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INTRODUCTION: Although masses in the pterygomaxillary space are uncommon, they frequently present diagnostic challenges when they occur. If a tissue biopsy is required for pathological analysis, the relative inaccessibility of this region can make the surgical approach more extensive and technically difficult than seems justified. In this study, we describe a series of four cases in which a transnasal endoscopic technique was used to biopsy masses of the pterygomaxillary space. METHODS: The four patients described in this report had lesions of the pterygomaxillary space that were detected radiographically. The surgical approach involved an endoscopic uncinectomy and a wide maxillary antrostomy to provide maximum exposure of the posterior maxillary sinus wall. Careful opening of the bone and underlying periosteum provided ready access to the pterygomaxillary space in an atraumatic fashion. Biopsy specimens were talken under direct endoscopic visualization using traditional biopsy forceps. RESULTS: In each case, satisfactory exposure of the mass was achieved and diagnostic biopsy specimens were obtained. There were no adverse sequelae related to the procedure. One patient was returned to the operating room 2 weeks later for a repeat biopsy so that additional diagnostic studies could be performed. This was obtained easily through the previous antrostomy and posterior maxillary wall opening. CONCLUSIONS: The transnasal endoscopic approach to the pterygomaxillary space is a safe, relatively noninvasive technique that can be performed by otolaryngologists trained in endoscopic sinus surgery. This procedure allows adequate exposure of the pterygomaxillary space for biopsy while avoiding the morbidity of an open surgical approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pterygopalatine fossa can be involved with a variety of infectious and neoplastic processes. This region can be entered endoscopically, but endoscopic landmarks to localize the neurovascular structures in the pterygopalatine fossa have not yet been reported. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to describe the location of the neurovascular structures in the pterygopalatine fossa in relation to consistent intranasal landmarks. METHODS: Endoscopic dissections of cadaveric heads were performed. The locations of neurovascular structures in the region were defined. RESULTS: The sphenopalatine foramen (SPF) served as the primary intranasal landmark to the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF). Mean distances from the SPF were measured with the following results: SPF to sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), 4 mm medially and 6 mm laterally; SPF to foramen rotundum (FR), 7 mm; and SPF to vidian canal (VC), 2 mm. The internal maxillary artery followed an irregular and inconsistent course, making it difficult to define a reliable landmark for its location in the fossa. CONCLUSION: Entering the PPF inferior to the horizontal plane of the SPF along a vertical line drawn inferiorly from the infraorbital canal will avoid injury to the major neural structures in the fossa. Because of the inconsistent course and location of the internal maxillary artery, this structure may be at risk no matter where the fossa is entered. These landmarks will allow the surgeon to enter the PPF with more accuracy and less patient morbidity.  相似文献   

Endoscopic transnasal approach to the pterygopalatine fossa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
OBJECTIVE: To describe an endoscopic transnasal approach to the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF). DESIGN: Case series of 3 patients. SETTING: An academic medical center.Patients One patient presented with an asymptomatic PPF schwannoma. The second patient presented after a sudden onset of complete unilateral vision loss with a complete ipsilateral sphenoid sinus opacification and radiographic signal abnormality in the PPF and inferior orbital fissure. The third patient had a history of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland, and was found to have new-onset facial numbness.Intervention One patient had a complete excision of a schwannoma by means of an endoscopic transnasal approach. The other 2 patients had wide exposure and biopsies of the PPF. One patient had a revision procedure through the same approach with further lateral exposure to the area of the inferior orbital fissure. RESULTS: All patients had successful endoscopic approaches for tumor removal (case 1) and biopsy (cases 2 and 3) of the PPF. The second patient had a repeat endoscopic biopsy 1 week later to obtain more tissue for diagnostic purposes. None of the patients had any major vascular complications. At follow-up, 2 of 3 patients had persistent sensory deficits. CONCLUSIONS: The endoscopic transnasal approach to the PPF is a safe and effective method for biopsy and removal of PPF masses. The endoscopic approach improves access and visualization, and has the potential to reduce complications compared with open approaches. Image guidance is helpful in these cases.  相似文献   

目的探索经鼻内镜翼腭窝、颞下窝恒定的解剖标志,为手术处理该区域病变奠定基础。方法对11例尸头行鼻内镜侧颅底解剖学研究。经鼻内镜经中鼻道、蝶腭孔、上颌窦后壁入路,暴露翼腭窝及颞下窝的重要血管、神经及骨性解剖标志,并测量各解剖标志间的距离。结果经鼻内镜可恒定暴露蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、蝶腭神经节、眶下神经、卵圆孔、棘孔等重要侧颅底标志。鼻小柱基底到蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、卵圆孔、棘孔、破裂孔的距离分别为(69±3)、(73±3)、(75±3)、(90±5)、(96±4)、(88±3)mm。结论经鼻内镜可显露翼腭窝及颞下窝重要解剖结构,且各解剖结构可通过相互之间的距离及位置在鼻内镜二维平面上互相定位,以更直观、安全的处理该区域的病变。  相似文献   

目的 研究鼻内镜下经鼻径路观察翼腭窝区的临床解剖特点, 以期为手术提供参考。方法 5例(10侧)成人尸头标本经乳胶灌注后, 在0°鼻内镜下分别经蝶腭孔和上颌窦后壁两种手术径路显露翼腭窝, 再开放蝶窦, 充分暴露视神经、颈内动脉及蝶窦外侧壁相关结构, 观察各解剖结构的三维立体关系。结果 不同手术径路显露翼腭窝的范围不同, 祛除上颌窦内侧壁后能最大程度显露翼腭窝内所有解剖结构, 开放蝶窦后能观察翼腭窝与蝶窦区域相关结构的解剖关系。结论 只要熟悉鼻内镜下翼腭窝及邻近区域的解剖结构及关系, 选择合适的病例, 鼻内镜下经鼻行翼腭窝区手术是安全可行的。  相似文献   

内镜下鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路切除翼腭窝肿瘤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路在翼腭窝病变手术中的应用.方法 回顾性分析2008年5月至2011年5月5例翼腭窝良性肿瘤患者的病例资料,5例患者均接受了内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路的外科治疗.其中神经鞘瘤4例,神经纤维瘤1例.手术采用控制低血压全身麻醉,鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路切开鼻腔外侧壁进入上颌窦,切开上颌窦后壁进入翼腭窝切除肿瘤.结果 本组5例肿瘤均获得一次性完全切除,无任何并发症.均于术后5~12 d痊愈出院.术后随访5~28个月无复发和死亡.结论 内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路可以安全而完整地切除翼腭窝的良性肿瘤.该术式保留了鼻泪管和下鼻甲,保留鼻腔结构和功能,从而更好地降低复发率和缩短恢复时间.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic ear surgery (EES).MethodPubmed, Google and the Proquest Central Database at Kırıkkale University were queried using the keywords “endoscopic ear surgery”, “ear surgery” and “endoscopy” to identify the literature needed for the review.ResultsEndoscopes allow for enhanced surgical visualisation. The distal part of the apparatus is illuminated and contains lenses angled to allow a wider view of the operative area. Transcanal endoscopic techniques have transformed the external ear canal (EAC) into an operative gateway. The benefits EES can offer include wider views, enhanced imaging capabilities and increased magnification, and ways to see otherwise poorly visualisable portions of the middle ear. EES permits surgeons to operate using minimally invasive otological techniques. When compared with microscope-assisted surgery, endoscopic tympanoplasty has been shown to require a shorter operating time in some instances. There are a number of drawbacks to EES, however, which include the fact that it is a single-handed technique, that the light source may produce thermal injury and that visualisation using the endoscope is severely curtailed if bleeding is profuse.ConclusionEES is a safe and effective technique. The current literature supports the idea that the results achieved by endoscopic methods are usually comparably beneficial to results obtained using conventional microscopic methods.  相似文献   

Endoscopic pituitary surgery has definite advantages over the traditional method using the operating microscope. Improved visualization, angled view, and a wider panoramic perspective of the important anatomic relationships of the sphenoid and the sella turcica were the obvious advantages. The direct endonasal transsphenoidal approach is the most minimally invasive. Its advantages include wider access, avoidance of a septoplasty, and the ability for two surgeons to work together enabling better instrumentation and more complete and rapid removal of the tumor.  相似文献   

Endoscopic nasal surgery has become the single major advance in the specialty of otolaryngology since the introduction of the operating microscope and middle ear surgery. The value of improved assessment of nasal and sinus pathology using the endoscope diagnostically cannot be overstated. Once pathology is better evaluated, therapy will at least be more appropriate. It is now possible to carry out such nasal surgery as polypectomy, antrostomy and turbinoplasty more accurately and more safely, as well as provide better postoperative care. The use of the endoscope has afforded a useful sub-cranial route for the repair of at least small cerebrospinal fluid leaks, while it is likely that such procedures as dacrocystorhinostomy will eventually be mostly performed using the nasal endoscope. Some orbital decompressions will also be suitable for medial orbitotomy via the endoscope. Additionally, assessment of the extent of extrusion of orbital contents after blow-out injury has been invaluable, as is evaluation of the posterior wall of the frontal sinus after frontal bone trauma. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) has an undoubted place in the surgery of frontoethmoidal mucocoeles. While few oncologists would be sanguine about its use in the surgery of nasal tumors, it is still of great value in evaluation and biopsy. Although FESS confined to the osteomeatal complex in the presence of early sinus disease is almost certainly an advance, what is still not proven, is the place of endoscopic sphenoethmoidectomy in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis.  相似文献   

Endoscopic lacrimal surgery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Soler ZM  Smith TL 《The Laryngoscope》2012,122(1):137-139
Over 250,000 endoscopic sinus surgeries are performed yearly in the United States alone. Although overall complication rates are low, errors can lead to significant morbidity due to the close proximity of the sinuses to the orbit and skull base and the resultant potential for blindness, cerebrospinal fluid leak, and catastrophic bleeding. Surgical checklists are endorsed by the World Health Organization and have been incorporated into most U.S. operating rooms as a measure to minimize avoidable errors. Standardized surgical checklists were developed with general and/or orthopedic procedures in mind, but in many instances they fail to incorporate concerns specific to endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). In response to this clinical problem, we sought to develop and institute an ESS surgical checklist. This checklist can serve as a template for physicians who perform ESS and wish to prevent avoidable adverse events.  相似文献   

鼻窦内窥镜手术:文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

鼻内镜额窦手术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
额隐窝的局部解剖学相对复杂、对术者的操作技巧要求较高、对手术器械和图像监视设备的要求也较高,处理不当可导致较严重的手术并发症,这些因素决定了经鼻内镜额窦手术是当前鼻外科领域的热点问题。本文从鼻内镜额窦手术在国外的发展简史、手术分型、手术径路和手术并发症等方面做一简要介绍。  相似文献   

目的总结52例经鼻内镜鞍内肿瘤切除的一些经验以供参考.方法 1996年9月~2001年2月根据术前病理学分类和影像学分期,选择经鼻内镜外科治疗垂体腺瘤患者49例、鞍内颅咽管瘤患者2例、鞍内脑膜瘤1例.结果除1例非分泌性腺瘤(Ⅴ期)和1例脑膜瘤仅行大部分切除外,其余病例瘤组织均得到了完全切除,手术时间为40~180 min(平均90 min).术野清晰、广阔. 术后头痛、视力障碍和闭经泌乳等症状改善.血清泌乳素(prolactin,PRL)和(growth hormone,GH)水平恢复正常.术后随访 3~72个月,2例垂体瘤和1例颅咽管瘤复发,行相同进路的二次手术,复发率为5.8%.本组病例术后有6例患者出现尿崩,仅1例患者需应用口服抗利尿激素治疗.1例颅咽管瘤患者术后第3天出现一次癫痫发作,意识不清,经治疗后痊愈出院.全部病例均未见颅内出血、视神经损伤、脑脊液鼻漏、脑膜炎及其他垂体功能低下等并发症发生.结论经鼻内镜鞍内肿瘤切除术安全、简便、微创,是鞍内肿瘤切除的良好途径.  相似文献   

目的采用鼻内镜经鼻径路对咽旁间隙区域的重要血管、神经结构进行解剖,掌握其分布的规律,以寻找用于指导手术有效的解剖标志并测量相关的数据,从而为处理该部位病变的鼻内镜手术提供解剖依据。方法对福尔马林浸泡的尸头4例(8侧),模拟鼻内镜下鼻径路咽旁间隙进行解剖。对手术入路的安全范围进行评估,并观测手术径路的重要标志和毗邻关系,测量相应的解剖数据。结果经鼻径路咽旁间隙前为咽鼓管,外为翼内板残端,上为蝶窦底、破裂孔,下为后鼻孔下缘,内为头长肌。翼管的长度、咽鼓管峡部与颈内动脉的距离分别为(14.50±1.77)m/n、(11.04±1.08)mm。结论鼻内镜下经鼻径路可以暴露咽旁间隙的茎突前间隙部分,在该区域保护颈内动脉是关键。该径路以颈内动脉(interal carotid artery,ICA)的外口和破裂孔两点连线水平作为上界,相对安全地暴露ICA的颈段。  相似文献   

翼腭窝和颞下窝三维影像学与经鼻内镜解剖学对照研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨多层螺旋CT(multislice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)测量翼腭窝和颞下窝解剖相关标志的方法及可行性.方法 对11具尸头行MSCT扫描,利用工作站确立解剖标志空间坐标,并计算解剖学数据.同时对11具尸头经鼻内镜解剖翼腭窝和颞下窝,并测量相关解剖学数据,对照影像学与鼻内镜下的共同解剖标志的形态,比较影像学和鼻内镜下解剖测量数据结果.结果 影像学方法和解剖学方法测量得到鼻小柱根部到蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、卵圆孔、棘孔、颈动脉管外口、破裂孔的距离((-x)±s,下同)分别为:(68.83±3.00)、(72.49±2.88)、(75.26±3.14)、(88.55±5.00)、(95.19±4.31)、(106.76±3.77)、(88.16±2.87)mm和(68.90±3.04)、(72.73±3.08)、(75.44±3.07)、(89.75±4.13)、(96.22±3.37)、(106.68±3.75)、(88.47±2.64)mm,两组数据差异无统计学意义(t值分别为-0.856、-1.134、-0.920、-1.923、-1.903、2.820、1.209,P值均>0.05).蝶腭孔、翼管、圆孔、卵圆孔、颈动脉管外口、破裂孔是鼻内镜解剖和影像学共同的解剖标志,可作为判断翼腭窝和颞下窝内神经、血管以及重要毗邻结构空间关系的解剖标志.结论 MSCT扫描三维重建测量翼腭窝和颞下窝相关标志解剖学数据可靠,可为临床个体化手术提供依据.  相似文献   

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