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Impaired gating by hippocampal dentate granule cells may promote the development of limbic epilepsy by facilitating seizure spread through the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit. The second synapse in this circuit, the dentate granule cell?CA3 pyramidal cell connection, may be of particular importance because pathological changes occurring within the dentate likely exert their principal effect on downstream CA3 pyramids. Here, we utilized GFP‐expressing mice and immunolabeling for the zinc transporter ZnT‐3 to reveal the pre‐ and postsynaptic components of granule cell?CA3 pyramidal cell synapses following pilocarpine‐epileptogenesis. Confocal analyses of these terminals revealed that while granule cell presynaptic giant boutons increased in size and complexity 1 month after status epilepticus, individual thorns making up the postsynaptic thorny excrescences of the CA3 pyramidal cells were reduced in number. This reduction, however, was transient, and 3 months after status, thorn density recovered. This recovery was accompanied by a significant change in the distribution of thorns along pyramidal cells dendrites. While thorns in control animals tended to be tightly clustered, thorns in epileptic animals were more evenly distributed. Computational modeling of thorn distributions predicted an increase in the number of boutons required to cover equivalent numbers of thorns in epileptic vs. control mice. Confirming this prediction, ZnT‐3 labeling of presynaptic giant boutons apposed to GFP‐expressing thorns revealed a near doubling in bouton density, while the number of individual thorns per bouton was reduced by half. Together, these data provide clear evidence of novel plastic changes occurring within the epileptic hippocampus. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mossy cells give rise to the commissural and associational pathway of the dentate gyrus, and receive their major excitatory inputs from the mossy fibers of granule cells. Through these feed-back excitatory connections, mossy cells have been suggested to play important roles in both normal signal processing in learning and memory, as well as in seizure propagation. However, the nature of the activity-dependent modifications of the mossy fiber inputs to mossy hilar cells is not well understood. We studied the long- and short-term plasticity properties of the mossy fiber-mossy cell synapse, using the minimal stimulation technique in slices in whole cell recorded mossy cells retrogradely prelabeled with the fluorescent dye DiO from the contralateral dentate gyrus. Following tetanic stimulation, mossy fiber synapses showed significant NMDA receptor-independent long-term potentiation (LTP), associated with increased excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) amplitude and decreased failure rates. Coefficient of variance and failure rate analyses suggested a presynaptic locus of LTP induction. Mossy fiber synapses on mossy cells also showed activity-dependent short-term modification properties, including both frequency-dependent facilitation (stimuli at higher frequencies evoked larger EPSCs with lower failure rates) and burst facilitation (each EPSC in a burst had a larger amplitude and higher probability of occurrence than the preceding EPSCs within the burst). The data show that mossy fiber-mossy cell synapses exhibit both long- and short-term plasticity phenomena that are generally similar to the mossy fiber synapses on CA3 pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, using Golgi and electron microscopy techniques, experimentally induced epilepsy (kindling and kainate treatment) elicited collateral sprouting of mossy fibers in rat hippocampus. Collateral branches invade the hilus, cross the granule cell layer, and distribute throughout the inner third of the molecular layer. These newly developed collaterals may acquire the typical features of mossy fibers including giant fiber varicosities (mousses), although the mean surface of these mousses was thinner in these collaterals than in terminal branches. Granule cell dendrites may develop giant thorny excrescences, suggesting that the targets of these collaterals are granule cells. Giant synaptic boutons appear in the inner third of molecular layer of epileptic rats. These boutons acquire the morphological features of mossy fiber boutons and made multiple synaptic contacts with dendritic spines. The analysis of the profile types suggests that some of the newly developed collateral mossy fibers made hypotrophic synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

Changes occur during the postnatal development of the rat glutamatergic mossy fibre to granule cell synapse: to the morphology of synapses, glutamate transporter expression, AMPA receptor expression and the kinetics of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission. For example, both the rise and decay times of AMPA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents significantly shorten. To further define the development of mossy fibre to granule cell synaptic transmission, the properties and mechanisms of short-term plasticity have been described. The characterization of short-term plasticity will aid our understanding of the mechanisms that define the parameters of synaptic transmission during development and furthermore short-term plasticity may play an important role in determining information transfer between mossy fibres and granule cells. In response to pairs of stimuli (2-100-ms interval), depression (second excitatory postsynaptic current amplitude smaller than the first) was observed at both mature (older than 40 postnatal days) and immature (between 8 and 12 postnatal days) synapses. The degree of depression was similar at both stages of development, although recovery from depression was slower at mature synapses (tau 22 vs 12.5 ms). Several experimental approaches (coefficient of variation, low-affinity antagonists and cyclothiazide) suggest that depression at immature synapses results from multiple mechanisms. At mature synapses, postsynaptic receptor desensitization appears to be the major cause of depression.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus is the main hippocampal input structure receiving strong excitatory cortical afferents via the perforant path. Therefore, inhibition at this ‘hippocampal gate’ is important, particularly during postnatal development, when the hippocampal network is prone to seizures. The present study describes the development of tonic GABAergic inhibition in mouse dentate gyrus. A prominent tonic GABAergic component was already present at early postnatal stages (postnatal day 3), in contrast to the slowly developing phasic postsynaptic GABAergic currents. Tonic currents were mediated by GABAA receptors containing α5‐ and δ‐subunits, which are sensitive to low ambient GABA concentrations. The extracellular GABA level was determined by synaptic GABA release and GABA uptake via the GABA transporter 1. The contribution of these main regulatory components was surprisingly stable during postnatal granule cell maturation. Throughout postnatal development, tonic GABAergic signals were inhibitory. They increased the action potential threshold of granule cells and reduced network excitability, starting as early as postnatal day 3. Thus, tonic inhibition is already functional at early developmental stages and plays a key role in regulating the excitation/inhibition balance of both the adult and the maturing dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

Detection of vesicular zinc and immunohistochemistry against markers for different interneuron subsets were combined to study the postsynaptic target selection of zinc-containing recurrent mossy fiber collaterals in the dentate gyrus. Mossy fiber collaterals in the granule cell layer selectively innervated parvalbumin-containing cells, with numerous contacts per cell, whereas the granule cells were avoided. Under the electron microscope, those boutons made asymmetrical contacts on dendrites and somata. These findings suggest that, in addition to the hilar perforant path-associated (HIPP) interneurons, the basket and chandelier cells also receive a powerful feed-back drive from the granule cells, and thereby are able to control population synchrony in the dentate gyrus. On the other hand, the amount of monosynaptic excitatory feed-back among granule cells is shown to be negligible.  相似文献   

In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy some dentate granule cells develop basal dendrites. The extent of excitatory synaptic input to basal dendrites is unclear, nor is it known whether basal dendrites receive inhibitory synapses. We used biocytin to intracellularly label individual granule cells with basal dendrites in epileptic pilocarpine-treated rats. An average basal dendrite had 3.9 branches, was 612 microm long, and accounted for 16% of a cell's total dendritic length. In vivo intracellular labeling and postembedding GABA-immunocytochemistry were used to evaluate synapses with basal dendrites reconstructed from serial electron micrographs. An average of 7% of 1,802 putative synapses were formed by GABA-positive axon terminals, indicating synaptogenesis by interneurons. Ninety-three percent of the identified synapses were GABA-negative. Most GABA-negative synapses were with spines, but at least 10% were with dendritic shafts. Multiplying basal dendrite length/cell and synapse density yielded an estimate of 180 inhibitory and 2,140 excitatory synapses per granule cell basal dendrite. Based on previous estimates of synaptic input to granule cells in control rats, these findings suggest an average basal dendrite receives approximately 14% of the total inhibitory and 19% of excitatory synapses of a cell. These findings reveal that basal dendrites are a novel source of inhibitory input, but they primarily receive excitatory synapses.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in fluorescence microscopy techniques, electron microscopy (EM) is still superior in the simultaneous analysis of all tissue components at high resolution. However, it is unclear to what extent conventional fixation for EM using aldehydes results in tissue alteration. Here we made an attempt to minimize tissue alteration by using rapid high-pressure freezing (HPF) of hippocampal slice cultures. We used this approach to monitor fine-structural changes at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses associated with chemically induced long-term potentiation (LTP). Synaptic plasticity in LTP has been known to involve structural changes at synapses including reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and de novo formation of spines. While LTP-induced formation and growth of postsynaptic spines have been reported, little is known about associated structural changes in presynaptic boutons. Mossy fiber synapses are assumed to exhibit presynaptic LTP expression and are easily identified by EM. In slice cultures from wildtype mice, we found that chemical LTP increased the length of the presynaptic membrane of mossy fiber boutons, associated with a de novo formation of small spines and an increase in the number of active zones. Of note, these changes were not observed in slice cultures from Munc13-1 knockout mutants exhibiting defective vesicle priming. These findings show that activation of hippocampal mossy fibers induces pre- and postsynaptic structural changes at mossy fiber synapses that can be monitored by EM.  相似文献   

Morphological data from humans with temporal lobe epilepsy and from animal models of epilepsy suggest that seizure-induced damage to dentate hilar neurons causes granule cells to sprout new axon collaterals that innervate other granule cells. This aberrant projection has been suggested to be an anatomical substrate for epileptogenesis. This hypothesis was tested in the present study with intra- and extracellular recordings from granule cells in hippocampal slices removed from rats 1-4 months after kainate treatment. In this animal model, hippocampal cell loss leads to sprouting of mossy fiber axons from the granule cells into the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. Unexpectedly, when slices with mossy fiber sprouting were examined in normal medium, extracellular stimulation of the hilus or perforant path evoked relatively normal responses. However, in the presence of the GABAA-receptor antagonist, bicuculline, low-intensity hilar stimulation evoked delayed bursts of action potentials in about one-quarter of the slices. In one-third of the bicuculline-treated slices with mossy fiber sprouting, spontaneous bursts of synchronous spikes were superimposed on slow negative field potentials. Slices from normal rats or kainate-treated rats without mossy fiber sprouting never showed delayed bursts to weak hilar stimulation or spontaneous bursts in bicuculline. These data suggest that new local excitatory circuits may be suppressed normally, and then emerge functionally when synaptic inhibition is blocked. Therefore, after repeated seizures and excitotoxic damage in the hippocampus, synaptic reorganization of the mossy fibers is consistently associated with normal responses; however, in some preparations, the mossy fibers may form functional recurrent excitatory connections, but synaptic inhibition appears to mask these potentially epileptogenic alterations.  相似文献   

The development of the dentate area and the hippocampal mossy fiber system of the rat has been investigated at the light microscopic level by using fluorescent tracing, Nissl, and Timm's histochemical methods. Although the cytoarchitectonic development of the dentate granular layer is mainly a postnatal phenomenon, the initial events take place before birth. The aggregation and maturation of the cells in the granular layer proceed in a graded fashion from the lateral to the medial and from the superficial to the deep aspects of the layer. The earliest-formed granule cells are probably derived directly from the cells of the ventricular zone. They start to form mossy fibers prenatally, either during the relatively long period of migration to the granular layer or soon after their arrival. However, most of the granule cells are derived from a secondary proliferative center in the hilus. They start to produce mossy fibers postnatally a while after arriving at the granular layer. The total complement of granule cells starts to grow mossy fibers in a sequence that is related to the final position of the cells of origin within the granular layer. This sequence also proceeds in a graded fashion from the lateral to the medial and from the superficial to the deep aspects of the layer. In the beginning the mossy fibers elongate relatively rapidly. Already at birth the Timm-stained mossy fiber zone occupies the anterolateral part of the hilus and the adjacent suprapyramidal parts of the regio inferior. Once the mossy fibers have reached the distal end of the regio inferior they elongate along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus more slowly. At the same time the Timm-stainability of the mossy fiber zone, which, during the first postnatal week, is weaker toward the regio superior, develops a mature pattern in which the distal part of the zone stains most intensely. Throughout development, fibers from the granule cells that form first are longer and diverge more in the septotemporal dimension than fibers from later-forming granule cells. In contrast to other axonal systems which appear to be sculptured from a diffuse set of connections the results presented here provide evidence that the topographic relationships of the mossy fiber system develop in a stepwise fashion.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy (ADX) of normal adult rats causes selective hippocampal dentate granule cell degeneration that is prevented by corticosterone. The ability to destroy this one hippocampal cell type noninvasively made it possible to address the role of the dentate granule cells in learning and memory. Four months after ADX, 31 of 45 rats failed to show obvious granule cell loss and displayed behavior in the Morris water maze that was similar to 16 sham-operated control rats and 16 ADX rats maintained on corticosterone throughout the study. Conversely, 14 of the 45 ADX rats experienced a loss of granule cells that varied from minimal to extensive. Although there were no obvious differences between groups in motoric and motivational characteristics or search strategies, ADX rats with moderate to extensive granule cell loss acquired place learning slightly slower than controls or ADX rats with minimal or no obvious cell loss. Furthermore, the ADX rats with moderate to extensive cell loss were temporarily impaired following alteration of either intramaze or extramaze cues compared to controls. In contrast, the rats with granule cell loss remembered an old place and learned a new place as quickly as controls. These results suggest that a normal complement of dentate granule cells may not be necessary for the acquisition or retention of spatial information in the Morris water maze.  相似文献   

Summary. Recurrent, feedback excitation by sprouted mossy fibers may contribute to the hyperexcitability observed in human temporal lobe epilepsy. Observations in rodent models of epilepsy mimic the findings in human tissue and reveal that dentate granule cells sprout axons which innervate fibers in their own dendritic layer. However, recent evidence in rodents suggest that these sprouted fibers may form connections which cause inhibition of dentate granule cells, not excitation. Thus, the net effect of sprouting in human epileptic tissue may not only be recurrent excitation. We analyzed paired pulse depression in dentate slices from 9 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and found evidence for strong feedback inhibition. We also noted failure of high frequency stimulation induced inhibition in our human specimens. These data challenge the concept that human epileptic dentate granule cells are excited by recurrent mossy fiber sprouting. Accepted February 20, 1998; received December 1997  相似文献   

GABAergic synaptic boutons in the granule cell layer of rat dentate gyrus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GABAergic synapses in the granule cell layer of the rat dentate gyrus were examined light and electron microscopically with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) immunocytochemistry. GAD-immunoreactive synaptic boutons formed synapses with axon initial segments and somatic spines as well as somata and dendritic shafts of the granule cell. Most of these synapses were symmetrical, while a few were asymmetrical.  相似文献   

Neurofilament (NF) proteins are expressed in most mature neurons in the central nervous system. Although they play a crucial role in neuronal growth, organization, shape, and plasticity, their expression pattern and cellular distribution in the developing hippocampus remain unknown. In the present study, we have used Western blotting and immunocytochemistry to study the low- (NF-L), medium- (NF-M), and high- (NF-H) molecular-weight NF proteins; phosphorylated epitopes of NF-M and NF-H; and a nonphosphorylated epitope of NF-H in the early postnatal (through P1-P21) development of the rat hippocampus. During the first postnatal week, NF-M was the most abundantly expressed NF, followed by NF-L, whereas the expression of NF-H was very low. Through P7-P14, the expression of NF-H increased dramatically and later began to plateau, as also occurred in the expression of NF-M and NF-L. At P1, no NF-M immunopositive cell bodies were detected, but cell processes in the CA1-CA3 fields were faintly immunopositive for NF-M and for the phosphorylated epitopes of NF-M and NF-H. At P7, CA3 pyramidal neurons were strongly immunopositive for NF-L and NF-H, but not for NF-M. The axons of granule cells, the mossy fibers (MFs), were NF-L and NF-M positive through P7-P21 but were NF-H immunonegative at all ages. Although they stained strongly for the phosphorylated NF-M and NF-H at P7, the staining intensity sharply decreased at P14 and remained so at P21. The cell bodies of CA1 pyramidal neurons and granule cells remained immunonegative against all five antibodies in all age groups. Our results show a different time course in the expression and differential cell type and cellular localization of the NF proteins in the developing hippocampus. These developmental changes could be of importance in determining the reactivity of hippocampal neurons in pathological conditions in the immature hippocampus.  相似文献   

The roles of both kainate receptors (KARs) and metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in mossy fiber long‐term potentiation (MF‐LTP) have been extensively studied in hippocampal brain slices, but the findings are controversial. In this study, we have addressed the roles of both mGluRs and KARs in MF‐LTP in anesthetized rats. We found that MF‐LTP could be induced in the presence of either GluK1‐selective KAR antagonists or group I mGluR antagonists. However, LTP was inhibited when the group I mGluRs and the GluK1‐KARs were simultaneously inhibited. Either mGlu1 or mGlu5 receptor activation is sufficient to induce this form of LTP as selective inhibition of either subtype alone, together with the inhibition of KARs, did not inhibit MF‐LTP. These data suggest that mGlu1 receptors, mGlu5 receptors, and GluK1‐KARs are all engaged during high‐frequency stimulation, and that the activation of any one of these receptors alone is sufficient for the induction of MF‐LTP in vivo. © 2015 The Authors Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The granule cell population of the dentate gyrus is produced predominantly during the postnatal period in rats. Previous studies have shown that experimental increases in the levels of adrenal steroids suppress the proliferation of granule cell precursors during the first postnatal week, the time of maximal neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. These findings raise the possibility that stressful experiences that elevate adrenal steroid levels may inhibit the production of granule neurons, and thus alter the development of the dentate gyrus. To test this possibility, we exposed naive rat pups to the odors of a known predator, adult male rats, and examined both plasma corticosterone levels and the number of [3]H-thymidine labeled cells in the dentate gyrus. A single exposure of rat pups to adult male rat odor elevated corticosterone levels immediately and diminished the number of [3]H-thymidine labeled cells in the granule cell layer by 24 h later. These results suggest that stressful experiences suppress the production of granule neurons in the developing dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

Most granule neurons in the rat dentate gyrus are born over the course of the first 2 postnatal weeks. The resulting heterogeneity has made it difficult to define the relationship between dendritic and axonal maturation and to delineate a time course for the morphological development of the oldest granule neurons. By depositing crystals of the fluorescent label Dil in hippocampal field CA3, we retrogradely labeled granule neurons in fixed tissue slices from rats aged 2-9 days. The results showed that all labeled granule cells, regardless of the age of the animal, exhibited apical dendrites. On day 2, every labeled neuron had rudimentary apical dendrites, and a few dendrites on each cell displayed immature features such as growth cones, varicosities, and filopodia. Some cells displayed basal dendrites. By day 4, the most mature granule neurons had longer and more numerous apical branches, as well as various immature features. Most had basal dendrites. On days 5 and 6, the immature features and the basal dendrites had begun to regress on the oldest cells, and varying numbers of spines were present. On day 7, the first few adult-like neurons were seen: immature features and basal dendrites had disappeared, all dendrites reached the top of the molecular layer, and the entire dendritic tree was covered with spines. These data show that dendritic outgrowth occurs before, or concurrent with, axon arrival in the CA3 target region, and that adult-like granule neurons are present by the end of the first week.  相似文献   

Much of the current interest in the hippocampus concerns a rapid and persistent form of synaptic plasticity, called long-term potentiation (LTP), that is a candidate substrate for some of the mnemonic functions of this structure. There are at least two kinds of LTP in the hippocampus. One form is found at the synapse between the mossy fibers of the granule cells and the pyramidal neurons of the CA3 region. Attempts to examine the mechanism underlying this form of LTP have yielded contradictory conclusions. The authors show how the complex circuitry of the dentate gyrus and adjacent hippocampus may have caused the contradictions. To overcome problems introduced by the circuitry, a specific set of procedures and criteria for evoking and identifying mossy fiber responses is proposed. Use of these or similar procedures and criteria will improve the design and interpretation of experiments on mossy fiber LTP and allow more informative comparisons among species and brain regions and across laboratories.  相似文献   

Summary. Male gerbils were bred and reared grouped under enriched semi-natural environmental conditions. The objective of the present study was to examine the influence of an acute treatment with the neuroleptic haloperidol on adult granule cell neurogenesis in the hippocampus. For that purpose, at the age of postnatal day 90 adult animals received 4 challenges of either haloperidol (5 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline. Proliferation of granule cells was identified by in-vivo labeling with 5-bromo-2′-desoxyuridine (BrdU) which was applied 1 hour after the final dose of haloperidol. BrdU-labeled granule cell nuclei were identified in consecutive horizontal slices along the mid-septotemporal axis of the hippocampus and light-microscopically quantified 7 days after the BrdU-labeling. It was found that in both saline- and haloperidol-treated animals there was a highly significant spatial septotemporal gradient in granular cell proliferation with numbers of BrdU-labeled cells gradually declining from the septal towards the temporal pole. The acute treatment with haloperidol stimulated granule cell proliferation by about 75% and the septotemporal gradient of mitotic activity became significantly enhanced. The present results are discussed with regard to known factors regulating cell proliferation in the hippocampus and other cell systems. Accepted January 27, 1998; received December 12, 1997  相似文献   

Granule cell (GC) neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) does not always proceed normally. After severe seizures (e.g., status epilepticus [SE]) and some other conditions, newborn GCs appear in the hilus. Hilar ectopic GCs (EGCs) can potentially provide insight into the effects of abnormal location and seizures on GC development. Additionally, hilar EGCs that develop after SE may contribute to epileptogenesis and cognitive impairments that follow SE. Thus, it is critical to understand how EGCs differ from normal GCs. Relatively little morphometric information is available on EGCs, especially those restricted to the hilus. This study quantitatively analyzed the structural morphology of hilar EGCs from adult male rats several months after pilocarpine-induced SE, when they are considered to have chronic epilepsy. Hilar EGCs were physiologically identified in slices, intracellularly labeled, processed for light microscopic reconstruction, and compared to GC layer GCs, from both the same post-SE tissue and the NeuroMorpho database (normal GCs). Consistently, hilar EGC and GC layer GCs had similar dendritic lengths and field sizes, and identifiable apical dendrites. However, hilar EGC dendrites were topologically more complex, with more branch points and tortuous dendritic paths. Three-dimensional analysis revealed that, remarkably, hilar EGC dendrites often extended along the longitudinal DG axis, suggesting increased capacity for septotemporal integration. Axonal reconstruction demonstrated that hilar EGCs contributed to mossy fiber sprouting. This combination of preserved and aberrant morphological features, potentially supporting convergent afferent input to EGCs and broad, divergent efferent output, could help explain why the hilar EGC population could impair DG function.  相似文献   

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