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Abnormalities of homocysteine and B vitamins in the nephrotic syndrome
Authors:Podda Gian Marco  Lussana Federico  Moroni Gabriella  Faioni Elena M  Lombardi Rossana  Fontana Gessica  Ponticelli Claudio  Maioli Claudio  Cattaneo Marco
Institution:Centro Emofilia e Trombosi "Angelo Bianchi Bonomi", Dipartmento di Medicina Interna e Dermatologia, Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Ospedale Maggiore, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena, Università di Milano, Italy.
Abstract:INTRODUCTION: The nephrotic syndrome is associated with heightened risk for arterial and venous thrombosis. Multiple derangements of hemostasis and acquired risk factors such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension contribute to this risk. The prevalence in the nephrotic syndrome of high circulating levels of homocysteine and of low levels of the B vitamins that are involved in its metabolism, which may play a role in thrombosis, is not well defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 84 patients with nephrotic syndrome and 84 sex- and age-matched controls, hemostasis variables and the circulating levels of total homocysteine (tHcy), vitamin B(6), B(12) and folates were measured. RESULTS: tHcy levels were higher, vitamin B(6) and vitamin B(12) levels were lower in nephrotic patients than in controls. The association of low vitamin B(6) levels with the nephrotic syndrome was independent of any other alteration associated with the disease. Eighty-two percent of patients with the nephrotic syndrome had vitamin B(6) levels falling in the lowest quartile of the normal distribution. Antithrombin deficiency, factor V Leiden, antiphospholipid antibodies, hypertension, dyslipidemia, were more frequent in patients with the nephrotic syndrome than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with the nephrotic syndrome have multiple risk factors for thrombosis. We report that they frequently have low circulating levels of vitamin B(6), which associate with a heightened risk for venous and arterial thrombosis.
Keywords:Nephrotic syndrome  Homocysteine  Vitamins  Thrombosis
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