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俄罗斯政府拨款重振养马业──国外养马信息──王铁权(中国农业科学院畜牧研究所)苏联解体前有马600万匹,组织健全,采取全国统一管理、加强科研,养马业是一个有实力又可出口创汇的受羡慕的部门,只有最优秀的大学生才能进入马界。本人于1991年考察前苏联养马...  相似文献   

产品养马业是现代养马业的重要分支,在苏联现已发展成为一项新兴产业,中央全苏养马研究所,中亚的一些共和国和农业科研、教学部门均设有专门从事产品养马的研究机构。他们针对生产的各个环节,从基础理论到生产加工技术进行了全面的研究,促进了产品养马业的科学化和现代化。现已培育了肉用型的雅库特马,肉乳兼用型的库素木马、哈萨克马扎贝型、木郭达维尔马、新吉尔吉斯马,以及新的乳肉兼用型巴什基尔马等。目前,肉、乳用马已占全国马匹总数的1/5。马肉约占全国肉类生产总量的2%,而东部的一些地区已占10%~20%,另外每年还有大量肉马出口。酸马奶的生产1983年  相似文献   

马病毒性动脉炎威胁着英国的养马业A.J.Higgins1993年5月,英国第一次经临床和血清学诊断发现了马病毒性动脉炎(EVA)。英国的良种赛马由于采取了血清预防抵御了本病的感染,发病率低于1%。本病的爆发流行可以造成50%的怀孕5─10个月的母马流...  相似文献   

产品养马业是畜牧业中有前途的、能收益的部门。尽管随着农业的电气化,全国马匹数量日趋减少,但是群牧马数却不断增加,占目前马匹总数的20%。肉用和奶用养马业在苏联东南部干旱草原、半荒漠和荒漠地区及西伯利亚和亚库梯的山林地带都比较发达。这些地区的居民把马肉和马奶作为食品,大型肉联厂生产很需要的各种马肉制品。国家用高价收购马肉,保证了群牧马业的收益,提高了集体农庄和农场发展畜牧业的兴趣。在群牧马业发达的地区,马肉的价格:活重100公斤为39—56卢布,明显低于羊牛肉和猪肉的价格。  相似文献   

介绍了新疆的马匹资源和育马业现状,分析了当前新疆育马业存在的主要问题,从编制新疆育马业规划、建立马繁育生产体系、推行良种马登记制度、创新育马业体制机制、强化育马业基础设施建设、加大育马业技术推广等6个方面提出了加强我区育马业发展的对策,试图为我区育马业持续快速发展制定系统的发展规划提供思路。  相似文献   

养马部门集约化及最充分利用其生产力是提高养马业效益的重要途径。在这方面,养马场生产商品马奶具有重要意义。 苏联马里自治共和国“苏联60年”国营农场在良种马奶酒场首先采用集约化工艺过程生产马奶。为了获得马奶酒和培育良种马驹,工艺过程规定重挽母马全年挤奶。与传统的单间养马相比,采用大群饲养母马和马驹,有可能用机械化收粪除粪和分发饲料,可将养马者劳动生产率提高一倍。马场的经济效益进一步增加,在一定程度上依赖于母马泌乳力的提高。  相似文献   

据联合国粮农组织1981年35号年鉴报道,1981年全世界马的总数为6619.2万匹。世界马的头数1981年与1980年相比增加了40.8匹(或0.6%),与1979年相比增加了162.3万匹(或2.5%)。 养马业发展较大的国家马头数的变化情况列于表1。  相似文献   

俄罗斯是世界上马业经济比较发达的国家之一,培育出很多优秀马匹品种,在世界养马史上做出了卓越的贡献。根据2011年数据,俄罗斯马匹保有量为136万多匹。在市场经济背景下,俄罗斯马业经济呈现多元化发展趋势,运动用马、产品用马、工作用马、繁育用马结构较为合理。建立了较为完善管理机构,制定了标准的马匹登记、质量评价及马匹饲养、繁育、调教全过程财政补贴体系,依据马业中长期发展规划加强马业经济软硬件设施建设。  相似文献   

工厂化育肥幼马对产品养马业的顺利发展具有重要意义。 为了研究日粮中不同的热量、蛋白质对幼马的育肥以及对产肉量的影响,我们在阿拉木图州塔里哈尔斯科综合育肥场对2.5岁的哈萨克种马进行了试验。试验按下列方案进行了两个月,在试验组和对照组马匹的日粮中,热能及蛋白质的营养价值是:对照组100%,试验一组为115%,试验二组为130%。日粮主要是由粮食酒糟、芦苇干草和配合饲料组成。  相似文献   

我国是养马业大国,马匹存栏600多万,居世界第2位,但产业发展十分落后。中国马业由传统马业向现代马业过渡之际,如何将马匹数量优势转变为产业优势,怎样处理好引进、改良与保护利用本地马种资源的关系,我国马业未来的发展方向等关键问题成为业界讨论热点。本文针对这些问题提出了中国马业发展的思考与建议。  相似文献   

影响母马人工授精受胎率的因素很多。本文结合笔者多年从事马人工授精工作的经验和实践统计数据,综述了如何准确的判断成熟期卵泡、母马血配、输精次数、输精时间及卫生状况对受胎率的影响,提出了提高马人工授精受胎率的具体措施。  相似文献   

A wealth of literature exists regarding common allergies to household pets such as cat or dog. Allergy to horse, however, is infrequently discussed in the medical literature despite significant sensitization rates among urban-dwelling subjects without direct exposure to horses. A literature search was conducted in PubMed and additional references were collected from surveying the references of the pulled articles. This review summarizes aspects of IgE-mediated horse allergy including the prevalence and mechanisms for sensitization, clinical presentation, molecular characterization of the major and minor horse allergens, and the role of allergen immunotherapy. There is currently only one horse immunotherapy study showing significant improvement in clinically sensitive patients. The 1997 World Health Organization Position Paper on Immunotherapy lists horse immunotherapy among the areas needing further clinical research. Inclusion of horse into the standard allergen panel for children and adults has been supported by several authors, although further identification and characterization of horse antigens is needed to provide the most efficacious extract. As clinicians, we need to be aware of the potential cross-reactivity among the common mammalian allergens and consider the possibility of known or occult exposure to horse as a possible source of symptom exacerbation in susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

伊犁昭苏县马新孢子虫病诊断报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新孢子虫感染马的报道甚少。为了解新疆马匹主要产地昭苏县马匹新孢子虫病感染情况,随机采集了24份马匹样品,用PCR诊断方法进行了新孢子虫病检测。结果表明,所检样品新孢子虫阳性率为8.3%(2/24),说明该县马匹存在新孢子虫病感染。该结果为昭苏县乃至新疆马匹新孢子虫病防控提供了资料。  相似文献   

伊犁马是我国培育的乘挽兼用型品种,具有较好的产肉性能。在当前马肉市场供不应求的背景下,分析肉用马新品种培育的重要意义及有利条件,提出了育种规划,制定了育种目标、育种方案和保障措施,旨在为肉用马专门化新品种培育提供指导。  相似文献   

马全身都是宝。通过对马产品种类、特点、价值及市场进行分析和论述,为推进马产品开发、马产业发展和农牧民增收提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In brief: In a two-year study of the estimated 13,428,000 hours of horse activities by 18,408 US Pony Clubs (USPC) members aged 6 to 21 in scheduled supervised programs, there were 64 accidents resulting in 88 injuries in 16 areas of the body. The head/face was the area most often injured (27.27%), and bruise/abrasion was the most common type of injury (28.26%). Cross-country riding was the most dangerous event (42.31%). Unexpected actions of the horse caused many accidents—25% occurred when the horse bucked and threw the rider, 23.08% when the horse refused a jump, and 17.31% when the horse fell or slipped. There were only two accidents to the most skilled riders, but riders with five or more years of experience had the highest percentage of accidents.  相似文献   



To characterise and provide nationally representative estimates of persons with non‐fatal horse related injuries treated in American emergency departments.


The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program (NEISS–AIP) is a stratified probability sample comprising 66 hospitals. Data on injuries treated in these emergency departments are collected and reported. NEISS–AIP data on all types (horseback riding and otherwise) of non‐fatal horse related injuries from 2001 to 2003 were analysed.


An estimated 102 904 persons with non‐fatal horse related injuries (35.7 per 100 000 population) were treated in American emergency departments each year from 2001 to 2003 inclusive. Non‐fatal injury rates were higher for females (41.5 per 100 000) than for males (29.8 per 100 000). Most patients were injured while mounted on a horse (66.1%), commonly from falling or being thrown by the horse; while not mounted, injuries most often resulted from being kicked by the horse. The body parts most often injured were the head/neck region (23.2%), lower extremity (22.2%), and upper extremity (21.5%). The most common principal diagnoses were contusions/abrasions (31.4%) and fractures (25.2%). For each year that was studied, an estimated 11 502 people sustained traumatic brain injuries from horse related incidents. Overall, more than 11% of those injured were admitted to hospital.


Horse related injuries are a public health concern not just for riders but for anyone in close contact with horses. Prevention programmes should target horseback riders and horse caregivers to promote helmet use and educate participants about horse behaviour, proper handling of horses, and safe riding practices.  相似文献   

本文阐述了西南马的起源进化、分布数量、遗传研究现状、保种等方面,并对今后发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

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