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Users' opinions have been one of the cornerstones of the evaluation of both CAL, in general, and CAL packages, in particular, in nurse education. This paper reports on two experiments that reliably show student nurses' opinions of their current computer-use are formed more by the change from a previously-used computing facility rather than the actual features that the current one possesses. The use of such opinions as a valid evaluation measure within nursing CAL is, consequently, weakened. The evaluation context in which these experiments are conducted derives from the highly-researched multi-disciplinary area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and the experiments are introduced and discussed with respect to the HCI concepts of computer-use and usability which examine the interactions taking place at the human-computer interface. Graphical hypertext and the doctrine of functionality are also introduced and discussed, for these aspects have considerable implications for computer-use and the process of planning and choosing computer-use facilities within nurse education.  相似文献   

The human patient simulator (HPS) has recently been introduced as an adjunct technology in nursing education. An international survey of nursing schools and simulation centers that collaborate with nursing schools and have purchased a Medical Education Technologies, Inc. (METI) HPS was undertaken in 2002. Thirty-four schools of nursing (18 based in universities and 16 based in community colleges) and six simulation centers participated in the survey. Information gathered from the survey and reported on in this article includes curricular use, faculty time and use, student opinions, evaluation, and other uses of the HPS, specifically in research and continuing education. The results provide a foundation for early use of the HPS in nursing education at all levels.  相似文献   

Nurses must facilitate and support patient and family decision-making and improvement in health outcomes using instructional skills. Complex patient needs and nursing responsibilities necessitate thoughtful consideration for maximizing the effectiveness of patient teaching encounters. This article reviews assessment of patient learning styles in combination with context for an individualized approach, as well as motivation for adult learners as a framework for organization of patient teaching. Methods and modes of patient teaching are discussed as well as tips for overcoming barriers to planning and implementing patient teaching.  相似文献   

Amongst the themes that emerge and recur in the recent educational literature on the subject of web-based learning and teaching are how socio-economic factors and gender might influence the use of information technology (IT) by students. Writers often enthuse about how web-based learning will somehow reduce inequalities in student's access to education. However, in this paper it will be argued that most of the accounts in the literature of the potential of web-based learning take too little account of the potential problems and limitations of the medium. It could be argued that web-based learning underscores and may in fact increase inequalities rather than eliminate them. The aim of this paper is therefore twofold. First, it will examine the development of web-based learning and the potential ways it can be used. It will however be argued that the adoption of the medium has inherent difficulties, which are often overlooked or played down. Secondly, this paper will focus on those variables that could influence or inhibit student usage of web-based learning materials, in particular the influence of socio-economic factors and gender.  相似文献   

Physical therapy educators seek teaching methodologies to efficiently educate students. The purpose of this article was to perform a systematic review of the literature pertaining to the use and effectiveness of computer-assisted learning (CAL) in physical therapy education. Criteria were established for article selection. Articles related to use included those reporting at least a 30% survey response return and a sample of at least 50. Articles regarding effectiveness included only randomized control studies related to use in physical therapy and physical therapy assistant education. Six articles related to the use and 17 articles related to the effectiveness were identified. Early published investigations were focused in the area of anatomy. The survey studies related to use indicated that educators highly valued CAL, but they reported initial use to be low due to cost. Expanding software development has resulted in higher contemporary use. CAL can effectively convey content material compared to traditional methods of instruction. CAL is largely underresearched in the field of physical therapy compared to other health professions. Recommendations for future research include larger studies, broader representation of the practice field, and development of interactive programming.  相似文献   

It is claimed that health care students who learn together will be better prepared for contemporary practice and more able to work collaboratively and communicate effectively. In Australia, although recognised as important for preparing nursing, pharmacy and medical students for their roles in the medication team, interprofessional education is seldom used for teaching medication safety. This is despite evidence indicating that inadequate communication between health care professionals is the primary issue in the majority of medication errors. It is suggested that the pragmatic constraints inherent in university timetables, curricula and contexts limit opportunities for health professional students to learn collaboratively. Thus, there is a need for innovative approaches that will allow nursing, medical and pharmacy students to learn about and from other disciplines even when they do not have the opportunity to learn with them. This paper describes the development of authentic multimedia resources that allow for participative, interactive and engaging learning experiences based upon sound pedagogical principles. These resources provide opportunities for students to critically examine clinical scenarios where medication safety is, or has the potential to be compromised and to develop skills in interprofessional communication that will prepare them to manage these types of situations in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Previous literature on evaluation of computer-assisted learning (CAL) programs has generally not emphasized the importance of evaluation during the design and development phases. A tendency toward an objective model of evaluation rather than a naturalistic model has also meant that there is little consideration given to the context in which students learn. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the benefits of using a combination of objective and naturalistic models when undertaking a formative evaluation of a computer-assisted learning program. During the design and development phases, the program, Pharmacology Resource for Nurses (PRN), was evaluated using observation of student pairs, student questionnaires, and student focus group interviews to address the complex issues underlying program effectiveness. This study confirmed the importance and value of collecting a variety of evaluation data in order to produce a useful learning program for students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore possible differences in nurse versus patient opinions about patient education information appropriate for the barium enema procedure. Twenty-eight nurses and 30 patients participated in the study. Findings showed that nurses believed a patient should have more information than the patients believed a patient needs, and that patients wanted only minimal detailed information about events that will happen during the procedure. Rather, patients were interested in knowing the benefits and purpose of the procedure while nurses believed that this information should be provided by the physician and not the nurse. Finally, nurses were dissatisfied, in general, about their patient education information that they have given to patients in the past for a barium enema procedure.  相似文献   

Educating patients is one recognized strategy to reduce health risks and costs associated with illness and hospitalization. Context-based learning (CBL) has been advocated in nursing education due to its identified advantages, such as students' increased self-confidence. The aim of this comparative, quasi-experimental study was to examine the influence of CBL on undergraduate nursing student self-efficacy in patient education. Twenty-two first-year and 36 third-year nursing students completed the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Inventory examining smoking, exercise, and nutrition. The results show a statistically significant difference between first-year and third-year students in the smoking domain. Third-year students displayed more efficacy related to knowledge about smoking than did first-year students. Both first-year and third-year students indicated that receiving factual information on risk factors was the most helpful source of self-efficacy information. The finding supports the notion that CBL is effective in developing students' self-efficacy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨卡通式视频短片在经腹腔镜胆囊切除术围手术期患者中的应用效果。方法:制作经腹腔镜胆囊切除术围手术期护理健康教育卡通式视频短片。实验组选240例组织观看卡通式视频短片进行健康教育,对照组选240例进行常规健康教育。分别统计入院第1天、第2天、术前、出院前对围手术期健康知识的知晓率及两组患者出院前的满意度。结果:实验组患者在入院第1天、第2天、术前、出院前对围手术期健康知识的知晓率分别是95.8%、92.5%、98.7%、96.6%,对照组患者在入院第1天、第2天、术前、出院前对围手术期健康知识的知晓率分别是89.1%、77。9%、75%、83.7%;出院前实验组患者满意度是95%,对照组满意度是82.91%;实验组与对照组相比差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),实验组较对照组知晓率、满意度均明显提高。结论:卡通式式视频短片可提高患者接受健康教育的兴趣,提高患者健康知识的知晓率,促进护患沟通,提高患者的满意度,值得在医院的护理工作中推广。  相似文献   

Brain function, learning styles, and cancer patient education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As cancer care moves into the outpatient setting and hospital stays are shortened, patients and their family members are expected to take on tremendous responsibilities in providing their own self-care. At the same time, stress and anxiety about the diagnosis of cancer, the disease itself, and cancer therapy can effect learning. Information processing, learning styles, and learning barriers need to be considered when developing and implementing cancer education programs.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a better understanding of the role of computer-assisted simulations (CAS) in nurse practitioner (NP) education by observing 4 pairs of students complete a CAS case. DATA SOURCES: Qualitative observational study of 8 students performing in a computer laboratory and a series of post-observation interviews. Observations were recorded, refined, coded, and quantified based on the theoretical framework of ecological psychology. CONCLUSIONS: Each pair of students established their own "personalities" for the completion of the task. Misinterpretation of information was common and the absence of a live patient interaction affected the reasoning process of the students. The students demonstrated the ability to develop a perspective on the case based on previous nursing experience. Students generally obtained adequate data on which to base differential/final diagnoses. Observations provided information regarding strengths and weaknesses of students and methods used to solve scenarios. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: All students agreed that the CAS scenarios were realistic, useful learning experiences, and that the knowledge gained would be transferable to real clinical situations. Such experiences provide useful experience with terminology, sequencing of the examination, and decision-making.  相似文献   



Changes in small business and insurance present challenges for newly graduated chiropractors. Technology that reaches identified, diverse learning styles may assist the chiropractic student in business classes to meet course outcomes better. Thus, the purpose of our study is to determine if the use of technology-based instructional aids enhance students'' mastery of course learning outcomes.


Using convenience sampling, 86 students completed a survey assessing course learning outcomes, learning style, and the helpfulness of lecture and computer-assisted learning related to content mastery. Quantitative analyses occurred.


Although respondents reported not finding the computer-assisted learning as helpful as the lecture, significant relationships were found between pre- and post-assisted learning measures of the learning outcomes 1 and 2 for the visual and kinesthetic groups. Surprisingly, however, all learning style groups exhibited significant pre- and post-assisted learning appraisal relationships with learning outcomes 3 and 4.


While evidence exists within the current study of a relationship between students'' learning of the course content corollary to the use of technologic instructional aids, the exact nature of the relationship remains unclear.Key Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, Learning, Practice Management  相似文献   

The Internet, especially the World Wide Web, has a wealth of health-related information easily accessible to patients and families. Commercial health-related Internet sites offer the "3 C's: content, commerce, and connectivity. Many are quickly adding the 4th "C": communication. A growing concern among health care professionals is the quality and the seemingly overabundance of patient education information available on the Internet. Certainly it is possible for nurses to use the Internet for patient education, but new skills and knowledge are needed by nurses who incorporate this technology into their practice. This article will briefly review the evolution of patient education on the Internet, provide a brief review of the Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Patient and Family Education Standards, and offer guidelines for nurses who choose to enhance their patient education efforts by using resources readily available on the Internet.  相似文献   

目的 探讨问题为基础的教学法对实习护生进行患者安全教育的方法与效果.方法 随机整群抽取2008年8月至2009年5月,在某三甲医院实习的护理专业本科生共42名,分成5个小组,运用由研究组核心成员编写的患者安全教育教案进行PBL教学;研究者自行设计患者安全知识问卷、学生学习收获自我评价问卷、学生对教师教学评价问卷、学生对教案评价问卷等进行调查.结果 实施PBL教学后.学生的患者安全知识成绩有显著提高,从(49.69±12.94)分提高到(71.84±12.21)分(t=-10.727,P<0.05);学生对学习收获、学生对教师的教学与教案给予了高度的评价.结论 PBL教学法有利于学生对患者安全知识的掌握和综合能力的提高.  相似文献   

There are many pamphlets, brochures and educational videos available for use in patient teaching. This article is a listing of some of the many items available and where to obtain them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of euthanasia education on the opinions of health sciences students. It was performed among 111 final year students at the College of Health Sciences, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. These students train to become paramedical professionals and health technicians. Fifteen hours of educational training concerning ethical values and euthanasia was planned and the students' opinions about euthanasia were sought before and after the course. Statistical analyses of the data were performed with the related samples t-test by means of the Epi-Info program. Significant changes were shown in the students' opinions on people's right to decide about their own life, euthanasia in unconscious patients, and reasons for their objection to euthanasia after completing the course. The results of this study suggest that education can significantly change a person's approach to euthanasia.  相似文献   

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