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引用本文:严丽萍, 李洋, 唐颖, 卢永, 胡俊峰, 王萍. 中国城乡居民安全认知能力和急救自救能力分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2015, 31(6): 842-845. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2015-31-06-44
作者姓名:严丽萍  李洋  唐颖  卢永  胡俊峰  王萍
作者单位:1.中国健康教育中心, 北京 110011
摘    要:目的 了解城乡居民安全与急救基本认知能力和急救自救能力, 并分析其主要影响因素。方法 采取多阶段分层随机抽样方法, 对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团79 542名城乡常住居民进行安全认知能力与急救自救能力调查。结果 生活安全方面, 城乡居民对农药和药品摆放位置(93.82%)、正确购买农药(84.37%), 不吃过期食品(89.40%)的知晓率较高, 收获期农作物不能使用农药的知晓率较低(45.83%);职业安全方面, 城乡居民对《职业病防治法》了解甚少(29.87%), 对用人单位应该为员工提供职业防护培训(81.08%)和设施(81.15%)认识程度较高;急救方法方面, 多数居民在遇到煤气中毒(79.14%)、触电(93.89%)、火灾(92.28%)时能够采取正确的自救他救措施, 但除了88.5%的居民知道紧急救助拨打120电话外, 居民知晓急救止血(29.03%)、心肺复苏(44.89%)、骨折处置(19.66%)等现场急救措施的比例较小;多因素logistic回归分析发现, 居民安全与急救素养的主要影响因素包括性别(OR=0.881)、年龄(OR=0.998)、文化程度(OR=1.959)、民族(OR=0.611)、家庭规模(OR=0.971)和收入(OR=1.131)等。结论 应对儿童、儿童监护人、老年人开展有针对性的安全与急救健康教育, 加强急救自救技能指导。

关 键 词:安全认知能力  急救自救能力  安全与急救素养  监测

Safety cognitive ability and first aid capacity in emergency event among urban and rural residents in China
YAN Li-ping, LI Yang, TANG Ying.et al, . Safety cognitive ability and first aid capacity in emergency event among urban and rural residents in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2015, 31(6): 842-845. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2015-31-06-44
Authors:YAN Li-ping  LI Yang  TANG Ying.et al
Affiliation:1.Chinese Center for Health Education,Beijing 100011,China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the status and influence factors of safety cognitive ability, self-help and first-aid capacity in emergency event among urban and rural residents in China.Methods The investigation covered 79 542 urban and rural residents aged 15-69 years in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of mainland China selected with multistage stratified random sampling method.Based on ‘Health literacy-basic knowledge and skills for Chinese citizens' issued by Ministry of Health of China in 2008, a questionnaire was designed for a face-to-face interview among the residents on life safety, occupation safety, and first-aid methods.Results Overall, the residents had a higher awareness rate of life safety (93.82% for keeping pesticides and medicine in right place, 84.37% for purchasing pesticide correctly, and 89.40% for not eating outdated food), but lower awareness rate for no pesticide application to agricultural crops, vegetable, and fruit tree before harvest time (45.83%).Only 29.87% of the residents knew ‘The Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease', whereas most of the residents were aware of the requirement for employers to provide facilities (81.08%) and training (81.15%) for the prevention of occupational diseases.Of the residents, 79.14%, 93.89%, and 92.28% listed correct first aid procedures in gas poisoning, electric shock, and fire emergency, but only 29.03%, 44.89%, and 19.66% knew how to stop bleeding in trauma victims, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and appropriate management of fracture, although most of the residents (88.5%) noted to dial ‘120’ for emergency service.Logistic regression analysis revealed that gender (odds ratio[OR]=0.881), age(OR=0.998), education(OR=1.959), nationality(OR=0.611), family size(OR=0.971), and familial income(OR=1.131) were main factors influencing safety cognitive ability and first aid capacity in the residents.Conclusion Safety and first aid education focused on children, guardian and the older should be developed, and self-help first aid capacity also should be improved.
Keywords:safety cognitive ability  first-aid capacity  safety and first aid literacy  surveillance
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