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目的:采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定避孕套中苯佐卡因(benzocaine)的含量。材料与方法:采用Polaris C18-A(5μm 250×4.6mm)色谱柱,用乙腈-水60:40作为流动相,检测波长为265nm,流速:1.0ml*min-1,进样量10μl。结果:苯佐卡因在98.5μg/ml~492.5μg/ml范围内呈良好的线性关系(相关系数R2=0.9998),精密度(RSD)0.7%,平均回收率为102.4%。结论:该方法操作简便可行,适用于含苯佐卡因避孕套中苯佐卡因含量的质量控制。  相似文献   


The incidence of infant methemoglobinemia reported in three counties of Transylvania, Romania, was evaluated from medical records, field visits, and interviews. Wellwater was the main source of nitrate for induction of acquired infant methemoglobinemia, which occurred post-breast-feeding when the infants consumed nitrate-contaminated water used in mixing formula. The average age of reported infants with methemoglobinemia was 39 days, supporting earlier observations that infants less than 4 months old are the most susceptible segment of the population. Vitamin C, rather than methylene blue, was the main medical intervention in the Transylvania region. The mean incidence rates of methemoglobinemia in the three counties (Saut-Mare, Mures, and Bistrita-Nasaud) ranged from 24 to 363 per 100,000 live births over a five-year period (1990–1994). These rates are below earlier reported incidence rates of up to 13% (13,000 per 100,000 live births). Three selected case reports are presented to describe hospital/clinic data, well-water data, and infant feeding practices. Recommendations for appropriate intervention programs are described. The significances of possible physical and neuropsychological effects on the development of children following methemoglobinemia are discussed and the need for further investigationsis outlined.  相似文献   

The BEACH program is a continuous national study of general practice activity in Australia. This analysis of encounters where patients presented with nausea and/or vomiting between April 2000 and March 2006 provides a backdrop against which related articles in this issue of Australian Family Physician can be further considered.  相似文献   

唐芹 《中国健康教育》2003,19(8):587-587
20 0 3年 6月 2 4日 ,世界卫生组织宣布取消对北京的旅行限制建议 ,并将北京从“近期有当地传播”的地区名单中删除[1] ,标志着我国抗击传染性非典型肺炎(简称“非典”)的战斗取得了阶段性胜利。这次突如其来的非典灾难 ,暴露了我国公共卫生系统的缺陷 ,也给健康教育工作带来许多启示。“非典”是一种新的急性传染病 ,在流行初期 ,缺乏相应的诊断、治疗知识和方法 ,又由于近距离传染性极强 ,一度在群众中产生恐惧、紧张和焦虑。在“非典”流行高峰期 ,全国几乎所有的媒体都在宣传有关预防“非典”的知识 ,帮助城乡居民掌握预防非典的知识 ,…  相似文献   

Methemoglobinemia is an unusual and potentially fatal condition in which hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin and loses its ability to bind and transport oxygen. The most common cause of methemoglobinemia is the ingestion or inhalation of oxidizing agents such as nitrates or nitrites (e.g., sodium nitrite, which is used commonly as a preservative in curing meats and fish). This report summarizes the investigation of an incident of methemoglobinemia in five members of a household in New York who became ill after eating a meal seasoned with a white crystalline substance from a plastic bag labeled "Refined Iodized Table Salt" (Figure). The findings underscore the need for proper storage of hazardous materials to avoid unintentional ingestion and the importance of collaboration by multiple agencies to address a potential public health emergency.  相似文献   

Two male students, aged 20 and 21 years, developed central cyanosis shortly after drinking 5 ml of 'poppers' (isobutyl nitrite). They presented with methaemoglobinaemia and were hospitalised. After treatment with oxygen and intravenous fluids they could be discharged in good health the following day. Poppers are alkyl nitrites with vasdilative and oxidizing properties. They are used as party drugs (i.e. inhaled) because of their short-lived euphoric effect. Overdose can result in methaemoglobinaemia: the presence of oxidized haemoglobin which is unable to transport oxygen. Depending on the serum level of methaemoglobin this may result in central cyanosis, unconsciousness, coma and even death. Patients with high methaemoglobin levels should be treated with i.v. methylene blue.  相似文献   

The BEACH program, a continuous national study of general practice activity in Australia, gives us an overview of the consultations in general practice involving a patient presentation of diarrhoea. This provides a backdrop against which articles in this issue of the Australian Family Physician can be further considered.  相似文献   

The BEACH program, a continuous national study of general practice activity in Australia, gives us an overview of the consultations in general practice involving a patient presentation of "headache". Patient reasons for encounter specified as migraine, cluster, vascular or tension headaches were not included in the analysis. This provides a backdrop against which articles in this issue of Australian Family Physician can be further considered.  相似文献   

The BEACH program, a continuous national study of general practice activity in Australia, gives us an overview of the consultations in general practice involving a patient presentation of abdominal pain. This provides a backdrop against which the articles in this issue of the Australian Family Physician can be further considered.  相似文献   

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