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摘    要:《伤寒论》是中医学阐述辨证论治理论而又自居体系的经典著作,对临床各科都有普遍指导意义,为了加强对《伤寒论》的学习,作者认为必须改变一些不正确的看法和认识,即所谓走出学习《伤寒论》的“误区”。本篇重点就不要迷信注家之说、重视方证辨证和不要忽视药物剂量、药物煎服法的研究与应用等方面阐述了自己的观点,以冀能重视对《伤寒论》的学习,使其理论更好地指导临床,为弘扬中医药学作贡献

关 键 词:《伤寒论》  学习  误区

Getting Rid of Misunderstandings in Learning Treatise on Febrile Diseases (continued)
Authors:Gu Wujun
Abstract:The author holds that it is necessary to get rid of some misundrstandings in the study of Treatise on Febrile Diseases ,a medical classic with general guiding significance in clinical practice. Instead of having blind faith in the various theories,the author believes that we should pay attention to syndrome differentiation and should not neglect the research on the dosage and decoction methods of Chinese drugs,so as to enable the theory to guide clinical practice.
Keywords:Treatise on Febrile Diseases    study  misunderstandings
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