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Canaliculitis is an uncommon, often misdiagnosed diagnosis because canaliculitis can mimic many other common ocular conditions. Canaliculitis should be appropriately diagnosed and treated to avoid recurrent inflammation and possible obstruction of the upper portion of the lacrimal system. This review will serve as a concise resource to aid in diagnosis and provide updated management options.  相似文献   

Lacrimal canaliculitis due to Arachnia (Actinomyces) propionica.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The clinical and microbiological findings in a chronic case of lacrimal canaliculitis due to Arachnia propionica are described. Bacterial culture and identification should be performed in the investigation of the disease in order to establish the role of A. propionica and other specific actinomycetes at the acute as well as at the chronic stage.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report a rare cause of epiphora and chronic discharge: lacrimal canalicular diverticulum. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A distended left lower eyelid canaliculus was associated with chronic epiphora and discharge. A suspected canalicular diverticulum was noted on dacryocystogram. CONCLUSIONS: Canalicular diverticula should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients that present with epiphora and discharge with a patent nasolacrimal system. Dacryocystography is diagnostic.  相似文献   

A 61-year-old male developed recurrent anterior uveitis over a period of 8 months after an uncomplicated phacoemulsification and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation surgery. This was subsequently found to be due to a retained lens fragment in the anterior segment, with complete resolution following surgical extraction of the fragment. To our knowledge, this is the first report of recurrent anterior uveitis attributable to a retained lens fragment following uncomplicated cataract surgery, and the diagnosis should be considered in a pseudophakic patient presenting with recurrent episodes of anterior uveitis.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of unilateral chronic epiphora resistant to prolonged topical antibiotic treatment in a 62-year-old woman. Culture yielded some colonies of Actinomyces species. A dacryocystorhinostomy was found to be ineffective. Canaliculotomy with removal of cast resolved the chronic canaliculitis. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of solid cast of Actinomyces.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe a previously unreported presentation of sebaceous carcinoma, an aggressive tumor that often presents insidiously with minimal symptoms and nonspecific signs. METHODS: We report a 71-year-old man who presented with unilateral ocular irritation and ipsilateral, idiopathic, papillary changes of the superior palpebral conjunctiva. The patient underwent incisional biopsy of the palpebral conjunctiva followed by full-thickness excision of the involved eyelid. RESULT: Histopathologic examination established the diagnosis of sebaceous carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Unexplained asymmetric, papillary changes of the palpebral conjunctiva should arouse suspicion of sebaceous carcinoma.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old patient presented with persistent epiphora over a period of about 7 months. The clinical examination revealed a canalicular swelling in both lacrimal ducts, which postoperatively transpired to be an exophytic tumor. The histopathology result of the excised tumor showed an epithelial lesion, a partially inverted papilloma without malignancy. For tumors arising from lachrimal ducts the first-line therapy is complete tumor resection.  相似文献   

研究泪小管炎的主要致病菌及药物敏感性,探索泪小管炎治愈率高、损伤小、依从性好的治疗方法。方法选取西安市第一医院就诊的泪小管炎患者32例(32只眼),取泪小管分泌物行细菌培养及药敏试验;泪小管内排除的硫磺颗粒碾开涂片;用搔刮泪小管+挤压泪小管排出硫磺颗粒+抗生素凝胶注入泪小管+敏感抗生素点眼联合方法进行治疗。结果32例泪小管炎患者中,有31例挤压泪小管见硫磺颗粒经泪点排出,取硫磺颗粒涂片均见放线菌。32例患者取泪小管分泌物进行细菌培养,31例为阳性,共培养出菌株37株,主要为表皮葡萄球菌、草绿色链球菌和肺炎球菌,其他菌种少见。药物敏感性试验结果显示:利福平、头孢西丁、氯霉素、美洛西林等药物敏感性较高。用泪小管搔刮+挤压排出硫磺颗粒+抗生素凝胶注入泪小管+敏感抗生素点眼联合方法治疗泪小管炎,治愈率可达84%以上。结论放线菌为泪小管炎的主要致病菌,且大部分存在与其他细菌的合并感染。利福平、头孢西丁、氯霉素、美洛西林等药治疗泪小管炎敏感性高。用联合方法治疗泪小管炎治愈率高,且损伤小,患者依从性高。  相似文献   

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