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目的:对基于Newton-Cotes算法的反事实分析模型的不合理之处进行拓展和改进,以提升模型估算结果的准确性,实现更具现实依据的政策效果模拟和分析。方法:以北京大学中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据为基础,在充分比较不同概率分布函数的拟合效果后,拟合我国家庭收入和医疗支出的概率分布曲线,继而构造由90 000个异质性家庭组成的虚拟社群,根据各家庭的属性值估算出相关指标值,并举例说明了模型的应用场景。结果:拓展后的模型对收入和医疗支出期望值的估计结果以及各主要指标的变化趋势与原始模型基本一致,但对两者离散程度的估计更为精准,政策效果模拟和反事实分析结果更具准确度和严谨性。结论:拓展模型可以对原始模型起到一定的补充和借鉴作用,具备较高的应用价值和可操作性。 相似文献
全民医疗保障制度是指我国政府为保障国民基本健康权益,保障城乡全体居民能够公平获得基本卫生保健所做出的制度安排,是为了在基本卫生保健方面为国民提供筹资保护与风险分担、改善卫生筹资公平性的政策选择。依据WHO对全民覆盖医疗保障的定义,我们将全民医疗保障制度覆盖范围界定为,“是全体国民在需要保健服务时,能够以可支付的费用获得适当的健康促进、预防, 相似文献
英国全民医疗服务体系的改革及启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、英国全民医疗服务体系(National Health Service System,NHS)简介英国是最早实行全民免费医疗保障的国家,早在《贝弗里奇报告》出台之后,英国就设计了"从摇篮到坟墓"的一整套福利政策。 相似文献
以全民医疗保障系统为例,提供SHA2011卫生政策评价指标体系构建思路。首先,总结全民医疗保障体系的筹资相关政策,接着将政策目标与SHA2011指标进行一一对应,最终构建出基于SHA2011的政策分析指标体系。该指标体系将政策与具体的SHA2011指标对接,可有效评价政策施行效果,也有助于解读SHA2011指标的政策应用意义。 相似文献
美国的医疗保障制度及对我国的借鉴和启示 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
医疗保障是一个国家社会保障的重要组成部分,本文分别从医疗保障系统的组成、医疗保障的筹资和支付方式三个方面介绍了美国的医疗保障情况,提出了美国的医疗保障体系中值得我们借鉴的经验和教训,以期促进我国医疗保障体系的建设和完善。 相似文献
卫生服务系统筹资公平性在很大程度上取决于各国自费筹资的机制。本文通过哥伦比亚1985-2000年自费筹资税率累退的演变的测定,研究了哥伦比亚卫生改革对公平性影响的作用。 相似文献
2000年世界卫生报告带给我们的新启示 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
<2000年世界卫生报告>以全新的视角和观念提出了卫生系统的3个目标、4个功能、4个战略方向、5个技术评价指标,为世界各国提供了评价卫生系统绩效的新框架.作者在充分肯定世界卫生报告新思维、新框架的同时,提出个人评论意见,并对某些评价指标和评价结果提出商榷. 相似文献
东莞市全民医保的亮点、启示和建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王保真 《中国卫生政策研究》2011,4(9):53-56
分析了东莞市"用一个制度覆盖所有人群"的全民医保模式,凸显了实施参保的"三破除"原则、城乡"五统一"的经办模式、创新政府投入机制以及实现城乡居民保障水平的公平性等亮点。该市逐步缩小城乡筹资与待遇水平的差别,适度调低费率,基本医保方案既体现一致性与统一性,又承认制度形式的差异和险种多样化等,对于加快迈向全民医保的步伐有一定启示。提出了实现全民医保还需完善制度,规范管理,强化对医疗服务供方的管理,提升自身的能力建设等建议。 相似文献
少子老龄化是我国学术界和政策制定者共同关注的问题,少子老龄化带来的健康需求、疾病谱的变化以及代际失衡问题,对医疗保险筹资和服务提供模式提出了新的要求和挑战。20世纪90年代以来,日本面临少子老龄化和经济低迷的双重挑战,一直在进行卫生服务提供和社会保障制度改革,本文将系统梳理日本医疗保障应对老龄化的改革历程,根据世界卫生组织的卫生系统框架和协同理论,从政府治理、多层次保障、筹资与支付、基金预算与卫生资源、整合型服务等方面总结日本医疗保障和卫生体系的变革给我国带来的启示,为我国完善卫生服务和医疗保障体系,走向健康老龄化提供参考。 相似文献
世界各国的医疗保障制度都和本国的政治、经济、文化有密切的关系。根据其覆盖情况、政府责任、制度功能等,可以归纳为五种制度模式:社会医疗救助制度模式、国家卫生服务保障制度模式、社会医疗保险制度模式、市场医疗保险制度模式、个人储蓄医疗保障制度模式。日本的法定医疗保险属于社会医疗保险制度模式。 相似文献
China is now in the course of implementing a new round of health system reforms. Universal health insurance coverage through the basic social medical insurance system is high on the reform agenda. This paper examines the performance of China's current social medical insurance system in terms of revenue collection, risk pooling, the benefit package, and provider payment mechanisms based on a literature review and publicly available data. On the basis of critical assessment, the paper attempts to address the issues challenging China as it moves towards universal coverage. Focusing in particular on the reform experience in Thailand as it implemented universal coverage, the following policy implications for further reform in China are articulated, taking into account China's particular circumstances: firstly, the gaps in the benefit package across different schemes should be further reduced; secondly, the prevailing fee-for-service payment system needs to be transformed; thirdly, the primary health care delivery and referral system needs to be strengthened in coordination with the reform of the health insurance system; and fourthly, raising the risk pooling level and integrating fragmented insurance schemes should be long-run objectives of reform. 相似文献
关于改善我国卫生服务公平性的思考 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
卫生服务公平性问题是我国深化卫生改革中关注的焦点问题之一.该文从卫生服务公平性的概念及衡量出发,探讨目前我国卫生服务公平性低下的现状及其主要原因,并提出了相应的对策与建议. 相似文献
South Korea introduced mandatory social health insurance forindustrial workers in large corporations in 1977, and extendedit incrementally to the self-employed until it covered the entirepopulation in 1989. Thirty years of national health insurancein Korea can provide valuable lessons on key issues in healthcare financing policy which now face many low- and middle-incomecountries aiming to achieve universal health care coverage,such as: tax versus social health insurance; population andbenefit coverage; single scheme versus multiple schemes; purchasingand provider payment method; and the role of politics and politicalcommitment. National health insurance in Korea has been successfulin mobilizing resources for health care, rapidly extending populationcoverage, effectively pooling public and private resources topurchase health care for the entire population, and containinghealth care expenditure. However, there are also challengesposed by the dominance of private providers paid by fee-for-service,the rapid aging of the population, and the public-private mixrelated to private health insurance. 相似文献
Equity in the financing of social security for health in Chile 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bitran R Mu?oz J Aguad P Navarrete M Ubilla G 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2000,50(3):382-196
Real public health spending has more than doubled since 1990, raising concerns about the targeting of public subsidies. This study examined the degree of equity in the financing of FONASA, the public insurer, which in 1995 covered 8.6 million beneficiaries, or 62% of the country's population. Study results, covering calendar year 1995, indicated that (1) government health subsidies were well-targeted, with about 90% reaching the indigent and 8% going to other, low-income beneficiaries; (2) only 2.5% of government subsidies leaked to higher-income, non-beneficiaries of FONASA (people covered by private insurers known as ISAPRES, otherwise covered, or without any coverage); (3) overall, FONASA's contributing beneficiaries (i.e. the indigent aside) self-financed their health benefits, although higher-income beneficiaries were providing significant cross-subsidies to low-income ones, making the internal financing of FONASA somewhat progressive; (4) the indigent received the highest amount of annual net benefits per capita, followed by low-income beneficiaries; and (5) the evasion of FONASA's payroll tax was pervasive, although public providers delivered care on an equal basis irrespective of the patients' contributions to FONASA. FONASA's finances would improve significantly if affiliation to health social security by both dependent and independent workers was made compulsory. 相似文献
卫生筹资公平性研究方法综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:对近年来卫生筹资公平性研究方法的进展进行总结分析。方法:利用文献检索收集国内外有关文献,并进行比较总结。从计算方法、适用范围、所需数据、结果价值、测算维度等方面对目前国内外常用的7种筹资公平性研究方法进行归纳。结果和结论:2000年世界卫生组织(WHO)推出的家庭卫生筹资贡献率(HFC)和筹资公平指数(FFC)计算方法需经调整,方能适用于中国;国内再分配效应(RE)的应用有一定困难,但kakwani指数被广泛采用;灾难性卫生支出家庭分析能部分反映就医风险保护,在我国极为重要,但不能用以反映卫生系统的筹资公平性。 相似文献
After almost a century of the evolution of welfare capitalism in the liberal-democratic countries, and the spread of government intervention in the financing and provision of health services, the debate is now whether or not government can, or should, be as all-encompassing as it has clearly become. What is emerging with greater force is a pattern of private insurance and private provision, though its future is not easy to predict. What is clear, however, is that a modified version of a politically acceptable concept of equity will have to be formulated. 相似文献
目的:了解海南省市县际间基本医疗卫生服务均等化现状,为促进全省基本医疗卫生服务均等化建设提供参考。方法:利用海南省、我国及经合组织国家等卫生统计数据,对海南省市县际间基本医疗卫生服务均等化指标进行分析。结果:资源分布均等化方面,机构地理可及性相差较大,医护比为1∶1.2,资源分布的基尼系数大于0.3;筹资均等化方面,人均医疗保健支出低于全国,人均政府卫生支出额高的市县主要集中在各区域的中心,多数市县新农合住院实际补偿比在50%左右;服务提供均等化方面,多数市县床位使用率低于90%,药费占比在30%~40%,地区之间孕产妇及儿童健康管理差距较小,但管理率普遍低于全国。结论:基本医疗卫生服务资源分布与政治、经济等条件有关,筹资机制不健全、基本医疗和公共卫生服务提供能力低影响了基本医疗卫生服务的质量。建议合理布局基本医疗卫生服务资源,加大卫生筹资力度,提高基本医疗卫生服务提供能力。 相似文献
Against the backdrop of rapid ageing populations, there is an increasing recognition of the need to integrate various health services for the elderly, not only to provide more coordinated care, but also to contain the rapid cost inflation driven primarily by the curative sector. Funded by the Asia-Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, this scoping review seeks to synthesize the received knowledge on care integration for the elderly in four Asian societies representing varying socioeconomic and health-system characteristics: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The search for English-language literature published between 2009 and 2019 yielded 67 publications in the final sample. The review finds that both research and practice regarding health service integration are at a preliminary stage of development. It notes a marked trend in seeking to integrate long-term elderly care with curative and preventive care, especially in community settings. Many distinctive models proliferated. Integration is demonstrated not only horizontally but also vertically, transcending public-private boundaries. The central role of primary care is highly prominent in almost all the integration models. However, these models are associated with a variety of drawbacks in relation to capacity, perception, and operation that necessitate further scholarly and policy scrutiny, indicating the robustness and persistence of siloed healthcare practices. 相似文献
文章从时间维度和国际经验两个视角,对健康保险的定义和实践进行回顾分析,指出我国健康保险制度存在相关概念混淆、理论基础不扎实的问题,并深入探讨了理想状态下的健康保险核心功能与基础理论。研究认为,我国的全民健保路径应以尊重和维护公民健康权利为基础,遵循公平、效率、可持续发展原则,充分利用保险原理和风险管理技术,延伸和扩充狭义健康保险内涵,走一条渐进提升的改革路径。 相似文献