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The Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC) at the University of California-Irvine (UCI) School of Medicine was designed to improve health care delivery, research, and policy in underserved Latino communities. Specialized training develops strongly committed physicians with linguistic skills and cultural understanding, enabling them to serve Latino patients. Presently, the health care system's shortage of providers with this expertise renders it unable to address the Latino community's needs adequately. The UCI School of Medicine realized they were proposing a radically different type of program at the onset of this project -- one designed to address the health care needs of a specific ethnic group. Developed with dual goals, PRIME-LC aspires to provide the Latino community with culturally sensitive, Spanish-speaking physicians who are well aware of medical and social conditions prevalent among Latinos, in addition to physicians with a broad understanding of community medicine who are well versed in advocacy and able to become leaders within and outside the Latino community. PRIME-LC must be placed within the context of predicted physician shortages in the United States attributable to the projected population increase in general and, more specifically, within the context of a growing Latino population nationwide. As medical schools prepare to increase their output, programs like PRIME-LC that address society's special needs deserve serious consideration.  相似文献   

A productive and ethical relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and physicians is critical to improving drug discovery and public health. In response to concerns about inappropriate financial relationships between the pharmaceutical industry and physicians, national organizations representing physicians or industry have made recommendations designed to reduce conflicts of interest, legal exposure, and dissemination of biased information. Despite these initiatives, the prescribing practices of physicians may be unduly influenced by the marketing efforts of industry and physicians may inadvertently distribute information that is biased in favor of a commercial entity. Moreover, physicians may be vulnerable to prosecution through federal anti-kickback and false claims statutes because of potentially inappropriate financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. Since academic medical centers have a critical role in establishing professional standards, the faculty of Yale University School of Medicine developed guidelines for the relationships of faculty with the pharmaceutical industry, which were approved in May 2005. Input from clinical faculty and from representatives of the pharmaceutical industry was utilized in formulating the guidelines. In contrast to existing recommendations, the Yale guidelines, which are presented as an Appendix here, ban faculty from receiving any form of gift, meal, or free drug sample (for personal use) from industry, and set more stringent standards for the disclosure and resolution of financial conflict of interest in Yale's educational programs. The growing opportunities for drug discovery, the need to use medications in a more evidence-based manner, and preservation of the public trust require the highest professional standards of rigor and integrity. These guidelines are offered as part of the strategy to meet this compelling challenge.  相似文献   

Since 1995, the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine has monitored students' professional behaviors in their third and fourth years. The authors recognized that several students with professionalism deficiencies during their clerkships had manifested problematic behaviors earlier in medical school. They also observed behaviors of concern--such as inappropriate behavior in small groups--in some first- and second-year students who could have been helped by early remediation. The authors describe the modifications to the evaluation system to bring professionalism issues to a student's attention in a new, earlier, and heightened way. In this new system for first- and second-year students, the course director of a student who has professionalism deficiencies submits a Physicianship Evaluation Form to the associate dean for student affairs, who then meets with the student to identify the problematic issues, to counsel, and to remediate. The student's behavior is monitored throughout the academic years. If the student receives two or more forms during the first two years and a subsequent form in the third or fourth year, this indicates a persistent pattern of inappropriate behavior. Then the physicianship problem is described in the dean's letter of recommendation for residency and the student is placed on academic probation. The student may be eligible for academic dismissal from school even if he or she has passing grades in all courses. The authors describe their experience with this system, discuss lessons learned, and review future plans to expand the system to deal with residents' mistreatment of students.  相似文献   

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine recently completed its fourth year of a resource-session-enhanced, case-based, tutor-group-oriented curriculum. As an example of a curricular unit, the authors describe the implementation of the basic and clinical sciences in one of the four units in year one, and detail that unit's organization, logistics, content, rationale, and other characteristics. The Sensorimotor Systems and Behavior (SSB) unit is preceded by a cardio-respiratory-renal unit and is followed by an endocrine-reproductive-gastrointestinal unit. A Doctoring unit temporally spans each of these three units. The SSB unit is allotted an 11.5-week period that includes an aggregate of 2.5 weeks of available clinical time, 1.5 weeks for examinations and exam study time, and approximately 8.5 weeks for tutor-group sessions, mandatory laboratory sessions, and self-directed learning. Optional resource sessions are offered during a two- to four-hour block on a single morning each week. Clinical training in the SSB unit augments self-directed, laboratory, and tutor-group learning of neuroscience, gross anatomy, cell biology, physiology, biochemistry, behavioral and social science, embryology, limited pharmacology and genetics, and basic clinical neurology for first-year students. Although it is fast-paced and places heavy responsibility for independent learning on the students, the SSB unit culminates in significant achievement in the basic and clinical sciences. The unit provides substantial clinical training and practical experience in physical and neurological examinations that directly integrate with basic science knowledge. The unit reduces lecture-based instruction, demands self-determination, and promotes experience in team effort, professionalism, peer interaction, empathy in clinical medicine, and practical use of basic science knowledge.  相似文献   

The authors first review the national debate about affirmative action programs, examine the results of these programs in higher education, and present data from 1995 through 1999 for minority enrollment in U.S., California, and Texas medical schools. Population projections for the state of Texas indicate a national trend that minority groups will outnumber the current majority early in the new millennium. A brief review of studies of the practice patterns of minority physicians concludes that minority physicians serve patients of their own races and/or ethnicities, poor patients, and Medicaid patients in disproportion to their numbers. This rationale, as well as the humanitarian need to develop all persons to their highest potential, led the Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine to develop a race-neutral process for admission. Changes in the admission process are described and preliminary results are presented. This article is written to stimulate other medical colleges to engage in an ongoing dialog about admission criteria and processes that can effectively select applicants who fit the mission of each medical college and who, as physicians, will care for patients who are members of this country's burgeoning minority groups.  相似文献   

As medical education grapples with organizational calls for centralized curricular oversight, programs may be compelled to respond by establishing highly vertical, stacked governance structures. Although these models offer discrete advantages over the horizontal, compartmentalized structures they are designed to replace, they pose new challenges to ensuring curricular quality and the educational innovations that drive the curricula. The authors describe a hybrid quality-assurance (QA) governance structure introduced in 2003 at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine (UKCOM) that ensures centralized curricular oversight of the educational product while allowing individualized creative control over the educational process. Based on a Lean production model, this approach draws on industry experiences that strategically separate institutional accountability (management) for a quality curriculum from the decision-making processes required to ensure it (production). In so doing, the authors acknowledge general similarities and key differences between overseeing the manufacture of a complex product versus the education of a physician-emphasizing the structured, sequential, and measurable nature of each process. Further, the authors briefly trace the emergence of quality approaches in manufacturing and discuss the philosophical changes that accompany transition to an institutional governance system that relies on vigorous, robust performance measures to offer continuous feedback on curricular quality.  相似文献   

Leadership development is vital to the future of medicine. Some leadership development may take place through the formal curriculum of the medical school, yet extracurricular activities, such as student government and affiliated student organizations, can provide additional, highly valuable leadership development opportunities. These organizations and their missions can serve as catalysts for students to work with one another, with the faculty and administration of the medical school, with the community, and with local, regional, and national organizations. The authors have organized this discussion of the leadership development potential of student organizations around six important principles of leadership: ownership, experience, efficacy, sense of community, service learning, and peer-to-peer mentoring. They provide practical examples of these leadership principles from one institution. They do not presume that the school is unique, but they do believe their practical examples help to illuminate the potential of extracurricular programs for enhancing the leadership capabilities of future physicians. In addition, the authors use their examples to demonstrate how the medical school, its surrounding community, and the profession of medicine can benefit from promoting leadership through student organizations.  相似文献   

Today's medical student curriculum is a lock-step experience that provides a broad survey of medicine with little opportunity to pursue fully integrated, in-depth learning. To teach students about the human dimensions of health care, many schools simply have added courses that survey general areas such as ethics, values, and patient-doctor relationships. However, a superficial, broad-brush approach does not offer students sufficient opportunity to engage with these topics in substantive and meaningful ways. The authors propose that a theme-based, individualized, in-depth learning experience (in which students pursue a focused project comprehensively and in detail)--one that is an integral part of the curriculum--helps students learn to blend values and ethics with medicine in a way that cannot occur during rapid-paced topical survey courses. Furthermore, it is in the depths of a learning experience that one comes face to face with the realities of uncertainty: the realization that unanswerable questions outnumber answerable ones; the awareness of the difficulty in accumulating sufficient evidence to answer a question that is, in fact, answerable; the recognition that many patients' problems transcend available evidence and must be addressed by the art of medicine; the realization that a patient can have a condition that one cannot diagnose and that may even get better for reasons that one cannot understand. The authors describe three initiatives at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, two of which have been offered for more than 10 years, that illustrate the value of in-depth learning experiences. These in-depth experiences blend situated learning, reflective exercises, faculty mentoring, critical reading of literature, and constructive feedback in a prescribed but individualized curriculum.  相似文献   

Pregnancy during residency: a literature review.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: It is estimated that by 2010 30% of U.S. physicians will be women. Pregnancy during residency can and does happen in all programs, and continues to provide problems for many. The author reviews the issues surrounding pregnancy during residency by evaluating published commentaries and research reports. METHOD: A literature search was conducted using Medline (January 1984-October 2001). Published articles were categorized as research or commentary. Research reports were sorted by content and summarized under three headings: mother and infant health, sources of stress and support for the pregnant resident, and reactions of colleagues to the pregnant resident. RESULTS: A total of 27 research reports were located; two additional reports published before 1984 were added because they complemented included studies. The majority of the studies in this review used retrospective self-report questionnaires, mostly completed by female residents and physicians. All reports suggested an increased risk of complications, especially adverse late-pregnancy events, for pregnant physicians. Pregnant residents found the physical demands of residency and lack of support from fellow residents and their departments most stressful. Anger and resentment toward the pregnant resident were common among not-pregnant residents, feelings particularly associated with expectations of increased workload. Individual maternity/parental leave policies were inconsistent. Policy development is discussed. CONCLUSIONS: The studies in this review supported planning for residents' pregnancies, and the author advocates clear maternity/parental leave policies. The author comments on the use of existing data to make common sense changes and on the need for further studies to help clarify the issues and evaluate program changes.  相似文献   

The authors report how one medical school took an evidence-based, collaborative approach to assessing and improving faculty vitality by building on previous research and including important shareholders (e.g., faculty and administrators). In 1999, the dean and faculty senate asked all full-time faculty (615) at the University of Minnesota Medical School-Twin Cities to complete a survey to (1) identify vitality areas (individual, institutional, or leadership) in which the school was strong and ones that needed improvement, (2) identify strategies for addressing weak areas, and (3) provide a baseline against which to measure the impact of any vitality efforts initiated. The survey was based on features that research studies have found to be associated with academic productivity. Seventy-six percent responded. Summaries of the survey findings were prepared for use at the school level, department level, and special group level (e.g., women, clinical-scholar-track faculty). Three key school-level findings were that (1) there is a disconnect between the stated vision of the school and the departments' visions and actions, (2) there is not enough time for scholarly activity, particularly in the clinical departments, and (3) faculty lack the support of a collegial atmosphere and appreciation for the work they do. In response to the survey's findings every department identified priority faculty needs and initiated tailored development strategies. School-wide strategies were also initiated to address faculty needs common across departments and needs unique to special groups. Together these strategies provide a multi-level, systematic approach to maintaining faculty vitality.  相似文献   

The value of continuity in medical education, particularly during clerkships, is increasingly recognized. Previous clerkship-based models have described changes that emphasize continuity in patient care, learner supervision, and curriculum. The creation of continuous student peer groups can foster interactions that enhance mutual support through uncomfortable professional transitions during the clerkship years. Here, the authors describe a third-year clerkship model based at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center called VA Longitudinal Rotations (VALOR), designed explicitly to establish a supportive learning environment for small peer groups.Seven groups of medical students (42 total) completed VALOR across three academic years between 2007 and 2009. On clerkships during VALOR, one hour per week was designated for faculty-facilitated sessions amongst peer groups. Students' perceptions of peer group support and overall program satisfaction were determined with immediate post surveys and focus groups at the end of VALOR, and with follow-up surveys 5 to 27 months after completing VALOR. Students strongly valued several elements of VALOR peer groups, including support through clerkship challenges, meeting for facilitated reflection, and appreciating patient experiences across the continuum of care. Students' appreciation for their peer group experiences persisted well after the conclusion of VALOR. VALOR students performed the same as or better than traditional clerkship students on knowledge and skill-based outcomes. The authors demonstrate that their third-year clerkship program using peer groups has built supportive learning networks and facilitated reflection, allowing students to develop critical professional skills. Student communication around patient care was also feasible and highly valued.  相似文献   

As the importance of physician involvement and leadership in crisis preparedness is recognized, the literature suggests that few physicians are adequately trained to practice effectively in a large-scale crisis situation. A logical method for addressing the emergency preparedness training deficiency identified across several medical specialties is to include disaster and emergency preparedness training in residency curricula.In this article, the authors outline the development and implementation of an emergency preparedness curriculum for the Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency (JHGPMR) from 2004 to 2006. The curriculum consists of two components. The first was developed for the academic year in the JHGPMR and includes didactic lectures, practical exercises to apply new knowledge, and an opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills in a real-world exercise. The second, developed for the practicum year of the residency, includes Web-based lectures and online content and culminates in a tabletop preparedness exercise. Topics for both components include weapons of mass destruction, risk communication and personal preparedness, aspects of local emergency response planning, and mental health and psychological aspects of terrorism.On the basis of the emergency preparedness training gap that has been identified in the literature, and the success of the three-year experience in implementing a preparedness training curriculum in the JHGPMR, the authors recommend incorporation of competency-based emergency preparedness training for residencies of all specialties, and offer insights into how the described curriculum could be adapted for use in other residency settings.  相似文献   

In September 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Tulane University School of Medicine relocated temporarily from New Orleans to the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. For Tulane's residency program in anesthesiology, a training consortium was formed in Texas consisting of the University of Texas at Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The authors explain the collaborative process that allowed the consortium to find spaces to accommodate Tulane's 30 anesthesiology residents within 30 days after they left New Orleans, and they offer reflections and recommendations. The residents were grateful to continue training close to home, and for maintaining the Tulane program. The consortium successfully provided an administrative and academic framework, logistical support, clinical capacity for the residents to complete the required numbers and types of cases, and integration into preexisting didactic programs. Communications represented a major challenge; the importance of having an up-to-date disaster plan, including provisions for communication using more than one modality or provider, cannot be underestimated. Other challenges included resuming a training program without basic information regarding medical credentials or training status, competing for resources with businesses that had also relocated, maintaining a coordinated decision-making process, and managing the behavioral sequelae after the disaster. Of the original 30 Tulane residents, 23 (77%) relocated to Houston. Seventeen (74%) of those who relocated either graduated or returned with the program to New Orleans. The program has retained its status of full accreditation.  相似文献   

Current research in foot biomechanics includes studies on prevention of recurrence of neuropathic foot ulcers. This paper attempts to prescribe accommodative insoles, which reduce plantar pressure levels particularly under the hallux. There is little quantitative information available regarding the effects of insole materials on reduction of plantar pressure. The insole models available in the literature are mostly two-dimensional (2-D). Hence, there is a need to develop a 3-D model with actual geometry which includes sufficient details. In this study a three-dimensional (3-D) model of the insole was constructed. A linear and non-linear static analysis using finite element method (FEM) was performed. Results were compared for different materials such as Silicon Gel, Plastozot, Polyfoam, and Ethinil Vinyl Acetate (EVA). Our 3-D finite element model was constructed using 16170 ten-node tetrahedral, mixed U-P (displacement-pressure), hyperelastic, solid elements. Four different hyperelastic and foam materials were used and compared and the loading condition was based on the mid-stance phase of the gait. This research has shown that most of these materials are very effective in terms of reduction of plantar stress concentrations. The technique used in this research provides a promising approach to understanding of behavior of insole materials and suggests a design guideline for therapeutic footwear and orthoses.  相似文献   

D M Long 《Academic medicine》2000,75(12):1178-1183
The goal of all graduate medical education is to ensure that the graduating physician is competent to practice in his or her chosen field of medicine. The evaluation of a resident's competency to practice, however, has never been clearly defined, nor has the fixed period of time given for residency training in each specialty been shown to be the right amount of time for each individual resident to achieve competency. To better ensure that new physicians have the competencies they need, the author proposes the replacement of the current approach to residents' education, which specifies a fixed number of years in training, with competency-based training, in which each resident remains in training until he or she has been shown to have the required knowledge and skills and can apply them independently. Such programs, in addition to tailoring the training time to each individual, would make it possible to devise and test schemes to evaluate competency more surely than is now possible. The author reviews the basis of traditional residency training and the problems with the current training approach, both its fixed amount of time for training and the uncertainty of the methods of evaluation used. He then explains competency-based residency education, notes that it is possible, indeed probable, that some trainees will become competent considerably sooner than they would in the current required years of training, quotes a study in which this was the case, and explains the implications. He describes the encouraging experience of his neurosurgery department, which has used competency-based training for its residents since 1994. He then discusses issues of demonstrating competency in procedural and nonprocedural fields, as well as the evaluation of competency in traditional and competency-based training, emphasizing that the latter approach offers hope for better ways of assessing competency.  相似文献   

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