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引用本文:赵廷方,杨昌明,周成勇,赖雅芳,李进岚. 贵州省黔西南州麻风知晓情况及信息来源调查分析[J]. 中国麻风皮肤病杂志, 2018, 34(5): 278-281
作者姓名:赵廷方  杨昌明  周成勇  赖雅芳  李进岚
作者单位:1.贵州省黔西南州疾病预防控制中心 2.贵州省疾病预防控制中心
摘    要:目的:了解贵州省黔西南州不同人群麻风知晓率及获得防治知识的途径。方法:在8个县采用分层随机抽样方法,使用统一的《麻风病防治核心知识知晓率调查问卷》进行入户调查。结果:本次共调查15145人,其中农村居民7996人、学生6044人,麻风病患者的密切接触者1105人。答对5题以上9993人,总知晓率为65.98%,其中密切接触者、学生及农村居民知晓率分别为75.93%,67.64%和63.36%。获得核心知识的途径主要为通过麻风防治宣传活动(47.08%),宣传资料(45.46%),电视宣传(30.66%)等。结论:密切接触者知晓率较高。本地区获得防治知识途径主要为麻风防治宣传活动和宣传资料。

关 键 词:麻风  知晓率  健康教育  

Awareness and acquisition of knowledge on leprosy in Qianxinan,Guizhou
ZHANG Tingfang,YANG Changming,ZHOU Chenyong,LAI Yafang,LI Jinlan. Awareness and acquisition of knowledge on leprosy in Qianxinan,Guizhou[J]. China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases, 2018, 34(5): 278-281
Authors:ZHANG Tingfang  YANG Changming  ZHOU Chenyong  LAI Yafang  LI Jinlan
Affiliation:Qianxinan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xingyi, Guizhou Province,562400, China
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the awareness and acquisition of knowledge on leprosy in Qianxinan, Guizhou. Methods:The information on the knowledge of leprosy was collected with a questionnaire administered by stratified random sampling in eight counties of Qianxinan. Results:A total of 15145 people were investigated, including 7996 farmers, 6044 students and 1105 leprosy household contacts. Nine thousands nine hundred and ninety-three respondents got more than 5 correct answers and the awareness rate was 65.98% in total. The awareness rate in household contact group was 75.93%, which was higher than that in farmers (63.36%) and students (67.64%). The approaches included public propaganda (47.08%), public health education materials (45.46%) and information on leprosy in TV (30.66%). Conclusion:The awareness rate in household contact group was higher. The main approaches were public propaganda and public health education materials.
Keywords:leprosy  awareness rate  health education  
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