable epilepsy were preoperatively evaluated with99mtechnetium-labelled hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime single photon emission computed tomography (99mTc-HMPAO SPECT). Video-EEG monitoring was performed in all patients. Outcome was assessed according to the criteria of Engel et al. [1], at a mean follow up length of 13.4 ± 8.7 months, in all patients. Interictal SPECT showed appropriate localization in 11/15 cases, of whom nine had a class 1 outcome and two had class 2 and 4 outcomes. Interictal SPECT did not correlate with ictal EEG in 4/15 patients, of whom two had a class 1 outcome, and two had class 3 and 4 outcomes. Two postictal studies obtained in group I showed good correlation with the area of ictal EEG onset, and both patients had a class 1 outcome.

Interictal HMPAO SPECT imaging, when positively correlated with the ictal EEG focus or with the site of surgery determined by other means, may have prognostic value for outcome of cortical resections for epilepsy in children. The use of ictal and post-ictal studies shows promise for further improving prognostic information in this population.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging in Pediatric Epilepsy   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
Ruben I. Kuzniecky 《Epilepsia》1996,37(S1):S10-S21
Summary: Neuroimaging techniques have advanced the diagnosis, management, and understanding of the patho-physiology underlying the epilepsies. High-resolution ultrasound is an important and useful technique in the investigation of prematures and neonates with seizures. Computed tomography (CT) scans have a diminishing role in the investigation of patients with epilepsy, but in the absence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT may detect gross structural pathology. MRI is the technique of choice for investigation of patients with seizure disorders. MRI provides excellent anatomic information and tissue. Contrast, resulting in high sensitivity. MRI studies should be customized to answer the appropriate clinical question. Functional imaging techniques including single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and functional MRI are becoming increasingly important in the investigation and management of patients with seizures. These techniques permit noninvasive assessment of the epileptic substrate, functional status, ictal activity, blood flow changes, metabolism, and neuroreceptors. Application of these new techniques promises to advance our understanding and treatment of seizures in children.  相似文献   

SPECT(单光子发射型计算机断层扫描仪)、PET(正电子发射断层与计算机断层成像)是癫痫患者进行术前评估的重要的成像工具。但由于癫痫患者在发作期SPECT时间分辨率差,因此在区分发作起始区和发作扩散区方面不够准确。发作间期FDG--PET低代谢和发作期SPECT灌流变化能较好的弥补这一缺陷。  相似文献   

Epilepsy surgery     
Only 15% of patients with severe epilepsy with frequent partial seizures achieve any improvement in their seizure frequency by further drug treatment. As we know that epileptic seizures result in neuron loss with early development of mental deterioration, that the mortality rate of patients with epilepsy is increased and that an exact localization of the epileptogenic area which can be resected offers the possibility of curative treatment, we have a moral obligation to make this treatment available to people disabled with epilepsy. Surgery for mesial temporal sclerosis and lesional cortical partial epilepsy offers freedom from seizures in 70–80% of the patients, whereas non-lesional, cortical, partial epilepsy is more problematic, as only 30–40% of the patients will be seizure-free. Volumetric MRI, MR spectroscopy, SPECT and PET reduce the need for invasive monitoring in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Invasive recordings should be used when scalp-EEG, MRI, SPECT and PET cannot identify the epileptic focus; 50% of the patients who cannot be diagnosed by non-invasive recordings, can be diagnosed by invasive methods. When operated on 70% become seizure free, and a further 10% achieve a significant improvement. As age at surgery influences vocational outcome, surgical therapy should be considered in children. This will prevent their development into chronically ill patients, with all the known accompanying psychic handicaps this involves.  相似文献   

Epilepsy Surgery in Childhood   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  

目的 探讨颅内网膜囊肿(arachnoid cyst,AC)与癫痫的关系以及外科治疗方法。方法 手术治疗23例颅内大脑凸面蛛网膜囊肿(AC)伴癫痫病人,采用AC和致痫灶切除21例,AC-腹腔分流术1例,胼胝体切开术1例。结果 23例病人中,完全不发作有5例,显改善有11例,无变化7例。结论 颅内AC可引起癫痫,采用AC和致痫灶切除效果较为理想。  相似文献   

It can sometimes be difficult, when examining surgical specimens, to detect underlying pathological abnormalities that may account for disordered electrical activity. For accurate diagnosis, neuropathologists and clinicians need to share common preoperative information about resected brain tissue. Our group has been able to use structural, functional, and electrophysiological neuroimaging techniques to visualize epileptogenic areas preoperatively. MRI is the most sensitive and useful examination to demonstrate structural abnormalities in patients with partial or localization‐related epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy, neoplastic lesions, vascular lesions, and developmental anomaly can all be surgically corrected under favorable circumstances. Functional neuroimaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single‐photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) are useful tools for detecting epileptic foci. PET and SPECT demonstrate subtle functional changes related to epilepsy that ultimately may enable the detection of epileptogenic areas invisible to MRI. PET/SPECT images coregistered to MRI and statistical parametric mappings are of more value for detecting than PET/SPECT images alone. Electrophysiological neuroimaging with analytical software is very useful for visually understanding epileptogenic phenomena. Computerized voltage topographic mappings overlapped on three‐dimensional MRI with multichannel electrodes visually demonstrate ictal onset areas and seizure propagation. A new method of multimodal image‐guided intervention enables the detection of epileptogenic areas by electrocorticography, PET images, and MRI during epilepsy surgery. Neuropathologists using this method can collect precise structural, functional, and electrophysiological findings on surgical specimens. Neuroimaging of epilepsy is useful for visually clarifying structural, functional, and electrophysiological information on epilepsy patients. This approach is key for diagnosing the background pathological abnormalities of resected tissue.  相似文献   

B. G. Vickrey 《Epilepsia》1997,38(S11):S67-S69
Summary: A cohort analytic study of a broad set of outcomes was performed in a consecutive series of 248 adults and adolescents who underwent evaluation for surgery for intractable epilepsy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A. from 1974 to 1990. In the analysis, 202 were designated as "surgery" patients and 46 were assigned to a "nonsurgery" group, based primarily on whether surgery for a localized surgical region was undertaken. Follow-up at an average of 6 years revealed that 14 (7%) of the surgery and 9 (20%) of the non- surgery group had died (p < 0.01). Results were similar after adjusting for baseline differences between groups. These multivariate models also showed that female gender was significantly associated with lower mortality. A significantly higher proportion of the deceased experienced two or more seizures over the latest year of follow-up compared with survivors (p < 0.01). Specific causes of death remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight children with intractable seizures who subsequently underwent a temporal lobectomy were studied by electroencephalogram (EEG), prolonged video EEG telemetry, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for the localization of epileptogenic foci. MRI showed abnormalities indicating epileptogenic foci in 21/25 patients and a increased signal intensity in 7/11 patients with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS). SPECT showed corresponding abnormalities in 17/22 patients, including an interictal decrease in regional cerebral blood flow corresponding to the epileptogenic zone in 15. CT showed localized abnormalities in 16/28. All 12 patients with benign, slow-growing neoplasms showed an abnormality on CT scan. In children, MRI is essential in localizing epileptogenic abnormalities, especially MTS and cortical dysplasia. SPECT contributes to the localization of epileptogenic foci, which are often coincident with EEG abnormalities, particularly in single pathology. CT depicts benign neoplasms with calcification in the temporal lobe, which are likely to provoke complex partial seizures.  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose : We studied cerebral perfusion patterns in the various subtypes of TLE, as determined by pathology and good outcome after temporal lobectomy (as confirmation of temporal origin).
Methods : We studied clinical features and ictal technetium 99m hexamethyl-propyleneamineoxime (99mTc-HM-PAO) single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) in four subgroups of patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) treated with surgery: hippocampal sclerosis (group 1, n = 10), foreign-tissue lesion in mesial temporal lobe (group 2, n = 8), foreign-tissue lesion in lateral temporal lobe (group 3, n = 7), and normal temporal lobe tissue with good surgical outcome (group 4, n = 5).
Results : No major clinical differences in auras, complex partial seizures or postictal states were identified among the groups. Ictal SPECT showed distinct patterns of cerebral perfusion in these subtypes of TLE. In groups 1 and 2, hyperperfusion was seen in the ipsilateral mesial and lateral temporal regions. In group 3, hyperperfusion was seen bilaterally in the temporal lobes with predominant changes in the region of the lesion. Hyperperfusion was restricted to the ipsilateral anteromesial temporal region in group 4. Ipsilateral temporal hyperperfusion in mesial onset seizures can be explained by known anatomic projections between mesial structures and ipsilateral temporal neocortex. Bilateral temporal hyperperfusion in lateral onset seizures can be explained by the presence of anterior commissural connections between lateral temporal neocortex and the contralateral amygdala.
Conclusions : We conclude that the perfusion patterns seen on ictal SPECT are helpful for subclassification of temporal lobe seizures, whereas clinical features are relatively unhelpful. These perfusion patterns provide an insight into preferential pathways of seizure propagation in the subtypes of TLE.  相似文献   

Uncoupling of Blood Flow and Metabolism in Focal Epilepsy   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary: Purpose: Interictal measurements of cerebral blood flow are less helpful in localizing epileptic foci than are measurements of brain metabolism. This may be related to an uncoupling of blood flow and metabolism. In this study, brain metabolism and blood flow were compared in an acute experimental model of focal interictal epilepsy.
Methods: Interictal epileptic foci were induced by an epicor-tical application of penicillin in rats. After 1 h, stereotyped interictal activity was initiated, lasting until the end of the experiment. Brain metabolism was determined with [14C]deoxyglucose, and cerebral blood flow with [14C]iodoan-tipyrine autoradiography.
Results: In control experiments, metabolism and blood flow were coupled. In animals with focal interictal epileptic activity, the metabolism was strongly increased in the focus and reduced in areas lateral to the focus. In contralateral brain areas, blood flow and metabolism varied in a parallel fashion. Ipsilateral to the focus, however, blood flow and metabolism were altered disproportionately. In the focus, the increase of blood flow was less marked than the increase of metabolism, and the area with increased blood flow was larger than the area with increased metabolism. Lateral to the focus, in the area with a hypome-tabolism, blood flow was not concomitantly reduced.
Conclusions: The experiments show that blood flow and rnetabolism in focal epilepsy may be uncoupled in widespread regions. This is due neither to structural abnormalities nor to the duration or discharge pattern of epileptic activity. The results explain why interictal metabolic investigations have a higher predictive value in presurgical epilepsy evaluation than do interictal measurements of blood flow.  相似文献   

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