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姚雪 《临床口腔医学杂志》2012,(9):560-563
民营口腔医疗机构已日益成为全民口腔卫生事业的重要组成部分,如何使民营口腔机构把握正确发展方向,保持健康可持续发展,值得深入研究。本文从我国目前民营口腔医疗市场现状和发展趋势;民营口腔医疗机构SWOT分析以及严格规范民营口腔医疗机构管理等方面分析探讨,并结合本单位管理实践,提出民营口腔医疗机构经营者要做到心中有事业,特别强调重视医疗质量、文化建设、模式创新、规范管理、诚信经营及优质服务等,保证民营口腔医疗机构发展健康可持续。 相似文献
经中华口腔医学会批准,中华口腔医学会民营口腔分会主办的第4届中国民营口腔医疗机构可持续发展论坛于2009年10月26~28日在上海隆重举行。作为全国4万余家民营口腔医疗机构交流、 相似文献
李刚 《中国口腔医学信息》2006,15(1):4-8
我国政府有计划地发展口腔医疗机构,已形成我国口腔医疗机构的二种类型六种基本形式:二种类型是口腔医疗机构和医疗机构口腔科,六种基本形式包括口腔医院、口腔门诊部、牙科诊所;包括综合医院口腔科、城镇门诊部和乡镇卫生院牙科、社区卫生服务中心牙科。这些口腔医疗机构和医疗机构口腔科,不仅担负地区内口腔医疗任务,还担负着社区口腔保健任务。我国现行的口腔医疗服务体系是在上个世纪50年代初期逐步建立和发展起来的,在我国口腔医疗服务长期以来是以医院机构口腔科服务为主要模式。进入新世纪以来,我国口腔医疗服务将以口腔医疗机构服务为主要发展模式。 相似文献
从2008年7月下旬至9月上旬.广东省口腔医学会黄洪章会长、凌均柴副会长、陈小华秘书长、欧尧、程斌副秘书长、石考龙副主任委员等分别对广州市、深圳市、珠海市、佛山市、江门市、中山市、东莞市等珠三角地区民营口腔医疗服务状况进行了调查,共走访了40多家不同层次不同管理模式的口腔医疗机构.与有关专业人士和管理人员进行了座谈.对珠三角地区的民营口腔医疗服务现状有了初步的了解。 相似文献
栾文民 《中华口腔医学杂志》2004,39(3):252-253
随着我国医疗卫生体制改革的深化,民营口腔诊所发展很快。民营口腔诊所在国外已相当成熟并成为提供口腔医疗服务的主体。我国民营口腔诊所建立的时间不长,正处在由公有制医院向民营诊所转型的阶段,在经营理念和管理模式上还缺乏经验。国外虽有成功的经验值得学习,但要付诸实施,还必须适合我国的国情。以下就民营口腔诊所的自律和维权问题提出自己的一些意见和看法,供在民营口腔诊所工作的同道们参考。民营口腔诊所的领导,过去多数是公有制医院的医生,在专业上已有多年经验,基本可以胜任。但在管理上还比较薄弱,需要学习国内外先进的管理经验… 相似文献
辽宁省口腔医学会民营口腔医疗分会成立大会暨首届民营口腔可持续发展论坛于2010年5月31日在大连隆重举行。此次大会受辽宁省口腔医学会的委托,在大连市口腔医院的大力支持和辽宁省口腔民营分会筹备组的共同努力下,取得了圆满的成功。 相似文献
目的 通过分析四川省口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台资源现状,为政府相关卫生行政部门进行口腔医疗资源合理规划提供依据,为口腔医疗质量管理提供参考。方法 根据卫生行政部门注册在库的相关数据和公开发布的地区社会发展数据,对四川省现有口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台配置情况进行调查与分析。结果四川省共有口腔医疗机构7 103家,口腔综合治疗台21 760台。按地理、人口、经济分布,全省人均口腔医疗机构的基尼系数分别为0.50、0.22、0.06,人均口腔综合治疗台的基尼系数分别为0.68、0.31、0.15,与洛伦兹曲线反映的分布情况基本契合。按地理分布,各市州间口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台分布的泰尔指数分别为0.690 7和0.822 3。全省口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台分布的总泰尔指数分别为0.902 4和1.079 4。全省各市州间口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台分布差异对总差异的贡献率分别为0.765 4和0.761 8。结论 四川省口腔医疗机构和口腔综合治疗台配置在人口、经济分布上较为公平,在地理分布上则呈现不公平现象。 相似文献
卢海平 《中华口腔医学杂志》2004,39(5):428-429
口腔医师开设诊所 ,自谋生路、自负盈亏 ,自然要符合“生意 (business)”的规律 ,将经济效益放在很重要的位置。但是 ,医师是一种特殊的职业 ,其行为直接关系到民众的健康。若一味追求经济效益 ,放松对医疗质量的要求 ,不但有负医师“救死扶伤”的天职 ,有悖医德 ,从长远来讲必将有损诊所声誉 ,最终影响“生意”。对于诊所的经营而言 ,选址、装修、仪器设备等硬件及做好营销宣传固然重要。但做好“医生 (doctor)” ,力争为每位患者提供最高质量的医疗服务 ,才是最好的营销手段 ,是经营成功的根本。民营口腔诊所 ,由于体制相对灵活 ,只要管理… 相似文献
曹志毅 《中华口腔医学杂志》2004,39(6):516-517
开设民营口腔诊所的目的不是为了赚钱。我的行医经历证实 ,做个好医师 ,你的诊所一定能经营好 ,赚到钱。对于经营民营诊所的同道们来说 ,做个好医师才是我们工作与生活的最终目的。什么样的医师叫好医师。我心目中的好医师具有这样一些特点 :一切为患者着想 ,为患者去提高你的诊疗技术 ,为患者考虑如何使你的诊疗更舒适、轻松、方便。作为诊所医师 ,你仍然是个医师 ,不是商人 ,不是营业员。好医师的这些特点说起来很简单 ,很浅显 ,只要用心踏实地去做其实也很容易。诊所开业之初 ,往往患者比较少 ,来诊所求治者的要求也不高 ,一般都是简单治… 相似文献
F F Bliss 《Harvard dental alumni bulletin》1970,30(3):98-101 passim
The development and testing methods for assessing the quality of private general dental practice are described. The assessment instrument, evolved through the contributions of a panel of private practitioners, provides for the evaluation of the structure, process, and outcome of practice. General practitioners, trained as evaluators, tested the instrument in 300 urban group, urban nongroup, and rural practices in 14 states. The distribution of assessment scores for the entire project sample is compared with those of the sample dentists who graduated before and after 1974. The implications of the project and its results to dental education are discussed. 相似文献
Ramos Cury P Trierveiler Martins M Bonecker M Soares de Araújo N 《American journal of dentistry》2006,19(3):163-165
PURPOSE: To evaluate the rates of periodontal examination in private dental practices in Brazil. METHODS: 235 dentists, 117 female and 118 males (mean age 33.1 years), presenting different levels of experience (mean: 11.2 years) were audited. In each dental practice, a team of two trained auditors evaluated dental examination kits for the presence of a periodontal probe, and checked whether there was any specific diagram to record the periodontal status of the patient in the model of clinical charts. The dentists were then asked whether or not they performed periodontal probing and radiographic examination of periodontal structures in all their patients. The degree of association between variables was evaluated using Chi-square or correlation tests. RESULTS: The dentists, 117 female and 118 males, were from 22 to 62 years old (mean age, 33.1 years), and presented 0.5 to 40 years of experience (mean of 11.2 years). Of the 235 clinicians, 19.3% performed periodontal probing in all their patients, and 17.5% of them record the periodontal examination, 48.9% of the professionals occasionally performed periodontal probing while 31.8% did not perform periodontal probing at all. Specialists in prosthodontics, and dentists having more than two specialties, excluding periodontists, performed periodontal probing more frequently than other specialists. 相似文献
A questionnaire study was conducted among 350 private dentists in Finland to investigate their perception of competition and how this associated with practice characteristics. The questionnaire comprised 46 questions dealing with perceptions of competition, marketing, and collegiality, respondents' personal and practice characteristics, including age, sex, area of main practice location, weekly hours in private practice, functioning in solo or in joint practice, cooperation with other dentists, and whether practicing in more than one location. The majority of these private dental practitioners perceived much competition between themselves. Almost all (96%) of those feeling much competition today expected it to be more intense after 5 years, compared to 60% of those not perceiving much competition today (P < 0.001). Private practitioners perceiving much competition also felt it from public health centers significantly (P < 0.001) more often (46%) than others (24%). Logistic regression models revealed that those with a practice in more than one location were over 7 times more likely not to perceive competition. Those practicing outside metropolitan Helsinki area had 3.6 times the odds of not perceiving competition, and for women overall the odds ratio was 2.5. Increasing competition in private practice is a widely felt concern, and it may diminish the willingness of new graduates to attempt penetration of the market and establish their clinics. 相似文献
A questionnaire study was conducted among 350 private dentists in Finland to investigate their perception of competition and how this associated with practice characteristics. The questionnaire comprised 46 questions dealing with perceptions of competition, marketing, and collegiality, respondents' personal and practice characteristics, including age, sex, area of main practice location, weekly hours in private practice, functioning in solo or in joint practice, cooperation with other dentists, and whether practicing in more than one location. The majority of these private dental practitioners perceived much competition between themselves. Almost all (96%) of those feeling much competition today expected it to be more intense after 5 years, compared to 60% of those not perceiving much competition today (P < 0.001). Private practitioners perceiving much competition also felt it from public health centers significantly (P < 0.001) more often (46%) than others (24%). Logistic regression models revealed that those with a practice in more than one location were over 7 times more likely not to perceive competition. Those practicing outside metropolitan Helsinki area had 3.6 times the odds of not perceiving competition, and for women overall the odds ratio was 2.5. Increasing competition in private practice is a widely felt concern, and it may diminish the willingness of new graduates to attempt penetration of the market and establish their clinics. 相似文献