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首先通过对客户关系管理基本概念的分析,得出医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理的概念。并分析了医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理中的客户概念。从竞争战略、关键客户战略、信息化建设战略、全员营销战略等方面阐述了医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理战略。按照系统开发的观点提出了实施医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理的三个步骤。最后提出了成功实施医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理的四个方面因素。  相似文献   

医院客户关系管理是客户关系管理在医疗卫生行业中的应用,是一种以市场为导向,以患者为中心的全新的医疗服务模式。本文在对军队医院引入客户关系管理必要性分析的基础上,从军队医院信息化基础、服务理念和改革创新三个方面进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

目的探讨客户关系管理在健康体检中心的应用效果。方法结合体检中心自身的经营特点,借鉴企业客户关系管理服务理念和经验,将客户关系管理如收集客户信息、客户跟踪回访,专职健康管理等运用于健康体检的全过程;结果实施客户关系管理以来,体检中心各项服务指标均较实施前有所上升.体检人次由2.004万增加到3.966万,同比增长了97.9%;预约服务满意度由90.23%提高到96.62%;体检服务满意度由91.33%提高到95.28%;导检服务的满意度由89.75%提高到98.41%;收费服务的满意度由90.61%提高到99.22%;健康干预服务满意度由86.77%提高到97.68%。结论客户关系管理是了解和满足客户需求、促进科室管理不断改进,流程不断优化,员工服务意识不断增强,以适应以"客户为中心"的价值体现,使体检中心的整个运营过程变得合理化的主要途径;通过实行客户关系管理,有效地管理了客户资源,提高了客户满意度,提升了体检中心服务质量及品牌效益。  相似文献   

通过构建医院客户关系管理平台的过程,提出了建立与社区卫生服务机构实行“互动”的客户关系管理模式,提出了医院在实施客户关系管理战略过程中需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

客户关系管理在医院中的应用   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
在医院引入客户关系管理对改善医院的服务有很多益处。我们在此就如何在医院应用客户关系管理做一些讨论。  相似文献   

医院作为一个特殊的服务机构,患者随访服务将成为医院在今后市场竞争中的重要因素,通过信息手段,建立医院客户关系管理系统,提高医院的核心竞争力,是支撑医院可持续发展必然要求。HCRM,就是医院客户关系管理,本文从几方面介绍此方面的内容。  相似文献   

医院引入客户关系管理的理念是提升服务品质的一种必然选择.庞大的人群和流量是医院实行客户关系管理的瓶颈.医院数字化为此创造了条件,可以利用医院内部的临床信息系统与社会通讯平台,实现面对客户的人工、短信、语音、电子邮件等即时交互功能和群体管理功能.该文介绍了医院客户关系管理的特点、医院数字化客户管理平台的系统构成和主要功能、研究应用的结果和结论.  相似文献   

实施客户管理策略 构建服务型医院   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医院工作是服务工作,在激烈的市场竞争中,许多医院已将医院管理工作中心转为以客户(病人)为导向,强化客户服务。客户关系管理是客户服务的主要措施,实施客户关系管理是进一步落实“以病人为中心”,搞好医疗服务工作的有效方法。本文从客户关系管理的满意度及忠诚度策略、服务流程再造策略、个性化一对一策略,建立客户互动关系四个方面,运用理论并结合笔者所在医院的实际,初步总结和探讨了树立“以客为尊、服务至上”的理念,以提高客户(服务对象)满意度为目标,从满足客户需求出发,形成方便、温馨、关爱、尊重、项目全、零距离、个性化、有特色、质量高的医疗保健服务链,使之成为构建服务型医院的策略及途径。  相似文献   

客户关系管理是一种商业管理策略,强调客户关系对企业的重要性,主要是管理客户与企业的关系产生并使其理性发展.关系产生是指客户对企业的产品和服务产生正面积极的感情,理性发展是指由于满足了客户关于产品或服务主要功能外的其他外围需求而带来的产品或服务增殖[1].  相似文献   

医院客户关系管理是一种管理理念,其核心是将医院的客户作为医院最重要的资源,通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,在向客户不断提供最大价值的同时,实现医院的持续发展。我院自2005年1月起将“客户关系管理”理念引入医院,把开展程序化温馨服务作为客户关系管理的一个项目,在项目具体运作中不断总结经验,取得了良好的营销效果。  相似文献   

关明媚 《现代医院》2012,12(12):86-88
随着健康体检市场竞争的日益激烈,各体检机构从数量竞争、价格竞争阶段的基础上,已发展为服务质量和服务品牌的竞争。笔者从客户关系管理(CRM)的理论分析入手,介绍了健康体检中心CRM的定义及其特点,重点阐述了医院健康体检中心的客户构成及健康体检流程。通过实行客户关系管理,健康体检中心服务质量及品牌效益得到提升,实现可持续性发展。  相似文献   

基于健康信息资源平台的全生命周期医疗健康服务探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
国民健康和卫生事业发展的方向需要从以病中治疗为主.发展为病前预防——病中治疗——病后恢复的全生命周期医疗健康服务。文章探讨了这个漫长而必然的过程中几个关键性因素,包括:按照以患者为中心的思想转变医疗机构的经营和组织方式,建立和实施基于CRM的第三代HIS,建立区域级的能实现健康和医疗信息共享和交换的健康信息资源平台等。  相似文献   

Currently, customer relationship management (CRM) tools are very important in our society because they provide a comunication channel to the healthcare system for patients. Salud Responde is a CRM that provides many health services for the entire population of Andalusia, in southern Spain. The number and frequenzy of phone calls received change along the year. They depend on many factors, such as weekdays, seasons, vaccination campaigns, environmental factors, pandemic periods, etc. All these are the main reasons number of health calls changes along the year. This variability makes that the current management of resources for offering emergency services based on historical data is inefficient. The factors, which influence the phone calls along the year, are different from one period to another. Therefore, it is clear to demand an improved in the current management system. In this context, the main goal for this research is to develop an expert system able to identify and analyze, using different data mining algorithms, the most relevant factors to predict the variability of health service demand. Thus, here, it is proposed a methodology in which using reasons calls received in the CRM as input data, it is possible to predict in advance the healthcare resources demand.  相似文献   

医院CRM和关键成功因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析CRM的基本概念和管理学内涵的基础上 ,根据我国医院当前CRM的应用现状 ,分析在我国医院实施CRM的意义。医院实施CRM可以满足客户个性化需求 ,为客户提供差异化服务 ,提高医院服务质量 ,提升医院的核心竞争力。同时探讨医院实施CRM的关键成功因素。  相似文献   

Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Joliet, Ill., is promoting its Web site as a tool for gathering health information about patients and prospective patients in order to build a relationship marketing database. The database will enable the hospital to identify health care needs of consumers in Joliet, Will County and many southwestern suburbs of Chicago. The Web site is promoted in a multimedia advertising campaign that invites residents to participate in a Healthy Living Quiz that rewards respondents with free health screenings. The effort is part of a growing planning and marketing strategy in the health care industry called customer relationship management (CRM). Not only does a total CRM plan offer health care organizations the chance to discover the potential for meeting consumers' needs; it also helps find any marketplace gaps that may exist.  相似文献   

建立医院客户关系营销管理系统初探   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
探讨医院客户关系管理的概念和意义 ,医院客户关系管理系统的模块划分及职能。讨论了系统成功建设应注意把握并深化研究解决的问题 :①严格论证、规划并有针对性地抓好落实 ;②引导各级各类人员不断提高对系统建设必要性的认识 ;③做好与其它客户服务业务的相互衔接 ;④融入医院文化理念 ;⑤注重业务重组和流程优化。探讨医院客户关系管理的概念和意义 ,医院客户关系管理系统的模块划分及职能。讨论了系统成功建设应注意把握并深化研究解决的问题 :①严格论证、规划并有针对性地抓好落实 ;②引导各级各类人员不断提高对系统建设必要性的认识 ;③做好与其它客户服务业务的相互衔接 ;④融入医院文化理念 ;⑤注重业务重组和流程优化。  相似文献   

Communication failure is a significant source of adverse events in health care and a leading root cause of sentinel events reported to the Joint Commission. The Veterans Health Administration National Center for Patient Safety established Clinical Team Training (CTT) as a comprehensive program to enhance patient safety and to improve communication and teamwork among health care professionals. CTT is based on techniques used in aviation's Crew Resource Management (CRM) training. The aviation industry has reached a significant safety record in large part related to the culture change generated by CRM and sustained by its recurrent implementation. This article focuses on the improvement of communication, teamwork, and patient safety by utilizing a standardized, CRM‐based, interprofessional, immersive training in diverse clinical areas. The Teamwork and Safety Climate Questionnaire was used to evaluate safety climate before and after CTT. The scores for all of the 27 questions on the questionnaire showed an increase from baseline to 12 months, and 11 of those increases were statistically significant. A recurrent training is recommended to maintain the positive outcomes. CTT enhances patient safety and reduces risk of patient harm by improving teamwork and facilitating clear, concise, specific and timely communication among health care professionals.  相似文献   

Objective. To identify the distinctive contributions of high-reliability theory (HRT) and normal accident theory (NAT) as frameworks for examining five patient safety practices.
Data Sources/Study Setting. We reviewed and drew examples from studies of organization theory and health services research.
Study Design. After highlighting key differences between HRT and NAT, we applied the frames to five popular safety practices: double-checking medications, crew resource management (CRM), computerized physician order entry (CPOE), incident reporting, and root cause analysis (RCA).
Principal Findings. HRT highlights how double checking, which is designed to prevent errors, can undermine mindfulness of risk. NAT emphasizes that social redundancy can diffuse and reduce responsibility for locating mistakes. CRM promotes high reliability organizations by fostering deference to expertise, rather than rank. However, HRT also suggests that effective CRM depends on fundamental changes in organizational culture. NAT directs attention to an underinvestigated feature of CPOE: it tightens the coupling of the medication ordering process, and tight coupling increases the chances of a rapid and hard-to-contain spread of infrequent, but harmful errors.
Conclusions. Each frame can make a valuable contribution to improving patient safety. By applying the HRT and NAT frames, health care researchers and administrators can identify health care settings in which new and existing patient safety interventions are likely to be effective. Furthermore, they can learn how to improve patient safety, not only from analyzing mishaps, but also by studying the organizational consequences of implementing safety measures.  相似文献   

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