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Effective protection against a virulent challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is induced mainly by previous immunization with living attenuated mycobacteria, and it has been hypothesized that secreted proteins serve as major targets in the specific immune response. To identify and purify molecules present in culture medium filtrate which are dominant antigens during effective vaccination, a two-step selection procedure was used to select antigens able to interact with T lymphocytes and/or antibodies induced by immunization with living bacteria and to counterselect antigens interacting with the immune effectors induced by immunization with dead bacteria. A Mycobacterium bovis BCG 45/47-kDa antigen complex, present in BCG culture filtrate, has been previously identified and isolated (F. Romain, A. Laqueyrerie, P. Militzer, P. Pescher, P. Chavarot, M. Lagranderie, G. Auregan, M. Gheorghiu, and G. Marchal, Infect. Immun. 61:742-750, 1993). Since the cognate antibodies recognize the very same antigens present in M. tuberculosis culture medium filtrates, a project was undertaken to clone, express, and sequence the corresponding gene of M. tuberculosis. An M. tuberculosis shuttle cosmid library was transferred in Mycobacterium smegmatis and screened with a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the clones expressing the proteins. A clone containing a 40-kb DNA insert was selected, and by means of subcloning in Escherichia coli, a 2-kb fragment that coded for the molecules was identified. An open reading frame in the 2,061-nucleotide sequence codes for a secreted protein with a consensus signal peptide of 39 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 28,779 Da. The gene was referred to as apa because of the high percentages of proline (21.7%) and alanine (19%) in the purified protein. Southern hybridization analysis of digested total genomic DNA from M. tuberculosis (reference strains H37Rv and H37Ra) indicated that the apa gene was present as a single copy on the genome. The N-terminal identity or homology of the M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG purified molecules and their similar global and deduced amino acid compositions demonstrated the perfect correspondence between the molecular and chemical analyses. The presence of a high percentage of proline (21.7%) was confirmed and explained the apparent higher molecular mass (45/47 kDa) determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resulting from the increased rigidity of molecules due to proline residues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Increased protection against a virulent challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is induced mainly by a previous immunization with living avirulent mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Only a transient and marginal protection is obtained after immunization with bacterial extracts or dead bacteria. Both living and heat-killed bacteria share a number of common antigens. In order to identify mycobacterial molecules which are dominant antigens during immunization with living bacteria, a two-step selection method was used. Two groups of guinea pigs were immunized either with living or with heat-killed BCG. Sera were then collected and used to select and counterselect antigens present in BCG culture filtrates. Each major fraction eluted from a series of high-pressure liquid chromatography columns (gel filtration, DEAE, and reverse-phase chromatography) was run on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred on polyvinylidene difluoride sheets. The molecules present on twin immunoblots were stained with antibodies raised in guinea pigs immunized either with living or with heat-killed BCG. Cross-reactive antigens stained in twin immunoblots were eliminated. Major antigens interacting with antibodies raised after immunization only with living bacteria were further purified. A complex of 45- and 47-kDa major molecules (45/47-kDa complex) was thus identified and further purified. The complex was found to interact only with antibodies present in sera of guinea pigs immunized with living bacteria and not at all with antibodies raised after immunization with dead bacteria. The 45/47-kDa antigen complex molecules were resolved on two-dimensional electrophoresis in three major and seven minor proteins detected with silver staining. All the molecules interacted with the antibodies present in sera of guinea pigs immunized with living BCG. The three major proteins (two at 47 kDa and one at 45 kDa) were amino-terminal sequenced. The sequence A-P-E-P-A-P-P-V-P-P-A-A-A-A-P-P-A, which was not previously reported, was the same for these three molecules. By using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the concentrations of the 45/47-kDa antigen complex were measured in BCG culture filtrates, freeze-dried BCG, and dried heat-killed BCG; they were, respectively, 2, 0.01, and 0.001% of the total mass. The low or very low values compared with the high antibody concentration emphasized the ability of the 45/47-kDa complex delivered through live BCG to trigger an antibody response.  相似文献   

The relationship between Mycobacterium tuberculosis 50- to 55-kDa protein and Mycobacterium bovis BCG 45- to 47-kDa antigen was examined by using immunological and biochemical criteria. Reciprocal cross-reactivity with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum against the M. bovis BCG protein and with a monoclonal antibody raised against the M. tuberculosis antigen was observed. The epitope recognized by this antibody was apparently present only in proteins of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG among the 11 mycobacterial species tested. The amino-terminal sequences and total amino acid contents of these proteins showed strong similarities. Both antigens are glycoproteins as assessed by binding of concanavalin A, labeling of carbohydrate moieties with biotin-hydrazide, and digestion of carbohydrates with jack bean alpha-D-mannosidase, which produced a reduction of the molecular weights of the proteins and totally eliminated concanavalin A binding. Both M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG proteins are secreted, since they were found mainly in the culture medium. Analysis of M. tuberculosis 50- to 55-kDa antigen by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed at least seven different components, as previously described for the M. bovis BCG antigen. Solid-phase immunoassays showed that the purified M. tuberculosis 50- to 55-kDa protein was recognized by serum specimens from 70% of individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis from a total of 77 Mexican patients examined.  相似文献   

Proteins that are actively secreted by Mycobacterium tuberculosis serve as major targets of immune responses in the infected host. To identify and purify novel proteins in the filtrates of M. tuberculosis cultures, a bacteriophage lambda library of M. tuberculosis H37Rv DNA was immunoscreened by using an anti-culture filtrate rabbit antiserum. Of 20 positive clones isolated, 6 were analyzed and found to express the genes for two known components of the early culture filtrate, the secreted 45/47-kDa antigen complex and the KatG protein, and two novel genes. Here we report the molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of one of the new genes encoding a culture filtrate protein of 310 amino acid (aa) residues. We called this gene mtc28. The deduced polypeptide sequence contained an NH2-terminal, highly hydrophobic 32-aa region having properties of a secretion signal peptide. The putative 278-aa mature MTC28 protein was characterized at its NH2 and COOH termini by a high content of proline and alanine residues organized in an (AP)n motif. Thus, MTC28 is a new member of a group of proline-rich antigens found in M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae. As shown by DNA hybridization experiments, the mtc28 gene was present only in species of the M. tuberculosis complex. Purified recombinant MTC28 antigen evoked strong delayed-type hypersensitivity and antibody responses in guinea pigs immunized with Mycobacterium bovis BCG, but not in guinea pigs immunized with Mycobacterium avium. The strong immunological activity of MTC28 and the absence of B- and T-cell epitopes cross-reactive with a common environmental mycobacterial species, such as M. avium, make this novel antigen an attractive reagent for immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in body fluids. A double-antibody sandwich procedure that used human and rabbit anti-M. tuberculosis immunoglobulin G antibodies was followed. The ELISA was able to detect as little as 0.8 micrograms of protein of M. tuberculosis sonic extract. Of 253 cerebrospinal fluid specimens submitted for analysis, 11 (4.3%) false-positive results were recorded. Analysis of 317 pleural and ascitic fluid specimens resulted in 6 (1.9%) false-positive recordings. No false-negative results were recorded for any of the body fluids tested. This technique is rapid (5.5 h) and sensitive, may be developed and used in many laboratories with limited resources, and may prove useful in the diagnosis of extrapulmonary and pulmonary tuberculoses. Analysis of these body fluids by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western immunoblotting indicated that the antibody used in the ELISA detects a mycobacterial antigen of 43 kDa. Such antigens were not detected in body fluids of nontuberculous patients.  相似文献   

A 35-kilodalton (kDa) recombinant antigen (35-kDa antigen) produced by Escherichia coli JM107 carrying DNA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was purified and immunologically examined by in vivo and in vitro methods. A monoclonal antibody (2B2) was produced against the 35-kDa antigen. The protein was purified from the insoluble fraction of the recombinant E. coli strain by either affinity chromatography with the 2B2 monoclonal antibody or preparative isoelectric focusing. In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot (immunoblot) analyses, antibody to 2B2 reacted with whole-cell sonic extracts of M. tuberculosis and other slowly growing mycobacteria but not with two rapid growers, M. chelonae and M. fortuitum. An injection series totaling less than 1 mg of purified protein without adjuvant elicited a humoral response in guinea pigs. In one guinea pig, 10 micrograms of purified protein injected intradermally elicited both a humoral and a cell-mediated response. Results of these studies suggest that the 35-kDa antigen is a membrane-associated protein that stimulates both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and should be evaluated as a vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

The occurrence of glycosylated proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been widely reported. However, unequivocal proof for the presence of true glycosylated amino acids within these proteins has not been demonstrated, and such evidence is essential because of the predominance of soluble lipoglycans and glycolipids in all mycobacterial extracts. We have confirmed the presence of several putative glycoproteins in subcellular fractions of M. tuberculosis by reaction with the lectin concanavalin A. One such product, with a molecular mass of 45 kDa, was purified from the culture filtrate. Compositional analysis demonstrated that the protein was rich in proline and that mannose, galactose, glucose, and arabinose together represented about 4% of the total mass. The 45-kDa glycoprotein was subjected to proteolytic digestion with either the Asp-N or the Glu-C endopeptidase or subtilisin, peptides were resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and glycopeptides were identified by reaction with concanavalin A. Peptides were further separated, and when they were analyzed by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry for neutral losses of hexoses (162 mass units), four peptides were identified, indicating that these were glycosylated with hexose residues. One peptide, with an average molecular mass of 1,516 atomic mass units (AMU), exhibited a loss of two hexose units. The N-terminal sequence of the 1,516-AMU glycopeptide was determined to be DPEPAPPVP, which was identical to the sequence of the amino terminus of the mature protein, DPEPAP PVPXTA. Furthermore, analysis of the glycopeptide by secondary ion mass spectrometry demonstrated that the complete sequence of the glycopeptide was DPEPAPPVPTTA. From this, it was determined that the 10th amino acid, threonine, was O-glycosidically linked to a disaccharide composed of two hexose residues, probably mannose. This report establishes that true, O-glycosylated proteins exist in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Development of a serodiagnostic test for bovine tuberculosis necessitates an understanding of the humoral immune responses of animals following infection with Mycobacterium bovis. The antibody responses in groups of calves challenged intranasally with different doses of M. bovis (approximately 10(2), 10(4), and 10(6) CFU) or placed in contact with the infected animals were analyzed by immunoelectrophoretic blotting in which a whole-cell sonicate of M. bovis was utilized as an antigen. Antibody responses were evident early in infections in which calves were exposed to high doses of M. bovis, while in groups exposed to lower doses, the time until antibody was detected increased as the challenge dose decreased. In cattle exposed to M. bovis, immunoblot analysis showed antibody responses to three main antigens of 26, 22, and 16 kDa. It was further demonstrated that antibody responses to the 26-kDa antigen appeared earliest in the course of infection. Preliminary investigations in this study have identified a 26-kDa antigen for potential use in improved serodiagnosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a 19-kDa antigen from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was expressed as a recombinant protein in the rapid-growing species Mycobacterium smegmatis. The recombinant antigen was expressed at a level approximately ninefold higher than in M. tuberculosis and, like the native antigen, was found in the pellet fraction after high-speed centrifugation of bacterial extracts. The 19-kDa antigen in crude bacterial extracts, and the purified recombinant antigen, bound strongly to concanavalin A, indicating the possibility of posttranslational glycosylation. The recombinant antigen stimulated T-cell proliferation in vitro when added to assays either in the form of whole recombinant bacteria or as a purified protein. Homologous expression of mycobacterial antigens in a rapid-growing mycobacterial host may be particularly useful for the immunological characterization of proteins which are subject to posttranslational modification.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) infections in India account for one-third of the global burden, making it important to develop speedy, cost-effective diagnostic tools. This study evaluated recombinant RD1-encoded antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as tools for serodiagnosis by determining the immunological reactivity of these proteins against sera from healthy, bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-vaccinated and TB-infected individuals from Kolkata. Rv3872, Rv3875 (ESAT-6) and Rv3878 were able to discriminate healthy BCG-vaccinated controls from TB patients. Rv3872 showed the highest level of antibody response in comparison with other antigens, and also showed statistically significant differences between pulmonary (p <0.0001) or extra-pulmonary (p <0.001) TB patients and healthy BCG-vaccinated individuals. The levels of antibody were measured using 20-mer overlapping peptides spanning the entire Rv3872 sequence. The immunological reactivity against a mixture of two peptides (P8 and P9) encompassing amino-acids 57-84 correlated well with that obtained using full-length Rv3872. This result was explained by the fact that two of the predicted regions of high antigenicity lie within amino-acid residues 57-85 of Rv3872. The high sensitivity and specificity of Rv3872, as well as the mixture of two synthetic overlapping peptides derived from Rv3872, highlight their potential and argue in favour of their use in serodiagnosis of both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is of increased public health concern following increases in the number of cases in developed countries and major increases in developing countries associated with the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The specificity of purified protein derivative skin testing for the detection of infection is compromised by exposure to environmental mycobacteria. Examination of sputum detects the most infectious patients, but not those with extrapulmonary disease. The 38-kDa antigen of M. tuberculosis contains two M. tuberculosis-specific B-cell epitopes. We overexpressed the gene for this antigen in Escherichia coli and evaluated the recombinant product in in vitro assays of T-cell function and as a target for the antibody response in humans. The sensitivity and specificity of the antigen as a skin test reagent were also assessed in outbred guinea pigs. We found that 69% of healthy sensitized humans recognize the antigen in vitro, as manifested by both cell proliferation and the production of gamma interferon. Untreated patients initially have a lower frequency of response (38%); this recovers to 72% during therapy. A total of 292 patients (20 with HIV coinfection) and 58 controls were examined for production of antibody to the 38-kDa antigen by using a commercially available kit. The sensitivity of the test in comparison with that of culture was 72.6%, and the specificity was 94.9%. The antigen was also tested for its ability to induce skin reactions in outbred guinea pigs sensitized by various mycobacterial species. The antigen provoked significant skin reactions in M. tuberculosis-, M. bovis BCG-, and M. intracellulare-sensitized animals. The significance of these findings and the usefulness of this antigen in immunodiagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

An immunoblot assay for the serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection was evaluated. Serum samples from patients whose gastric biopsy specimens were known to be positive or negative for H. pylori on culture were used to establish interpretive criteria for the immunoblot assay. A panel of sera from patients with diseases other than H. pylori infection and sera from healthy blood donors were included to validate these criteria. All sera were initially assessed in an enzyme immunoassay (Ge-EIA), based on acid glycine-extracted cell surface proteins of H. pylori NCTC 11637. The same antigen extract was used in the immunoblot assay. In addition, the Ge-EIA and the immunoblot assay were compared with a commercially available EIA (Seradyn, Color Vue Pylori). Bands of 110/120 kDa and/or two of five low-molecular-mass proteins (26, 29, 30, 31, and 33 kDa, in any combination) showed a strong correlation with the H. pylori culture-positive patients (97.5%) compared to the correlation obtained with the EIA results (Ge-EIA, 87.5%; Seradyn EIA, 92.5%), and the antibody responses to these proteins were considered specific reactions. In 37 of 40 serum samples from culture-negative patients and also in sera from patients with other disorders, a moderate antibody reactivity to the medium-size proteins (43 to 66 kDa) was observed, and these were considered not valuable for a specific immunoblot assay. Among sera from culture-positive patients, 39 of 40 serum samples were defined to be immunoblot positive, and from among sera from culture-negative patients, 3 of 40 serum samples were defined to be immunoblot positive. The use of sera from patients with negative cultures for H. pylori as negative controls may decrease the sensitivity due to sampling error and false-negative culture results. Immunoblot assay-positive results were detected among 10% of sera from patients with other diseases, whereas they were detected among 42.5% of sera by the Ge-EIA and 47.5% of sera by the Seradyn-EIA. The higher number of EIA-positive sera in this group reflects a possible cross-reactivity (false-positive EIA result). Of the blood donors, representing asymptomatic but possibly colonized subjects, 24% were immunoblot positive. In conclusion, our data indicate that immunoblotting is more sensitive as well as more specific than EIA. Moreover, it permits detection of antibody responses to specific antigens, e.g., the cytotoxin-associated CagA protein, which may have pathological implications.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a major public health issue, particularly in developing countries, and thus effective diagnostic methods for TB remain a central theme in basic and clinical research. To evaluate five antigens (38-kDa protein [38kDa], Rv3621c, Rv3618, 38kDa-ESAT-6 [38E6], and Ag85B-HBHA [AH]) in serological tests for TB patients, we recruited 288 patients and 201 healthy controls. The median IgG reactivity to 38kDa, 38E6, and AH was higher than that to Rv3618 and Rv3621c in pulmonary TB. 38kDa and 38E6 provided high sensitivities in pulmonary TB but low sensitivities in extrapulmonary TB (EPTB). The specificities achieved by 38kDa and 38E6 ranged from 82.0% to 93.9% in patients with non-TB respiratory disease (PD) and in controls. 38kDa and 38E6 exhibited lower sensitivities and higher specificities than their combinations with Rv3618. These findings provide useful information on the relative importance of the above five antigens and suggest that combinations of Rv3618 with 38kDa and 38E6 can increase their sensitivities, but their specificities need to be further increased.  相似文献   

Most of the antigens of Mycobacterium leprae and M. tuberculosis that have been identified are members of stress protein families, which are highly conserved throughout many diverse species. Of the M. leprae and M. tuberculosis antigens identified by monoclonal antibodies, all except the 18-kDa M. leprae antigen and the 19-kDa M. tuberculosis antigen are strongly cross-reaction between these two species and are coded within very similar genes. Studies of T cell reactivity against mycobacterial antigens have indicated that M. tuberculosis bears epitopes that are cross-reactive with the M. leprae 18-kDa antigen, but attempts to identify an 18-kDa antigen-like protein or protein coding sequence in M. tuberculosis have been unsuccessful. We have used a combination of low-stringency DNA hybridization and polymerase chain reaction techniques to identify, isolate, and sequence genes from M. avium and M. intracellulare that are very similar to the 18-kDa antigen gene of M. leprae and others that are homologs of the 19-kDa antigen gene of M. tuberculosis. Unlike M. leprae, which contains a single 18-kDa antigen gene, M. avium and M. intracellulare each have two 18-kDa antigen coding sequences. Although the M. leprae, M. avium, and M. intracellulare 18-kDa antigen genes are all very similar to one another, as are the M. tuberculosis, M. avium, and M. intracellulare 19-kDa antigen genes, we have been unable to detect any 18-kDa antigen-like coding sequences in DNA from M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A rapid membrane-based serologic assay using the 38-kDa antigen from Mycobacterium tuberculosis for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) was evaluated with 201 patients with pulmonary TB, 67 patients with extrapulmonary TB, 79 Mycobacterium bovis BCG-vaccinated healthy controls, and 77 non-TB respiratory patients. The overall sensitivities, specificities, and positive and negative predictive values were, respectively, 92, 92, 84, and 96% for sputum-positive TB patients; 70, 92, 87, and 79% for sputum-negative TB patients; and 76, 92, 80, and 90% for extrapulmonary-TB patients. Only 2% (1 of 44) of the healthy control BCG-vaccinated subjects gave weak positive signals in the assay, indicating that this rapid serological assay is a valuable aid in clinical diagnosis for both pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analyzed human antibody responses to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis cellular antigens by the immunoblot technique to identify specific cellular components and to investigate the existence of antigen profile differences among serological responses of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients. Among the 64 PCM serum samples analyzed, a relatively homogeneous immunoglobulin G response to P. brasiliensis antigens was observed. The polypeptide with a mass of 45 kDa was the most clinically important, since antibody to this antigen was detectable in 90.6% of PCM patients studied and the six individuals who did not produce antibody were either at the end of treatment or in the posttherapy period and had shown clinical recovery. These facts suggested that the presence of this antibody may be an indicator of active disease. The 45-kDa antigen was also the most specific antigen of the PCM humoral immune response, since it reacted with only 2 of 79 (2.5%) heterologous serum samples tested: 1 histoplasmosis case and 1 tuberculosis case. This polypeptide was isolated from gels by electroelution and, when tested by an immunoradiometric assay and immunoblotting, maintained its reactivity with PCM sera and also with anti-P. brasiliensis polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbits at the same sensitivity levels as those obtained in immunoblotting with a crude antigen. Since in our assays the 45-kDa polypeptide was the major P. brasiliensis antigen and seemed to be specific for PCM, its use in alternative diagnostic methods is promising, especially in patients suspected of having the juvenile clinical form of PCM often associated with negative double-immunodiffusion results.  相似文献   

Progress in serodiagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
One-third of the world population is estimated to have Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Accurate and timely identification of infected individuals is critical for treatment and control. The current diagnostic methods lack the desired sensitivity and specificity, require sophisticated equipment and skilled workforce or take weeks to yield results. Diagnosis of extrapulmonary TB, TB-HIV co-infection, childhood TB and sputum smear-negative pulmonary TB pose serious challenges. Interest in developing serodiagnostic methods is increasing because detection of antibody is rapid, simple and relatively inexpensive, and does not require a living cell for detection. Three types of tests, namely screening tests to overcome diagnostic delay, specific tests for diagnosis of extrapulmonary TB and other bacteriologically negative cases, and tests for vaccine-induced immunity need critical consideration. Several factors must be considered to develop serodiagnostic methods for TB. Antigen recognition by infected individuals is highly heterogeneous due to stage of disease, differences in HLA types, strain of the bacilli, health of the patient and bacillary load. With advances in molecular biological techniques, a number of novel antigens have been identified. Some of these antigens have proven valuable in detecting specific antibodies in some of the most challenging TB patients. The best example is a fusion protein containing several M. tuberculosis proteins (e.g. CFP-10, MTB8, MTB48, MTB81 and the 38-kDa protein) which showed encouraging results in detecting antibodies in sera of patients, including TB-HIV co-infection. This review presents progress made in the serodiagnosis of TB during the last decade.  相似文献   

The diagnostic applicability of the Clonorchis sinensis recombinant 7-kDa protein was evaluated. In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and immunoblots, the protein showed high sensitivities (81.3 and 71.9%, respectively) and specificities (92.6 and 89.7%, respectively) for sera obtained from various helminthic infections. Some paragonimiasis sera showed cross-reactions. The antigen might be valuable in the serodiagnosis of human clonorchiasis.  相似文献   

D Young  L Kent  A Rees  J Lamb    J Ivanyi 《Infection and immunity》1986,54(1):177-183
A 38-kilodalton (kDa) protein antigen from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was purified by monoclonal antibody TB71-based affinity chromatography. This molecule carries two nonoverlapping epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies TB71 and TB72, which are expressed substantially more strongly by M. tuberculosis than by Mycobacterium bovis. However, cross-reactive determinants between these two species were revealed on the 38-kDa protein by a rabbit anti-BCG serum. An immunoradiometric assay based on the TB71 and TB72 antibody pair specifically determined 38-kDa-antigen concentrations in mycobacterial extracts. Antibodies in sera from tuberculosis patients estimated by binding to 38-kDa-antigen-coated microtiter plates were positively correlated with TB72 competing titers. Unlike antibodies, T-cell proliferative responses to the 38-kDa protein were expressed equally by 60% of tuberculosis patients and healthy BCG-vaccinated subjects. Similarly, delayed-type hypersensitivity skin reactions were elicited in both M. tuberculosis- and M. bovis-sensitized guinea pigs. The results suggest the immunodominance of the species-specific B-cell and cross-reactive T-cell stimulatory epitopes.  相似文献   

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