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We investigated entrainment in a pacemaker model of reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT) created in the intact dog heart using a VAT pacemaker with both electrodes on the ventricular epicardium. This produced an incessant wide QRS tachycardia originating from the pacing site with a cycle length equal to the conduction time between the sensing and pacing site plus the pacemaker AV delay. The conduction time between entrainment sites and the critical elements of the reentrant pathway (sensing and pacing sites) was determined by pacing at a comparable cycle length during sinus rhythm. Entrainment was achieved in 12 tachycardias with pacing at 1-4 sites at cycle lengths 10-100 msec shorter than tachycardia and confirmed by constant QRS fusion, progressive QRS fusion, and coupling of the first nonpaced QRS or intracardiac electrogram at the entraining cycle length. By least squares regression, the timing of entrainment onset (first reset of pacing or sensing site electrogram) measured by the prematurity of the local electrogram at the entraining site was highly correlated to the shortest conduction time between the entraining site and the circuit (F value of 84.7 and R = 0.752 [P less than 0.001]). Therefore, the timing of entrainment onset maybe useful in predicting the conduction time from the entraining site to critical elements of a reentrant circuit and may assist in localization of the reentrant pathway.  相似文献   

Monomorphic ventricular tachycardias associated with regions of scar are most commonly due to reentry. Catheter based techniques have recently been described for mapping of reentry circuits. Fluoroscopic methods have obvious limitations when attempting to map large ventricular reentry circuit and localize target-sites of radiofrequency ablation. Three-dimensional right ventricular endocardial mapping was performed in a 38-year-old patient with ventricular tachycardia 28 years after surgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot by using the CARTO electroanatomical system. The map of electrogram voltage showed low amplitude electrograms over the anterior wall of the right ventricle extending into the right ventricular outflow tract, consistent with the location of the ventriculotomy scar. Recording of local activation time was combined with entrainment mapping to define the macroreentrant circuit during ventricular tachycardia. Since the activation propagated through a broad path around the right ventriculotomy scar, ablation was performed by creating a line of block, which was facilitated by tagging of the lesion sites on the endocardial activation map. Large ventricular reentry circuits can be identified and interrupted by creation of a line of block to interrupt a broad path. A practical approach to mapping combining analysis of electrogram voltage, activation sequence, and entrainment is presented.  相似文献   

A Marker for Ablation Site by Transient Entrainment. During VT of QRS morphology with right bundle branch block and left axis deviation in a patient without obvious structural heart disease, entrainment by pacing from the right ventricular outflow tract and high right atrium was demonstrated. During entrainment of VT, a Purkinje potential preceding the QRS and recorded at the left ventricular midseptum was activated by orthodromic impulses in the reentry circuit. The interval between the Purkinje potential and the earliest left ventricular activation was decrementally prolonged with shortening of pacing cycle length. Radiofrequency energy was applied to this site, resulting in successful elimination of VT. Therefore, the Purkinje potential represented activation by an orthodromic wavefront in the reentry circuit, while the orthodromically distal site to this potential showed an area of slow conduction with decremental property.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify target sites for radiofrequency ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) by entrainment mapping techniques in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Methods: Entrainment mapping and radiofrequency ablation of eight VTs was performed in seven patients. Radiofrequency ablation was applied at 31 reentry circuits sites that were classified based on findings during entrainment. Results: By entrainment criteria the 31 sites were classified as: exit sites (n = 12), proximal sites (n = 6), and outer loop sites (n = 13). Radiofrequency current application terminated VT at 7 of 31 sites: 2 of 12 exit sites (17%), 4 of 6 proximal sites (67%), and 1 of 13 outer loop sites (8%). Conclusion: Radiofrequency ablation terminated VTs most often at sites proximal to the exit as opposed to outer loop sites and exit sites (P = 0.05). The critical isthmus for ablation of VT in right ventricular dysplasia often may be distant to the exit.  相似文献   

Ventricular arrhythmias are common in the setting of nonischemic cardiomyopathy. The etiology for the cardiomyopathy is frequently not identified and the label of "idiopathic" is applied. Interstitial fibrosis with conduction system involvement and associated left bundle branch block characterizes the disease process in some patients and the mechanism for monomorphic ventricular tachycardia is commonly bundle branch reentry. However, most patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy have VT due to myocardial reentry and demonstrate marked myocardial fibrosis and electrogram abnormalities. Although patient specific, the overall distribution of electroanatomic abnormalities appears to be equal on the endocardium and epicardium. The extent of electrogram abnormalities appears to parallel arrhythmia presentation and/or inducibility. Patients with sustained uniform morphology VT have the most extensive endocardial and epicardial electrogram abnormalities. Magnetic electroanatomic voltage mapping provides a powerful tool to characterize the location and extent of the arrhythmia substrate. Basal left ventricular myocardial involvement, as indexed by the location of contiguous electrogram abnormalities, is common in patients with sustained VT and left ventricular cardiomyopathy. The relatively equal distribution of electrogram abnormalities on the endocardium and epicardium, and the results of mapping and ablation attempts, suggest that critical parts of the reentrant circuit may be epicardial. Unique features of the electroanatomic substrate associated with cardiomyopathy due to Chagas' disease, sarcoidosis, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia are also discussed.  相似文献   

SHIMIZU, A., et al. : Double Ventricular Response by a Single Ventricular Extrastimulus to the Inner Loop of Reentry in a Patient Without Apparent Heart Disease. In a patient without apparent heart disease, a ventricular extrastimulus delivered from the left ventricular apex where the electrogram was recorded 30 ms after the onset of the QRS complex during VT advanced the second QRS complex, but not the first QRS complex. The morphology of the second QRS complex was the same as that of VT. The postpacing interval was the same as the cycle length of the VT. These findings indicated that the site of stimulation was at the inner loop of the reentry circuit of the VT. A ventricular extrastimulus with a shorter coupling interval advanced the first and second QRS complexes, indicating that the ventricle was activated by antidromic and orthodromic activation from the extrastimulus. Radiofrequency ablation at that site of stimulation terminated the VT and no further VT could be induced.  相似文献   

During VT in two cases with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, entrainment criteria, constant fusion beats except for the last entrainment beat, progressive fusion, and a localized conduction block associated with interruption of VT, were demon strated with rapid ventricular pacing performed during VT. Furthermore, a long conduction interval was present during entrainment from the pacing site to the earliest activation site during VT. indicating the presence of a slow conduction area. VT in these cases was, thus, due to reentry with an area of slow conduction within the circuit.  相似文献   

Although the mechanism of verapamil-sensitive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT) is usually reentry, the actual reentrant circuit is not clearly understood. This study examined the relationship between the Purkinje potential (PP) and a dull potential preceding PP (pre-PP) during ILVT to elucidate the roles of these potentials in the reentrant circuit of ILVT. Electrophysiological studies and radiofrequency catheter ablation were performed in ten patients (7 men, 3 women, mean age 29 years) who had an ILVT with a right bundle branch block configuration and left-axis deviation. Left ventricular endocardial mapping using an octapolar catheter and entrainment and resetting studies during VT was performed by pacing from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and each site of the left ventricular mapping catheter. PP and pre-PP were recorded simultaneously during VT in all patients. The earliest PP during VT was recorded at the inferoposterior septum, and PP was activated bidirectionally toward the proximal (basal) and distal (apical) sites along the left posterior fascicle. In contrast, pre-PP was recorded at sites slightly proximal to the earliest PP recording site, and was activated toward the earliest PP site. Pacing from RVOT confirmed manifest entrainment, and the stimulus to pre-PP interval was prolonged with a shorter pacing cycle length. Concealed entrainment was demonstrated by capture of the PPs of the left ventricular mapping catheter in six patients, and the postpacing interval at each PP site was equal to the tachycardia cycle length. The pre-PP was orthodromically activated from the proximal to the distal site during pacing. More rapid pacing also produced delay in activation from PP to pre-PP, indicating slow conduction in ILVT. Catheter ablation was performed at the pre-PP recording site during VT, and was successful in all patients. The reentrant circuit of ILVT could be constructed based on the pre-PP, PP, and slow conduction between the PP and pre-PP. Catheter ablation of ILVT was successful at the pre-PP recording site.  相似文献   

In cases of recurrent sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT), constant fusion and progressive fusion in fhe surface electrogram were observed during overdrive pacing of VT. However, following cessation of pacing, the return cycle of VT (stimulus to the first nonpaced QRS) was longer than the VT cycle length. This phenomenon can be explained by orthodromic capture of the exit site of the VT current with a conduction time (stimulus to QRS) exceeding the VT cyde length. This site can therefore be activated during entrainment of VT during the mid-to-terminal portion of the paced QRS complex, resulting in constant fusion.  相似文献   

A 62‐year‐old man with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) exhibiting left bundle branch block and left inferior axis QRS morphology with a Qr in lead III underwent electrophysiological testing. Successful ablation was achieved in the left ventricle (LV) at a site with an excellent pace map, adjacent to the His bundle electrogram recording site. At that site, the sequence of the ventricular electrogram and late potential recorded during sinus rhythm reversed during spontaneous premature ventricular contractions with the same QRS morphology as the VT. This case shows that VT can arise from the LV ostium adjacent to the membranous septum. (PACE 2010; 33:e114–e118)  相似文献   

We performed electrophysiological studies in 13 patients with idiopathic VT and attempted radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation in 4 of them.Results: VT was induced by programmed stimulation in all patients and the mean cycle length was 363 ± 58 msec. In 8 of 13 patients (62%), alternation of either the cycle length and/or morphology of VT was observed. Transient entrainment was achieved in all patients by rapid pacing from the right ventricular outflow tract so reentry was considered the underlying mechanism of VT. The site of earliest activation (EAS) during VT was located at the apicoposterior portion of the left ventricular septum and used as the target site for RF catheter ablation. Spikelike presystolic activity was detected 20–40 msec prior to the large deflection of the local electrogram in four patients. VT was terminated by a few seconds of RF current in all four patients, but subsequently new VTs with a slightly different morphology were induced in three of them and re-mapping showed a shift of the EAS. After additional RF ablation at the new EAS, VT was no longer induced. No complication was noted and VT did not recur during a follow-up period for a mean of 9.3 ± 5.2 months.Conclusion: RF catheter ablation seems useful and safe for idiopathic VT. The alternation of QRS morphology and the findings at the time of catheter ablation suggest that an alternative pathway or multiple exits may be present in some patients with idiopathic VT, because the change in VT morphology was associated with a shift of the EAS.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ventricular tachycardia (VT) in postoperative tetralogy of Fallot has been ascribed to both reentry and triggered automaticity. We performed electrophysiologic studies on a patient with this condition and induced sustained uniform ventricular tachycardia by programmed extrastimulation. Pacing during the tachycardia at multiple cycle lengths from the right ventricular apex (RVA) and outflow tract (RVOT) produced constant but progressive fusion between the paced and tachycardia QRS. With termination of pacing, the last captured complex was unfused but coupled at the paced cycle length and then the tachycardia resumed at its intrinsic rate. Therefore, the VT was entrained. In addition, an area of slow conduction between the RVOT and RVA was demonstrated. These findings support a reentrant mechanism of this arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Background: Template matching, a technique that examines the similarity between two QRS complexes, has not been broadly applied clinically.
Methods: The 16 patients enrolled in this study underwent radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) at the site of five ventricular tachycardias (VT) and of premature ventricular contractions (PVC) arising from 25 sites in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), under the guidance of conventional pace and activation mapping. After RFCA, (a) a template-matching score using a correlation coefficient, and (b) a pace-map score were calculated at 30 successful and 48 unsuccessful ablation sites.
Results: The template-matching score at successful ablation sites (94 ± 4%) was significantly higher than at unsuccessful (85 ± 9%) ablation sites (P < 0.001). A ≥ 90% average matching score identified successful ablation sites with a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 69%. While there was a significant correlation between the template-matching score and visually judged pace-map score (r = 0.63, P < 0.0001), the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the template matching score was larger than that of the pace-map score (0.80 vs. 0.67).
Conclusions: Automated template matching was useful for localizing the optimal ablation site during RFCA of RVOT-VT/PVC.  相似文献   

A 62‐year‐old man with severe coronary artery disease and a left ventricular aneurysm underwent catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) with right bundle branch block QRS morphology. Endocardial bipolar voltage mapping with standard threshold settings demonstrated no low‐voltage areas within the aneurysm. Catheter ablation of the epicardial surface of the aneurysm eliminated the VT. Endocardial bipolar voltage mapping with any other settings could not predict the site of the epicardial arrhythmogenic substrate whereas endocardial unipolar voltage mapping could. Endocardial unipolar voltage mapping may be helpful for predicting epicardial arrhythmogenic substrates. (PACE 2012; 35:e13–e16)  相似文献   

In 23 consecutive patients, radiofrequency (RF) ablation was used as treatment for idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) originating from the outflow tract of the right ventricle. In this study, we focused on the repetitive ventricular response (> 5 consecutive QRS beats during RF application). The incidence and clinical implications of the repetitive ventricular response were examined through the results of endocardial mapping and RF ablation. VT origin was mapped as the earliest activation site during VT, and it was determined within 0.5 × 0.5 cm (narrow site) in 13 patients and wider than 0.5 × 0.5 cm (wide origin) in the other 10 patients. The repetitive ventricular response was induced during application of RF current in 14 of 23 patients (61%), and it was more frequently observed in VT from a wide origin (100%) than in the VT from a narrow site (31%). The QRS morphology of the repetitive ventricular response was identical to that of clinical VT. As RF application was continued and/or repeated, the RR interval of the repetitive ventricular response was gradually prolonged, the number of consecutive QRS complexes was decreased, and clinical VT was finally eliminated. The overall success rate of RF ablation was 96% (22/23 patients), and no complications were observed. In conclusion, a repetitive ventricular response was frequently observed in idiopathic right VT. The changing pattern of repetitive ventricular response, slowing, and/or disappearing was consistent with successful RF ablation.  相似文献   

In a patient with nonischemic ventricular tachycardia (VT), VT was entrained and the conduction time from the pacing site to the entrained local electrogram showed a rate dependent shortening and its degree affected by the pacing site. The QRS complex, which was entrained by the last pacing stimulus, was constant and identical to that of VT and no rate dependent facilitated conduction was observed when the heart was paced at similar paced cycle lengths during sinus rhythm. As the mechanism of the shortening of the conduction time through the reentrant circuit, a shift of the entrance seems most likely.  相似文献   

The mechanism of verapamil sensitive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT) is considered to be reentry. However, the nature of the reentry circuit, including the location of the slow conduction zone, is unclear. We sought the local electrical activity that would reflect slow conduction by precise mapping around the tachycardia exit (TE) in nine patients with ILVT (mean age, 28 ± 10 years) undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). The TE was defined as the earliest discrete spiky potential (SP) recorded during the tachycardia, or as a complete configuration-matched pacemap 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). In all patients, the TE was located at the mid or inferior distal portion of the septum. The SP at the TE preceded the surface QRS by 20 ± 9 ms. The pacemap score at the TE was 11.4 ± 0.6 points. In three patients, fractionated potentials (FP) were recorded during the tachycardia. The onset of the FP preceded the surface QRS by 47 ± 8 ms and was earlier than the SP at the TE (P < 0.01). The sites where an FP was detectable were restricted to a small area, and were at a distance of 14 ±4 mm from the TE. The direction of the FP site from the TE was more basal in two patients and inferior in one, Pacemap ECGs at the sites with an FP showed poor matching (9 ± 1 points), presumably because of predominant capture of the local ventricular muscle rather than an electrically isolated reentry circuit. Successful RFCA was achieved at the site of the FP in all three patients in which one was recorded, and at the TE in the other six patients. The FP, which has been shown to reflect the slow conduction of the ventricular tachycardia circuit in structural heart disease, was also detected in ILVT in the present study, and it is likely to reflect electrical excitation of the distal rim of the slow conduction zone.  相似文献   

A 65‐year‐old recipient of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator suffering from ventricular noncompaction developed storms of ventricular tachycardia (VT). Epicardial voltage mapping revealed the presence of a large low‐voltage area in the left ventricular apical and inferoposterior wall, and isolated delayed potential was recorded over 1.5 cm in the posterior border between low and normal myocardial voltage. Pacemapping at the delayed potential recording site produced two different QRS depending on pacing output strength, and these two QRS morphologies were similar to clinically documented VTs. During one of the VTs, a mid‐diastolic potential was recorded from the site with the delayed potential, and rapid pacing produced concealed entrainment. After epicardial radiofrequency ablation of the isolated delayed potential, VTs were noninducible and the VT storm was suppressed.  相似文献   

An intravascular catheter positioned in the right ventricular apex has been used for intracavitary cardioversion in patients with recurrent ventricular tachycardia. We examined the timing of the right ventricular apical electrogram during sinus rhythm and ventricular tachycardia (VT) in order to determine if this signal could be used to synchronize the delivery of a countershock. Sixty-three distinct morphologies of VT were observed in 33 patients undergoing electrophysiologic testing with programmed stimulation. Regardless of VT morphology or site of origin, the bipolar right ventricular electrogram always occurred within the peripheral QRS complex during ventricular tachycardia. Relative timing occurred within the QRS ranging from the initial 13% of the QRS to the last 12%. When all episodes of VT were examined, the timing of the right ventricular electrogram did not correlate linearly with the peak of the ECG, but the right ventricular electrogram occurred within 60 ms of the peak ECG in 83% of episodes of ventricular tachycardia. In one case of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, the right ventricular electrogram occurred 160 ms after the peak ECG in ventricular tachycardia, a time when delivery of a countershock may have precipitated ventricular fibrillation. Six of these patients underwent cardioversion utilizing an intracavitary catheter and external generator. Acceleration of VT, or conversion to ventricular fibrillation, occurred following two of 27 shocks (7.4%). The right ventricular electrogram occurred the latest within the QRS complex in the two patients who developed acceleration of the tachycardia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ventricular tachycardia (VT) was entrained with rapid ventricular pacing outside and within the zone of slow conduction (SCZ), and the conductive properties of the reentrant pathway were compared between the two pacing sites. Underlying heart diseases were old myocardial infarction (n = 2), postoperative tetralogy of Fallot (n = 1) or double outlet of the right ventricle (n = 1), dilated cardiomyopathy (n = 1), and pulmonary regurgitation of unknown cause (n = 1). Rapid pacing was continued for 5–10 seconds, and the time interval from paced stimulus to the entrained electrogram at the exit from SCZ (St-Ex) or to the QRS complex (St-QRS) was measured. Rapid pacing was performed at three or more cycle lengths after a decrement in steps of 10 msec. During rapid pacing outside of SCZ and entrainment of VT, constant fusion and progressive fusion were observed, and St-Ex and St-QRS showed the same response pattern: either a frequency dependent prolongation in 4 of 7 VTs or a constant time interval in the others VTs. When rapid pacing was attempted within SCZ, the response of the time intervals from paced site to the QRS (St-QRS) was the same as those observed during pacing outside SCZ except for one VT. In VT with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, the frequency dependent prolongation was observed during pacing from outside of SCZ but not within SCZ. Diseased myocardium extending widely into the outflow tract of the right ventricle may be responsible for the frequency dependent prolongation of St-Ex. In conclusion, the conductive property of the reentrant pathway might be assessed by observing the response patterns of St-Ex or St-QRS interval during transient entrainment of VT outside of SCZ, but exceptions may exist.  相似文献   

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