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作者单位:上海市奉贤区南桥镇社区卫生服务中心 上海 201499
摘    要:目的:探讨南桥镇社区卫生服务中心属地化产后访视新模式实施效果。方法:对比分析2013年1-10月和2014年1—10月南桥镇社区卫生服务中心实施属地化产后访视新模式前后的产后访视率、及时率、产妇满意率及母乳喂养率的变化情况。结果:实施属地化产后访视新模式以来,产后访视率、及时率、产妇满意率及母乳喂养率均比实施前有显著提高,2014年产后访视率、及时率和满意度分别比2013年提高了9.02%、13%和17%(P<0.05)。结论:社区属地化产后访视新模式是提高产后访视质量的有效措施,有利于母婴健康,有效提高母乳喂养率。

关 键 词:模式  访视质量  社区  属地化

Evaluation of the implementation effect of the new mode of the community localization postpartum follow-up visit
Abstract:Objective:To explore the implementation effect of the new mode of the localization postpartum follow-up visit in Nanqiao Community Health Service Center. Methods:The changes of the rates of the postpartum visit, timely visit, maternal satisfaction and breast feeding before and after the implementation of the mode of the localization postpartum follow-up visit were compared and analyzed between Jan. to Oct. 2013 and Jan. to Oct. 2014 in Nanqiao Community Health Service Center. Results:Since the mode of the localization postpartum follow-up visit was implemented, the rates of the postpartum visit, timely visit, maternal satisfaction and breast feeding have been improved signiifcantly. The rates of the postpartum visit, timely visit, and maternal satisfaction were enhanced and were higher 9.02%, 13%and 17%in 2014 than in 2013(P<0.05). Conclusion:The mode of the localization postpartum follow-up visit is the effective measure to improve the quality of the postpartum follow-up visit, which is conducive to the maternal and child health, and effectively improves the rate of the breast feeding.
Keywords:mode  quality of follow-up visit  community  localization
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