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Testing for subtelomere abnormalities in patients with idiopathic mental retardation has become a useful diagnostic tool. However, limited data exist regarding genotype/phenotype correlations for specific subtelomere imbalances. We have ascertained five patients with 6q subtelomere deletions either as a result of an isolated deletion or as a result of an unbalanced translocation, and developed a molecular ruler assay utilizing BAC or PAC clones and determined the size of the deleted regions to range from <0.5 to 8 Mb. To establish genotype/phenotype correlations for distal 6q, we compared the clinical features of these patients to previously reported cases of 6q subtelomere and cytogenetically visible deletions and found that they shared multiple abnormalities, suggesting that the causative genes may lie in the region of the smallest 6q subtelomeric deletion, approximately 400 kb from the telomere. However, multiple unique features were present only in patients with cytogenetically visible 6q deletions, indicative that genes involved in the development of these features may lie more proximally on 6q. These initial studies demonstrate the ability to develop genotype/phenotype correlations for subtelomere rearrangements, which will aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of these patients and may help narrow the search for relevant developmental genes.  相似文献   

Genotype/phenotype correlations in X-linked agammaglobulinemia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
No clear genotype/phenotype correlations have been established in patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). To determine if the specific mutation in Btk might be one of the factors that influences the severity of disease or if polymorphic variants in Tec, a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that might substitute for Btk, could contribute to the clinical phenotype, we examined the age at diagnosis, the percentage of peripheral blood B cells and the plasma IgM in a large group of patients with XLA. The results demonstrated that polymorphic variants in Tec were not correlated with phenotypic markers; however, the specific mutation in Btk did influence disease severity. Mutations that conceivably allow the production of some Btk, amino acid substitutions or splice defects that occur at conserved but not invariant sites in the splice consensus sequence were associated with older age at diagnosis, a higher percentage of B cells in the peripheral circulation and higher concentrations of plasma IgM.  相似文献   

Patients with an interstitial 13q deletion that contains the RB1 gene show retinoblastoma and variable clinical features. Relationship between phenotypic expression and loss of specific neighboring genes are unresolved, yet. We obtained clinical, cytogenetic and molecular data in 63 patients with an interstitial 13q deletion involving RB1. Whole-genome array analysis or customized high-resolution array analysis for 13q14.11q14.3 was performed in 38 patients, and cytogenetic analysis was performed in 54 patients. Deletion sizes ranged between 4.2 kb and more than 33.43 Mb; breakpoints were non-recurrent. Sequence analysis of deletion junctions in five patients revealed microhomology and insertion of 2–34 base pairs suggestive of non-homologous end joining. Milder phenotypic expression of retinoblastoma was observed in patients with deletions larger than 1 Mb, which contained the MED4 gene. Clinical features were compared between patients with small (within 13q14), medium (within 13q12.3q21.2) and large (within 13q12q31.2) deletions. Patients with a small deletion can show macrocephaly, tall stature, obesity, motor and/or speech delay. Patients with a medium deletion show characteristic facial features, mild to moderate psychomotor delay, short stature and microcephaly. Patients with a large deletion have characteristic craniofacial dysmorphism, short stature, microcephaly, mild to severe psychomotor delay, hypotonia, constipation and feeding problems. Additional features included deafness, seizures and brain and heart anomalies. We found no correlation between clinical features and parental origin of the deletion. Our data suggest that hemizygous loss of NUFIP1 and PCDH8 may contribute to psychomotor delay, deletion of MTLR1 to microcephaly and loss of EDNRB to feeding difficulties and deafness.  相似文献   

We examined 136 patients with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion. Clinical diagnoses included chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (94 patients); Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS; 33 patients); Pearson's marrow-pancreas syndrome (six patients); and Leigh syndrome, Reye-like syndrome, and mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (one patient). The length and location of deletion were highly variable. Only one patient had deletion within the so-called shorter arc between the two origins of mtDNA replication. The length of deletion and the number of deleted transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNAs) showed a significant relationship with age at onset. Furthermore, KSS patients had longer and larger numbers of deleted tRNAs, which could be risk factors for the systemic involvement of single mtDNA deletion diseases. We found 81 patterns of deletion. Direct repeats of 4 bp or longer flanking the breakpoints were found in 96 patients (70.5%) and those of 10 bp or longer in 49 patients (36.0%). We found two other common deletions besides the most common deletion (34 patients: 25.0%): the 2,310-bp deletion from nt 12113 to nt 14421 (11 patients: 8.0%) and the 7,664-bp deletion from nt 6330 to nt 13993 (ten patients: 7.3%). These deletions had incomplete direct repeats longer than 13 bp with one base mismatch.  相似文献   

We report on two adolescents with 22q11 deletion. Their main clinical manifestation was chronic symptomatic hypocalcemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism, together with seizures and cerebral calcifications. Neither congenital cardiac abnormality nor T cell deficiency were detected. The pheno-typic manifestations of the observed patients were consistent with velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS). A microdeletion of chromosome region 22q11 has been demonstrated in approximately 90% of DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) patients and in 75% of VCFS patients; the association of the deletion with a wide spectrum of clinical findings suggests the existence of a contiguous gene syndrome. The presence of certain traits of DGS/VCFS should lead to investigations of the parathyroid function and molecular analysis of the 22q11 region hybridization studies. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Few reports of small interstitial chromosome 11q deletions are reported in the literature and no clear genotype–phenotype correlation has been demonstrated.We describe a five years old boy who was referred to our attention because of the presence of ptosis of the left eyelid, iris coloboma and developmental delay.Clinical examination also revealed the presence of dysmorphic features including: low frontal hairline, flat profile, round face, full cheeks, periorbital fullness, hypertelorism, broad nasal bridge, down-turned corners of the mouth.Cytogenetic analysis, performed by array-CGH (resolution 1 Mb), revealed a deletion of chromosome 11q13.5q14.2.The present case represents a further patient described in the literature with a small interstitial deletion of chromosome 11q. Our patient shares the dysmorphic features and the presence of developmental delay with the previously reported patients with overlapping proximal 11q deletion.Considering these clinical and cytogenetic similarities, we suggest the existence of an emerging syndrome associated to proximal 11q deletions.  相似文献   

Reports on patients with pure and complete trisomy 12p are rare. Up to now, 12 cases have been described in the literature. Here, we report on the genotype/phenotype-correlation of a female patient with a pure trisomy 12p. Conventional cytogenetic studies on peripheral blood chromosomes as well as molecular cytogenetic (fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH) techniques including whole chromosome painting (WCP), comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), multicolor-banding (MCB) detected a female karyotype with an abberant chromosome 12:46,XX,der(12).ish dup(12)(pter --> q24.3::p11.2 --> pter). In addition to the trisomy 12p specific clinical hallmarks, the patient showed some features of Pallister-Killian syndrome (PKS) such as sparse hair, macroglossia, and epilepsy. These findings contribute to the genotype/phenotype correlation in trisomy 12p patients.  相似文献   

The genomic architecture of the 10q22q23 region is characterised by two low-copy repeats (LCRs3 and 4), and deletions in this region appear to be rare. We report the clinical and molecular characterisation of eight novel deletions and six duplications within the 10q22.3q23.3 region. Five deletions and three duplications occur between LCRs3 and 4, whereas three deletions and three duplications have unique breakpoints. Most of the individuals with the LCR3-4 deletion had developmental delay, mainly affecting speech. In addition, macrocephaly, mild facial dysmorphisms, cerebellar anomalies, cardiac defects and congenital breast aplasia were observed. For congenital breast aplasia, the NRG3 gene, known to be involved in early mammary gland development in mice, is a putative candidate gene. For cardiac defects, BMPR1A and GRID1 are putative candidate genes because of their association with cardiac structure and function. Duplications between LCRs3 and 4 are associated with variable phenotypic penetrance. Probands had speech and/or motor delays and dysmorphisms including a broad forehead, deep-set eyes, upslanting palpebral fissures, a smooth philtrum and a thin upper lip. In conclusion, duplications between LCRs3 and 4 on 10q22.3q23.2 may lead to a distinct facial appearance and delays in speech and motor development. However, the phenotypic spectrum is broad, and duplications have also been found in healthy family members of a proband. Reciprocal deletions lead to speech and language delay, mild facial dysmorphisms and, in some individuals, to cerebellar, breast developmental and cardiac defects.  相似文献   

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a multisystemic neurocutaneous disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance. We performed mutation analyses on 123 Chinese patients with “definite TSC” according to the latest diagnostic criteria. Pathogenic / likely-pathogenic variants were identified in 72.2% of all index patients (70/97), in which 35.7% (25/70) had TSC1 variants and 64.3% (45/70) had TSC2 variants. 84.5% (82/97) cases were sporadic and 15.5% (15/97) cases were familial. 62 unique variants were reported, in which 41.9% (26/62) were novel. Male patients had significantly more subependymal nodules (p=0.029) than females, whereas renal angiomyolipoma (p=0.032) occurred predominantly in females. Sporadic cases also had more renal angiomyolipoma (p=0.004), cortical tubers (p=0.008), hypopigmented macules (p=0.018) and fibrous cephalic plaques (p=0.028) than cases with known inheritance. Patients with TSC2 pathogenic variants were more likely to have mental retardation (p<0.001), cardiac rhabdomyoma (p=0.004), renal angiomyolipoma (p=0.006) and facial angiofibromas (p=0.026) than those with TSC1 pathogenic variants, while mutation-negative cases showed a mixed phenotype between those with TSC1 and TSC2 variants. There were no significant phenotypic differences between patients with and without TSC1/TSC2 variants, but TSC2 missense and in-frame variants were associated with higher frequencies of mental retardation (P<0.001), renal angiomyolipoma (p=0.001), cardiac rhabdomyoma (p=0.012) and facial angiofibroma (p=0.021) than those with TSC1 frameshift and splice site variants. Furthermore, a higher frequency of mental retardation (p=0.013) was observed in patients with TSC2 missense and in-frame variants than those with frameshift and splice site variants. All 14 antenatal-onset patients had cardiac rhabdomyoma. They had fewer seizures (p=0.028) than patients with paediatric-onset, but were more likely to have mental retardation (p=0.035) than individuals with adult-onset disease. Generally, paediatric-onset patients had more neurological manifestations, while initial presentations of adult-onset TSC were more diverse.  相似文献   

Waardenburg syndrome (WS), the most common form of Inheritedcongenltal deafness, is a pleiotropic, autosomal dominant conditionwith variable penetrance and expresslvity. WS is clinicallyand genetically heterogeneous. The basis for the phenotypicvariability observed among and between WS families is unknown.However, mutations within the paired-box gene, PAX3, have beenassociated with a subset of WS patients. In this report we usecytogenetic and molecular genetic techniques to study a patientwith WS type 3, a form of WS consisting of typical WS type 1features plus mental retardation, microcephaly, and severe skeletalanomalies. Our results show that the WS3 patient has a de novopaternally derived deletion, del (2)(q35q36), that spans thegenetic loci PAX3 and COL4A3. A molecular analysis of a chromosome2 deletional mapping panel maps the PAX3 locus to 2q35 and suggeststhe locus order: centromere-(INHA, DES)-PAX3-COL4A3-(ALPI, CHRND)-telomere.Our analyses also show that a patient with a cleft palate andlip pits, but lacking diagnostic WS features, has a deletion,del (2)(q33q35), Involving the PAX3 locus. This result suggeststhat not all PAX3 mutations are associated with a WS phenotypeand that additional regional loci may modify or regulate thePAX3 locus and/or the development of a WS phenotype.  相似文献   

Detailed molecular-cytogenetic studies combined with thorough clinical characterization are needed to establish genotype-phenotype correlations for specific chromosome deletion syndromes. Although many patients with subtelomeric deletions have been reported, the phenotype maps for many of the corresponding syndromes, including the terminal deletion 14q syndrome, are only slowly emerging. Here, we report on five patients with terminal partial monosomy of 14q32.3 and characteristic features of terminal deletion 14q syndrome. Four of the patients carry de novo terminal deletions of 14q, three of which have not yet been reported. One patient carries an unbalanced translocation der(14)t(9;14)(q34.3;q32.3). Minimum deletion sizes as determined by molecular karyotyping and FISH are 5.82, 5.56, 4.17, 3.54, and 3.29?Mb, respectively. Based on our findings and a comprehensive review of the literature, we refine the phenotype map for typical clinical findings of the terminal deletion 14q syndrome (i.e., intellectual disability/developmental delay, muscular hypotonia, postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, congenital heart defects, genitourinary malformations, ocular coloboma, and several dysmorphic signs). Combining this phenotype map with benign copy-number variation data available from the Database of Genomic Variants, we propose a small region critical for certain features of the terminal deletion 14q syndrome which contains only seven RefSeq genes.  相似文献   

Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and autosomal dominant multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) are chondrodysplasias resulting in short-limbed dwarfism, joint pain and stiffness and early onset osteoarthritis. All PSACH, and the largest proportion of MED, result from mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP). The first mutations in COMP were identified in 1995 in patients with both PSACH and MED and subsequently there has been over 30 publications describing COMP mutations in at least 250 PSACH–MED patients. However, despite these discoveries, a methodical analysis of the relationship between COMP mutations and phenotypes has not been undertaken. In particular, there has, to date, been little correlation between the type and location of a COMP mutation and the resulting phenotype of PSACH or MED. To determine if genotype to phenotype correlations could be derived for COMP, we collated 300 COMP mutations, including 25 recently identified novel mutations. The results of this analysis demonstrate that mutations in specific residues and/or regions of the type III repeats of COMP are significantly associated with either PSACH or MED. This newly derived genotype to phenotype correlation may aid in determining the prognosis of PSACH and MED, including the prediction of disease severity, and in the long term guide genetic counselling and contribute to the clinical management of patients with these diseases.  相似文献   

Hearing impairment is an extremely heterogeneous disorder, with both environmental as well as genetic causes. This review describes the known genes involved in non‐syndromic hearing impairment and their genotype–phenotype correlations where possible. Furthermore, some of the more frequent syndromic forms of hearing impairment are described, in particular where they overlap with the non‐syndromic forms. Given the heterogeneity of the disorder, together with the indistinguishable phenotypes for many of the genes, it is suggested that testing for mutations is performed using massive parallel sequencing techniques, either by a large targeted set of genes or by an exome wide analysis.  相似文献   

Among previously reported cases of 14q terminal deletions, only 11 have dealt with pure terminal deletion of 14q (14q3-14qter) and the break points were mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) or genotyping in only four of them. Thanks to a collaborative study on behalf of the 'Association des Cytogeneticiens de langue Fran?aise'(ACLF), we report two patients with terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14, del(14)(q32.2) and del(14)(q32.32), diagnosed by subtelomere screening. In the two cases, a thick nuchal skinfold was detected by early ultrasound with normal prenatal karyotype. Their postnatal phenotype included large forehead, narrow palpebral fissures, epicanthic folds, upturned tip of the nose, narrow mouth and thin upper lip, microretrognathia, prominent earlobes, hypotonia, delayed psychomotor development and hypoplastic corpus callosum. By physical mapping using FISH, the size of the deletions was measured for patients 1 and 2: 6.55+/-1.05 and 4.67+/-0.10 Mb, respectively. The paternal origin of the deleted chromosome 14 was established by genotyping of microsatellites for patient 1 and the phenotype of terminal del(14)(q32) was compared to maternal uniparental disomy 14.  相似文献   

High‐resolution microarray technology has facilitated the detection of submicroscopic chromosome aberrations and characterization of new microdeletion syndromes. We present clinical and molecular data of five patients with previously undescribed overlapping interstitial deletions involving 8q22.2q22.3. All deletions differ in size and breakpoints. Patients 1–4 carry deletions between 5.25 and 6.44 Mb in size, resulting in a minimal deletion overlap of 3.87 Mb (from 100.69 to 104.56 Mb; hg18) comprising at least 25 genes. These patients share similar facial dysmorphisms with blepharophimosis, telecanthus, epicanthus, flat malar region, thin upper lip vermillion, down‐turned corners of the mouth, and a poor facial movement/little facial expression. They have a moderate to severe developmental delay (4/4), absent speech (3/4), microcephaly (3/4), a history of seizures (3/4), postnatal short stature (2/4), and a diaphragmatic or hiatal hernia (2/4). Patient 5 was diagnosed with a smaller deletion of about 1.92 Mb (containing nine genes) localized within the deletion overlap of the other four patients. Patient 5 shows a different facial phenotype and a less severe mental retardation. In Patients 1–4, COH1 is involved in the deletion (in total or in part), but none of them showed clinical features of Cohen syndrome. In two patients (Patients 2 and 4), ZFPM2 (also called FOG2, a candidate gene for congenital diaphragmatic hernias) was partly deleted. We suggest that patients with a microdeletion of 8q22.2q22.3 may represent a clinically recognizable condition characterized particularly by the facial phenotype and developmental delay. More patients have to be evaluated to establish a phenotype–genotype correlation. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two unrelated children with a similar syndrome were found to have mosaicism for a cell line containing one chromosome 12 with an additional faintly G-banding staining region that apparently represents a duplication of the distal portion of the long arm. The homolog and the other chromosomes are normal, as are the parental chromosomes. The remarkable phenotypic similarity of the 2 patients and their resemblance to 2 previously reported patients with duplication of the same chromosome region suggests that duplication 12q24 results in a clinically identifiable malformation syndrome.  相似文献   

Recent publications described two patients with a CFC-like phenotype and the same deletion of chromosome region 12q21.2q22 [Rauen et al., 2000, 2002]. The patients did not have the classical CFC phenotype and presented other signs not usually seen in CFC patients: the first patient had hydrocephalus, and the second, a history of olygohydramnios, normal stature, pyloric stenosis, cutaneous syndactyly of toes and bilateral transverse palmar creases. In order to verify if classic CFC patients with normal chromosomes in conventional preparations have microdeletions within the 12q21.2q22 chromosome region, we performed FISH analysis using 12 BAC probes to screen this area. The average interval between the probes was of approximately 1 Mb. No deletions were found in any of the 17 classical CFC patients we examined. We conclude that the region 12q21.2q22 is not a candidate region for CFC syndrome and that the patients described by Rauen et al. [2000, 2002] probably have a different condition, i.e., an aneuploidy syndrome, with some phenotypic resemblance to the CFC syndrome. To further evaluate the possibility of other chromosome imbalances, we performed a subtelomeric analysis, by FISH technique, of all chromosomes, and did not find any subtelomeric rearrangements.  相似文献   

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