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作者姓名:唐高见  吕晓华
摘    要:学术背景:监测运动员能量消耗可指导训练、控制体质量、预防和延迟运动疲劳、提高运动能力和健康水平,但人体能量消耗测量的实际结果可能含有多个误差成分,测量过程中每一环节的误差都可能存在并向后传递。 目的:从常用能量消耗测量方法的原理及操作程序角度分析误差的来源和性质,探讨误差产生原因。 检索策略:由第一作者应用计算机检索MEDLINE(OVID)和SCI数据1980/2006相关文献,检索词为“energy expenditure”、“measurement”,限定语言种类为“English”;同时检索中国期刊全文数据库CNKI、维普中文期刊数据库1980/2006相关文献,检索词为:“能量消耗”、“测量”,限定语言种类为中文。并用手工检索查阅相关营养学教材。纳入标准:内容与人体能量消耗测量方法的原理、操作、应用、误差控制相关。排除标准:较陈旧的文献和重复研究。 文献评价:共收集到78篇相关文献,27篇符合标准,其中9篇介绍人体能量消耗测量方法的原理、操作程序,18篇关于人体能量消耗测量误差的认识和控制。 资料综合:常用的人体能量消耗测量方法包括直接测热法、间接测热法、双标水法、心率监测法、公式预测法、膳食调查法等。各种测量方法的误差来源可来源于系统误差、条件误差、过失误差、随机测量误差以及生物变异等。能量消耗测量误差产生的原因既有客观原因,也有主观原因,可以根据不同原因采取相应措施以控制误差。 结论:人体能量消耗测量方法存在多种误差来源,误差产生具有主、客观原因,可以从多个方面加以控制。

关 键 词:能量消耗  测量  误差

Errors in the measurement of human energy expenditure
Institution:Institute of Sports Science, Sichuan University;School of Public Health, Sichuan University
Abstract:BACKGROUND:Determination of the energy expenditure of athletes is helpful for directing training, controlling body mass, preventing or delaying fatigue induced by exercise, and improving the performance and health of athletes. However, there are some errors in the measurements of energy expenditure from different sources. OBJECTIVE: According to the principles and processes of typical measurements of energy expenditure, this paper summarizes the sources and characters of the measurement errors, so as to discuss the reasons for the measurement errors. RETRIEVAL STRATEGY: A computer-based online search for relevant English literatures from 1980 to 2006 was conducted in MEDLINE (OVID) and SCI with the keywords of "energy expenditure, measurement". At the same time, the relevant Chinese articles dated between 1980 and 2006 were searched in CNKI and VIP with the same keywords in Chinese. In addition, the related nutriology textbooks were manually searched. Articles about the principle, operation, application or error control in the measurement of energy expenditure were selected and repetitive studies or outdated documents were excluded. LITERATURE EVALUATION: A total of 78 literatures were collected and 27 of them were in accordance with the inclusive criteria, of which 9 were about the principles and operations of the human energy expenditure measurement, and 18 were involved the recognition and control over the measurement errors in energy expenditure. DATA SYNTHESIS: Commonly used measurements of energy expenditure include direct calorimetry, indirect calorimetry, doubly labeled water, heart rate monitoring, formula prediction and diet investigation methods. The errors of each measurement may be derived from systemic error, conditional error, gross error, random measurement error and biomutation. The reasons for measurement errors can be subjective and objective; the errors can be controlled using different measures according to the causes. CONCLUSION: There are errors in the measurements of human energy expenditure from different sources; they are subjective or objective. They can be controlled from many aspects.
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