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针对医学领域采用自举进行关系抽取的研究较少且国内面向医学领域的基础工具缺失问题,在一般自然语言处理技术的基础上,采用自举的算法框架,以最短依存路径构建关系模式,在过滤机制中引入候选实体的正向性评价,介绍新的算法优化策略,通过试验评价系统的性能,总结本研究的贡献与局限。  相似文献   

电子健康档案的信息质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子健康档案是记录居民健康信息的系统化文件,是社区卫生服务中收集、记录社区居民健康信息的重要工具。本文论述电子健康档案的内容和范围,探讨电子健康档案质量控制的内涵和质量标准,提出电子健康档案信息质量控制的方法和对策。  相似文献   

通过分析危重症监护信息系统使用中护理记录存在的问题,总结出护理记录质量控制需要做好计算机方面的基本操作技能的培训、危重症监护信息系统功能的培训、护理文书书写规范的学习、做好记录模板的及时更新和关键记录环节的监控。  相似文献   

Obesity is a chronic disease with an increasing impact on the world’s population. In this work, we present a method of identifying obesity automatically using text mining techniques and information related to body weight measures and obesity comorbidities. We used a dataset of 3015 de-identified medical records that contain labels for two classification problems. The first classification problem distinguishes between obesity, overweight, normal weight, and underweight. The second classification problem differentiates between obesity types: super obesity, morbid obesity, severe obesity and moderate obesity. We used a Bag of Words approach to represent the records together with unigram and bigram representations of the features. We implemented two approaches: a hierarchical method and a nonhierarchical one. We used Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes together with ten-fold cross validation to evaluate and compare performances. Our results indicate that the hierarchical approach does not work as well as the nonhierarchical one. In general, our results show that Support Vector Machine obtains better performances than Naïve Bayes for both classification problems. We also observed that bigram representation improves performance compared with unigram representation.  相似文献   

电子病案平台下病案信息服务的思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
龙仕柏 《中国病案》2010,11(4):32-33
目的探讨电子病案平台下病案信息服务的模式。方法先对电子病案平台下患者对病案信息的需求进行分析,然后提出做好病案信息服务的相应措施。结果电子病案平台下病案信息服务的模式包含确保病案信息的真实性、维护病案信息中患者隐私权和建立病案信息服务"便捷通道"。结论病案信息服务必须与患者的需求相结合。  相似文献   



To assess the impact of the electronic health record (EHR) on cost (i.e., payments to providers) and process measures of quality of care.

Study Design

Retrospective before-after-study-control. From the database of a large managed care organization (MCO), we obtained the claims of patients from four community physician practices that implemented the EHR and from about 50 comparison practices without the EHR in the same counties. The diverse patient and practice populations were chosen to be a sample more representative of typical private practices than has previously been studied.


For four chronic conditions, we used commercially-available software to analyze cost per episode over a year and the rate of adherence to clinical guidelines as a measure of quality.


The implementation of the EHR had a modest positive impact on the quality measure of guideline adherence for hypertension and hyperlipidemia, but no significant impact for diabetes and coronary artery disease. No measurable impact on the short-term cost per episode was found. Discussions with the study practices revealed that the timing and comprehensiveness of EHR implementation varied across practices, creating an intervention variable that was heterogeneous.


Guideline adherence increased across practices without EHRs and slightly faster in practices with EHRs. Measuring the impact of EHRs on cost per episode was challenging, because of the difficulty of completely capturing the long-term episodic costs of a chronic condition. Few practices associated with the study MCO had implemented EHRs in any form, much less utilizing standardized protocols.  相似文献   

目的:研究基于电子健康档案系统的糖尿病管理的有效性及经济性。方法:利用社区卫生服务信息化系统建立患者电子健康档案(EHR)及糖尿病专档进行管理,管理期1年,评价管理前后患者的行为、自我管理能力和药费的变化以及血糖、HbAlc、血压、血脂控制的情况。结果:规范管理率达96.8%。管理前后各项指标均有显著改善,平均FPG下降4.4mmol/L,2hPG下降6.4mmol/L,HbA1c下降2.3%,血压、血脂达标率明显上升,平均医疗费用支出下降146.3元/月,患者的认知能力及自我管理能力有了明显提高。结论:糖尿病是一种终身性疾病,其控制不是传统意义的治疗,而是系统的管理。基于电子健康档案的糖尿病管理能有效减轻社区医护人员工作负担,提高规范管理率,提高管理效果,实现患者长期、稳定的病情控制,减少患者医疗费用的支出,提高患者的认知行为及自为管理能力,值得进一步研究和推广。  相似文献   

蒋宏  刘玲玲 《中国病案》2011,12(6):40-41
目的比较观察电子病历对病案质量的影响。方法病案委员会发现差错,由医务处确定处理的病历共514份,其中完全手写病历244份,电子打印病历270份。差错分为纯粹电子病历引起的、责任心不足和能力不足三部分,比较两组差错的构成。结果与手工病历相比,电子打印病历差错发生率1.99个/份,较手写病历2.78个/份明显减少;电子打印病历差错中完全由电子病历因素引起的差错占5.96%;责任心不足引起的占44.88%,较手工病历的55.38%有所下降。但能力不足所引起的差错由44.62%增加到49.16%。结论使用电子病历,可以提高病案质量,但更需要提高病历书写能力。  相似文献   

本文通过对5所不同类型军队三甲医院应用电子病历的水平、层次、存在问题、影响因素、认识和评价的调查分析,提出医院建设电子病历的要点.  相似文献   

To obtain indications of the influence of electronic health records (EHR) in managing risks and meeting information system accreditation standard in Australian residential aged care (RAC) homes. The hypothesis to be tested is that the RAC homes using EHR have better performance in meeting information system standards in aged care accreditation than their counterparts only using paper records for information management. Content analysis of aged care accreditation reports from the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency produced between April 2011 and December 2013. Items identified included types of information systems, compliance with accreditation standards, and indicators of failure to meet an expected outcome for information systems. The Chi-square test was used to identify difference between the RAC homes that used EHR systems and those that used paper records in not meeting aged care accreditation standards. 1,031 (37.4%) of 2,754 RAC homes had adopted EHR systems. Although the proportion of homes that met all accreditation standards was significantly higher for those with EHR than for homes with paper records, only 13 RAC homes did not meet one or more expected outcomes. 12 used paper records and nine of these failed the expected outcome for information systems. The overall contribution of EHR to meeting aged care accreditation standard in Australia was very small. Risk indicators for not meeting information system standard were no access to accurate and appropriate information, failure in monitoring mechanisms, not reporting clinical incidents, insufficient recording of residents’ clinical changes, not providing accurate care plans, and communication processes failure. The study has provided indications that use of EHR provides small, yet significant advantages for RAC homes in Australia in managing risks for information management and in meeting accreditation requirements. The implication of the study for introducing technology innovation in RAC in Australia is discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient information management and communication within the emergency department (ED) is essential to providing timely and high-quality patient care. The ED whiteboard (census board) usually serves as an ED’s central access point for operational and patient-related information. This article describes the design, functionality, and experiences with a computerized ED whiteboard, which has the ability to display relevant operational and patient-related information in real time. Embedded functionality, additional whiteboard views, and the integration with ED and institutional information system components, such as the computerized patient record or the provider order entry system, provide rapid access to more detailed information. As an information center, the computerized whiteboard supports our ED environment not only for providing patient care, but also for operational, educational, and research activities.  相似文献   

病案首页管理——实施计算机病案首页管理的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙静 《中国病案》2004,5(4):36-37
病案质量是评价医疗质量、评定医院管理水平的重要指标之一.病案首页计算机管理是医院现代化管理的必然趋势.我院自1995年开始实施病案首页计算机管理,并于1999年实施病案首页标准化后,按世界卫生组织精神卫生管理系统重新录入病案首页13800份,发现存在问题不少.通过加强管理、强化职能、质量教育、开发功能,运用激励机制,使计算机病案首页管理的质量逐步提高.  相似文献   

目的:评价电子病历实时质量控制模式对降低在架病历缺陷率的控制效果。方法:以2002年国家卫生部制定的《病历书写规范》对病历时限性、完整性要求为理论依据,采用专家咨询法形成病历实时质量控制模式的指标及实现方法,在医院原结构化电子病历的基础上二次开发。以随机抽样的方法对实验前后828份在架病历进行统计分析。结果:编制了病历首页、入院记录、首次病程记录、日常病程记录、上级医师查房记录、转科(转入科与转出科)记录、阶段小结、手术前讨论记录、手术记录、术后首次病程记录、出院记录、死亡记录、入院医患谈话记录13项记录,在时限、完整性、逻辑关系三个纬度进行控制。实验组干预前、后在架病历零缺陷率由32.21%提升到59.22%,其中时限性缺陷率由22.6%下降到12.14%,完整性缺陷由干预前的34.13%下降到干预后的17%。结论:病历实时质量控制模式可以提高在架病历的质量,特别是降低时限性缺陷与完整性完陷。  相似文献   

探讨基于语义的电子健康档案信息组织的基本概念、模式、实现方式,指出电子健康档案是实现社区医疗卫生服务网络体系的基础,电子健康档案信息组织的根本目标是服务广大信息消费者、信息生产者和信息传播者。  相似文献   

电子健康档案数据分析应用总体框架研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
梳理电子健康档案数据分析应用的内涵,在对国内外电子健康档案数据分析应用现状进行总结的基础上,构建包含业务领域、分析主题、分析指标3个层次的电子健康档案数据分析应用总体框架,归纳出数据统计、数据分析、综合报告3种数据展现方式,指出大数据技术、数据仓库是实现电子健康档案数据分析应用的关键技术,最后提出电子健康档案分析利用相关建议。  相似文献   

对河北省人民医院所有科室临床医师及护士进行问卷调查,内容包括对环节质控的认识、电子病历环节质控的满意度、电子病历运行缺陷返修程度及效率、终末病历缺陷返修情况等,结果表明电子病历环节质控能有效提高病历质量,得到临床医师的认可。  相似文献   

目的 研究以全科医生为主体的糖尿病中医药健康管理服务流程对2型糖尿病患者的影响。方法 2017年1—6月,以上海市徐汇区田林街道社区卫生服务中心吴东团队古宜社区居民委员会纳入管理的269例2型糖尿病患者为研究对象。按照以全科医生为主体的糖尿病中医药健康管理服务流程进行慢性病管理。对患者干预1年,于干预前后进行指标评价:(1)并发症评价;(2)量表评价:糖尿病中医防治知信行量表积分(KAP)、糖尿病管理自我效能量表积分(C-DMSES)、糖尿病问题量表积分(PAID);(3)血糖评价:测定空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2 h血糖(2 hPG)、糖化血红蛋白;(4)糖尿病肾损害评价:测定尿微量清蛋白/尿肌酐比值(尿ACR),尿ACR≥30 mg/g定义为阳性;(5)医疗费用:年医疗费用及日均费用。结果 干预前后,患者脑血管病变、心血管病变、外周血管病变、视网膜病变、糖尿病肾病、神经病变、白内障、糖尿病足、糖尿病酮症发生率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。干预后,患者KAP、C-DMSES、PAID评分均高于干预前(P<0.05)。干预后,患者FPG、2 hPG、糖化血红蛋白水平均低于干预前(P<0.05)。干预前后,患者尿ACR、尿ACR阳性率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。干预后,患者年医疗费用及日均费用均低于干预前(P<0.05)。结论 以全科医生为主体的糖尿病中医药健康管理服务流程可以使2型糖尿病患者更好地控制血糖,利于血糖稳定,降低医疗费用。  相似文献   

分析电子病历发展现状与系统多样化情况,对电子病历数据质量进行评价、分析。从数据源头控制质量,针对形成数据总线服务模式、改善与发展医联体、建设集成平台数据中心等方面提出数据治理方案与对策。  相似文献   

电子病案质量缺陷分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的分析电子病案现存的质量缺陷,为质量监控提供有针对性的策略;方法随机抽查1521份出院电子病案;结果1521份病案甲级率达90%以上,病程记录的缺陷最多,占21.09%,前15位缺陷占总缺陷的50%以上;结论加大病案质量的监管和处罚力度,抓住病案质量监控的重点和难点。  相似文献   

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