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N-cadherin is a member of the cadherin cell-cell adhesion receptor family that includes P-, E-, and R-cadherin and liver cell adhesion molecule (L-CAM). In this study, we determined the structure of the mouse N-cadherin gene by analyzing overlapping genomic clones obtained from a mouse genomic library. This gene consists of 16 exons that disperse over greater than 200 kilobases of genomic DNA. This large size of the N-cadherin gene, compared with its cDNA (4.3 kilobases), is ascribed to the fact that the first and second introns are 34.2 kilobases and greater than 100 kilobases long, respectively. When the N-cadherin gene was compared with that of L-CAM and P-cadherin, the exon-intron boundaries were found to be fully conserved between them, except that the P-cadherin first exon includes the first and second exons of the other two genes. Also, the second intron, which is equivalent to the first intron in P-cadherin, is exceptionally large and this structural feature is conserved in all of these genes. An interesting feature of the N-cadherin gene is that this gene has an extra 16th exon that is almost identical to the other exon, 100% in the coding region and 99% in the 3' untranslated region in the nucleotide level. We also determined the chromosomal localization of the N-cadherin gene by interspecific backcross analysis and found that this gene is localized in the proximal region of mouse chromosome 18. The E- and P-cadherin genes are tightly linked and located on chromosome 8 in this species. Thus, N-cadherin is unlinked to these other cadherin loci.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight caldesmon (h-CaD) is predominantly expressed in smooth muscles, whereas the low molecular weight caldesmon (l-CaD) is widely distributed in nonmuscle tissues and cells. The changes in CaD isoform expression are closely correlated with the phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells. During a search for isoform diversity of human CaDs, l-CaD cDNAs were cloned from HeLa S3 cells. HeLa l-CaD I is composed of 558 amino acids, whereas 26 amino acids (residues 202-227 for HeLa l-CaD I) are deleted in HeLa l-CaD II. The short amino-terminal sequence of HeLa l-CaDs is different from that of fibroblast (WI-38) l-CaD II and human aorta h-CaD. We have also identified WI-38 l-CaD I, which contains a 26-amino acid insertion relative to WI-38 l-CaD II. To reveal the molecular events of the expressional regulation of the CaD isoforms, the genomic structure of the human CaD gene was determined. The human CaD gene is composed of 14 exons and was mapped to a single locus, 7q33-q34. The 26-amino acid insertion is encoded in exon 4 and is specifically spliced in the mRNAs for both h-CaD and l-CaDs I. Exon 3 is the exon that encodes the central repeating domain specific to h-CaD (residues 208-436) together with the common domain in all CaD (residues 73-207 for h-CaD and WI-38 l-CaDs, and residues 68-201 for HeLa l-CaDs). The regulation of h- and l-CaD expression is thought to depend on selection of the two 5' splice sites within exon 3. Thus, the change in expression between l-CaD and h-CaD might be caused by this splicing pathway.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the cloning of the human cytoplasmic thymidine kinase (tk-C; EC gene and its preliminary characterization. The tk-C sequences were isolated from a phage genomic library made from DNA of a transfected mouse cell carrying the human tk-C gene. The human transforming sequences were identified by homology with human Alu sequences. Six recombinant phages were isolated and five were competent to transfer human TK-C activity to TK-deficient mouse cells when transferred in pairs. Conclusively, sequences homologous to these clones are present in all human TK+ transformants examined. We estimate the maximal size of the tk-C gene to be 14 kilobase pairs and its minimal size to be between 4 and 5 kilobase pairs. The gene contains many noncoding inserts and numerous Alu sequences.  相似文献   

The cell-derived domain of Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma virus (GR-FeSV) consists of a gamma-actin- and a tyrosine-specific protein kinase-encoding sequence designated v-fgr. By utilizing a v-fgr probe, it was possible to detect related sequences present at low copy number in DNAs of a variety of mammalian species and to isolate a human fgr homologue. Comparative studies revealed that this human DNA clone represented all but 200 base pairs of v-fgr. Analysis of human genomic DNA demonstrated that the fgr protooncogene was distinct from the cellular homologues of other retrovirus onc genes. In addition, the fgr protooncogene was localized to the distal portion of the short arm of human chromosome 1 at p36.1-36.2 by in situ hybridization. Taken together, our findings establish that the fgr protooncogene is a unique member of the tyrosine kinase gene family.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of human deoxycytidine kinase cDNA.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Deoxycytidine (dCyd) kinase is required for the phosphorylation of several deoxyribonucleosides and certain nucleoside analogs widely employed as antiviral and chemotherapeutic agents. Detailed analysis of this enzyme has been limited, however, by its low abundance and instability. Using oligonucleotides based on primary amino acid sequence derived from purified dCyd kinase, we have screened T-lymphoblast cDNA libraries and identified a cDNA sequence that encodes a 30.5-kDa protein corresponding to the subunit molecular mass of the purified protein. Expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli results in a 40-fold increase in dCyd kinase activity over control levels. In dCyd kinase-deficient murine L cells, transfection with dCyd kinase cDNA in a mammalian expression vector produces a 400-fold increase over control in dCyd phosphorylating activity. The expressed enzyme has an apparent Km of 1.0 microM for dCyd and is also capable of phosphorylating dAdo and dGuo. Northern blot analysis reveals a single 2.8-kilobase mRNA expressed in T lymphoblasts at 5- to 10-fold higher levels than in B lymphoblasts, and decreased dCyd kinase mRNA levels are present in T-lymphoblast cell lines resistant to arabinofuranosylcytosine and dideoxycytidine. These findings document that this cDNA encodes the T-lymphoblast dCyd kinase responsible for the phosphorylation of dAdo and dGuo as well as dCyd and arabinofuranosylcytosine.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO), the ligand for c-mpl, is a novel cytokine comprising an amino terminal domain with homology to erythropoietin and a glycosylated carboxyl terminal domain that does not bear overall homology to other known proteins. We report the cloning of cDNAs encoding the porcine and murine TPO and the characterization of the human TPO gene. The cDNA for an additional splice form (TPO-2) with a four-amino-acid deletion within the erythropoietin-like domain has been isolated and is conserved between humans, pigs, and mice. Species comparison of TPO shows that the amino terminal erythropoietin-like domain is highly conserved, while the carboxyl terminal domain is less conserved. Recombinant murine TPO and human TPO are each able to activate both the murine and human c-mpl receptors, indicating an absence of strict species specificity. Human TPO is encoded by a single gene consisting of six exons and located on chromosome 3q27-28.  相似文献   

The human Thy-1 gene: structure and chromosomal location.   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The human Thy-1 gene has been isolated and sequenced and compared to the rat and mouse Thy-1 genes. All three genes are organized in the same way: one exon encoding the majority of the signal peptide, another encoding the transmembrane segment, and a third encoding the remainder of the protein. One major structural difference between the human and rodent Thy-1 glycoproteins is that the former contains two instead of three glycosylation sites. RNA blot analysis of a human T-cell line expressing the T3 complex showed an absence of Thy-1 mRNA, excluding the possibility that Thy-1 represents one of the component chains of T3. The structural gene for human Thy-1 was localized to the long arm of chromosome 11 by nucleic acid hybridization to genomic DNA isolated from somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

The agouti (a) locus in mouse chromosome 2 normally regulates coat color pigmentation. The mouse agouti gene was recently cloned and shown to encode a distinctive 131-amino acid protein with a consensus signal peptide. Here we describe the cloning of the human homolog of the mouse agouti gene using an interspecies DNA-hybridization approach. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of the human agouti gene is 85% identical to the mouse gene and has the potential to encode a protein of 132 amino acids with a consensus signal peptide. Chromosomal assignment using somatic-cell-hybrid mapping panels and fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that the human agouti gene maps to chromosome band 20q11.2. This result revealed that the human agouti gene is closely linked to several traits, including a locus called MODY (for maturity onset diabetes of the young) and another region that is associated with the development of myeloid leukemia. Initial expression studies with RNA from several adult human tissues showed that the human agouti gene is expressed in adipose tissue and testis.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO), a lineage-specific cytokine affecting the proliferation and maturation of megakaryocytes from committed progenitor cells, is believed to be the major physiological regulator of circulating platelet levels. Recently we have isolated a cDNA encoding a ligand for the murine c-mpl protooncogene and shown it to be TPO. By employing a murine cDNA probe, we have isolated a gene encoding human TPO from a human genomic library. The TPO locus spans over 6 kb and has a structure similar to that of the erythropoietin gene (EPO). Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNA reveals a hybridization pattern consistent with a single gene locus. The locus was mapped by in situ hybridization of metaphase chromosome preparations to chromosome 3q26-27, a site where a number of chromosomal abnormalities associated with thrombocythemia in cases of acute myeloid leukemia have been mapped. A human TPO cDNA was isolated by PCR from kidney mRNA. The cDNA encodes a protein with 80% identity to previously described murine TPO and is capable of initiating a proliferative signal to murine interleukin 3-dependent BaF3 cells expressing the murine or human TPO receptor.  相似文献   

The Max gene encodes a protein that interacts specifically with the Myc protein to form a heterodimer with high affinity for the specific cognate DNA binding site of Myc. Here we examine the expression of Max RNA in comparison to Myc RNA during cell growth and differentiation. Two species of RNA, a major 2.0- and a minor 1.7-kilobase species, hybridized specifically to a Max cDNA probe in all human and murine cell lines that were tested. Unlike Myc, the steady-state level of Max RNA is not significantly modulated with respect to proliferation or differentiation. Max RNA is expressed in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells and is modestly increased 3 h after addition of serum to the quiescent cells. In contrast to Myc RNA, Max RNA does not decline immediately upon induction of differentiation of HL60 cells by dimethyl sulfoxide, and only a modest decrease of Max RNA was observed 72 h after induction of differentiation. Unlike Myc RNA, Max RNA is relatively stable with a half-life of greater than 3 h and, therefore, does not exhibit the characteristic short half-life of RNAs encoded by most immediate early genes. The human Max gene was localized to chromosome 14, band q23. With respect to the recurring abnormalities in human tumors, this region of chromosome 14 is involved in deletions in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and malignant lymphomas and in the 12;14 translocation in uterine leiomyomas.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a cDNA encoding human liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPTase; palmitoyl-CoA:L-carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase, EC, an inner mitochondrial membrane enzyme that plays a major role in the fatty acid oxidation pathway. Mixed oligonucleotide primers whose sequences were deduced from one tryptic peptide obtained from purified CPTase were used in a polymerase chain reaction, allowing the amplification of a 0.12-kilobase fragment of human genomic DNA encoding such a peptide. A 60-base-pair (bp) oligonucleotide synthesized on the basis of the sequence from this fragment was used for the screening of a cDNA library from human liver and hybridized to a cDNA insert of 2255 bp. This cDNA contains an open reading frame of 1974 bp that encodes a protein of 658 amino acid residues including 25 residues of an NH2-terminal leader peptide. The assignment of this open reading frame to human liver CPTase is confirmed by matches to seven different amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides derived from pure human CPTase and by the 82.2% homology with the amino acid sequence of rat CPTase. The NH2-terminal region of CPTase contains a leucine-proline motif that is shared by carnitine acetyl- and octanoyltransferases and by choline acetyltransferase. The gene encoding CPTase was assigned to human chromosome 1, region 1q12-1pter, by hybridization of CPTase cDNA with a DNA panel of 19 human-hamster somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone to human 4-beta-galactosyltransferase (EC was isolated from a human liver lambda gt11 expression library by using a monospecific polyclonal antiserum to affinity-purified bovine enzyme. The authenticity of this cDNA clone has been demonstrated by several criteria. Under conditions of chronic treatment with the beta-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol, rat parotid glands show an approximately 10-fold increase in 4-beta-galactosyltransferase activity. The increased enzyme activity was reflected in dot-blot analysis of control and isoproterenol-treated rat parotid RNA by using the human cDNA as probe. Hybrid-selection and in vitro translation identified a protein product with a molecular mass of 47 kDa that was immunoprecipitated with the bovine antiserum. The full-length human cDNA clone was then isolated and the DNA sequence for the NH2-terminal portion of the protein was deduced. Comparison of the NH2-terminal protein sequence from the bovine protein with that of the human cDNA clone confirmed its identity. In addition, the human cDNA clone was used to localize the gene for 4-beta-galactosyltransferase to human chromosome 4 by Southern analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel.  相似文献   

A genomic phage clone containing a full-length copy of a functional human gene for ferritin heavy chain has been isolated. The gene consists of four exons spanning approximately 3 kilobases and has been localized to chromosome 11. The functionality of the gene was demonstrated by the fact that both transient transfectants and stable transformants of murine fibroblasts actively transcribe human ferritin heavy-chain mRNA.  相似文献   

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