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作者姓名:成遥  张贺  孟楣  刘健
作者单位:安徽中医药大学第一附属医院药学部,国家中医药管理局中药制剂三级实验室,安徽 合肥 230031;安徽中医药大学,安徽 合肥,230012
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(No 2012BA126B03);安徽省科技厅2010年重点实验室计划项目(No 10111406029);安徽中医学院临床科研研究基金项目
摘    要:目的:考察新风胶囊(XFC)对大鼠肝、肾的亚急性毒性影响,为临床合理用药提供实验依据。方法60只 SD 大鼠分为雷公藤给药组、XFC 给药组(低、中、高)、空白组5个组,每组12只,给大鼠连续灌胃30 d。取大鼠的血清及肝、肾组织,观察肝、肾形态改变。由全自动生化仪检测相关肝、肾功能指标包括血清谷丙转氨酸(ALT)、谷草转氨酸(AST)、尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(SCr)。大鼠肝肾组织 HE 染色后,观察其病理改变。结果生化指标结果:雷公藤组连续用药30 d,相关肝肾功能指标ALT、AST、BUN、SCr 水平明显升高(P <0.05),XFC 组连续用药30 d,相关肝肾功能指标 ALT、AST、BUN、SCr 无明显改变(P >0.05)。病理改变结果:雷公藤组肝、肾组织可见轻微肿胀,少量炎细胞浸润等病理改变,XFC 组肝肾组织无明显改变。雷公藤组对大鼠所致的肝肾损伤程度强于 XFC 组。结论XFC 可显著降低雷公藤的肝肾毒性,可安全用于临床,其解毒机制有待于进一步研究。

关 键 词:新风胶囊  肝肾毒性  雷公藤

Experimental study on liver and kidney subacute toxicity induced by Xinfeng capsules
Abstract:Objecetive To study the hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats induced by Xinfeng capsules(XFC),toprovide expremen-tal evidence for clinical rational medication.Methods 60 SD rats were randomized into 5 groups:the tripterygium wilfordii group,the high dose(of XFC)group,the middle dose(of XFC)group,the low dose(of XFC)group and the normal group,all of which were treated with intragastric injection administration for 30 days.After the last administration,rats were disposed to return the serum ,liver and kid-ney tissues.Using the fully automatic biochemical analyser to detect the related function indicators (e.g.,ALT,AST,BUN,SCr),and observe the pathology change and the transformation of the liver and kidney tissues.Results Thebiochemical Indicatorsresults,After 30 daysALT,AST,BUN,SCr levels in the tripterygium wilfordii group were significantly enhanced(P <0.05),XFC grouphaveno signifi-cantchange(P >0.05).Pathologicalchangeresults:The tripterygium wilfordii group:liver kidney tissues were slightly swelling,and a few inflammatory cells infiltration and other pathological injuries were also observed,XFC group have no significant change either.These in-juries were more severe than groups of different dose levels of XFC.Conclusions XFC can significantly reduce the hepatotoxicity and-nephrotoxicityinduced by the tripterygiumwilfordii,thatcan beusedin clinical safely,but the detoxification is still unclear now,which-needs further study.
Keywords:Xinfeng capsules  liver and kidney toxicity  tripterygium wilfordii
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