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分子中医学所研究人体生命科学所浓缩体现内涵网络,简图如下:  相似文献   

研究发现人体生命由生物钟场和生命轴场分别执行人生的求生存和繁衍后代的目的。这也是包括所有生物的最原始目的。人体生命轴场是执行人体自身的求生存目的而产生能量及能量交换场;人体生物钟场是耗能场,生殖场是发布人体生物钟节律并实行繁衍后代的目的。人脑存有求生存力档和脑自动运行力档,也是人体生命科学及人体生物钟场和生命轴场的灵魂。  相似文献   

中国经典文学《红楼梦》几百年来在中华大地上无论是什么年代总牢牢吸引着一大批读者为其痴迷。用其编写戏曲、电影等更有众多版本。在今天“红”学研究会在全球也是一个响当当文学专着研讨机构,人数众多且不断有新内容新东西发现,这长盛不衰情况说明《红楼梦》独突魅力。而从分子中医学研究证明《红楼梦》是一部人生命科学经典教材,这是前人不曾有的欣赏和认知。  相似文献   

时空隧道肯定存在,既然存在就要解开其神秘性。分子中医学三个主体基本理论观点之一,人体生命科学是医学为核心其他学科结晶。时空隧道和人体生命科学相关连而引起分子中医学关注。研究证明时空隧道是一个高速自我旋转型的有密集磁力线组成封闭型高速运动的大磁场,其吸载物体、人类和动物等的能量磁力綫成隧道半径和密度比与其自转及前进速度成正相关;  相似文献   

从分子中医学对人基因组分类:①结构基因组:就是美中6国测绘的基因序列图谱,这是人类正常的基因组约10万条,包括储备基因6万-7万条;②功能基因组,其中包括各类病变基因约6万-7万条,以法国巴黎金赛特医药公司等已进行测绘了2万-3万条;③频率基因组:约16万-17万条,这是由于各基因其中包括残缺、  相似文献   

人体经络系统在人体组织结构上是结缔组织型式,在功能特点上以生物钟特征和对生命信息非神经系统性强制主导性传递来平衡调控人体系列新陈代谢运动。这也是人体经络系统在生理功能上所特有的二大特征。  相似文献   

分子中医学研究生命科学的精髓,就是源于生物最原始最早期动机——求生存。一切生物必须获得营养维持细胞和基因组新陈代谢运动。这就产生了最原始的获得系统——导向引子。整个生物界的基因组都保持其顽固求生存新陈代谢运动,有其一定适应的生物钟节律,随着生物进化性演化、其基因组物理性结构不易改变,而变化的是为获取营养的导向引子和反获取的营养键——  相似文献   

生命科学综合人类所有科学。人类任何一个机体都经过体能和智能发育二个阶段。体能发育为先,从受精卵胚胎婴幼儿等且喜欢环境温暖稍热,从第一对碱基对起到第144对时智能发育开始,以时间上比较智能发育比体能发育滞后四个阶段从第144对碱基对开始智能发育,先从原始需求档即求生存档至244对碱基对时体能到发育高潮;从第224对至第448对是人大脑贮存库建立了智能基础第二阶段发育,  相似文献   

在触类导推学和循证求证医学基础上,以中华传统医学为主体并揉合进现代分子生物学而新创立生命科学——分子中医毕。其核心理论由中华传统医学精典医籍——生命原精、素问、六微旨大论、难经、黄帝内经、幼科铁镜、经络等构筑而成。生命原精中.胚胎及生命原精——命子构成。命子能生命义;命义生基因;格格基因联成格格连体;格格连体再生格格细胞;最终命子决定生命  相似文献   

人体可以升空并在空中飘浮,以前有人目睹并拍有照片;今近几年中用了录像机拍摄和多种探测仪对飘浮者进行探测检验。印度的军事学家早就注意到在其国家中有这种人体飘浮术确实存在。并且在设想把这种技术用于军事作战上,组织起一支“由飘浮术人的超人军队,那就不怕敞方地雷、坦克、导弹、轰炸机等攻击,随时可以突击到敌人的后方去袭击而彻底打垮对方,就不必再花更多的钱去研制那些高尖端武器。”对于这种设想是否能实现呢?  相似文献   

1900年左右中国出版的中华医学经典书籍《生命原精》,在其所表达的核心论点“胚胎及生命原精——命子构成。命子能生命义;命义生基因:格格基因联成格格连体;格格连体再生格格细胞,最终是由命子及其链接决定生命的一切。”何谓命子,现由分子中医学以中华医学经典书籍《生命原精》为其基础理论着作之一。经过长期研究为命子类引伸出的最初级最科学正确定义。  相似文献   

从分子中医学研究证实了《自然界信息网络体系》。在自然界存在一定长度范畴内在相差N个A级长度中具有能量的各种磁力才段组合成形形式式的信息,其载体可气体、液体、固体;可金属、非金属,可为有机物。如碱基对,各种脂肪酸和糖链,并包含了有机物在内的各种微量元素的离子流、电子流等运动形式的交结各种组合形式网络系统。  相似文献   

人类最杰出的物理学家爱因斯坦名言“想象力比知识更重要。”分子中医学经过几十年对人体大脑及人体智能发育等研究后,进一步拓展这句话内涵——脑逻辑推理力是想象力精髓。这更客观、更形象、更有意义表达了人脑自动运行力档中在情感区域上建立起的人脑逻辑推理力档所作不停地螺旋形巡动的脑螺旋弹性体的实在质量及容量,是对人类本身求知、探索、发现、创造发明的重要作用。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to estimate disability-free life expectancy for the Brazilian elderly in 2003, by gender and age, based on different concepts of functional disability. The Sullivan method is used to combine the period life tables from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2003) and the prevalence of functional disability according to the 2003 National Sample Household Survey (PNAD 2003). The main results of the study indicate that at age 60, Brazilian men can expect to live 19 years, 39% with mild, 21% with moderate, and 14% with severe functional disability, respectively. At the same age, Brazilian women can expect to live 22 years: 56% with mild, 32% with moderate, and 18% with severe functional disability.  相似文献   

以某厂粉尘作业工人危害程度分级为依据,探讨按其做为发放有害津贴的标准是科学的、可行的,也是必要的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the number of teenage births and abortions in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in total and according to age and ethnic origin. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of routinely collected data. METHOD: Based on data collected from the municipal population register and the abortion clinics in Amsterdam, birth rates, abortion rates and abortion ratios were calculated for the period 1996-1998. The birth rate was the number of live births and the abortion rate the number of abortions per 1000 teenage girls. The abortion ratio was the number of abortions per 100 pregnancies. RESULTS: The average birth rate and abortion rate for the period 1996-1998 were 3.2 and 7.6 for 14- to 16-year-old girls respectively, and 25.0 and 29.5 for 17- to 19-year-old girls respectively. Among 14- to 16-year-old girls 70 pregnancies out of 100 ended in an abortion and among 17- to 19-year-old girls 54 pregnancies out of 100. In both age groups the birth rate for Surinamese, Antillian, Moroccan, Turkish and Ghanian girls was higher than for Dutch girls. There was one exception: Moroccan girls aged 14-16 years did not have a higher birth rate than Dutch girls of the same age. Surinamese, Antillian and Ghanian girls aged 14-16 years and 17-19 years also had a higher abortion rate compared with Dutch girls of the same age. The Turkish and Moroccan girls did not have (much) higher abortion rates. In both age groups the abortion ratio was lowest for Turkish teenagers and highest for Ghanian teenagers. The figures for second-generation immigrant teenagers were more akin to those of the native Dutch girls than those of first-generation immigrants. CONCLUSION: In Amsterdam unwanted pregnancies were most frequent in Surinamese, Antillian and Ghanian teenage girls. To prevent these pregnancies further research into the (cultural) determinants of sexual behaviour is necessary.  相似文献   

The relationship between strength, fatigue, and work capacity is a central issue for occupational rehabilitation. Musculoskeletal impairments often are expressed functionally as a loss of strength. For work tasks that require strength, such impairments may have a detrimental effect on work capacity that is sufficient to be disabling. How important is strength as a component of work capacity? How do work capacity and strength affect recovery time from repetitive forceful upper extremity work ? A sample of 40 healthy subjects comprised of 20 males and 20 females was studied in a model that used the isotonic strength of each subject to set exercise levels for subsequent forceful repetitive gripping tasks. Resistance levels of 75%, 50%, and 25% of maximum were used for one-per-second repetitions until the subject could not maintain that pace. Isometric grip strength was measured after 1 minute of rest and after 5, 10, and 20 minutes. Results indicate that males and females do not differ in terms of their rate of recovery and that the best predictor of recovery time is the immediate measurement of strength loss following cessation of work activity.  相似文献   

Nutrition information on packaged foods supplies information that aids consumers in meeting the recommendations put forth in the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans such as reducing intake of solid fats and added sugars. It is important to understand how food label use is related to dietary intake. However, prior work is based only on self-reported use of food labels, making it unclear if subjective assessments are biased toward motivational influences. We assessed food label use using both self-reported and objective measures, the stage of change, and dietary quality in a sample of 392 stratified by income. Self-reported food label use was assessed using a questionnaire. Objective use was assessed using a mock shopping task in which participants viewed food labels and decided which foods to purchase. Eye movements were monitored to assess attention to nutrition information on the food labels. Individuals paid attention to nutrition information when selecting foods to buy. Self-reported and objective measures of label use showed some overlap with each other (r = 0.29, p < 0.001), and both predicted dietary quality (p < 0.001 for both). The stage of change diminished the predictive power of subjective (p < 0.09), but not objective (p < 0.01), food label use. These data show both self-reported and objective measures of food label use are positively associated with dietary quality. However, self-reported measures appear to capture a greater motivational component of food label use than do more objective measures.  相似文献   

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