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作者姓名:王聪  许文琳  姜硕  孙丹红  吴丽洁  洪寿海  宣丽华  徐福
摘    要:本文通过对《针灸大成》中神门穴相关条文进行归纳总结,从穴名穴性、刺灸操作、配伍规律及临床应用等方面探讨了神门穴的针灸临床价值。神门穴为手少阴经原穴、输穴,针灸操作中可针可灸,补泻手法强调辨证论治,多用泻法。《针灸大成》中神门穴被广泛用于心部、神志、肺部、脾胃、泌尿系统、肢体经络、五官等病证的治疗。在针灸操作中可单穴使用,也可与其他腧穴配伍使用,与其配伍腧穴绝大部分有特定穴属性且归属于手太阴、手厥阴和足太阳经,其中以配伍鱼际穴和大陵穴出现频次最高。在针灸临证使用神门穴时应注意辨证施治,重视腧穴配伍与刺灸操作,这对神门穴的现代临床应用具有借鉴意义。

关 键 词:针灸大成  神门穴  临床应用  文献研究
收稿时间:2021/5/6 0:00:00
修稿时间:2021/10/18 0:00:00

Exploration of Clinical Application Law of Shenmen (HT 7) in
Abstract:This article summarizes the relevant provisions of Shenmen (HT 7) in , and discusses the clinical value of HT 7 from the aspects of acupoint name, acupuncture and moxibustion operation, compatibility law and clinical application. HT 7 is the original acupoints and transfusion points of the Shaoyin meridian of the hand. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used of HT 7. The HT 7 is widely used in the treatment of diseases such as the heart, mind, lungs, spleen and stomach, urinary system, limbs and five sense organs. It can be used on a single point or in combination with other acupoints. Most of the compatible acupoints have specific acupoint attributes and belong to the hand lunar yin, hand jueyin and bladder meridian. LU10 and PC7 appear most frequently. When using HT 7, attention should be paid to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and attention should be paid to the compatibility of acupoints and acupuncture and moxibustion operations. This has reference significance for the modern clinical application of HT 7.
Keywords:Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion  Shenmen (HT 7)  Clinical application  Literature research
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