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作者姓名:余金钟  许向前  李波  党中勤  党志博
作者单位:1. 河南中医药大学第二附属医院/河南省中医院,河南郑州,450002;2. 北京中医药大学,北京,100029
摘    要:党中勤教授指出六腑以通为用,感邪日久而久泻者,气机不畅,血行壅滞,清浊不分而下利不止。临证时多见泄泻缠绵难愈,兼夹腻冻或秽血,泻后不尽,腹痛泻后不减。故此,党师总结出"斡旋中枢理气机、疏肝和脾达木气、开宣金气通水道、温补肾气升清阳"之法,调中焦气机得以斡旋,肝木郁滞得以条达,脾肾阳气温补升发,肺金宣降复其常,水液代谢通道得以畅通,则久泻可愈。在治疗久泻时,还应避免过早收涩而"闭门留寇",致使病情加重,自当先攻外邪,待邪去后再行收涩,便可收到满意的效果。

关 键 词:久泻  辨证论治  党中勤  名医经验

Clinical Experience of Professor Dang Zhongqin in Treatment of Long-lasting Diarrhoea
YU Jinzhong,XU Xiangqian,LI Bo,DANG Zhongqin,DANG Zhibo.Clinical Experience of Professor Dang Zhongqin in Treatment of Long-lasting Diarrhoea[J].China Journal of Chinese Medicine,2017,32(7).
Authors:YU Jinzhong  XU Xiangqian  LI Bo  DANG Zhongqin  DANG Zhibo
Abstract:Professor Dang Zhongqin proposed that to maintain health the necessary condition for the Six Fu Organs of human is to keep them unobstructed.Loug-lasting Diarrhoea takes place when human body has been invaded by Evil factors and hence Qi and Blood movement are severely obstructed,especially in intestine collaterals.When the intestine is unable to divide the nutrient substances and the waste materials,the disease of long-lasting Diarrhoea would occur.In clinics,there are always spoiled blood and greasy waste in patients' discharges and there is still pain after defecation.Based on these symptoms,Professor Dang Zhongqin suggested the following policies in treatment of the disease:regulating Qi movement,namely,soothing Liver Qi and strengthening Spleen function to dispersing the Liver Qi,dispersing Lung Qi to regulate Water path in human body as well as warming and tonifying Kidney Qi to up-regulate Qing Qi of human.When all of the above being realized,the Diarrhoea would be stopped.Note:during the treatment,dispelling the outside Evil factors should be the priority and then the inducing astringency method may be applied in order to achieve satisfying clinical efficacy.
Keywords:long-lasting Diarrhoea  syndrome differentiation  Dang Zhongqin  famous doctor's experience
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