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8-Oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase (8-oxo-dGTPase) is an enzyme which prevents incorporation into DNA of promutagenic 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) from a deoxynucleotide pool damaged by endogenous oxidants. Its inhibition may thus be carcinogenic. We previously found that Cd(II) inhibited 8-oxo-dGTPase in both cell free systems and cultured cells. To verify this finding in a relevant animal model, we investigated the effects of Cd(II) on cellular 8-oxo-dGTPase activity and nuclear DNA 8-oxo-dG levels in the rat testis, a target organ for Cd(II) carcinogenesis. Ni(II), which does not induce testicular tumors in rats and is a weaker in vitro inhibitor of 8-oxo-dGTPase than Cd(II), was investigated as a comparison. Male F344/NCr rats were given a single s.c. dose of 20 micromol Cd(II) acetate, 90 micromol Ni(II) acetate or 180 micromol sodium acetate (controls) per kg body wt and killed 2, 8, 24 or 48 h later (three rats/time point). Cd(II) caused a gradual decrease in testicular 8-oxo-dGTPase activity with time. It became significant only after 8 h post-injection (P < 0.05) and resulted in a final 50% loss of the enzyme activity at 48 h (P < 0. 01). Although the results for Ni(II) at 8 h and later were apparently lower than the controls, the decrease did not reach statistical significance. Treatment of rats with Cd(II) led to an early and progressive increase (from 130% at 2 h to 200% at 48 h versus the controls) of the 8-oxo-dG level in testicular DNA (P < 0. 05 or better). Ni(II) acetate also tended to raise the testicular 8-oxo-dG level, but the increase was transient, with an apparent maximum at 8 h, and did not approach statistical significance (P < 0. 2). Thus, Cd(II), unlike Ni(II), is able to inhibit 8-oxo-dGTPase activity and to raise 8-oxo-dG levels in rat testicular DNA. However, the time course of both effects indicates that 8-oxo-dGTPase inhibition is most likely not the sole cause of the increase in 8-oxo-dG. 相似文献
Induction and repair inhibition of oxidative DNA damage by nickel(II) and cadmium(II) in mammalian cells 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12
Compounds of nickel(II) and cadmium(II) are carcinogenic to humans and to
experimental animals. One frequently discussed mechanism involved in tumor
formation is an increase in reactive oxygen species by both metals with the
subsequent generation of oxidative DNA damage. In the present study we used
human HeLa cells to investigate the potential of nickel(II) and cadmium(II)
to induce DNA lesions typical for oxygen free radicals in intact cells and
the effect on their repair. As indicators of oxidative DNA damage, we
determined the frequencies of DNA strand breaks and of lesions recognized
by the bacterial formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg protein),
including 7,8- dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-hydroxyguanine), a pre-mutagenic DNA
base modification. Nickel(II) caused a slight increase in DNA strand breaks
at 250 microM and higher, while the frequency of Fpg-sensitive sites was
enhanced only at the cytotoxic concentration of 750 microM. The repair of
oxidative DNA lesions induced by visible light was reduced at 50 microM and
at 100 microM nickel(II) for Fpg-sensitive sites and DNA strand breaks,
respectively; the removal of both types of lesions was blocked nearly
completely at 250 microM nickel(II). In the case of cadmium(II), DNA strand
breaks occurred at 10 microM and no Fpg- sensitive sites were detected.
However, the repair of Fpg-sensitive DNA lesions induced by visible light
was reduced at 0.5 microM cadmium(II) and higher, while the closure of DNA
strand breaks was not affected. Since oxidative DNA damage is continuously
induced during aerobic metabolism, an impaired repair of these lesions
might well explain the carcinogenic action of nickel(II) and cadmium(II).
Disturbance of DNA damage recognition after UV-irradiation by nickel(II) and cadmium(II) in mammalian cells 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
Nickel(II) and cadmium(II) have been shown previously to inhibit the
incision step of nucleotide excision repair. By applying a gel-mobility-
shift assay and HeLa nuclear extracts the effect of both metals on the
damage recognition step of the repair process was investigated. Two
proteins of 34 and 40 kDa were identified that bind with high affinity to a
UV-irradiated synthetic oligonucleotide. When applying nuclear extracts
from HeLa cells treated with 50 microM nickel(II) and higher, there was a
dose-dependent decrease in protein binding; this effect was largely
reversible by the addition of magnesium(II) to the binding reaction. In the
case of cadmium(II), a dose-dependent inhibition of DNA-protein
interactions was detected at 0.5 microM and higher, which was almost
completely reversible by the addition of zinc(II). Therefore, compounds of
both metals disturb DNA-protein interactions essential for the initiation
of nucleotide excision repair most likely by the displacement of essential
metal ions.
Surface binding and uptake of nickel(II) in human epithelial kidney cells: modulation by ionomycin, nicardipine and metals 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The carcinogenic potency of nickel compounds depends on theability of nickel ions to enter target cells. The presumptivepreventive potential of several metals against nickelinducedcancer may depend on their capacity to inhibit nickel uptake.Surface binding and uptake of 63Ni2+ in immortalized human kidneyepithelial (IHKE) cells suspended in a salts/glucose minimalmedium was studied at 0.085 mM nickel. Nickel uptake, aftera rapid phase of about 2 h, continued at a slower rate for severalhours. Nicardipine (50 µM) decreased uptake to about 25%of control values. Ionomycin (3 µ) increased uptake 4-to 5-fold. Nickel uptake into IHKE cells was decreased by metalcations. In the absence of ionomycin, this effect followed theorder Zn > CD > Co > Mn > Mg >> Ca. In thepresence of ionomycin the order was ZN > Cd > Co >Mn >> Ca > Mg. These metals inhibited uptake more stronglythan binding to the cell surface. However, Co2+ reduced surfacebinding strongly in ionomycin-potentiated uptake. With no ionomycinpresent, 0.15 mM Zn2+ 1 mM Mn2+, 4 mM Mg2+ or 70 mM Ca2+ caused8082% inhibition of nickel uptake. In the absence ofionomycin, calcium was a weaker inhibitor of nickel uptake thanmagnesium. In the presence of ionomycin, calcium was a strongerinhibitor than magnesium. The results indicate that nickel canbe taken up through calcium channels in IHKE cells. It is suggestedthat ionomycin-potentiated transport mechanisms, under the conditionsapplied, are different from normal mechanisms of transport functioningin the absence of ionomycin. Different metals, essential andnon-essential, seem to be inhibitors or competitors for thetransport mechanisms. 相似文献
Carcinogenicity of nickel(II)hydroxides and nickel(II)sulfate in Wistar rats and its relation to the in vitro dissolution rates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
During a two year experiment, local sarcomas developed in 5of 20 rats injected intramuscularly (i.m.) with 120 µmolof nickel(II)hydroxide air-dried gel (DRY), in 3 of 20 ratssimilarly injected with 120 µmol of crystalline industrialnickel(II)hydroxide (CRST) and in 16 of 20 rats injected i.m.with 40 µmol of nickel subsulfide (Ni3S2). I.m. injectionsof 120 µmol of freshly precipitated colloidal nickel(II)hydroxide(COL) did not produce tumors. No tumors were found in animalswhich had been injected i.m. with 15 doses of 4.4 µmolof nickel(II)sulfate (NiSO4) (total dose equalled 66 µmol/rat)or sodium sulfate (Na2SO4 controls). Statistical analysis rankedthe tumor yields as follows: Ni3S2 > CRST = DRY > COL= NiSO4. The in vitro solubilization rates of the hydroxidesand nickel subsulfide in human blood serum, artificial lungfluid and ammonium acetate buffer, pH 7.4, were found to increasein the following order: Ni3S2 < CRST < DRY < COL. Hence,an inverse relation may exist between the tumor yield and rateof solubilization of the compounds tested. 相似文献
Nickel(II)- and cobalt(II)-dependent damage by hydrogen peroxide to the DNA bases in isolated human chromatin 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Nickel compounds are known to be carcinogenic to humans and animals. Cobalt compounds produce tumors in animals and are probably carcinogenic to humans. The mechanisms of the carcinogenicity of these metal compounds, however, have remained elusive. In the present work, we have investigated the ability of Ni(II) and Co(II) ions in the presence of H2O2 to cause chemical changes in DNA bases in chromatin extracted from cultured cells of human origin. Eleven modified DNA bases in chromatin were identified and quantitated by the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 2-Hydroxyadenine (isoguanine), which has not previously been shown to occur DNA or chromatin, was also identified. Products identified were typical hydroxyl radical-induced products of DNA bases, suggesting that the hydroxyl radical was involved in their formation. This idea was supported by partial inhibition of product formation by typical scavengers of hydroxyl radical. Partial inhibition of product formation indicated a possible "site-specific" formation of hydroxyl radical by unchelated Ni(II) and Co(II) ions bound to chromatin. Although treatment of chromatin for 1 h with Co(II)/H2O2 caused formation of significant amounts of products, treatment with Ni(II)/H2O2 required incubation times of more than 5 h and an increase in Ni(II) concentration before increases in product amounts above background levels became detectable. In both cases, ascorbic acid did not increase product yields. Glutathione at a physiologically relevant concentration had little overall effect on DNA base modification. Superoxide dismutase increased the yields of most products. Chelation of Ni(II) and Co(II) ions with EDTA almost completely inhibited product formation. Ni(II) in the presence of H2O2 produced greater base damage to the DNA in chromatin than to isolated DNA, unlike other metal ions tested. DNA damage in chromatin caused by Ni(II) and Co(II) ions in the presence of H2O2 may contribute to the established genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of these metal ions. 相似文献
Gene expression caused by alkylating agents and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) in Escherichia coli 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Previous work has demonstrated heterogeneous effects of methylating agents on induction of DNA damage inducible genes in Escherichia coli. These studies employed E. coli mutants that have fusions of the lac operon to genes induced by treatment with sublethal levels of alkylating agents. These mutants were selected from random insertions of the Mu-dl (Apr lac) phage by screening for induction of beta-galactosidase activity in the presence of methylmethanesulfonate or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The current report extends these findings by analyzing gene expression caused by mechlorethamine, chloroethylnitrosoureas and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-DDP). The results demonstrate heterogeneous effects by these agents on gene expression. While 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea induces alkA, other nitrosoureas, mechlorethamine, and cis-DDP do not cause expression of this gene. Further, while all nitrosoureas caused expression of aidC, mechlorethamine and cis-DDP did not. Lastly, cis-DDP caused marked expression of a sulA fusion mutant while not inducing any of the other E. coli fusion mutants. 相似文献
Hengstler JG Bolm-Audorff U Faldum A Janssen K Reifenrath M Götte W Jung D Mayer-Popken O Fuchs J Gebhard S Bienfait HG Schlink K Dietrich C Faust D Epe B Oesch F 《Carcinogenesis》2003,24(1):63-73
Co-exposure to cadmium, cobalt, lead and other heavy metals occurs in many occupational settings, such as pigment and batteries production, galvanization and recycling of electric tools. However, little is known about interactions between several heavy metals. In the present study we determined DNA single strand break (DNA-SSB) induction and repair capacity for 8-oxoguanine in mononuclear blood cells of 78 individuals co-exposed to cadmium (range of concentrations in air: 0.05-138.00 micro g/m(3)), cobalt (range: 0-10 micro g/m(3)) and lead (range: 0-125 micro g/m(3)). Exposure to heavy metals was determined in air, blood and urine. Non-parametric correlation analysis showed a correlation between cadmium concentrations in air with DNA-SSB (P = 0.001, R = 0.371). Surprisingly, cobalt air concentrations correlated even better (P < 0.001, R = 0.401), whereas lead did not correlate with DNA-SSB. Logistic regression analysis including 11 possible parameters of influence resulted in a model showing that cobalt in air, cadmium in air, cadmium in blood and lead in blood influence the level of DNA-SSB. The positive result with cobalt was surprising, since exposure levels were much lower compared with the TRK-value of 100 micro g/m(3). To examine, whether the positive result with cobalt is stable, we applied several logistic regression models with two blocks, where all factors except cobalt were considered preferentially. All strategies resulted in the model described above. Logistic regression analysis considering also all possible interactions between the relevant parameters of influence finally resulted in the following model: Odds ratio = 1.286(Co in air) x 1.040(Cd in air) x 3.111(Cd in blood) x 0.861(Pb in air) x 1.023(Co in air x Pb in air). This model correctly predicts an increased level of DNA-SSB in 91% of the subjects in our study. One conclusion from this model is the existence of more than multiplicative effects for co-exposures of cadmium, cobalt and lead. For instance increasing lead air concentrations from 1.6 to 50 micro g/m(3) in the presence of constant exposures to cobalt and cadmium (8 micro g/m(3) and 3.8 micro g/m(3)) leads to an almost 5-fold increase in the odds ratio, although lead alone does not increase DNA-SSB. The mechanism behind these interactions might be repair inhibition of oxidative DNA damage, since a decrease in repair capacity will increase susceptibility to reactive oxygen species generated by cadmium or cobalt. Indeed, repair of 8-oxoguanine decreased with increasing exposures and inversely correlated with the level of DNA-SSB (P = 0.001, R = -0.427). Protein expression patterns of individuals exposed to cobalt concentrations of approximately 10 micro g/m(3) were compared with those of unexposed individuals using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Qualitative and apparent quantitative alterations in protein expression were selective and certainly occurred in <0.1% of all proteins. In conclusion, the hazard due to cobalt exposure - that has been classified only as IIB by the IARC - seems to be underestimated, especially when individuals are co-exposed to cadmium or lead. Co-exposure may cause genotoxic effects, even if the concentrations of individual heavy metals do not exceed TRK-values. 相似文献
H Anai Y Maehara H Kusumoto H Masuda K Miyamoto K Fukuchi R Tamada K Sugimachi 《Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy》1986,13(8):2544-2548
In vitro chemosensitivity was evaluated by succinate dehydrogenase inhibition (SDI) test in 94 human tumors including 59 gastric cancers, 27 colo-rectal cancers and 8 malignant lymphomas. Tumor fragments were exposed to 12 kinds of antitumor drugs at ten times peak plasma concentration. Evaluable rates were 86/94 (91%) for all cases, 56/59 (95%) for gastric cancers, 22/27 (81%) for colo-rectal cancers and 8/8 (100%) for malignant lymphomas. The mean of SD activity was decreased to 48% of that of control cells with aclacinomycin, 49% with carboquone, 53% with actinomycin D, 54% with mitomycin C and 54% with daunomycin for gastric cancers, 59% with adriamycin for colo-rectal cancers and 33% with cyclophosphamide (40487 S), and 33% with actinomycin D, 37% with vinblastine and 39% with adriamycin for malignant lymphomas. When the SD activity was reduced to below 50% by antitumor drugs, the chemosensitivity was defined as positive. The antitumor drugs which had a higher chemosensitive-positive rate were aclacinomycin, carboquone and mitomycin C for gastric cancers, adriamycin for colo-rectal cancers and 40487 S, daunomycin and vinblastine for malignant lymphomas. Our results suggest that the origin of a tumor is a critical factor in its chemosensitivity. 相似文献
Nickel(II) acetate (NiAcet), a soluble nickel salt known to be an effective initiator of renal epithelial tumors in adult rats, was studied for possible transplacental carcinogenicity. Pregnant F344/NCr rats were given NiAcet i.p. either once a day on day 17 (90 mumol/kg body wt; group 1) or twice on days 16 and 18 of gestation (45 mumol/kg body wt/day; group 2). Offspring of these rats were further subdivided into groups 1A and B and 2A and B, respectively. Groups 1A and 2A received ordinary tap water while groups 1B and 2B received drinking water containing 500 p.p.m. sodium barbital (NaBB) during weeks 4-85 of age. Renal cortical epithelial and renal pelvic transitional epithelial tumors occurred in male offspring given NiAcet prenatally followed by NaBB postnatally (group 1B, 15 tumors in 8/15 rats; group 2B, 10 tumors in 7/15), but not in male offspring given NiAcet only (0/32) or in controls given prenatal sodium acetate (NaAcet) only (0/15) and rarely in males given NaAcet followed by the promoter NaBB (1/15). No renal tumors occurred in females. Pituitary tumor incidence was significantly higher in offspring of both sexes given NiAcet prenatally (NaAcet controls, 4/31, both sexes combined; group 1A, 14/33, P = 0.012; group 2A, 14/31, P = 0.008). Pituitary tumors appeared much earlier in rats given NiAcet prenatally, with or without postnatal NaBB, and often were malignant by cytologic and histologic criteria including pleomorphism and invasion of adjacent structures, unlike the well-differentiated adenomas that occurred less frequently in untreated rats. These results are the first evidence that Ni(II) is a potent transplacental initiator of epithelial tumors in fetal rat kidney and a complete transplacental carcinogen for rat pituitary. 相似文献
Y Maehara H Anai H Masuda R Tamada K Sugimachi K Inokuchi 《Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy》1985,12(10):2018-2023
In vitro chemosensitivity was evaluated by SDI test in various human tumors including 1 lymph node metastasis of esophageal cancer, 10 gastric cancers, 4 colo-rectal cancers, 1 hepatoma, 2 lung cancers, 2 breast cancers and 1 gallbladder cancer. Tumor fragments cut with scissors were exposed to twelve kinds of antitumor drugs at five to ten times peak plasma concentration. After 3 days at 37 degrees C, each tumor fragment suspension was washed with phosphate-buffered saline and assayed for succinate dehydrogenase (SD) activity using 3-(4,5- dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2, 5-diphenyl-2H tetrazolium bromide (MTT) as a hydrogen acceptor. When the SD activity of the drug-treated cells was reduced to below 50% that of control cells, the chemosensitivity to the antitumor drug was considered positive. The chemosensitivity of each tumor varied individually. Mitomycin C or 5-fluorouracil are regularly used to treat gastric cancer patients, but, some specimens of gastric cancer in this study showed a resistance to these drugs and an unexpected sensitivity to other drugs. Our results show that the SDI test is a convenient method for clinical use and gives significant information about drug sensitivity. 相似文献
Sensitization of human cervical carcinoma cells to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) by bryostatin 1.
Bryostatins are an important class of protein kinase C (PKC) activators. We have investigated the effect of bryostatin 1 on the antiproliferative activity of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (CP). A 24-h pretreatment of HeLa cells with 1 nM bryostatin 1 increased cellular sensitivity to CP by 4-fold. The effect of bryostatin 1 on the IC50 of CP (concentration of drug required to inhibit cell proliferation by 50%) was concentration-dependent and biphasic; the maximum effect of bryostatin 1 was seen with 1 nM, but higher concentrations of bryostatin 1 (greater than or equal to 10 nM) produced less CP sensitization. Although bryostatin 1 and phorbol esters caused an equivalent stimulation of HeLa cell PKC in cell-free systems, bryostatin 1 was less effective than phorbol esters in sensitizing cells to CP. Additionally, higher concentrations of bryostatin 1 (greater than or equal to 10 nM) antagonized CP sensitization by phorbol esters. Bryostatin 1 was even more potent than 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in inducing PKC down-regulation, and the maximum down-regulation was achieved with 10 nM bryostatin 1. Bryostatin 1 also increased cellular sensitivity to a CP analogue, cis-dichloro(ethylenediamine)platinum(II). A 24-h pretreatment with 1 nM bryostatin 1 increased cellular cis-[3H]DEP by 60%. The concentration- and time-dependent enhancement in CP sensitivity by bryostatin 1 was related to the increase in cis-[3H]DEP level. Thus, cellular accumulation of CP may be regulated by a PKC-dependent phosphorylation event. 相似文献
We have measured the accuracy of in vitro synthesis by DNA polymerase I (large fragment) during translesion synthesis past an aminofluorene (AF) adduct. These studies were carried out using a site-specifically modified template which contained a single AF adduct. The template was prepared by first modifying the lone guanine in a 17 base long oligonucleotide and extensively purifying and characterizing this product. The modified 17mer was then ligated to a synthetic duplex to produce a 31 nucleotide long template strand containing the AF adduct annealed to a 14mer, such that the 3'-hydroxyl primer terminus was four nucleotides before the modified guanine. Synthesis on this template by DNA polymerase I efficiently bypassed the AF adduct and produced full-length duplex 31mers. T7 DNA polymerase, on the other hand, was unable to utilize the AF-modified template though it was active on an identical unmodified one. The strand synthesized by DNA polymerase I was then separated from the modified strand, annealed to a complementary oligonucleotide, and the resulting heteroduplex cloned into M13. Each of the 49 clones isolated had sequences which indicated that cytidine had been incorporated opposite the AF-modified guanine. 相似文献
Four of seven human melanoma cell lines were sensitive to killing by L-dopa (D37 1.0-4.7 microM) compared with fibroblasts, Hela, and three ovarian tumor cell lines (D37 12-59 microM). All seven melanoma lines, however, were sensitive to DL-buthionine(S,R)sulfoximine (BSO) (D37 0.73-8.5 microM) compared with the nonmelanoma cells (D37 25-68 microM). The melanoma line most sensitive to BSO (MM418) was highly melanized, proliferated slowly and was resistant to other agents [dopa, 5-(3-methyl-1-triazeno)5-imidazole-4-carboxamide, melphalan, methotrexate, hydroxyurea, etoposide, Adriamycin]. In most cell lines, L-dopa and BSO blocked cell proliferation in all phases of the cell cycle. Cellular sensitivity to dopa or BSO did not correlate with levels of total soluble SH, glutathione (GSH), GSH reductase, GSH peroxidase or GSH transferase, or with the extent of GSH depletion induced by the drug. No GSH transferase activity could be detected in the dopa-resistant HeLa line, indicating that detoxification of quinones is not an important mechanism of resistance. Within the group of melanoma cell lines, sensitivity to dopa correlated with decreased level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r = 0.81). However, the gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase inhibitor azaserine was less effective than BSO in enhancing the toxicity of dopa. It can be inferred that (a) there is no simple relationship between GSH metabolism and sensitivity to dopa or BSO in human melanoma cells, and (b) BSO may be an effective agent for melanoma. 相似文献
Triple combination of irradiation, chemotherapy (pemetrexed), and VEGFR inhibition (SU5416) in human endothelial and tumor cells 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Bischof M Abdollahi A Gong P Stoffregen C Lipson KE Debus JU Weber KJ Huber PE 《International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics》2004,60(4):1220-1232
PURPOSE: This is the first preclinical report evaluating a trimodal therapy consisting of irradiation, chemotherapy, and antiangiogenesis in the context of a multimodal anticancer strategy. The combination of the folate antimetabolite pemetrexed, SU5416, a receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor of VEGFR2, and irradiation was investigated in human endothelial cells and tumor cell lines. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Primary isolated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC), and human glioblastoma (U87) and prostate cancer cells (PC3) were exposed to pemetrexed (2 h) alone and in combination with SU5416 (2 h). When combined with irradiation up to 8 Gy, fixed concentrations of pemetrexed (1.06 muM) and SU5416 (1.0 muM) were used. Proliferation and clonogenic assays were conducted with endothelial and tumor cells. The migration/invasion ability of endothelial cells and the ability to produce tubular structures were tested in Matrigel and tube formation assays. Apoptosis was measured by sub-G1 DNA and caspase-3 flow cytometry. To investigate underlying cell signaling, immunocytochemistry was used to detect Akt survival signaling involvement. RESULTS: Triple combination using only a low-toxicity drug exposure of pemetrexed and SU5416 results in greater response than each treatment alone or than each combination of two modalities in all tested endothelial and tumor cell models. Triple combination substantially inhibits proliferation, migration/invasion, tube formation, and clonogenic survival. Triple combination also induced the highest rate of apoptosis in HDMEC and HUVEC as indicated by sub-1 G1 and caspase-3 assessment. Interestingly, triple combination therapy also reduces proliferation and clonogenic survival significantly in U87 and PC3 tumor cell lines. SU5416 potently inhibited Akt phosphorylation which could be induced by radiation and radiochemotherapy in human endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the high antiendothelial/antitumoral efficacy of the concurrent administration of irradiation, chemotherapy, and angiogenesis inhibition in vitro. A potential explanation for the favorable combination would be that VEGF signaling inhibition downregulates Akt survival signaling upon activation by radiation and/or chemotherapy. The data also suggest that endothelial cell apoptosis may have an important role in the benefits of the presented therapy. 相似文献
Human XPA is a 31 kDa protein involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER), a ubiquitous, multi-enzyme pathway responsible for processing multiple types of DNA damage in the eukaryotic genome. A zinc-associated, C4-type motif (C105-X(2)-C108-X(17)-C126-X(2)-C129) located in the minimal DNA-binding region (M98-F219) of XPA (XPA-MBD) is essential for damaged DNA recognition. Cadmium is a known carcinogen and can displace the zinc in many metal-binding proteins. It has been suggested that the carcinogenic properties of cadmium may result from structural changes effected in XPA when Cd(2+) is substituted for Zn(2+) in the metal-binding site. The solution structure of XPA-MBD containing zinc(II) has recently been determined [Buchko et al., (1998) Nucleic Acids Res., 26, 2779-2788; Buchko et al., (1999) Biochemistry, 38, 15116-15128]. To assess the effects of cadmium(II) substitution on the structure of XPA-MBD, XPA-MBD was expressed in minimal medium supplemented with cadmium acetate to yield a protein that was almost exclusively (>95%) associated with cadmium(II) (CdXPA-MBD). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectra collected on ZnXPA-MBD and CdXPA-MBD in frozen (77 K) 15% aqueous glycerol solution show that the metal is coordinated to the sulfur atoms of four cysteine residues with an average metal-sulfur bond length of 2.34 +/- 0.01 and 2.54 +/- 0.01 A, respectively. Comparison of the circular dichroism, two-dimensional (1)H,(15)N-HSQC, and three-dimensional (15)N-edited HSQC-NOESY spectra of ZnXPA-MBD and CdXPA-MBD show that there are no structural differences between the two proteins. The absence of major structural changes upon substituting cadmium(II) for zinc(II) in XPA suggests that cadmium-induced mutagenesis is probably not due to structural perturbations to the zinc-binding core of XPA. 相似文献
Satoh N Hibasami H Mori K Kaneko H Wakabayashi H Hirata K Sonoda J Nakashima K Uchida A 《Oncology reports》1999,6(3):627-630
Polyamines are considered to be important intracellular molecules for the proliferation of cancer cells. In this study, effects of methyl-glyoxal bis(cyclopentylamidinohydrazone) (MGBCP), a potent inhibitor of the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, on the growth of human osteosarcoma HuO9 cells have been investigated. MGBCP dose-dependently inhibited the growth of HuO9 cells, in which the contents of spermine, spermidine and putrescine decreased concomitantly. The MGBCP-treated cells clearly exhibited morphological changes, indicating the blebbing and chromatin condensation which are characteristic of apoptosis. Characteristic oligonucleosomal-sized DNA fragments were observed in the MGBCP-treated cells. In in vivo experiments MGBCP (20 or 50 mg/kg) inhibited the growth of transplanted HuO9 tumors in mice. These findings suggest that the inhibition of polyamine synthesis results in the suppression of growth of osteosarcoma HuO9 cells, eventually inducing apoptosis in these human osteosarcoma cells in vitro and in vivo. 相似文献
The repair of the endogenous lesions 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG), uracil (U) and natural abasic site (AP site) was investigated using an in vitro base excision repair assay in which a plasmid substrate containing a single lesion at a defined position was repaired by mammalian cell extracts. Repair replication of an 8-oxoG/cytosine base pair performed by normal human cell extracts was approximately 5-fold less efficient than repair of a U/adenine base pair and, in turn, the latter was repaired approximately 10-fold less efficiently than an AP site placed in front of an adenine. A similar pattern of repair capacity for the three lesions was observed in Chinese hamster extracts. Repair of 8-oxoG was performed by the one nucleotide insertion pathway only. The lower repair replication ability of 8-oxoG with respect to U was linked to a lower DNA glycosylase (base removal) activity rather than to inability to process the beta-elimination cleaved strand left by the AP lyase activity associated with human oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1. The data show that DNA repair of 8-oxoG is poor in human cells in comparison with other frequent endogenous lesions. 相似文献